
Chapter 2208 Waiting 2

Chapter 2208 Waiting II

Originally, Yi Tian was still thinking about how to deal with the Black Feather Clan monk, Old Ghost Mo, but what he didn't expect was that when he came, he ran into Wu Jue, the true immortal from the lower realm.Moreover, the two fought directly after they met on the road. Naturally, Old Ghost Mo's strength was no match for Wu Jue in the mid-stage of fusion.

The two fought against each other in the air, but after a few breaths, the winner was already decided. Later, Mo Laogui's body fell weakly, while Wu Jue continued to fly forward as if he hadn't received anything at all. obstructive look.

This also made Wan Gang and Shi Jinming's expressions tense in the air. They naturally knew the strength of Old Ghost Mo in their hearts.Although they had some understanding of the strength of the true immortals in the lower realm, they did not expect the disparity to be so great.Speaking of which, even if the two of them meet such a true immortal avatar alone in the future, I'm afraid they won't be much better than Old Ghost Mo.

Visually, only Yi Tian or the Nether boy in front of him can fight against him.After thinking about it, the two couldn't help getting together and staring at the light coming from afar with a look of vigilance.

Shaoqing's Wu Juefei fled until he was a hundred feet away in front of the three of them before stopping.Then after the light faded away, he revealed his real face, and saw that his divine sense stretched out and passed the three people in front of him, and then locked on to Yi Tian.Immediately, he flew forward and said, "You boy sent me a message so early, could it be that you found the entrance to the fragments of the fairy world?"

"That's right," Yi Tian replied neither humble nor overbearing: "At the same time, I also sent a message to Senior Changsun Ting. He must be here soon."

Wu Jue was slightly startled when he heard this, and then said in a deep voice: "Could it be that you want to have both sides, if that's the case, then your intentions this time are worthy of scrutiny."

"Hehe, don't blame me, senior. It's just that I knew early on that it would not be easy to enter the shards of the fairy world. I need to gather six monks at the fusion stage to attack at the same time to break the formation," Yi Tian said directly with the excuse he had thought up, It doesn't matter if the other party only thinks of his intentions.Anyway, this matter can be pushed to the question of the entrance to the magic circle.

"Oh, that's right, just take me to see what magic circle it is," Wu Jue said resolutely.

Knowing that they will be informed of this matter sooner or later, Yi Tian stretched out his hand without hesitation and said: "Senior, come with me, and you will know after taking a look at the banning formation over there."

After finishing speaking, he bowed his head and signaled to the two people behind him through sound transmission, telling them to wait on the side for the time being.And after Yi Tian's body flashed with spiritual light, he sacrificed the escape technique and led Wu Jue to fly directly to the forbidden formation at the entrance, and then took out the animal skin map to activate and guide the location of the formation.

Ten breaths later, when the Asura sealing circle appeared again, Wu Juejian who was beside him looked carefully for a while, only to see that his face was livid, as if he knew the problem in his heart.Shaoqing Wujue's face sank and he said: "Okay, I know the formation here."

Although there are not many words, Yi Tian knows that he seems to realize that it is not easy to get in, and he can only open the seal formation by gathering the strength of six people.

Yi Tian looked straight and said: "I have already checked the formation of the Asura clan, even if it is opened, it can only accommodate six people to enter. And every time a person enters the corresponding formation node, it will be blocked again. "

"It seems that you are an expert in formations, but this is somewhat similar to the formations circulated in the Asura world. I am not weak but I have not studied much in formations, so I will reluctantly cooperate with you this time. ,” Wu Jue snorted coldly.

"It's hard to get the approval of the seniors, so I'm very happy," Yi Tianbei said with a smile: "This time, there are only six places to enter, and there are a few other people besides the seniors and the grandsons."

"I don't care about the others, you just need to arrange it yourself," Wu Jue interrupted: "I will go in first, presumably Changsun Ting will not miss it, the remaining four places are allocated by you."

"Okay, since the senior is so straightforward, I will be disrespectful, and I will inform the senior in due course after the big formation is opened," Yi Tian replied.

After hearing this, Wu Jue nodded, then turned around and flew towards an empty mountain top, and after three breaths, he landed safely there and sat cross-legged, adjusting his breath and waiting.

Seeing that after reaching an agreement with Wu Jue, Yi Tian didn't hesitate and went back to the two of them directly and told them all the content of the conversation with them just now.

