
Chapter 2204 Meeting

Chapter 2204 Meeting
After several days of continuous sailing of the assault boat in the sky of the nether world, Yi Tian's spiritual sense noticed that there were a large number of monks' activities thousands of miles away.Divine Sense probed out again and found that the assault boat was flying towards a huge town.

Speaking of which, the land area of ​​this comprehension town is not much worse than the three main cities of the spirit world.Unexpectedly, the "Naihe County" mentioned by Wan Gang has such a large area, which is beyond my imagination.

Turning around, I saw Wan Gang turning his serious eyes, and then said: "Speaking of which, this 'Naihe County' was originally one of the two capitals of the previous Nether Dynasty, and it was originally built on a large spiritual vein. town."

"Aren't the guards of Huangquan afraid of Huangquan sending people to inquire about such a big scene?" Yi Tian tried to ask.

Wan Gang said with a faint smile: "Speaking of such a big scene, it is naturally impossible to cover everything, but the entire comprehension town is mainly descended from the descendants of the guards of Huangquan. Moreover, most of the foreign monks only have cultivation bases below the transformation stage. Basically, it is impossible to get half a step closer to the imperial city."

Speaking of the imperial city, Yitian opened his mind and swept across the entire "Naihe County", and randomly found a palace building with a radius of thirty miles in the northwest of the town, backed by mountains.

At this time, the assault boat flew straight towards that place under Wan Gang's control. Along the way, it was found that many low-level monks in the city built caves to guard the entire imperial city.

After Yi Tian's eyes glanced over, he had an idea in his heart. The caves of these low-level monks didn't seem to be opened at will. Looking at the overall situation, they have laid out defensive formations.Once a foreign enemy invades, you can launch a formation defense to defend the imperial city.

High above the sky, the assault boat traveled unimpeded and no one found its whereabouts.After flying to the top of the imperial city, Wan Gang directly sacrificed a messenger jade talisman and flew down to the hall of the imperial city below.

The forbidden light film above the Shaoqing imperial city slowly fell, and then the main gate of the palace hall opened wide.Three rays of light descended from the sky to the entrance of the palace hall, and waiters who had been waiting for them rushed forward to greet them after they settled down.

Yi Tian opened his mind slightly and found that there was only one high-ranking monk in the imperial city at this time. It was Wan Zhongliu who had seen in the demon world back then.

After passing through the main hall, the three of them were led directly to the corridor passage of the apse, and after passing through the passage, they arrived at the gate of the royal garden.A waiter came forward and said respectfully, "Senior Yi, please follow me. The ancestor has been waiting in the imperial garden for a long time."

After nodding his head, Yi Tian stepped forward to follow. As for Wan Gang and Shi Jinming, they were arranged to rest in another elegant garden.

After entering the imperial garden, Yi Tian checked, and there was a pavilion not far away, only Wan Zhongliu was sitting in it.I thought he would bring Yin Wenjing to meet him face to face, but Yi Tian's face changed slightly when he recalled the divination by Yan Ruilin back then. It is estimated that Wan Zhongliu must have known a lot of divination content and then adjusted his strategy .

Shao Qing waited to guide Yi Tian to the outside of the pavilion, and the waiter behind him hurriedly retreated.At this time, Wan Zhongliu, who was sitting in the inner room, stood up and said: "Yi Daoyou came from a long way, please take a seat, I have been waiting here for a long time."

"Fellow Daoist Lao Wan has been waiting for a long time," Yi Tian also stretched out his hand and walked forward slowly.The moment I stepped into the gazebo, I suddenly felt in a trance, and suddenly thousands of thoughts came to my mind.After quietly practicing his skills to stabilize his mind, Yi Tian scanned his mind and found that there seemed to be a sealing formation in the gazebo here, and he was drawn by this formation just now to show such signs.

Yi Tian came back to his senses in an instant, and Wan Zhongliu, who glanced at Wan Zhongliu in front of him, didn't know what he meant.It was the latter who laughed and said, "You Daoist Yi, please ask the old man Rong to explain slowly."

Walking forward slowly, he found an empty seat in front of Wan Zhongliu and sat down, only to hear him say: "This place was originally the imperial garden of the former Emperor Youming, and the formations around it are used to temper the state of mind. "

"So that's the case, I'm very happy to see you Wan Daoist today after so many years," Yi Tian replied politely.

"Fellow Daoist Yi is very pleased to be here today," Wan Zhongliu said, "The message my brother left me back then mentioned that in the future, the guards of Huangquan and the new Nether Dynasty will need the full support of fellow Daoists."

