
Chapter 2199

Chapter 2199
Yi Tian practiced in the temporary cave on the 'Coral Island' for more than ten years, and he lived in peace at first, but he didn't expect to find that the sea crocodile returned here again during this period.Speaking of which, it is understandable for him to come back. This is his old lair, and there is also a breeding ground for sulfur mica in the depths of his cave.

No matter how you say it is a treasure land of geomantic omen, it is also a heartache to give it away for no reason.When the sea crocodile dragon returned, it naturally discovered the barrier formed here.For a level nine peak monster like him, the formation barrier is just like paper, and Yi Tian naturally noticed the opponent's whereabouts at the first time through the early warning of the formation barrier.

After leaving the cave, it flew into the air, and was soon noticed by the sea crocodile dragon.This is not the first time the two have fought each other, so there is no need to test anything, not to mention that Sea Crocodile has already figured out its own details and is prepared.

After the two sides made a move, they sacrificed their spirit treasures, but Yi Tian found that the orb taken out by the sea crocodile contained extremely powerful water spiritual power, which complemented his attributes and it was natural to fight against each other under the environment deep in the sea. It is also convenient for the location.

After asking the Beast Lord and Taoist, he learned that this bead turned out to be an imitation of the fairy world Lingbao Town Haizhu.Although it is just an imitation product, it is powerful, at least for Yi Tian, ​​​​he does not know if he is fully sure to defeat his opponent under the attributes.

After the Beast Lord and Taoist left, Yi Tian summoned the Immortal Guagua again, and he also got a lot of benefits from the sea crocodile in the last fight.Since there is no difference between offending once and a hundred times, it is better to do everything.

After receiving his own notification, the Great Immortal Guagua was also unambiguous, and stretched out his divine sense to lock on the sea crocodile in the distance in front of him.Then he opened his mouth and took three deep breaths into his face, as if there were three white air masses flying straight into the mouth of the Great Immortal Quacking.After three breaths, he took a deep breath and said: "His luck is not weak, and I can only take [-]% of his luck if I spread my arms and devour it."

"Stop talking nonsense, quickly digest and refine it and make it up to me, and then I will create an opportunity for you to do it again," Yi Tian said in a deep voice.

The Great Immortal Guagua closed his mouth wisely when he heard the words, and then the spiritual power in his body quickly circulated to digest the devoured luck and feed it back to himself.

Yi Tiannei took a look, and saw that in the phantom of his Nascent Soul in the Niwan Palace, there was a white luck slowly flowing into him.Although there is no substantive feeling, Yi Tian, ​​who is a peak monk in the later stage of fusion, can naturally feel that the illusory power of luck swallowed by the croaking immortal is constantly enhancing his own luck.

At the same time, his eyes swept over the sea crocodile in the distance, and he saw that his whole body was shaking, as if he had noticed something, but he couldn't say anything.Luck is invisible and tasteless, hiding in the void and can only be detected by one's own feelings, and a monk in the fit period is more sensitive to this than ordinary people.

It's just that at the critical juncture of the fight, the sea crocodile dragon didn't have time to spare his hands to deal with the crocodile immortal, so Shaoqing had enough momentum in his hands to sacrifice the 'Zhenhai Pearl' to attack Yi Tian directly.

But seeing that the 'Zhenhai Pearl' was surrounded by water spirit energy and turned into a blue torrent passing through the air, the sea crocodile dragon was able to arouse such a big formation only after introducing a large amount of sea water spirit energy into it.

Yi Tian only felt that he was facing the attack of a huge wave, the Zhenhai Pearl rolled a few times in the air, and then turned into a wave of tens of feet high, covering his head.

After a breath, only the sound of "crash" sounded one after another, and the huge blue wave directly swallowed Yi Tian's figure.The sea crocodile in the distance first looked happy, and then stretched out its divine sense as if to check for Yi Tian's trace.But after three breaths, the relaxed look on his face slowly disappeared, replaced by an expression of incomparable surprise.

But I saw a little purple light flickering in the blue waves, like the lights of a fishing boat drifting in the huge waves.But it was this little light that was still dangling there and never extinguished no matter how the waves beat.

Seeing this, Sea Crocodile Dragon hastily stretched out his hands and made a seal again, pointed at the 'Zhenhai Pearl', and shouted: "Close it for me."

Originally, the huge waves of sea water transformed from the spiritual power of water from around the 'Zhenhai Pearl' were covered head-on, and then retracted again, forming a blue water barrier with the hundred-foot space around the 'Zhenhai Pearl', trapping Yi Tian to death. in.

