
Chapter 2213

Chapter 2213
Not long after entering the Immortal Fragment, Yi Tianfei was the first to meet Changsun Pavilion.And he opened his mouth to invite himself to go to a lake to get the carp dragon liver.

Speaking of which, the carp capable of transforming a dragon in this fragment of the fairy world is also very powerful. After asking, Yi Tian learned that the strength of the carp dragon was about the same as that of the early Mahayana. I can eat it.

However, Yi Tian still gladly accepted the other party's proposal and went to investigate first together. In fact, he also had a lot of doubts in his heart.According to Changsun Ting, the carp dragon has not been transformed into a dragon for a long time, only about 5000 years.Yi Tian read some unusual future from this message.

Originally thought that within the fragments of the fairy world, it was impossible to break through the bottleneck and improve the cultivation base to the next level, but now it seems that this is not the case.In addition, this carp dragon can be cultivated here for tens of thousands of years to transform into a dragon itself, which shows that there is a strong source of fairy spirit under this water area, which can continuously supply it.

With this idea in mind, Yi Tian decided to cooperate with Changsun Ting, and he also wanted to see what is so special about the methods of this true immortal from the lower realm.

The two restrained their breath and came to the sky above the lake. Changsun Ting suggested to let him go down to lure the carp dragon out of the water, and then the two joined forces to defeat the enemy.Regarding this, Yi Tian was naturally very aware of the other party's plan, but he didn't want to turn his face directly, so he agreed.After taking Changsun Pavilion's 'Water-avoiding Bead', he dropped down and dived into the surface of the lake below.

After diving to a depth of [-] feet, Yi Tian found that the spiritual sense seemed to have been isolated, and he could only probe at a depth of [-] feet at most, but he found that he could not locate the exact location of the Changsun Pavilion when he probed upwards.

So far, Yi Tian is not surprised but happy. Before, he was a little worried that he would be watched by Changsun Ting, but now he can act cheaply.

It's just that what Yi Tian never expected was that not long after he dived, there was another ray of light flying towards here not far from the sky.The person who came was Wu Jue from 'Zi Yu Tian', the two lower realm true immortals were not as hostile as imagined, at least they formed a united front here.

Yi Tian dived down and covered his body with water-proof beads to force the lake water away three feet away.Continue to swim down, only to see that there is darkness in front of you, and you can't see your fingers.Yi Tian took out a luminous pearl, but it could only illuminate the waters within ten feet around.

After continuing to sneak down for about a hundred feet, there was still no sign of bottoming out.Seeing this, Yi Tian also showed a cloudy and uncertain look on his face. He didn't expect that the water area is only a thousand miles around, and the bottom of the lake is very deep.And the more you dive down, you can feel the stronger spiritual power of the immortals below the waters.

Just when Yi Tian was puzzled, he suddenly saw a golden light source light up in the black water in front of him.Yi Tian's heart tightened suddenly, and at the same time, he also felt signs of rapid flow in the surrounding waters.

Then the power of the surrounding immortals also began to fuse, and the power of the immortals at the bottom of the lake rushed towards this place frantically.After a dragon's chant sounded from below, water splashed towards his position.

When Yi Tian saw it, he didn't know that he had found the right master, but he couldn't perform [-]% to [-]% of his skills in this water area.Then he turned around directly, and retreated quickly under the flash of inspiration around him.

But in the water, Yi Tian was the carp dragon's opponent, and the speed of the opponent's escape was far faster than expected.Yi Tian's complexion changed slightly, and he reached out and took out the dragon tortoise shield and put it in front of him.

As the divine sense swept across, there was a five-foot-diameter water column in front of him, which hit the spirit weapon immediately after a 'bang' sound.Yi Tian only felt that someone had hit him hard in front of him, and his whole body seemed to be shot directly out of the water.A hundred feet away behind him, a red carp dragon followed closely with its mouth open.

After jumping out of the water, he drew an arc in the air and fell again, but Yi Tian's spiritual sense detected two spiritual pressure fluctuations in the air before falling to the water.One of them is Changsun Ting, while the other is Wu Jue himself.

Fortunately, the two shot directly attracted Lilong's attention. After Yi Tian fell into the water, he didn't make a move immediately but continued to dive, but the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body quickly subsided.

Sudden changes happened at the top, and I happened to be fishing in troubled waters. Since Changsun Ting recruited Wu Jue to help, I didn't need to get involved in the muddy waters.

