
Chapter 2207 Waiting 1

Chapter 2207 Waiting One
The spiritual power in the nether world is originally relatively dark, but the dark spiritual power in this world is more intense on the day of the 'halo day'.However, the extremes of things must be reversed, and the spiritual power attribute reaches the moment of darkness, and the yin will be destroyed and the yang will be born. During this period, there will be signs of extreme spiritual chaos.

You Ming Boy should have remembered such a situation in his previous life memory, so he gathered all the people and searched around on the 'Moon Halo Day'.But he is just one of the scattered souls of the former Nether Emperor, so the memory of his previous life is not complete and he cannot find the exact entrance.

After activating the three formation nodes of the Sancai formation, Yi Tian found out that the Asura ban formation was set up here after finding the marked position guided by the formation.Only this kind of formation requires six monks of the same rank to open it together.

And because it was not shot by the same person, after opening, because the frequency of the spiritual power is not coordinated, a passage will be closed after each person enters.All in all, only six people at most can enter the fragments of the fairy world through the formation here.

After realizing this shop, Yi Tian's complexion changed slightly, and he began to think about it, after all, a potential fight is inevitable when there are too many monks and too few food.In any case, I don't want to lose the helper before entering the fairyland fragments, which will be very detrimental to future operations.

There are still a few days until the 'halo day', and it can be added up during this period.After the three of them searched, they found a place with plenty of spiritual energy in the surrounding area and temporarily settled down.

It will be at least a few days before the Nether Boy and others feel it. During this period, everyone can take a break to recover the consumption of spiritual power and adjust their state to the best.

It's just that after sitting down, Yi Tian obviously found that the two people in front of him seemed a little restless.Needless to say, of course, after I explained to them before, both of them have Xiao Jiujiu in their hearts.

After all, there are only six places to enter, and after the two lower realm true immortal avatars occupy two, there are only four vacancies left.And since he and the Nether Boy are obviously stronger than everyone else, there is no doubt that they can get two more places.Calculated in this way, the remaining four people naturally have to rely on their own abilities to fight for the remaining two places.

Naturally, Wan Gang and Shi Jinming in front of them would not match up, and the result was obvious.Wan Gang will definitely choose Yan Qiu, and as for Shi Jinming, he should face off against Old Mo Ghost of the Black Feather Clan.

They all know the basics of their respective opponents, but if they fight before they enter, it is impossible to guarantee that they will not be consumed.It is definitely not a good thing for the next exploration into the fragments of the fairy world.

Knowing what the two of them were thinking, Yi Tian just smiled faintly and then he lowered his head and said a few words to the two through sound transmission.After ten breaths, Shi Jinming and Wan Gang both frowned slightly with surprised expressions on their faces.Later, I heard Wan Gang say: "Is what Yi Daoyou said just now true?"

Shi Jinming also hastily echoed, "Can fellow Daoist Yi really guarantee that we can enter without fighting?"

"That's natural," Yi Tian said with a smile: "Although only six people can enter, I can take action against Mo Laogui of the Black Feather Clan and Yan Qiu of the Huangquan Clan. In this way, you can take the remaining two places Can."

After hearing this, Wan Gang showed some doubts on his face and said: "You Daoist Yi, don't you want to directly offend Boy Youming."

"Anyway, he's going to offend him anyway, not to mention offending once is no different from offending a hundred times," Yi Tian said with a smile.

Shi Jinming said with a smile on his face when he heard the words: "In this way, I will not be disrespectful. I am also relieved to have the words of Yi Daoyou. As for after entering, we will also form an offensive and defensive alliance. As long as it is useful to face the Nether Boy Let me know where I am."

Yi Tian replied with a faint smile: "With the help of Daoist Shi, I believe that this trip to the fragments of the fairy world will definitely be rewarding."

After dismissing Shi Jinming, Yi Tian noticed that although Wan Gang's face was calm, there was always doubt in his eyes.After thinking about it, he lightly transmitted the voice: "I don't know what else is on the mind of Wan Daoyou?"

"You Daoist Yi is worrying too much, but I'm just wondering how you plan to operate?" Wan Gang replied via voice transmission: "As far as I know, Fellow Daoist Yi has never fought an uncertain battle, but I don't know how to deal with it this time. Woolen cloth?"

Yi Tian smiled and said nothing about this, but there was a calm expression on his face.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly discovered in his spiritual sense that there was a wave of spiritual pressure flying towards this place rapidly. After investigating with his spiritual sense, he found that he didn't match up with the people he knew.

Later, Wan Gang who was beside him opened his eyes and said, "It should be the old ghost Moyu from the Black Feather Clan. I didn't expect him to come so fast." Then his eyes turned to Yi Tian, ​​as if he was looking at what to do next. solve.

Yi Tian smiled slightly at first, but he was happy in his heart. He didn't expect that Old Ghost Mo of the Black Feather Clan would arrive first.In this way, it is absolutely impossible for the opponent to escape if he directly strikes.

Just thinking about it, his brows were slightly frowned again, and Yi Tian found that there was a wave of spiritual pressure flying towards here at a distance of [-] miles.The spiritual pressure fluctuations were extremely strong, but he recognized that it should be the true immortal Wu Jue from 'Zi Yu Tian'.It's just that it hasn't been seen for decades that his cultivation base has improved so quickly that it is already comparable to his current cultivation base.

With a sigh in my heart, I didn't expect that the avatars of these real immortals from the lower realm were really powerful, and they could adapt to the spiritual power attribute of the lower realm so quickly.Moreover, Yi Tian did not expect to improve his cultivation so quickly.If they are allowed to go on like this, I am afraid that those Mahayana monks in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit will not be able to restrain them.

Soon Wan Gang and the others also noticed the situation, turned around and glanced over.At this time, it is obvious that both of them have followed Yi Tian's lead.

"Go up and have a look," Yi Tian said, "Maybe there will be a turning point."

The three of them flew up into the sky in an instant, and then they glanced over and found two ray of light flying towards them in the same direction in the distance.It's just that after flying for a few breaths, the two rays of light unexpectedly intertwined, and then there was a fierce collision in the air.After the wave of spiritual pressure was aroused, several light clusters exploded in the surrounding area, and they exploded into chaos all around.

Ten breaths later, there was a figure in the air that fell powerlessly downwards, and another ray of light stopped slightly and continued to fly towards here.

Wan Gang and Shi Jinming, who were in the air, looked livid when they saw it, and then looked at each other, and they both saw the shock in their eyes.The person who fell was none other than Old Ghost Mo of the Black Feather Clan, and both of them knew his strength well.Being able to be solved so easily by someone shows how strong that person is.

(End of this chapter)

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