
Chapter 2205 Open

Chapter 2205 Open

After reading Yan Wenjing's biography on the jade slips, Yi Tian suddenly fell into silence. The content of the jade slips is not much but it does reflect Yan Wenjing's thoughts.As the great elder guarding the underworld, he fought against the madness of the Nether Emperor, and the two had known each other since the stage of transforming gods.Although they are all scattered souls of the former Emperor Youming, they are completely opposite in concept.

One is keen on recovering scattered souls and recasting divine souls to act domineeringly, while the other thinks that the method of the past is not advisable, and the Netherworld should be informed of the kingly way through the transfer of dynasties.

At this point, the differences in ideas between the two led to tens of thousands of years of entanglement, but judging from the content of this jade slip, the entanglement between the two has almost reached its limit.Yan Wenjing's lifespan has almost come to an end, and now he is relying on secret arts to forcibly maintain it.

However, it was not the case for Luankuang. In this jade slip, Yan Wenjing wrote that he guessed that Luankuang should have practiced a kung fu technique similar to concentrating the soul and refining the body.Because after absorbing the power of scattered souls, his body could not bear such a huge power of soul, so he might recast his physical body.

This kind of description also coincides with the information conveyed by Bi Luo Yaoji. Only with a powerful spirit and a matching physical body can it exert its greatest power.

Now it seems that the weakness of the madness is also here, but I don't know how long this situation will last.I originally wanted to see Yan Wenjing, but now it seems unnecessary. He should be in a state of the living dead now.

Putting this piece of jade away, Jian Tian reorganized his thoughts and said, "I understand the contents of the Great Elder's letter, everything should be discussed step by step after I return from the trip to the fragments of the fairy world."

"May I ask how sure you are that Daoist Yi can advance to the Mahayana stage?" Wan Zhongliu asked suddenly.

"[-]% to [-]%," Yi Tian thought for a while and replied: "It all depends on chance. If you find a suitable opportunity in the fragments of the fairy world, it may not be difficult to pass that hurdle naturally."

"[-]% to [-]% is enough," Wan Zhongliu said with a smile after hearing this, "Usually, if a peak monk in the later stage of fusion wants to advance to the Mahayana stage, he is only [-]% sure. Fellow Daoist Yi is really powerful, so I am waiting for your good news here Bar."

"Thank you fellow daoist, I already know everything I need to know, so it's time to say goodbye," Yi Tian stood up and bowed his hands.

Wan Zhongliu also hurriedly got up to see them off, and after half a moment, he left the main gate of the imperial city and saw that Wan Gang and Shi Jinming were already waiting.After seeing Wan Zhongliu, the two also hurried forward to pay a visit, and the latter whispered a few words in their ears.Wan Zhongliu's words did not hide his intentions, and Yi Tian could tell that the meaning in his words was basically that he should not be too oppressive about the Huangquan clan, after all, there is Yan Wenjing's relationship.

As for whether Wan Gang and Shi Jinming listened to it, it's up to two people to say, but they promised in person that they would not punish the Huangquan tribe to death, and at least they would set aside an area for them to recuperate.

After saying goodbye to Wan Zhongliu, the three of them got up and drove the assault boat towards the depths of the Netherworld. According to the map, the entrance to the fragments of the Luotian Immortal Palace was not fixed.However, the general range is within a radius of more than 50 miles of the Dungeon Mountain Range, and the most likely places to appear are the three places of 'Secret Spring Valley', 'Yinfeng Gorge' and 'Yuanjian'.

In the main cabin of the assault boat, Yi Tian took out the animal skin map in his hand and shared the information with the two of them.After scanning the map in front of him with his spiritual sense, Wan Gang was startled for a moment, then sighed and said: "Sure enough, it belongs to the immortal family. The material of this map is probably cut from the descendants of ancient immortal beasts. I can The remaining aura detected from above is definitely not weaker than that of a monk in the fit period."

After hearing this, Shi Jinming stretched out his divine sense and swept it over with a look of admiration on his face, but he was more concerned about the content marked on the animal skin map.After looking at it, he opened his mouth and said: "To be honest, we have been to these three places last time, but we didn't find any traces of the entrance of the fragments of the fairy world. This time, we will not return without success."

"Probably not," Yi Tian replied with a smile, "I have inspected this animal skin map several times, and found that this thing is not as simple as a map."