"Could it be that Fellow Daoist Wan's brother is Fellow Daoist Hide?" Yi Tian asked with a look of surprise on his face. He didn't expect that the two were still brothers.

"Senior brother is Ning Ruilin," Wan Zhongliu said with a sigh, "Presumably senior brother also relied on disturbing fellow Daoist Yi during the catastrophe in the spirit world."

Thinking of the time when he had acquainted with Han Ruilin during the disaster in the spiritual world, Yi Tian also had a sigh of relief on his face.Speaking of which, I owed him a huge favor to take the risk of coming to the Netherworld to deal with such trivial matters.

After thinking about it, he said with emotion: "Although I didn't have many encounters with Fellow Daoist Yuan back then, it can be said that it is because of my confidant."

"Scholars die for their confidantes, I think senior brother should have had such an idea back then," Wan Zhongliu said inappropriately.

Yi Tian naturally knew the meaning of the other party's words, and then smiled lightly: "Voting Li Baoxiao is what people in my generation should do, not to mention that I am also a person who promises a thousand gold, and it is inevitable to be entrusted with loyalty. Yes, friend Wan Dao, please rest assured."

After hearing this, Wan Zhongliu's face became happy and he said: "Yi Daoyou said seriously, you just do your best in everything, it's up to man to make things happen."

Then the two exchanged their cultivation experience after some pleasantries, and then Yi Tian took out a jade slip and handed it over, and then said: "Please read it first, Fellow Daoist Wan, it contains the detailed plan I have planned this time."

After taking the hand, Wan Zhongliu put it on his forehead and quickly read through it with his divine sense, during which time his eyes showed shock.Wan Zhongliu put away the jade slips in his hand after reading back and forth for more than half a minute, but sighed and said: "I didn't expect that the plan could not keep up with the changes, and now there are real immortals from the lower realm to disrupt the situation, friend Daoist Yi, see the end How sure are you?"

"You don't know Daoist Wan. Before, I was only [-]% sure of dealing with Rage," Yi Tian said indifferently, "But now it's at least [-]% or [-]%. Plus I know more about Rage's avatar, I feel that it's a success The possibility of it is at least [-]% certain.”

"Since Daoist Yi, you have all the plans, let's go ahead and do it," Wan Zhongliu said with a serious expression on his face: "Brother said in the last jade slip before he died, 'I will guard the future destiny of Huangquan and Yi. Fellow Daoists are closely related, one prospers and the other loses, so please do not hesitate."

Speaking of this matter, Yi Tian had a plan on his mind, and hurriedly asked: "May I ask if the jade slip sent back by Fellow Daoist Nao can be viewed next time?"

After hearing this, Wan Zhongliu's face was slightly startled, and after a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, he reached out and took out a jade slip and handed it over, "Please Daoist Yi, please have a look."

Taking the jade slip and spreading it in the palm of his hand, Yi Tian glanced at it and was surprised to find that there was no result of Divination in the spirit world, but simply wrote a few sentences, and the first sentence was exactly the same as before. What Wanzhong said in his mouth.

At the bottom of the article, there is also a short sentence about the Nether Dynasty, 'the second son should be established'.Yi Tian frowned slightly, thinking of the royal blood test he had done when he met Wan Zhongliu, and said later: "Could there be any changes in the Nether Dynasty?"

"Since this is the result of divination by senior brother using the remaining lifespan, it makes sense," Wan Zhongliu sighed and said, "Thanks to the idea of ​​separate cultivation that fellow Daoist Yi showed back then, the trend of the new Nether Dynasty has already changed." It's become clear, and I'm just doing my best, and the future can only be faced by the younger generations themselves."

"With the current situation of the Nether Dynasty, if there is a head-on conflict with the madness, it will inevitably affect the current royal family. Doesn't Fellow Daoist Wan have any ideas about this?" Yi Tian asked.

"Since Hyun Wenjing is the chosen one, he should have his awareness," Wan Zhongliu said with a serious face, "Actually, fellow Daoist Yi, you sent Hyun Wenchang to Jiuxian Mountain back then, wasn't it just for defense? "

Xiao Jiujiu Yitian, who was pointed out by Wan Zhongliu, naturally felt that his face was a little bit uneasy, but fortunately, the other party didn't have any intention of pursuing it. Instead, he said with a smile: "Actually, I have already found someone to predict the fate of my second son. They are both He is extremely valuable, but Wen Jing's fate is too weak to be the emperor, and his existence is just to cover up his younger brother."