It's just that no matter how the sea crocodile makes a move, it can't break through Yi Tian's defense, and that little purple light is always floating in the blue water circle.

Just as the sea crocodile was about to attack again, it seemed that the encirclement of sea water raised by Zhenhaizhu in front of him seemed to have changed.A huge vortex suddenly appeared at the position where the purple flame was originally located, sucking all the sea water in.

And when Sea Crocodile was puzzled, ripples suddenly appeared in the air a hundred feet away from his back, and then a hole the size of one foot was broken.The blue sea water in the center rushes out and falls directly into the island below.

Immediately afterwards, a purple aura flashed again in the blue sea water, roaring through the gap in the space, revealing Yi Tian's true self.Shocked, Sea Crocodile hurriedly manipulated its divine sense to take back the 'Zhenhai Pearl'.

With a sound of '噗嗤', the gap in the space narrowed rapidly and the exit was blocked. Sea Crocodile was shocked when he saw it, and he realized that his connection with 'Zhenhaizhu' seemed to be cut off directly.

On the contrary, Yi Tian stood in the air with a slight twitch of his mouth and said disdainfully: "Back then you were as strong as quasi-tenth level and I didn't climb it. Now that the gap between you and my cultivation base has widened, am I still afraid that you will fail? Sea Crocodile Dragon, you still underestimated me too much.”

Sea Crocodile's complexion turned livid when he heard the words, Yi Tian was right.When he fought for the first time that year, he was slightly stronger but lost due to the influence of the thunder after the real immortal descended to earth, but this time he was completely defeated.

After a stern look flashed in his eyes, the sea crocodile flew straight in the direction it came from without looking back.He has already lost a treasure in his hands, and if he continues to fight, he will undoubtedly lose.

But how could Yi Tian let him leave so easily, took out the array with his left hand, and then punched in the magic formula towards it.Immediately, the eight dragon-chasing stakes connected to the seabed veins have a sense of crazily absorbing the spiritual power from the seabed veins.

Within a radius of [-] miles in the Sifang sea area, eight light beams shined from the bottom of the seabed and converged to the top of Yi Tian's head, and then turned into a thin film of light to cover the sea area.As Yi Tian continued to control the light film around the formation disk, it gradually shrunk and finally compressed in a radius of fifty miles, almost covering the 'coral island'.

Sea Crocodile was shocked when he saw it, needless to say, he wanted to keep him in this way.After a flash of light flashed from his body, he flew to the edge of the formation, and with both hands he unleashed two streaks of blue-black spiritual light to hit the light film of the formation.

There were two loud bangs of 'Boom, Boom', and after the two spells hit the light film, it only trembled a few times before returning to its original state.The sea crocodile was surprised when he saw it. Although he used these two moves in a hurry, he was very clear about the power of the two moves. He didn't expect that the defensive formation here remained motionless after being hit twice.

When he wanted to make a move again, the light film of the formation in front of him flashed to the center and tightened again.This time, the coverage area of ​​the big formation was directly reduced to about ten miles, and the sea crocodile was so frightened that it had to wait to deal with it.

Yi Tian, ​​who was standing in the air, turned around at this time and said: "Guagua, you can make another shot, I guess he has little luck left."

"Okay," said the Immortal Guagua, turned around and pointed at the sea crocodile in the distance and took another sharp breath.

A ball of white mist the size of a fist was sucked into the mouth of the Great Immortal Guagua, and he nodded and said, "I have almost absorbed [-]% of his luck, and it will take some time to digest it."

"Okay, then go back and rest first," Yi Tian ordered.

After hearing this, the Great Immortal Guagua turned into a spiritual light and flew back into the beast-controlling bag at his waist. Seeing this, Yi Tian twitched slightly and said, "Okay, we should finish the sea crocodile dragon next."

After saying that, his figure left an afterimage in the air, and the deity flew directly to a distance of a hundred feet behind the sea crocodile dragon.Naturally, he couldn't hide his actions from the other party. Sea Crocodile Dragon was aware of Yi Tian's movement, and hurriedly turned around, looked at him and said, "You Daoist Yi is being rude today, I hope you don't mind the small things." Let's stop here, and the 'Zhenhai Pearl' will be given to fellow Taoists."

"Sea crocodile dragon, what you said is not satisfactory," Yi Tian joked: "Your spirit treasure 'Zhenhaizhu' has been collected by me in the Xumi space opened up by me, and now you are trapped by me It is absolutely impossible for the team to escape. Is it a bit too much for you to negotiate terms with me at this time?"

The sea crocodile dragon's complexion changed slightly when he heard the words, and he didn't know how to reply for a while. Shao leaned around and showed his original shape, opened his mouth and shouted: "Then you are going to die, and I am not a top-level monster of level nine. People can handle it at will."