"How do you say that?" Wan Gang asked puzzled.

"Do you know where the information about the entrance to the fragments of the fairy world originally came from?" Yi Tian asked.

"Of course it's the news from the Nether Boy," Wan Gang replied.

"And the Nether Boy is the furious avatar, and he is one of the scattered souls of the former Nether Emperor. Although he is a main soul, he cannot preserve the memory of his previous life intact unless all the scattered souls are collected. That's it," Yi Tian said.

"Then I don't know what Yi Daoyou means?" Wan Gang asked hastily.

"The information in the furious memory is incomplete, and the entrance to the fragment of the fairy world still needs a key to open it." Yi Tianda pointed to the map in front of him meaningfully and said: "I have studied this animal skin map before. Originally, this thing There is a big problem, and it may be the key to finding the exact location of the entrance."

"Isn't this nonsense? Didn't you record three marks on your map, and I think all three of them may be the location of the entrance," Shi Jinming said without reason.

"Fellow Daoist Shi's words are wrong. I think what You Daoist Yi means is that besides guiding the direction, this animal skin map itself is the key to open the entrance." Wan Gang said with a serious face, "I don't know if what I said If it is correct, I ask Fellow Daoist Yi to enlighten me."

Yi Tian said with a smile on his face: "I don't dare to teach you, but what Fellow Daoist Wan said coincides with what I think in my heart. The material of this map itself is not ordinary, and the traces on it are at least tens of thousands of years old." It's been a long time. Furthermore, I noticed that this animal skin seems to have a faint echo with a certain place, and this feeling became more obvious when I put it together."

"Then what are you waiting for, let's leave quickly and find the entrance of the fragment of the fairy world directly by induction," Shi Jinming responded hastily.

"I don't think it's that simple, otherwise You Ming Boy wouldn't say that he deliberately gathered six people to go together," said Wan Gang who was on the side with a slight frown.

Nodding his head, Yi Tian also quite recognized this, remembering that he mentioned before that the Nether boy would find five monks of the same level to participate in every trip.Although he couldn't find the entrance in the end, it can be seen from this point alone that the entrance needs the strength of six people to open it.

Now that this exploration has been disrupted by himself, there are two more clones of lower realm true immortals. Including the three people from the Nether Boy, a total of eight people participated in this matter.

Thinking about it, Yi Tian replied: "Actually, the fuzzy memory of the previous life gave us a lot of opportunities, at least he can't do anything to us in this matter."

"Then we have to find the location of the entrance," Shi Jinming said.

After sacrificing Dao Lingguang, he stretched out his hand and pointed to the animal skin map in front of him, and Yi Tian manipulated it to stop in mid-air.Slowly, there was a slight buzzing sound from the animal skin map, and the three of them noticed the problem with a flash of light.Shaoqing Wan just said: "I am familiar with the terrain in the Netherworld, let me drive the assault boat, and I should be able to find clues quickly by following the induction."

After finishing speaking, he jumped to the front of the console in the main cabin, took Shi Jinming's place, and then controlled the assault boat to fly straight towards the dungeon mountain range.

As the assault boat continued to gallop in the air, the three of them found that the closer they got to the dungeon mountain range, the stronger the induction on the animal skin map.But after flying for a while, when Wan just tried to correct the direction, he found that the induction had changed, so he resumed the original route again.

Yi Tian stretched out his divine mind and checked it. The outside world is unfamiliar and he doesn't know where he is.Then the divine mind withdrew and asked: "Wan Taoist friend, where are we heading in roughly?"

"It's in the direction of 'Secluded Spring Valley', but I tried to correct the course to go to 'Yinfeng Gorge' before, but the induction of the animal skin map seems to be weakened," Wan Gang replied.

"Okay, then keep heading towards 'Youquan Valley'," Yi Tian thought for a while and replied.

"The three land boundaries are roughly [-] to [-] miles apart. From the map, they should be connected to form a land boundary with a radius of [-] miles," Wan Gang said.

"I don't know if you have investigated the situation in this area before," Yi Tian asked.

"We've searched for everything we need, and last time we did a blanket search and didn't see anything unusual," Shi Jinming sighed and said, "Don't waste your efforts this time. .”

