
Chapter 2198

Chapter 2198
After some questioning with the Beast Lord Taoist, Yi Tian withdrew his divine sense, and then directly changed his route and flew towards the deep sea in the hell realm.The destination this time is the lair of the quasi-tenth-level sea beast Sea Crocodile, which is remote and because it is the lair of the tenth-level monster, naturally no one dares to approach it easily within a radius of ten thousand miles.

Looking at it so Yi Tian thinks that 'Coral Island' is also a good place to live, at least no one will bother him when he practices there for a period of time.

After communicating with Taoist Beast Monarch just now, the other party gave his suggestion to find the unique skill 'Doushi Ziyan' in Luo Tianxian Palace, practice it to a small degree, and then use it to refine the 'Haotian Mirror' The level of the spirit weapon embryo has been raised to the quasi-celestial weapon level.

Only in this way can it withstand the infusion of a large amount of fairy source power, and completely refine the spirit treasure into a low-level fairy weapon.Otherwise, it may not be effective to deal with the two real immortals from the lower realm with the super-heaven-level spirit treasure.

Speaking of which, Yi Tian is no stranger to hearing this 'Doushi Ziyan' for the first time. The 'Lihuo Nine Transformations' he practiced at home is the primary chapter of this exercise, and the ninth transformation is the cultivation of 'Doushi Ziyan' prototype.

After cultivating "Lihuo Nine Changes" to the eighth level peak, you can try to absorb the power of immortality and step into the ninth level. At this time, the real fire of life can undergo a qualitative change and become a purple flame.

Speaking of which, this is a state that none of the ancestors of the sect have reached. After all, there is not such a sufficient amount of fairy source power in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit to maintain their own cultivation.What's more, even after raising the cultivation level to the Mahayana stage, the 'Lihuo Nine Changes' kung fu method will still stay at the peak of the eighth level.

At least that's the case with Master Feng Lingzi. According to his plan, he will fly to the fairy world and then practice Zongmen's skills to break through the profound entrance and raise him to the ninth level.

But now the time is not with me, Yi Tian feels that he has no time to wait any longer.Although the plan can't keep up with the changes, there is only one way in front of him now.

But speaking of it, my natal real fire is no longer the strengthened Nanming Lihuo 'Liyan' in the true sense.After the spiritual power in the body has been continuously cleaned by the seal, the true color of True Flame has become 'Thunder Flame Purple Flame'.It's just that I don't know which one is stronger between Ziyan and 'Tushita Ziyan', but one thing is certain is that I haven't refined 'Lihuo Nine Changes' to the peak state of the eighth level.

In this case, even if one enters the Immortal Fragment of Luotian Immortal Palace, it will take some time to practice.

Now that the situation is stronger than others, Yi Tian has no time to waste. Only after raising the natal kung fu to the peak of the eighth level can he break through to the next level as soon as possible after entering the fragments of the fairy world.

Moreover, after the breakthrough, it will take a lot of time to refine the minor achievements and re-sacrifice to upgrade the level of the "Haotian Mirror" Lingbao to the quasi-celestial weapon.

After much deliberation, Yi Tian realized that there was not much time left for him. If this is the case, he must seize every moment to improve his cultivation.

After flying over the 'Coral Island', Yi Tian's divine sense opened up and covered the sea area with a radius of ten thousand miles. After checking all around here, there was no sign of any monster activities above level five.

Then he reached out and took out the mist formation plate and other spiritual weapons, and slowly laid down the formation around the 'Coral Island'.At the same time, eight dragon escape stakes were sacrificed and driven into the spiritual veins below the sea area with a radius of five hundred miles.

A little later, he muttered something in his mouth: "Get up", and under the surrounding sea area, the eight dragon escape piles were used as the formation base to continuously absorb the spiritual power of the underground spiritual veins.With the formation plate on the 'coral island' as the center point, a white thick fog was raised to cover the sea area.After ten breaths, the entire 'coral island' disappeared into the white mist.

Seeing this, Yi Tiancai's face relaxed, and then he plunged down the cloud head to the cave where the sea crocodile dragon was.After entering it, Yi Tian still felt that the evil spirit left in the sea crocodile dragon was too strong, and finally just re-dug a temporary cave at the node of the underground spiritual vein at the other end of the cave.

After setting up a concealed magic circle at the entrance of the cave, he stepped into it. After opening the forbidden barrier, he began to retreat and practice in the depths of the cave.Calculating the time, it is less than 30 years before the trip to the Netherworld. Originally, I had already practiced the natal kung fu 'Lihuo Nine Changes' to the late eighth level, and now it is about the same time to upgrade myself to the peak of the eighth level. .