When the divine mind reached out, it was discovered that a carp dragon in the air was fighting with the two lower realm real fairy clones in front of him.The two sides were happy to fight each other, but Yi Tian twitched the corner of his mouth slightly and then sped up and dived towards the water under the light of the whole body.

After diving to three hundred feet, Yi Tian finally found the bottom of the water, took out the Ye Mingzhu in his hand, and swam forward in a hurry according to the weak light.The power of the celestial beings around here is much richer than that in the water surface, and after Yi Tian swam forward, he found that it seemed to be more concentrated as he went forward.According to the inference in my heart, I should be close to the old lair of the carp dragon, it must have been entrenched there for many years to absorb the power of immortality to reach the realm of dragon transformation.

At this time, Yi Tian felt that there seemed to be waves of spiritual pressure fluctuations coming from the water above his head, which should be the aftermath of the collision of the two methods of spells, and at the same time he heard thunderous sounds in his ears.

It is estimated that I have dived almost a hundred miles under the water, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations produced by those magical powers have also become lighter and lighter.Yi Tian was secretly happy in his heart, this would show that they should have left in the other direction after the fight, at least they were getting farther and farther away from where they were.

In this lake, the divine sense cannot penetrate it, so it is natural that you can let yourself do whatever you want.Taking advantage of the fact that the carp dragon was not in its lair, Yi Tian wanted to plunder it.

Under the circulation of the spiritual power in his body, the trend of escaping speed will be the fastest. Following the source of the power of immortality, Yi Tian soon found the entrance of a cave under the water.Reaching out and raising the Ye Mingzhu, Lai Yitian illuminated the entrance of the cave and glanced over. He saw that the entrance was about five feet high, and he had to keep his head down if he wanted to go in.

The inside was pitch-black, but the divine sense couldn't penetrate into it.But in that cave, from time to time, a little bit of colorful starlight flashed.Although it is very weak, Yi Tian can still detect some clues by relying on the magic pupil technique.

If you don't take advantage of the excellent opportunity when the carp dragon is entangled by the two of you, go in and investigate, I'm afraid you won't have any chance to enjoy this treasure alone.After thinking about it, Yi Tian stretched out his hands and performed the bone shrinking skill to shrink his body to a height of one foot, showing a vivid miniature version of Yi Tian.Then the protective cover transformed by the 'Zhenhai Pearl' around it suddenly lit up and broke into the carp dragon's lair with a 'swish' sound.

This underwater cave extends in all directions, and the more you swim in, the passage becomes narrower.Yi Tian also secretly admired himself for being able to use the bone shrinking skill early to make his body smaller, otherwise it would be really difficult to see the whole picture of the underwater cave.

This underwater cave also extends in all directions and seems to connect hundreds of miles of waters. After Yi Tian swam for about seventy or eighty miles, he found that the faint starlight in the passage in front of him suddenly became brighter.Knowing that he should be looking in the wrong direction, Yi Tian speeded up his swimming and rushed straight towards the passage ahead.Half a moment later, the passage in front of him seemed to have no fork in the surroundings, and the size of the access here had shrunk to less than one foot.

Yi Tian could only lower his head and bend his waist to find the way forward, and after swimming for more than half a mile, the passage became even smaller.At this time, Yi Tian could no longer stand up straight in the passage, and could only move forward in a horizontal manner.

Not long after, I saw a palm-sized white light gate in front of me, and on the rock above the light gate, I saw a few words written in 'golden seal script'.As soon as he stepped forward, stretched out his divine sense and passed those words, Yi Tian's face changed slightly, showing a puzzled expression.I saw "Huanshi Shuixie" written on it, "Is this the entrance to Huanshi Waterside Pavilion?" 'Although he had doubts in his heart, Yi Tian didn't dare to leave directly.

After exploring in this underwater cave for a while, he found nothing, and now facing the entrance of "Huan Shi Shui Pavilion", Yi Tian also made a difficult mistake.

After stopping for a while and thinking about it, Yi Tian still gritted his teeth and stretched out his hands to seal the 'Zhenhai Pearl' and shrank it to three inches in size.At the same time, it also shrank to less than two inches. With a 'swish', the blue aura flashed and directly shuttled through the entrance light gate of the 'Huan Shi Shui Pavilion'.

After three breaths, his eyes dimmed and then brightened, and Yi Tian found that he seemed to have come to another water area.The surrounding waters suddenly lit up, and it didn't look like they were at the bottom of the water. Yi Tian raised his head and looked around, and then saw that he seemed to be at the bottom of a pond.The water here is only three or four feet deep, and the divine sense can be directly protruded.

