
Chapter 2202 Total

Chapter 2202 Total
The passage between the hell world and the nether world is not a gate but a narrow and long space passage, and there are no high-level monks stationed here, only a few monks from the Huangquan tribe and the wild horn tribe who have transformed into gods and their cultivation levels are in the passage respectively. An outpost was set up a hundred miles away.

Speaking of which, there is a strong connection in the Lower Three Realms, so there is no need to strictly guard against the interface channels.And because the spirit power attributes in the hell world and the nether world are darker and colder, they will not be liked by the monks in the other worlds.

When Yi Tian flew alone near the entrance of the passage between the two worlds, he saw a large amount of gray ghostly spiritual power overflowing from the passage, but it was quickly assimilated by the spiritual power of the hell world here.

After quietly opening his mind, he found that there were two groups of people standing not far from the passage. From his spiritual power, he could tell that the monks of the Horn tribe were stationed hundreds of miles away on his right side.

For this trip to the hell world, I have to find a guide to meet with the guards of Huangquan first.After all, in the situation where the Nether Emperor's furious family dominates the hell world, he still has to find all the helpers before he can plot against the Nether Boy.

After flying forward for a short time, the cloud head slowly descended to the outside of the barbarian tribe's camp. In front of it was a formation of forbidden light film that protected the entire camp.Yi Tian smiled lightly, then reached out and nodded, the mask in front of him shook instantly.Before the savage horn monks could detect any changes, Yi Tian had already rushed into it.

Then, when I went to the inner center, I scanned slightly and found that Wan Gang hadn't arrived at this time.After I left 'Coral Island', I first went to the resident of the Sanxiu Alliance to explain to Yan Wenxiong and Wan Jiaolan.After arranging many trivial matters, they sent a message to inform Wan Gang, and the two agreed to meet at the barbarian camp in front of the interface passage.

The barbarian camp covered by the formation here has only a radius of ten miles. After Yi Tian walked around inside, he found a remote empty place to sit on the ground and waited.Anyway, with my own cultivation, as long as I don't show up, it is absolutely impossible for these barbarian monks to find themselves.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground and waiting for most of the day, Yi Tian frowned slightly, and in his spiritual sense, he found that there were two spiritual pressure fluctuations flying towards this place thousands of miles away.Although they all restrained the spiritual pressure fluctuations on their bodies, they couldn't satisfy their own spiritual thoughts.

After three breaths, Yi Tian recognized that the people who came were Wan Gang from the Manjiao Clan and Shi Jinming from the Stone Clan.Calculating the time, they should have set off after receiving their summons, but their escape speed has also improved significantly in recent years due to their great cultivation.

After the two arrived here, some Manjiao people opened the middle door to welcome them in.

Shaoqing only heard Shi Jinming say in a low voice: "Why are we here first, is it possible that Fellow Daoist Yi is late?"

"You underestimate Daoist Yi too much. I guess he should have arrived early with his strength," Wan Gang said disdainfully.At the same time, the divine sense opened up and swept back and forth in the camp.His actions naturally surprised the clansmen present, but they were relieved when they knew that this high-ranking monk didn't like to make things easy in the eyes of everyone.

After coming here for a while, Wan just turned pale and said: "You Daoist Yi is here, please show up." Obviously, he couldn't detect it with his strength, but according to his years of communication experience, Wan Gang was keenly aware of it. I realized that there must be a problem.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time," a voice came from the camp, and then a vague shadow appeared out of thin air in an open space, and then disappeared.

After receiving the signal from himself, Wan Gang was overjoyed and hurriedly ordered his subordinates to disperse and strictly guard the gates of the garrison, then bowed his head and said via voice transmission: "Please follow me to the old camp of the garrison to talk."

After speaking, he exchanged winks with Shi Jinming and walked directly towards the depths of the old camp.Ten breaths later, when they came to a cave, Wan just stopped. At the same time, Yi Tian's figure suddenly appeared ten feet away behind the two of them. After the three of them entered the cave, the restriction on the entrance of the cave was lit up again.

When we came to the inner hall of the cave, the three of us sat down as guest and host, and after a while of greetings, Wan Gang spoke first: "You Daoist Yi, I haven't seen you for many years, but I can't imagine that your cultivation level has improved rapidly. I am afraid that you will be able to deal with the Nether Boy with eight or nine percent confidence now." Alright."

Hearing this, Shi Jinming turned his head and looked at it carefully before saying: "Why do I feel that you are a little different from before, but I can't tell what is different."