He took out the Zixiao lamp and placed it in front of him, and he stretched out his hand to form a seal to reveal the dharma body of Asura.This time, he practiced at the same time in a state of three heads and six arms.Each of the six palms formed a pair of seals in pairs, and raised up the real fire of the natal "Lei Yan Zi Yan", and then the two main hands on the front flicked the real flame in their hands directly to land on the Zixiao lamp. On, and then muttering words in his mouth, he manipulated the natal spiritual weapon and began to practice.

The 'Thunder Flame Purple Flame' attached to the Zixiao lamp and lit the wick, only to see a ray of purple true flame less than two inches slowly lit up in the middle of the Zixiao lamp.It seems that the faint purple light seems to be harmless to humans and animals, but Yi Tian knows that the real flame of Liyan that he cultivated is contained in the real flame.If it weren't for Zixiaozhan's natal Lingbao, which had been raised in the Niwan Palace for thousands of years, it might not be able to carry the true flame.

Although the surroundings of the cave were blessed with a barrier, but no lights were lit, so the cave was still pitch black.Until Yi Tian put the starting point of the True Flame Festival in his hand into the Zixiao Cup and emitted an extremely dazzling light, illuminating the stone room with a radius of ten feet.

And the rocks on the ground around the place where Zixiaozhan was placed also seemed to be affected and gradually became softer.It was the high temperature of Leiyan Ziyan that spread to the ground through the Zixiao lamp and slowly burned this stone slab.Seeing this, Yi Tian hurriedly stretched out his hand to lift Zixiaozhan up and float in the air, and then made a seal in his hand again and tapped Zixiaozhan to stabilize it in the air.

Only then did Yi Tian show a satisfied look on his face, and Asura's dharma body started to work again. The six hands sacrificed the thunder and purple flames respectively, and poured them into the Zixiao cup one by one, and began to sacrifice gradually.

There is no sun or moon in the mountains, and after running a complete round of sacrifices, Yi Tian took out the hourglass and checked it, and found that this trip took almost ten years.Roughly speaking, this retreat can only complete two complete rounds of sacrificial training at most, but the natal kung fu 'Lihuo Nine Transformations' that I have practiced has not yet reached the peak stage of the eighth floor.

At this point, Yi Tian was also a little anxious. If he continues to practice at this speed, he may not be able to achieve his wish even if he continues to travel to the Netherworld.But now there is no better way to speed up the cultivation, and the cultivation process requires the patience of dripping water and rocks, and he cannot accomplish it overnight.

Thinking about it, Yi Tian had no choice but to take back the new students again, gather the divine sense on the Zixiao lamp, and began to sacrifice meticulously.

After the second round of natal real fire refining was completed, Yi Tian glanced at the hourglass beside him, and was surprised to find that the speed this time was one-third faster than before, and it took less than seven years.And I have also touched the bottleneck from the peak of the eighth floor to the ninth floor of the 'Lihuo Nine Changes'.

I was overjoyed and estimated that if I continued at this rate, I would have less than 13 years left to refine it twice to stabilize my natal kung fu at the peak of the eighth level, and my own cultivation could also directly hit the quasi-Mahayana period. within the realm.

This is in line with my own expectations, as long as nothing unexpected happens.Just as he was thinking about it, his mind suddenly moved slightly, and he felt an early warning signal from a previously unknown formation barrier in his mind.At this time, someone was breaking into the five hundred miles of the 'coral island' and flying straight towards it.

Speaking of which, the strength of the intruder is not weak, at least he is as cultivated as Shi Jinming, and he seems to be familiar with the way.Even the blessing of the fog formation could not stop the speed of that person's progress.

A name suddenly popped up in his mind, and Yi Tian said lightly: "A quasi-tenth-level monster sea crocodile, don't you dare to come back?"

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly after his spiritual thoughts swept across the formations left in the cave again, and then Yi Tian put away the statue and stood up.He stretched out his hand to open the restriction in the cave, and walked out in two or three steps to the entrance of the cave.

After concentrating the spiritual power on his body, he leaped lightly to the sky, and then turned to look in the direction where the sea crocodile came.After ten breaths, he saw a blue-black light flying straight towards his position, but his direction should be the original position of the cave.This place was originally the territory of the sea crocodile dragon, even if it was surrounded by fog, it could not stop its advancing speed.

Shaoqing saw the blue-black escape light suddenly stop in the air, revealing the human form of the sea crocodile.After looking down for a while, the sea crocodile, relying on the innate instinct of the monster, seemed to sense that someone was watching.Shaoqing shouted: "I know you are here, Yi Tian didn't expect the dignified Lihuo Sect Master to do such a sneaky thing, come out to see me if he has the ability."

