
Chapter 2203 Itinerary

Chapter 2203 Itinerary
After chatting with Wan Gang and Shi Jinming in the resident for a while, Yi Tian informed them of his plan in detail.Shi Jinming obviously feels very different about this, but Wan Gang thinks that Yi Tian handled it properly this time, at least in the face of two lower realm true immortals who are invincible and can only be outsmarted.

If even De Yitian had to back away from them when facing them, then speaking of them, these monks in the integration period would have no choice but to run away from the avatars of true immortals from the upper and lower realms.Fortunately, the two seem to be in a state of hostility, and it seems that this is more beneficial to everyone.

The deeper the contradiction between these lower realm true immortals, the more beneficial it is for everyone, and Yi Tian also mentioned that if there is a true immortal avatar falling in the fragments of the fairy world, his deity will not be able to detect it.This matter is the most critical in this trip to the fragments of the fairy world.

Later, after the three of them made up their minds, they quietly disappeared and flew out of the barbarian camp. As a monk at the integration stage, he could easily hide it from those low-level monks.Wan Gang left behind a message to instruct his subordinates, and then took the lead and flew straight towards the passage between the two worlds with the two of them.

Yi Tian has always maintained the appearance of the deity of the demon cultivator. After traveling in the hell world for a period of time, he still found that the demon cultivator's state is more suitable.Although the exercises that can be performed will be slightly limited, but the surrounding spiritual power attributes have no constraints on him.

When he came to the passage, he looked up in the air nearby, and saw several streaks of gray ghostly spiritual power overflowing from it and then assimilated by the spiritual power of this world again.The passage was only ten feet wide, and the center was filled with gray ghost energy, which formed a spiral vortex as it rotated continuously in one direction.

Wan Gang stretched out his hand and said, "That's the entrance to the Netherworld, and it's also one of the many direct passages in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit."

"Oh, why did Fellow Daoist Wan say that?" Yi Tian asked casually after looking at him.

"The interface channels leading to other worlds in the Nether Realm were blocked tens of thousands of years ago when the Nether Dynasty was destroyed," Wan Gang explained: "Many of them are blocked in two directions, that is, other than the Nether Realm. One end was also blocked."

"So that's the case. No wonder I rarely found any gates leading to the Nether Realm after traveling through the other six realms." Yi Tian thought for a while and replied, "Then besides here, where else is the Nether Realm connected to?"

"Ghost Realm," Shi Jinming interjected, "It's a pity that the spiritual power cultivated in the Ghost Realm is different from other realms, so even if there is a channel, there are not many exchanges between the two sides."

"Okay, let's go, otherwise it won't be a good thing if we meet Yan Qiu and others later," Wan Gang interrupted Shi Jinming.After speaking, he stretched out his hand to signal, and then flew towards the entrance of the passage immediately.

Shi Jinming followed closely. The two of them erected a shimmering aura shield to protect their bodies tightly, and then plunged headlong into the gray vortex of ghostly spiritual power in the passage.

Yi Tian saw it clearly, and then he also sacrificed the escape technique and set off. After protecting himself with the protective shield all over his body, his body followed behind the two of them like an arrow from the string. With a 'puchi', it sank into the spiritual vortex of the interface channel.

After coming to Neizhong, I found that the passage here was more troublesome than the passage when we shuttled through the gate, and the chaotic spiritual power wind around us wrinkled.The nether air mixed with the netherworld hit the protective cover with a 'popping' sound.

Fortunately, this passage doesn't seem to be long. After the three of them continued to fly for more than half a moment, they saw a light spot of the exit in the distance.

At this time, Wan Gang suddenly accelerated his escape speed, and said through voice transmission: "The wind near the exit is more violent, everyone rush over with all one's strength."

After finishing speaking, the output of spiritual power increased by more than three points under the flash of inspiration all over his body.

Shi Jinming also learned from others. It is estimated that he is also a frequent visitor and naturally knows the situation in the passage.

As for Yi Tian, ​​the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and then he increased his speed slightly to keep up with the two of them.After flying through the hundred breaths in the interface channel, the three passed through the exit one by one to the outside world.

After stabilizing his figure in the air, Yi Tian only felt a cold ghostly air rushing towards him.After a slight pause, the rapid breath-regulating exercise in his body began to absorb this kind of spiritual power to feed back to himself.Turning around and looking at Wan Gang and Shi Jinming, their expressions did not change at this time, but they both took out the pills and took them first to restore their spiritual power.