Looking around, I saw the words 'Mingze Lake' written in 'Golden Seal Script' on the stone wall behind.At that moment, Yi Tian understood in his heart that it was obvious that the 'Mingze Lake' he had sneaked into before, but there was still a carp dragon living at the bottom of this lake.And there is a teleportation light gate in his lair, and the other end is connected to 'Huan Shi Shuishi' that's all.

After savoring the name of this water pavilion carefully, it sounds like those elegant places, maybe this place should be the deepest part of the hinterland of the Luotian Immortal Palace sect.After quietly protruding the divine sense out of the water, Yi Tian swept it back and forth, and after three breaths, he looked overjoyed.The water area here stretches for several miles, and on the east and west sides of the water area there are obviously relics of pavilions and pavilions.

Swimming slowly out of the water, Yi Tian retracted his magical powers and jumped out, the deity flew out after the water-proof barriers around him were broken.He stretched out his hand and put away the 'Zhenhai Pearl'.After falling to the ground, Yi Tian looked around and found that he was in a pavilion.

After walking less than a hundred steps, I looked up and saw a dilapidated plaque with a few words left on it, which read 'Returning Water Pavilion'.

This must be somewhere within the sect of Luotian Immortal Palace, but I don't know how far it is from the main hall of the sect.After looking back at the bottom of the water, Yi Tian understood in an instant that this was obviously the pond where the carp dragon that had not turned into a dragon was raised by the real carp.

I didn't expect that the 'Mingze Lake' is secretly connected to the bottom here. The structure of these fairylands is really unpredictable.A carp can actually have the cultivation base of the Mahayana stage, how strong will the people who raise it be.

After a quick walk around the 'Huanshi Waterside Pavilion', Yi Tian found a flower basket on the aisle of the waterside pavilion.There was a faint flash of inspiration on it, and with great joy in my heart, I hurried forward and glanced at it, and found that there were many yellow powdery things in the flower basket.Reaching out his hand, Yi Tian broke the restriction of the aura on the flower basket, took out some yellow powder, held it in front of his nose and sniffed it.After three breaths, his eyes lit up, and he found that this thing turned out to be fish food for fish.

Speaking of which, such things can only be regarded as common things in the fairy world, but they are incredible treasures in the spirit world.It is naturally a rare and great tonic for aquarium monks, and this flower basket containing fish food is also a treasure that will not be damaged.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian reached out and took the fish food and the flower basket into his bag.Unexpectedly, there would be such a reward from entering and exiting the fragments of the fairy world. At this time, Yi Tian finally swept away the haze of being calculated by Changsun Ting before.

Later, he hurriedly walked towards the bottom of the plaque of "Returning Water Pavilion".Not long after passing through the plaque, he came to the interior of the building, but there seemed to be signs of chaos inside, as if he had suffered a big impact.The buildings in the surrounding houses were all scattered on the ground. After passing through this messy site, Yi Tian came to the gate of a courtyard.

After walking into it, the divine mind glanced over and found that this place is better than the outer hall, and there is nothing too messy.In the middle of the courtyard in front of you, there is a one-foot-high wall, but nearly half of the wall has collapsed, and there are many traces of writing on it.

Going forward, Yi Tian glanced over and saw that most of the handwriting left on the entire wall was scratched, and among them, the words Luotian Xiangong, Qishe, and Huanshi Shuixie could be vaguely seen.

From these few numbers, Yi Tian can be sure of where he is already, but he still has some doubts in his heart at this moment.In the fragments of the fairy world in the spirit world, there has never been a remains of a real fairy in the fairy world left.Although he knew that Luo Tian's fairy world had undergone tremendous changes back then, and the fairy palace collapsed and fell into the spirit world.

It is an extremely strange thing that there is not a real immortal among them.Could it be that when the Immortal Palace collapsed back then, the disciples of Luotian Immortal Palace all got the news early in the morning that they could not leave.

After bypassing the stone wall, Yi Tian turned around and came to the square of the sitting hall, which has a radius of nearly a thousand feet.Looking up from a distance, I saw the word "Qishe" written in "golden seal script" on the beam at the entrance of the main hall.

With a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, Yi Tian immediately jumped up and flew straight towards the main entrance of the Qishe Hall.When he was flying close to a hundred and twenty paces away from the main hall, his heart suddenly tightened for no reason, and he stopped.At this time, a golden halo rose from the ground and enveloped the entire 'Qishe' hall.

(End of this chapter)

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