Sure enough, the other party also saw his plan early in the morning, but he didn't make it clear because of his feelings.However, today's visit can be regarded as exchanging ideas with each other before the war, and speaking out our ideas openly and honestly is also to eliminate the barriers so that we will not have any scruples when we make a move in the future.

Thinking about it, Yi Tian showed a little shame on his face and said: "Please forgive me, Daoist Wan, I also had a little selfishness back then, so I recommended Wen Wenchang to Jiuxian Mountain."

"You Daoist Yi don't need to worry about it," Wan Zhongliu said, "Actually, in this matter, you have helped Wenchang and the guards of Huangquan. I am grateful that you have no time to complain."

"That's good," Yi Tian said indifferently: "There is still one thing I want to consult with Fellow Daoist Wan."

"Yi Daoyou, but it's okay to say?" Wan Zhongliu said back.

"Do you know the situation of Yan Wenjing, the elder guarding Huangquan?" Yi Tian said solemnly: "He is a reincarnation of the former Emperor Youming. If I am not wary, it is completely impossible."

Wan Zhongliu nodded frequently and said, "I've already thought about this in my heart, since you brought it up, I'll just say it straight."

"Please listen to the words of Fellow Daoist Wan," Yi Tian said.

"Yan Wenjing is actually my master. Although he was born in the Huangquan tribe, he still devoted himself to revitalizing the Nether Dynasty after his spiritual awakening," Wan Zhongliu explained.

Hearing this, Yi Tian's complexion changed slightly. He didn't expect that there would be such a relationship between Yan Wenjing and Wan Zhongliu.Moreover, Wan Zhongliu knew what Yan Wenjing was thinking.

I only heard him continue to say: "Actually, the former Nether Emperor was not useless. At least in the era when he ruled the Three Realms, the various ethnic groups got along harmoniously despite the strict hierarchy."

"I don't agree with this statement," Yi Tian interrupted: "Actually, after traveling through the hell world for a while, I found that there are still many small thoughts among the major races, at least 5 years ago. Everyone getting along well is also the appearance of being unable to resist under the power of the Nether Emperor."

"Maybe just as Daoyou Yi said, the master wants to revitalize the Nether Dynasty and reproduce the great events of the year, but he knows that the previous Nether Emperor's actions will inevitably lead to the end of disintegration," Wan Zhongliu continued.

"That's natural. If you use your strength to conquer others, it is already a great thing for a tyrant to last for thousands of years," Yi Tian said: "If you still use the old method to deal with new things, it will not be accepted by today's people. of."

"Exactly, this is also the biggest difference between Master and Luankuang," Wan Zhongliu said helplessly, "Actually, the strength of the two of them is almost the same. To put it bluntly, Master's strength should still be slightly better than Luankuang."

"It's probably because the two are doing different ways, and the madness will become stronger after absorbing a lot of scattered souls," Yi Tian tried to ask.

"Yi Daoyou expected it well. The former Emperor Youming originally wanted to be resurrected through the reunion of scattered souls, but what he didn't expect was that after the scattered souls escaped into reincarnation, the three souls and seven souls would evolve independently after tens of thousands of years. different ideas," Wan Zhongliu said with a smile: "This is also where the differences in the current issue lie. If there is a complete soul, it should not produce the current situation."

"Speaking of which, the current Nether Dynasty should also be the descendant of the Nether Great Emperor, and the madness must have some scruples about this," Yi Tian asked.

"Isn't it? If he wants to completely annihilate the Nether Dynasty, it is not impossible, but in this way, he will cut off his own blood lineage," Wan Zhongliu said, "Actually, I think he is also very helpless about this." , Kill and cannot be killed, but if you don't kill, you will not get the orthodox status recognized by the tribe."

"So the current situation in the Nether Realm is not so much fought by Yan Wenjing, as it is the product of the final compromise between the two parties after the madness had some scruples," Yi Tian said.

"That's right, I don't know how long this situation will continue," Wan Zhongliu said, "It wasn't until you invited me to the demon world that you identified the orthodox heir of the Nether Dynasty, and the situation began to tilt."

"Also, I guess Yan Wenjing's lifespan is not much left. If you don't seek changes, I'm afraid you will be the guards of Huangquan in the future," Yi Tian said.

"Originally, the master still wanted to meet you, but considering that your trip to the fragments of the fairy world is approaching, he gave up the idea for the time being," Wan Zhongliu said.

Hearing that Yan Wenjing wanted to see him again, he must have something to say, and the trip to the fragments of the fairy world was just an excuse.Yi Tian was about to reply, but saw Wan Zhongliu took out a picture bead and handed it over: "Everything the master wants to say has been recorded in it, and you can check it yourself later."

(End of this chapter)

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