When they saw Yi Tian's appearance, they all showed surprise on their faces, and Shi Jinming smiled and said: "I didn't expect that your strength is far better than ours, and you can adapt so quickly after coming to this world." .”

Knowing what he was referring to, Yi Tian replied with a faint smile: "The exercises I practice are designed to be able to properly digest and absorb such ghostly spiritual power for my own use, but it's not as efficient as in the hell world."

Wan Gang also showed envy and said: "You Daoist Yi is really powerful. For example, Shi Jinming and I have to get used to it every time we come to this world. The refutation of force will also cause some spiritual disorder."

"Spiritual power disorder," Yi Tian frowned slightly and then slowly relaxed after hearing this: "So the two lower realm true fairy avatars will have corresponding problems after they come here, right?"

"It is estimated that our situation should be similar to ours, but they must have other coping methods due to their extraordinary strength. Generally speaking, they are still much stronger than us," Wan Gang replied.

"I've noticed that this world is full of ghostly powers, and the power of ordinary moves is bound to be greatly reduced due to environmental factors," Yi Tian continued: "And as far as I know, the higher the level of supernatural powers, the more powerful they are. The more restricted it is in the environment of refutation."

"I hope so," Wan Gang nodded and echoed, "I can predict what fellow Yi Daoist is thinking, but that's for later when we finish exploring the fragments of the fairy world."

Nodding his head, Yi Tian replied: "Indeed, it's better to visit the guards of Huangquan now, I expect Wan Zhongliu will definitely have a lot of things to say to me."

Wan Gang took out a jade slip of a map that he had prepared a long time ago and sent it over: "The power of Huangquan guards is now mainly distributed in 'Huangquan Valley', 'Naihe County', and 'Heishui County'. .”

"Oh, why did the Huangquan guards disperse their forces so widely?" Yi Tian asked.

"Yan Wenjing, the Great Elder of the Yellow Spring Guard, lives in the 'Yellow Spring Valley', and Wan Zhongliu, the family ancestor, presides over the overall situation in the 'Naihe County'. The current Nether Dynasty is there," Wan Gang explained.

"Why do the people of the current Nether Dynasty live in 'Naihe County', but where is 'Heishui County' where the Huangquan guards are stationed?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

"Fellow Daoist Yi doesn't know about this matter. 'Heishui County' is the main trading area of ​​Huangquan Guard, but there are many people here and there may be many spies mixed in. In view of this The Huangquan guards set this place as an area limited to low-level monks to communicate," Wan Gang said: "After all, the Huangquan guards, as a big force in the netherworld, need a fixed exchange of trade materials to support their children just like the sects of the spirit world. The troops of Ban Dynasty."

"It seems that the current Nether Dynasty is shabby enough, and can only rely on the trade of 'Heishui County' to maintain its daily operations," Yi Tian said disdainfully.

Shi Jinming, who was on the side, opened his mouth and said: "Yi Daoyou, you don't know, these two place names sound like county-level names, but the area they occupy is compared to your spirit world. The residence of any of the major sects in the world is not far behind."

"I see," Yi Tian replied thoughtfully.

"Let's go, hurry up, here is a long way from 'Naihe County', and it will take us several days to continue flying," Wan Gang said, turned around, selected a direction, and was ready to leave.

"Don't worry, the three of you are spending a lot of time flying like this, so let's use flying vehicles," Yi Tian said, taking out the small assault boat and holding it in his hand, then he stretched out his hand and waved the spiritual weapon in his hand, which turned into aura and flew out.

With a sound of 'swish', a [-]-foot-long and [-]-foot-wide assault boat appeared in front of the three of them, and the three of them entered the cabin one by one after the surrounding lights flashed.Then it was agreed that everyone would take turns driving so as to save unnecessary spiritual power consumption.

After ten breaths, the airborne assault boat flickered with aura, and then cast a white halo to protect the hull, and then galloped away with all its strength, at a speed no slower than that of a monk in the middle stage of integration when he fully exerted his escapism.

In the cabin, Shi Jinming drove first, and then Yi Tian and Wan Gang sat down by the round table in the living room in the middle of the main cabin.After calming down a bit, Yi Tiancai asked, "Which place shall we go first?"

"My family ancestor has received my message a long time ago, and he should be waiting in the imperial city in 'Naihe County' at this time," Wan Gang said.