"Shut your crow's mouth," Wan Gang scolded, "Can today be compared with last time? With the guidance of the map, I think this time there will be a harvest."

Hearing this, Shi Jinming shut his mouth wisely, but there was still a suspicious look on his face.

Three days later, when the assault boat came over the 'Youquan Valley', the three of Yi Tian got out of the spaceship and went outside.After scanning the spirit thoughts around, I found that there is no big difference between this place and other places except that the ghost power is stronger.

However, the animal skin map in front of him kept beeping, Yi Tian and the two winked and said: "Go down and have a look, I think this map will guide us in the right direction."

Afterwards, the three of them fell to a hundred feet above the 'Youquan Valley', and Yi Tian found that the animal skin map in his hand suddenly flew out of his hand and flew towards the edge of a cliff as if out of control.

After ten breaths, the animal skin map stood still in front of a dense bush that stretched for more than ten miles. Wan Gang glanced over and asked, "Could it be that there is a problem in this bush?"

"I think there should be a mark on the stone wall behind the bushes, and it should be a node of a large-scale formation," Yi Tian said, stretching out his hand and shoveling open a ten-foot-sized space in the bushes in front of him, and then stretched out his hand Pointing: "Is there any problem with your driving?"

Following the direction of the fingers, the two of them passed their spiritual thoughts and found a three-inch mark left on the landmark, which was the trace of the node of the Dao array pattern.It is estimated that over tens of thousands of years, the overgrown trees have covered it up, so that the key point was not found even after many investigations led by the Nether Boy.

Flying forward, Yi Tian held the animal skin and poured spiritual power into it. After three breaths, a black aura flew out of the animal skin and hit the mark directly.The imprint was activated in an instant, and there was a muffled sound from the ground of the entire 'Valley of the Netherworld', which lasted for ten breaths before stopping.

Later, Yi Tian said with a serious face: "This is the node of the junior talent formation, so it seems that there should be the same node in 'Yinfengxia' and 'Yuanqiu'."

"Then what are we still doing in a daze, let's go directly, wouldn't we be able to enter the fragments of the fairy world one day earlier by activating these formation nodes," Shi Jinming exclaimed happily.

But Yi Tian was unmoved, but a thoughtful look flashed across his face.After thinking about it, he said lightly: "It's not that simple. I guess the activation of these three nodes is just the first step. The location of the entrance must not be in these three places."

"I believe that Daoyou Yi is a great expert in formations and must have researched it," Wan Gang hastily echoed.

After hearing this, Shi Jinming also showed some impatience on his face and hurriedly asked: "Then shall we go to the other two places?"

"Go, of course." Yi Tian said decisively: "And you have to inform the Nether Boy and others."

"Why?" Shi Jinming asked puzzled.

"I remember that the problem of six people shooting at the same time mentioned by Youming Boy lies in this," Wan Gang said inappropriately: "I guess the first part is missing from Youming Boy's memory, so it appears that he can't find the entrance. Case."

"That's right," Yi Tian said, "Even if I have the key in my hand to open the three formation nodes, I still have to find six monks in the fusion period to open it at the entrance."

"Then why? Didn't you say that this is a junior formation?" Shi Jinming said, "Don't lie to me, I know how to do this formation."

Yi Tian smiled and shook his head and said: "Don't be anxious, Fellow Daoist Shi. I just have some doubts in my heart. What kind of person can spend such a large amount of money to set up such a large formation within a radius of [-] miles here."

"I guess there are only people like Mahayana monks, but as far as I know, the former Emperor Youming doesn't seem to be proficient in this way. There should be other Mahayana monks to help," Wan Gang said.

"It should be, when I see the pattern of the forbidden barrier at the entrance, I can know what the formation is," Yi Tian said.

Afterwards, the three of them directly jumped onto the assault boat and drove towards the two places of 'Yinfeng Gorge' and 'Yuanjian'.Sure enough, under the induction of the animal skin map, they found the exact location of the junior formation node within a radius of a thousand miles of these two places.

Yi Tian didn't say much and shot directly to activate these nodes. After a weak vibration came from the ground, the three nodes simultaneously shot out a spiritual light into the sky, and then converged to one point and fell.When Yi Tian saw it, he looked overjoyed and said: "Follow and see, it should be the exact location of the entrance."

(End of this chapter)

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