"The two fellow daoists are absurd," Yi Tian replied with a laugh, he didn't expect that although Wan Gang's strength was not as good as Shi Jinming's, his vision was far superior to his.However, Yi Tian didn't want to get entangled in this issue and just confuse him with haha.At the same time, Yi Tian still felt that it was necessary to inform the two of the people who came to disrupt the situation this time, and then said: "This time we will go to the depths of the Netherworld to explore the entrance of the fragments of the fairyland. There may be some changes, so I I want to communicate with the two of you in advance."

Wan Gang's face straightened. He knew that there must be something wrong down here, so he naturally listened attentively.As for Shi Jinming, he asked carelessly: "If you have any troubles, please tell me. Now that the three of you are working together, even if you meet the Nether boy, there is nothing you can do to get us."

"Hold on, Fellow Daoist Shi, it won't be too late to make a judgment after listening to what Fellow Daoist Yi said," Wan Gang said hastily.

The Manjiao people in Lunchengfu are indeed much stronger than the Shi people, Yi Tian couldn't help but flash a hint of approval in his eyes.Then he said with a serious face: "This time, there is something wrong with the fragments of the fairy world in the exploration of the underworld. Among the people who entered, there are two people who are so powerful that I have to back away from them."

"Oh, who is it?" Wan Gang asked in surprise.He knew the meaning of these words, if even De Yi Tian had to give in, how strong would the opponent be.

Shi Jinming, who was on the side, was also aware of the seriousness of the situation, and then said, "Tell me, which avatar of a monk in the Mahayana period also wants to join in?"

"There is no avatar of a monk in the Mahayana period." Yi Tian said with a faint smile: "But I know that there will be two avatars of real immortals from the lower realm, one is the Changsun Pavilion of 'Guang Ming', and the other is the 'Zi Yu Tian'. Wu Jue."

When they heard the name of the real immortal avatar from the lower realm, the two of them immediately showed incredulous expressions. This news was too explosive for them.Speaking of which, none of them had ever met a doppelganger of a true immortal from the lower realm.But looking at Yi Tian's expression, it seems that this is not a fake.

Wan Gang's complexion suddenly sank, and he lowered his head to think.On the contrary, Shi Jinming looked at himself and said bluntly: "Since you can tell their names, you should have met them face to face."

"What Fellow Daoist Shi asked is exactly what I thought in my heart, and I would like to ask Fellow Daoist Yi to give you a clear answer," Wan Gang also raised his head and said seriously.

Knowing that this matter is not clear, naturally the next cooperation will be impossible to talk about, so Yi Tian clearly explained how he met the two true immortals from the lower realm.Among them, it is natural to tell how Mo Feihong, who defeated the sea crocodile dragon and the black winged dragon clan, dealt with it one by one.

Of course, the matter of how Wu Jue "from Yu Tian" knew about the fragments of the fairy world was still on Mo Feihong.Anyway, he couldn't wash it off no matter what, and it wasn't bad.

As for the grandson Ting who invited 'Bright Tomorrow', it was his own attention. Among them, Yi Tian also analyzed the pros and cons of it with the two of them with emotion and reason.

To be honest, it is an indisputable fact that there are now two real immortal avatars that have fallen. It would not be a good thing to let any one of them participate in the trip to explore the fragments of the fairy world.

For them, it is the most beneficial thing for others to be under mutual restraint.After hearing his own explanation, Shi Jinming's face was quite displeased, but he didn't dare to take it out due to his own power.

On the contrary, Wan just lowered his head and pondered for a while, then suddenly clapped his hands and said: "You Daoist Yi did a good job, it's better to check each other than no one. And who knows what will happen in the fragments of the fairy world, if these lower realms The avatars of the real immortals suddenly fell inside, maybe even their true deities may not be able to sense it."

Yi Tian replied with a look of approval in his eyes: "Friend Daoist Wan really has a delicate mind, so you can understand my painstaking efforts in this operation so soon."

Seeing that the two of them were talking about this matter with smiles on their faces, Shi Jinming was even more puzzled, and hurriedly asked, "What's going on here? Did you reach a tacit agreement so quickly?"

I saw the two looked at each other, then they both raised their heads and laughed, Shao Qingwan stopped laughing just now and said: "The so-called two evils are the lesser, and Yi Daoyou's trick of driving tigers and wolfs is really powerful But I guess your plan should not be so simple, if there is a sudden change in the plan that has been calculated with great difficulty, you must have a countermeasure?"