"The Huangquan guards made such a big noise because they were building the palace and opening up a foreign trade area, so it is unexpected that they have not been eradicated by the Emperor Youming," Yi Tian joked.

"In fact, Yan Wenjing, the great elder of the guards of Huangquan, came forward to fight for a great living space for the people below," Wan Gang said, "It's just that his lifespan is not endless and will always be exhausted."

"I've also heard a little bit about this matter, but the relationship between Yan Wenjing and Naruokuang is really close, and he is one of the scattered souls of the former Emperor Youming," Yi Tian sighed.

"I can also predict what Yi Daoyou is worrying about." Wan Gang said with a straight face: "Speaking of which, I have also met that big man. If it weren't for him to take the initiative to check and balance the madness, I am afraid that in the Netherworld The current situation will not be so peaceful.”

"But now I'm very interested in the ferocious body," Yi Tian changed the subject and said, "I don't know if you Wan Daoist have any opinions on this?"

Wan Gang shook his head with a wry smile on his face when he heard the words: "I'm just hearing about the specific situation, but I've never seen the savage deity. I'm afraid I can only ask my ancestors at this time."

Although there was this conjecture long ago, Yi Tian also felt helpless when it was confirmed from Wan Gang's mouth.Then he asked again: "Wan Daoist friend, have you ever come into contact with that Nether boy, is there anything special about this beast?"

"Fellow Daoist Yi asked the right person about this matter," Wan Gang thought for a while and replied, "Actually, I have only met Nether Boy a few times, but I really found some strange things about him."

"Oh, I don't know what you found?" Yi Tian asked hurriedly with a smile on his face.

"It's about the soul," Wan Gang said, "At first, I only knew that the Nether boy was the clone of the Emperor Youming, and it was different from the clone that was taken away by the Biluo Yaoji."

"I have explained to you the matter of Biluo Yaoji before, but please explain the situation of Nether Boy in detail," Yi Tian asked hastily.

"Innate Spirit Seed," Wan Gang said with a stern expression after the term popped out of his mouth, "I think the Nether Boy is a type of avatar formed by the ferocious deity after refining the Innate Spirit Seed and infusing it with divine thoughts."

"Why do fellow Taoists say this? Have you noticed any special attributes on him?" Yi Tian asked, "If you use the innate spirit seed to pour into the spiritual sacrifice to refine the avatar, it will definitely retain the original spirit seed attribute. Yes, it’s just that I didn’t notice anything unusual after seeing it from a distance last time?”

"I can only say it's just a guess," Wan Gang said, "The main reason is that I found that the Nether Boy was obviously suppressed by the spiritual power of the plane after entering the hell world, which is different from ordinary people, although I only saw it in the hell world. He makes one shot but he is stronger in the Nether Realm."

"Environmental factors restrict the 'Innate Spirit-Seed'," Yi Tian blurted out after thinking for a while, "I just don't know what the 'Innate Spirit-Seed' is, and if you know the exact information, you will be able to deal with it in the future. Much more convenient."

"You should ask your ancestors for verification on this matter. I believe he can tell the difference with his eyesight," Wan Gang said, "And you said that the news that Bi Luo Yaoji wants to get rid of the shackles of madness is accurate. Once everyone It's a situation where there is no end to death. Yi Daoyou, you have eradicated the four furious clones one after another, but you can't find his body, which has left infinite hidden dangers."

Knowing Wan Gang's worries, Yi Tian said seriously: "From the analysis of the information given by Biluo Yaoji, what she said is at least [-]% credible. Now I need Fellow Daoist Wan to send someone to Naluo Imperial City to check and see. Is it consistent with what Biluo Yaoji said?"

"It's easy," Wan Gang took out a communication jade talisman, wrote down the talisman on it, activated it and sent it out, and then said: "There are also many dark sons of our clan in the imperial city of Naluo, so I will let you They mobilized to investigate the cause of this matter, if it is really as Biluo Yaoji said, how should we deal with this matter?"

"Of course it's a quick decision. Now is not the best time to face the madness. We can wait until the Nether Boy is removed and returned to this world," Yi Tian replied with a smile.

"How can you see that?" Wan Gang asked.

"There must be a very serious problem with the violent body, so he will tolerate me again and again," Yi Tian explained: "Actually, I am also constantly testing the other party's bottom line, getting rid of the Nether boy. , coupled with Biluo Yaoji's rebellion, there is actually no one who can use it. Taking advantage of his illness to kill him, how can such a good opportunity be missed in vain."

(End of this chapter)

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