
Chapter 2201

Chapter 2201
In the past hundred years, due to the arrival of Yi Tian, ​​some subtle changes have taken place in the hell world, especially the two large-scale forces, the Stone Race and the Horn Race, which were originally in the hell world, began to change their previous strategies and continue to expand outside.Naturally, the power sites and interests occupied by these forces are also absorbed from other racial forces.Among them, the Huangquan clan, the original overlord of the hell world, naturally bears the brunt of it, and has frequently been invaded by two major interest groups in many places.

In addition, the Xinglin Sect, a large sect in the hell world, is also very close to the Stone Clan and the Manjiao Clan. With such a group of three families, the Huangquan Clan did not dare to easily offend any one.But a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and Yan Qiu is not a fuel-efficient lamp.He formed an offensive and defensive alliance with the dark beast sea clan in the hell realm.

It's a pity that the territory of the Dark Beast Sea Clan is far away in the deep sea, and it is difficult for these races on land to cooperate.In view of this, Yan Qiu can also take action to win over the monks of the Hell Three-Headed Dog Clan and the Black Winged Pocket Dragon Clan.It's just that the result was far beyond his expectations. The three-headed dogs from hell were more inclined to join forces with the stone tribe from the wild horn tribe.

Under Yan Qiu's coercion and lure, Po Yu remained unmoved, and in the end just stated his position that the two would not help each other, but this statement is somewhat believable.As for Mo Feihong of the Black Winged Pocket Dragon Clan, it seems that he is determined to stay in his lair and will not come out, no matter how Yan Qiu makes moves, he just refuses to answer.

This matter is very likely to be due to the sequelae left after Mo Feihong fought against Wu Jue, the true immortal of the lower realm, "Zi Yu Tian".But Yan Qiu didn't know anything about it, and he failed in the end.

Over time, the situation in the entire hell world became more and more clear. The four major forces joined forces to continue to benefit the silk Huangquan tribe and the dark beast sea tribe. Although it has not yet evolved into a war in the hell world, frictions have been frequent since the integration period. The constant explosions also made many casual cultivators smell the danger signal.

Fortunately, there is a force of casual cultivators in the hell world that has developed rapidly relying on the edge of the Xinglinmen resident, and these casual cultivators in the hell realm have begun to find their own way and gradually join the organization.

Although the casual cultivator alliance in the hell world has not yet risen, the base relying on Xinglinmen is also developing rapidly due to its friendship with the two major races.It has developed into a medium-sized power in just a hundred years, and what is lacking is only a high-level monk to sit in charge.

However, the Xinglin Sect, the Stone Clan, and even the Manjiao Clan took the initiative to befriend him. As a result, many interested people began to speculate on the strength behind the Sanxiu Alliance.At least if such a force does not have the support of high-level monks, it will not be able to get the favor and courtesy of the other major races.

The base camp of the Loose Cultivation Alliance is now set up on the Mingjing Mountain outside the Xinglinmen resident, and it is still in charge of the elders in the elders' group system.On weekdays, the Loose Cultivator Yan Wenxiong came forward to preside over the daily affairs, and after encountering any troubles, Wan Jiaolan, the Elder of the Loose Cultivator Alliance, personally intervened.

On that day, Yan Wenxiong assigned the next tasks one by one after listening to everyone's reports in the alliance lobby.There have been regular alliance meetings like this before, and Yan Wenxiong is also very familiar with hosting such meetings.It's just that today he seemed to have a serious face that was different from usual, Yan Wenxiong heaved a sigh of relief after an hour later when everyone retreated under orders.

After all the people had left, he turned his head and got up and bowed his hands towards a nearby void and said, "I have seen Master."

Ripples slowly appeared in that void, and then a figure turned from emptiness to reality, and it was Yi Tian's deity who came here.When I came in, I saw that Yan Wenxiong was presiding over a regular meeting, and I didn't interrupt him directly.After all, it is better for me to keep a low profile in the hell world, and in the casual cultivator alliance, it is enough to let the upper-level people know of my existence.

Going up to Yi Tian, ​​he found an empty seat and sat down. After looking over his eyes, there was a hint of approval in his eyes and said: "Wen Xiong, it seems that you have presided over the forces of the casual cultivator alliance in these years, and you have not pulled down your cultivation base."

"Before the master left, he taught his disciples not to forget," Yan Wenxiong hurriedly replied. At this time, he had lost his usual power in front of him. If anyone in the Loose Cultivation Alliance saw it, who would have expected it? On weekdays, the acting deacon of the alliance will have such a side.

"Sit down and talk," Yi Tian stretched out his hand and said, "I can't delay too long this time."

Yan Wenxiong's expression changed slightly when he heard the words, and he hurriedly asked, "Master, are you planning to go there this time?"

"Seeing how anxious you are, how can you have the majesty of a leader of a faction," Yi Tian reprimanded: "It will not be a short time for you to become a high-ranking person, and your cultivation level has been promoted to the late Yuanying stage, and you are almost touching the hurdle of the transformation stage. It's still frizzy."

After hearing this, Yan Wenxiong hurriedly said that he didn't dare, and then found an empty seat in front of him and sat down peacefully.

He stretched out his hand and opened the barrier of restriction, and then Yi Tiancai said: "Although you have been in my sect for a short time, you have never dropped your cultivation base. I guess you will be able to advance to It's time to transform into a god."

"I don't know how long Master will take for this long journey?" Yan Wenxiong asked with his mouth open.

"I don't know either," Yi Tian shook his head and replied, "But the trip to the Netherworld is imperative. This time, it is related to the overall power changes in the lower three realms. Maybe it is also a great opportunity for you."

"Please tell me clearly, master," Yan Wenxiong said with an eager expression on his face.

"The situation in the hell world is about to change, it is your great opportunity," Yi Tian said: "You can take this opportunity to contact the Stone Clan and the Horn Clan many times, take this opportunity to nibble at the Huangquan Clan, or stir up local conflicts between the races." War is also possible, as long as the scale is controlled within the scope of the transformation stage."

After hearing this, Yan Wenxiong's eyes lit up and he said, "What does this mean, master, that I can use this to try to get rid of the shame of being kicked out of the clan?"

Yi Tian nodded and said with a smile: "This is just the first step. Your cultivation base is not high, so you should accept it as soon as you see it. But you can make multiple contacts, including the guard of Huangquan far away in the Netherworld, your cousin Prince Nether I believe that Yan Wenjing will also cooperate with you."

"Thank you so much, master, for your suggestion. I will definitely use such resources to consolidate the power of the Loose Cultivator Alliance again," Yan Wenxiong replied hastily.

Reaching out to take a jade slip and handing it over, Yi Tian continued: "You can use this jade slip to contact the guards of Huangquan. I believe that as long as Wan Zhongliu or Nao Wenjing see it, they will definitely support you."

After Yan Wenxiong put away the jade slips, Yi Tian asked him to explain the problems in cultivation, and he also explained his doubts one by one.Although the time of stay was not long this time, Yi Tian still took on the responsibility of being a master. Yan Wenxiong was also quite spiritual and could understand some problems at a single point, and he quickly solved many doubts about cultivation in his heart.

Later, Yi Tian got up to go to Wan Jiaolan to explain it. After all, she is the one who is in charge of the overall situation here. Some things will not help even if Yan Wenxiong comes forward. In the end, it depends on Wan Jiaolan.

(End of this chapter)

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