"The one who knows me is like a fellow Taoist," Yi Tian restrained his smile and then explained: "In my plan, I just wanted to deal with the Nether boy alone, but now under the sudden change, I thought it would be a big deal for us. favorable."

"What's the explanation for this statement? Fellow Daoist Yi, please clarify," Wan Gang asked.

Shi Jinming who was on the side was also confused and hurriedly followed: "Yes, you should explain clearly what to do."

"There's nothing to do, just follow the steps," Yi Tian said with a smile: "I originally wanted to deal with the Nether Boy in the fragments of the fairy world, and I must have the same idea when dealing with it."

Wan Gang nodded when he heard the words and said yes: "Actually, the matter between you and the Nether Boy is already heated up. I can let you go to the Nether Realm to participate in this matter because you have the entrance map."

"That's true, but even though I dealt with the Nether boy inside the fragment, I still have to face the savage deity when I come out," Yi Tian said, "Have you ever seen the so-called savage deity? How should I deal with it?"

The faces of the two of them sank when they heard the words, and it was reasonable to say this.Since the two of them have reached a united front with themselves, they naturally take this matter to heart.

After thinking for a while, Wan Gang asked, "Tell me about how you plan to face a Mahayana monk?"

Immediately, Yi Tian showed a little smile on his face, and the corners of his mouth moved slightly a few times to inform the two of his plan via voice transmission.Unexpectedly, the two had completely different expressions on their faces after hearing this.

Shi Jinming said carelessly: "Aren't you afraid that you will be sold by her after making a deal with Biluo Yaoji? You must know that she is the third clone of the madness."

"Fellow Daoist Shi, don't panic," Wan Gang said with a solemn expression, "Since Fellow Daoist Yi can reach an agreement with him, it means that he should have made a decision in his heart. And I also think that the degree of certainty in this matter is more than [-]%."

"Oh, that's what Daoist Wan thinks of it too," Yi Tian said with a smile, "I didn't believe it at first, but after talking with Bi Luo Yaoji's original soul, I finally got an idea about it."

"Yi Daoyou's words are true," Wan Gang continued: "If it's according to what you said, then I can figure out what the Biluo Yaoji has done in the Netherworld these years. I am really puzzled by the many information about the Biluo Yaoji from the Netherworld that my Manhorn people have heard, but it makes sense if you cooperate with Yi Daoyou's words."

"Fellow Daoist Wan can figure it out, that's the best," Yi Tian said with a smile: "So I thought about it, if we face the savage deity, we have at least a [-]% chance of winning, plus the betrayal of Huangquan guards and Bi Luo Yaoji It is definitely not difficult to ask for the frenzied deity."

"But you didn't say that there is something wrong with the savage deity now. If you make a formal move, it means that you have broken with him to the point of death," Shi Jinming said.

"The opportunity will never come again," Yi Tian said in a step-by-step manner: "Does Fellow Daoist Shi think that there will be more favorable opportunities in the future than now?"

As soon as this remark came out, Shi Jinming's face naturally couldn't bear it. He should have made an analysis in his heart, but he didn't expect to come back so soon on this day.On the contrary, Wan Gang seemed to have made a decision in his heart, thought for a while and said: "Speaking of which, I don't know if you have anything to deal with, fellow Daoist Yi?"

"The two of you entangled Yan Qiu and the old ghost of the Black Feather Clan in the Nether Realm for me," Yi Tian thought for a while and said, "I have a plan in mind to deal with the madness, and it is not appropriate to have too many people. But The other monks need you to take care of them."

"This matter is not easy," Wan Gang replied, "Yan Qiu is my old opponent, and Wu Laogui and Shi Jinming have been enemies for many years. Now that we belong to different camps, it is natural to have to end it. "

Sighing, Shi Jinming said, "This is a big battle that will determine the fate of the clan, but I can't think of any reason to refuse. After all, after passing this village, there will be no such shop. If we continue to waste my clan's resources, they will Gradually squeezed out, there will never be a day to turn around, I took this big gamble."

"You two don't need to worry, there are many dangers in the fragments of the fairy world, and God knows what will happen," Yi Tian said with a deep smile: "Besides, these two true immortals from the lower realm are the real variables of this chaos in the Netherworld. I We need to discuss it with the guards of Huangquan first, and ask Fellow Daoist Wan to recommend you for this matter."

(End of this chapter)

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