"This is the demeanor that a ninth-level monster should have," Yi Tian said with a smile, he finally found an opponent who could try his tricks, how could he let it go so easily.Just now I have tested the defensive power of Lei Yan Ziyan, but I don't know how much its attack power has been improved.

After raising the Zixiao lamp in his hand, he stretched out his hand and swept over the flame in the middle to take out a ray of real flame, and then condensed into a purple light spot on the tip of the index finger.

After stretching out his hand and popping out the light spot on his fingertips, the starlight rapidly magnified in the air, and after flying over twenty feet, it turned into a purple fireball the size of a bucket.

On the void trajectory that the fireball passed through, there were obvious residual traces, as if the space had been torn apart.The purple fireball magnified infinitely in the eyes of the sea crocodile dragon, and he hurriedly used the escape technique to get back.But as soon as he moved the fireball, the speed of the fireball also increased sharply, and it hit accurately at a speed more than double the escape speed of the sea crocodile itself.

With a 'puchi' sound, the fireball didn't arouse any big sparks, but the purple true flame directly ignited the body of the sea crocodile dragon.After hearing heart-piercing screams from his mouth, a flash of spiritual light escaped from the forehead of the sea crocodile and shot towards the rear.

When Yi Tian saw it, he looked disdainful. The surrounding area was protected by his own formation barrier, and the monster baby of Sea Crocodile Dragon could not break through the barrier defense even if he wanted to run.

In the next moment, the purple thunder flame and purple flame still remained on the demon baby's body, and the demon spirit wrapped in real flame flew to the edge of the formation and plunged into it.Yi Tian's complexion changed slightly, and he saw that Lei Yan Ziyan forcibly broke the light film of the formation, and burned a hole the size of a fist in an instant.

Sea Crocodile Dragon's demon baby took the opportunity to escape, but at this moment, the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body dropped rapidly, as if more than half of it was drawn by Lei Yan Ziyan.Seeing this, Yi Tian hurriedly removed the formation defense, and pointed to the true flame on the body of the sea crocodile to take it back.Then one jumped up to catch up, and after ten breaths, intercepted the sea crocodile demon spirit in the air.

It's just that at this time his demon spirit has been burnt beyond recognition by Lei Yan Ziyan, and the spiritual power in his body has begun to collapse rapidly.

With a finger on his hand, Lei Yan Ziyan was retracted, and Yi Tian then turned his eyes to the demon spirit of Sea Crocodile Dragon, only to see that the demon spirit had been burnt at this time.He stretched out his hand to take it, and then squeezed it lightly, and the demon spirit was crushed directly.

Looking back, Yi Tian flew back to the big formation to retrieve the body of the sea crocodile dragon. Although it was burned by Lei Yanziyan, fortunately, he stopped quickly, and there were still many in the whole body that could be preserved as refinements. utensils or precious materials for blood food.

After putting the remnant of the sea crocodile into the storage ring, Yi Tian cast a spell to raise the fog trap and cover the surrounding sea area again.

Half a moment later, after cleaning up the battlefield, Yi Tian went back to the temporary cave and sat down again. After the battle just now, he seemed to have a new understanding of his natal true fire, Leiyan Ziyan.At the very least, he could easily break the barriers he had set up.

At the same time, Yi Tian found that the biggest gain today is that after more than ten years of practicing the sect's secret art "Lihuo Nine Changes", there is no sign of breaking through to the peak of the eighth level.But after the fight just now, it seems that they have found some opportunity. I am afraid that they can complete the set goal ahead of schedule if they refine it one more time.

He stretched out his hand seal and opened the Xumi space he created, took out the 'Zhenhai Pearl' from it, held it in his hand and looked at it carefully.Just now the Taoist Beast Lord said that this thing should be an imitation of the fairy treasure, but there is also an aura in it, which is just for him to use.After thinking about it, Yi Tian didn't say much and directly sent the 'Zhenhai Pearl' into the beast master's pouch where the Taoist beast was hiding.

After a while, the latter's voice came and said: "You Daoyou Yi really has a good method, I guess you should spend some time. It will be done in less than half an hour without counting."

"Friend Daoist Beast Monarch praised it absurdly, and it was just a coincidence that I restrained the opponent with my skills to get this treasure as I wished," Yi Tian replied hastily.

"I don't know if it's a coincidence, but from your aura, I can see that you haven't delayed your cultivation these years," said the Taoist Beast Lord, "It seems that as soon as the time comes for you to enter the Mahayana stage, it will be a matter of course. "

(End of this chapter)

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