Wan Gang and Shi Jinming nodded knowingly after hearing this, and then the three of them lowered their heads to sit quietly in the open space on the hillside to recuperate.Anyway, Yi Tian will distribute the rest after removing the quotas of the two true immortals, so he will definitely not suffer any disadvantages.Moreover, Old Mo Ghost of the Black Feather Clan has now fallen, which is tantamount to losing one of the left and right arms of the Nether Boy, and only Yan Qiu of the Huangquan Clan is left.

But Wan Gang seems to have his own opinion on this. After all, Yi Tian also got informed after meeting Wan Zhongliu before.He has also heard a little about the entrustment of Yan Wenjing, the elder of the guardian of Huangquan. Considering this point, at least Yi Tian can't kill Yan Qiu directly.Then the problem arises, how to distribute the seven people who have reserved a quota is a very tricky thing.

After the three of them sat down, Wan Gang lowered his head and asked quietly through voice transmission: "Friend Yi Daoist, how will you deal with Yan Qiu, this person can't be killed, and he can't be driven away."

"You don't need to worry too much about Daoist Wan, you can find your own way, anyway, you just need to be the fourth one to enter," Yi Tian replied confidently, without taking these things to heart at all.

After the four of them waited here for a day, they noticed that there were two spiritual pressure fluctuations coming from the south direction.And these two are of course the Nether Boy and Yan Qiu whom Yi Tian has been waiting for for a long time.

Unexpectedly, the Huangquan Clan is still the closest to the Emperor Youming, but I don't know how Yan Wenjing will feel if he knows about this.Yi Tian sighed slightly at the corner of his mouth, and then said: "They are here, let's greet them politely, after all, there are still many things for the two of them to cooperate."

Wan Gang and Shi Jinming also opened their eyes and gestured to each other, and then the three of them flew into the sky together.After waiting for less than half a moment, I saw two escaping lights rushing towards here.

Zimang flashed in Yi Tian's eyes, and after using the Tianma Pupil, he saw that the leader was the Nether Boy with five short stature.It was exactly the same as the last time I saw it in the forbidden area of ​​the Stone Clan in the hell world, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations on my body didn't seem to have changed much.

Yan Qiu followed a hundred feet away, this old man had a stern face, there was no smile on his face, and his face was sullen the whole time.Thinking about it, Yan Qiu has never taken advantage of himself once since meeting him in the demon world.Over the years, the Huangquan people have also been overwhelmed by the joint confrontation of the three major forces in the hell world. Now they see Wan Gang and Shi Jinming, and naturally they don't have a good face.

And Yi Tian, ​​who was the instigator, was basically hated by him, but now the strength of the two sides has been stretched too far.Yan Qiu can naturally go head-to-head with Wan Gangshi and Jin Ming, but he can't play tricks in front of him.So he can only rely on the line of Nether Boy to survive.

Yi Tian sneered at this, and when the two of them flew to the front and stabilized their figures in the air, Yi Tian said directly: "You two came at the right time, we have been waiting here for a long time. "

While speaking, he skipped over Yan Qiu and locked his divine sense on the boy Youming, only to see that he is only five feet tall and looks like a child.But the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body are not much different from his own, so he is really a formidable enemy.

The eyes flashed, and the Youming Boy stared at him for a long time, and then he said in an old-fashioned tone: "Yi Tian didn't expect your cultivation to improve so fast. It’s much stronger in the middle of the day.”

The voice should be that of the mad deity. I have met him several times before, although I have never seen the deity, but I have heard the voice several times.Immediately, Yi Tian replied with a faint smile: "The avatars of Emperor Youming really have all kinds of appearances, but I guess the one I met in the demon world is the most similar to your deity."

"Hmph, boy, don't be too crazy, don't fall into my hands, or you will bear the consequences," You Ming Boy replied.

Then he stretched out his divine sense and scanned the surrounding area, then asked with a condensed expression: "Where's Old Ghost Mo, didn't he come here first? Could it be that such an important matter will be delayed?"

Yi Tian glanced at him and didn't reply directly, but Shi Jinming, who was on the side, briefly explained everything that happened before.After hearing this, the two people in front of them showed surprise on their faces, and then their spiritual thoughts passed over Wu Jue who was on the side of the mountain.

Yan Qiu's eyes flickered, revealing a thoughtful expression. As for the Nether boy, after looking at his eyes, he withdrew his divine light and snorted coldly: "Forget it, an insignificant guy dies as soon as he dies, but this true fairy from the lower realm showed Their strength gave me a new understanding of them."