It seems that Sea Crocodile still tried to find out his identity after he suffered a loss last time, so he must have nothing to fear when he returns again.It's just that time has passed, and now the strength of the two has reversed. Back then, Sea Crocodile's tail was broken by his own blow, ruining thousands of years of Taoism.Now that I have greatly improved my cultivation base, I will naturally not be afraid of him anymore.

After slowly revealing its true form in the air, Yi Tian shouted: "Why is the sea crocodile healed? The scar forgot the pain. How dare you come back again?"

"You occupy my cave and hurt my deity. How can these hatreds be resolved easily?" Sea Crocodile Dragon said disdainfully: "Even if my strength is damaged, I am still the existence of the peak of the ninth level, and my majesty cannot be trampled on. What's more, last time you It's just using the power of the tribulation and thunder from the real immortal to suppress me, but this time it will not be so good."

"It seems that today's battle between you and me is inevitable," Yi Tian showed no timidity on his face, but showed a face eager to try.Sea Crocodile Dragon is right. In the last fight, he was better than him by taking advantage of local conditions, but this time it was not the case. The opponent naturally had great confidence in his own strength.

And after this period of painstaking training, I also want to find a suitable opponent to test the result. The sea crocodile in front of me is undoubtedly the most suitable opponent.After thinking about it, Yi Tian stretched out his hand unambiguously and directly took out the Zixiao lamp and held it in his palm, then his left index finger crossed the air, raised a wisp of purple flame at the fingertips, and flicked it into the center of the Zixiao lamp.

Now that the sea crocodile dragon has revealed his origin, he no longer needs to hide it. Since he already knows that he was born in Lihuo Palace, then let him experience the true strength of Lihuo Palace.

Seeing the sea crocodile in the distance in front of him, his complexion sank, and his eyes showed unprecedented solemnity.After stretching out his hands, he clasped his hands together in front of his face, muttered something, and then spit out a three-inch-sized ball of light to sacrifice in the air.

After Yi Tian saw it from a distance, he could clearly feel that the light ball contained an incomparably torrential water spiritual power, and then there were loud "rumbling" noises coming from all around.After stabilizing his figure in the air, Yi Tian opened his mind and swept across the surrounding area into the sea area of ​​thousands of miles, and then he was surprised to find that the sea water in all directions was swarming towards this place.

And it was the ball of light in the hand of the sea crocodile in front of him that pulled the power of the sea water, and there were four streaks of sea water in the air that turned into thin lines of spiritual power and converged into the ball of light.

After the purple light flashed in his eyes, Yi Tian was surprised to find that the core of the ball of light was a pitch-black bead, which was not extraordinary.And it was because of this bead that Sea Crocodile dared to come back to fight with him.

Unable to see the depth of the bead, Yi Tian hastily separated a ray of divine sense and stretched it into the beast-controlling pouch at his waist to recruit the deity of the Beast Monarch Taoist and asked: "I'm in trouble, please tell me You can tell me the origin of the bead in the opponent's hand."

The Taoist Beast Lord nodded when he heard the words, and after reaching out his divine sense, he passed the light ball in the hand of the sea crocodile dragon in the distance.After three breaths, his deity escaped from the beast-controlling bag, stared at the other party and sized it up, and said, "That's an imitation of Zhenhai Zhu. I didn't expect there to be such a capable person in this world who can imitate the fairy artifact to such a level."

"The imitation of Zhenhai Pearl is at least a top-level spirit treasure of the heavens. In addition, it is located in the depths of the sea and the opponent has a convenient location. At least the strength can be improved again," Yi Tian said.

"It's not bad, but you can still deal with it calmly," said the Taoist Beast Lord, "The imitation Dinghai Pearl already has a lot of aura left in it, and you will give this bead to me to supplement the aura later. , the body of the bead is at your disposal."

After saying that, the Beast Monarch and Taoist turned around without looking back, turned into Dao Lingguang and flew back into the beast-controlling pouch around his waist.Yi Tian's complexion changed slightly when he heard the words. Could it be that the beast king and Taoist have so much confidence in him.Speaking of which, Yi Tian felt a little bit drummed in his heart at this time, wondering if he could take over the opponent's move.

Then he gritted his teeth and stretched out his hand to pat the beast-controlling pouch on the other side, saying: "Quack came out, this time I found a good thing for you."

A ray of light flew out and landed on his right shoulder, showing the appearance of a croaking immortal.Later, when he saw the situation in front of him clearly, he cried out in surprise: "What is that, I sensed a lot of Longwei's power in the opponent."

"While the opponent is accumulating strength, you can extract his luck power to the maximum," Yi Tian said in a deep voice, "The opportunity is rare, don't miss it."

(End of this chapter)

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