The faces of the three people on the side sank when they heard the words. Speaking of the insignificant people in the mouth of the Nether boy, they can also be referred to in other words.On the contrary, Yi Tian looked at the furious avatar in front of him with admiration. He just mentioned the matter of Old Mo, while Boy Youming quickly stretched out his divine sense to explore the area where the two had fought before.The remaining spiritual pressure fluctuations in the air there are still there, and Wu Jue's strength can be judged based on these alone.

In fact, Yi Tian himself stretched out his divine sense early in the morning to investigate the area where the two fought just now.There, it can be clearly felt that there is a residual celestial spirit remaining.Of course, there is also a different kind of atmosphere mixed in, which should be the remnants of Old Mo's supernatural powers.

But in such an environment, the retention of the power of immortality is far better than that of another breath, showing an overwhelming advantage.From this point alone, it can be seen that Old Ghost Mo was forcibly killed after being suppressed from the front by Wu Jue.

Speaking of which, I can do this myself, and it can be done more secretly.

After the Nether boy withdrew his divine thoughts, he asked again: "I have been searching in this world for thousands of years but have not been able to find it. How did you find the entrance to the fairy world?"

Yi Tian smiled, then moved his lips a few times and said a few words via voice transmission, then took out the animal skin map and shook it in front of the two of them.

Wan Gang, who was behind him, had already lowered his head and had a private voice transmission with Yan Qiu, the latter's face changed slightly, and then he looked at the sky in the valley for a few times.

As for the boy Youming, his pupils froze after hearing his voice transmission, as if he remembered something, and after ten breaths, he said, "Purgatory Asura Sealing Formation, why didn't I expect such a large formation to be set up?" .”

It turns out that the 'Purgatory Asura Sealing Formation' was set up outside the entrance of the Fragment of the Immortal Realm, and it seems that it must be related to the Asura Realm.Yi Tian thought about it and said: "Since this is the case, you must know the potential problems and disadvantages of such a closed formation, right?"

Yan Qiu asked inappropriately: "What is the problem?"

"Every time a large formation is activated, six people need to act at the same time, but there are only six places to enter," You Ming Boy explained slowly: "It seems that the qualifications to enter today must be carefully arranged. Otherwise, everyone will argue about it." There will be disputes."

The meaning of what he said couldn't be more obvious. There were originally eight people participating in the six places, but now there are only seven people coming, so there must be one more person who cannot enter.To be honest, among the people present, no one wants to be excluded, but this matter will always fall on someone.

As soon as this remark came out, Yi Tian found that both Wan Gang and Shi Jinming's expressions became tense behind him, and then the two joined hands and stood sideways beside him, the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

As for the Nether boy in front of him, he was slightly taken aback, although he had long been aware of the position of Wan Gang and the others.But in the face of the two of them standing so clearly, You Ming Boy also felt that he couldn't hold his face.However, his city mansion just let out a cold snort and ignored the little actions of the two of them.

Raising his head, the Nether boy asked through voice transmission, "I don't know how you plan to deal with this matter, fellow Yi Daoist. If you don't handle it properly, the next matter of exploring the fragments of the fairy world will be useless."

"Fellow Daoist, don't worry, I can guess what's on your mind, but I can guarantee that the people you brought this time will definitely be able to enter it," Yi Tian replied lightly.

"I hope you keep your word, otherwise no one will get any benefits this time," said You Ming boy, and then flew to the other side of the mountain with Yan Qiu.

After the two left, Yi Tian turned his head and bowed his head to give some instructions to the two behind him. Later, Wan Gang and Shi Jinming also showed relaxed expressions on their faces.

Suddenly, Yi Tian's face was filled with joy, and in his spiritual thoughts, he found that there was a wave of spiritual pressure flying towards this place at a high speed. Looking over the distant mountain top, Wu Jue, who was from Yu Tian, ​​seemed to be aware of it.He jumped into the air and looked towards the distant sky, his eyes showed an extremely dignified color.Speaking of which, the only thing that can make him afraid in this place is the 'Bright Tomorrow' Changsun Ting, who is also a true immortal in the lower realm.

In less than a hundred breaths, a golden ray of light flew across the sky towards this place, and after a while it landed three miles away in front of Wu Jue before he stabilized his figure.

(End of this chapter)

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