
Chapter 2214 Test 1

Chapter 2214 Test One
In the carp dragon's lair at the bottom of 'Mingze Lake', Yi Tian found the Guangmen channel, and Yi Tian ignored Chang Sun Ting and others and walked through it to the 'Huanshi Waterside Pavilion'.Here it is found that the two waters are directly connected by underground passages, and the carp of the carp dragon should have grown here in the first place.

After passing through the "Huan Shi Shuishi", Yi Tian found that he should be in the hinterland of the sect of Luo Tianxian Palace. He accidentally found a lot of handwriting on a low wall. After reading it, he realized that this time it was I hit the Universiade directly from the bottom of the 'Mingze Lake' to the location of the Zongmen's 'Qishe'.

Speaking of which, this place should exist like the Artifact Hall of the Zongmen in the spiritual world, but after opening the divine sense, I found that I couldn't find out the complete picture of this "Artifact Society".Speaking of which, my divine sense can extend thousands of miles away.If you try your best, you can reach a distance of nearly [-] miles, covering at least a radius of [-] miles, but even then you can't explore the whole picture of "Qishe".

After putting away his spiritual thoughts, Yi Tian directly broke into the square at the main entrance of the main hall of the 'Qishe'.After locking on to the target, he fled out in a hurry, wanting to go deep into the hall for a little exploration.

But when he flew a hundred and twenty steps away from the main hall, his heart trembled for no reason.The most dangerous thing to explore among the fragments of the fairy world is to unintentionally activate and trigger the original forbidden barrier.

These prohibition barriers that specifically restrain the true immortals are completely insurmountable natural moats for his current cultivation base.Yi Tian is naturally very concerned about this, once he finds that something is wrong, he will stop immediately.

After a golden light appeared in front of the eyes, patterns lit up on the ground around the square, and then the golden light flashed and enveloped the main hall of the 'Qishe'.

So far, Yi Tian was sweating secretly in his hands, but fortunately he was alert enough to forcibly touch such a forbidden enchantment, but it would be enough to bear.

After sweeping his divine sense, Yi Tian found that there seemed to be many golden runes flashing under his feet. Just as he was about to use the escape technique to fly above the midair, he suddenly saw a halo flying out of the restriction and flashing in the midair of the square. Block off the retreat above.

At the same time, the original scenes on the surrounding squares fell for a while, and when Yi Tian came back to his senses again, he found that he was already in a dark space.

"Space array," Yi Tian's face changed slightly after he popped out four words, he didn't expect that he would find mixed feelings in this exploration, although he found a shortcut from the 'Mingze Lake', he never expected to be in danger again after arriving , I just don’t know what trials are waiting for me in the space formation here.

Shaoqing had a vague halo in front of him, but when the halo faded, a figure was revealed.Yi Tian also had a thoughtful look on his face after seeing that figure.

At this time, the person standing in front of him turned out to be his own mirror image, but this mirror image was wearing the clothes of Luo Tianxian Palace, and was dragging a simple oil lamp in his hand.After three breaths, the other party shouted: "People who come here must pass the examination before they can enter the palace."

"Isn't it just a mirror image test, I didn't expect it to be so tuned," Yi Tian relaxed for no reason.Glancing over, he found that the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his own mirror image were just the peak of the late stage of fusion. Speaking of which, the people who arranged such a large array were a little lazy, and they didn't increase the difficulty to raise the intruder's mirror image's cultivation base by one level.

Thinking about it, but Yi Tian reached out and took out the Zixiao Zhan and sacrificed it in his hand. He also wanted to see how far his strength had improved.

Suddenly the opponent's figure moved, leaving an afterimage in the air and then flew to his right side. After the oil lamp in his hand swung past, it turned into a red flaming sword and struck straight at his face.

'Yanlong Aojian', Yi Tian uttered four words with difficulty, and then hurriedly corrected: "No, this is 'Chixiaojian', I didn't expect that it would give me a big surprise as soon as it came up."

The one cultivated under the eighth level of the Lihuo Nine Changes is the 'Yanlong Aojian', but after ascending to the eighth level, one can practice the stronger supernatural power 'Chixiaojian'.

The power of the true flame on it is so perfectly restrained that there is no trace of spiritual power overflowing.Naturally, Yi Tian didn't dare to make a fool of himself, facing the 'Chixiao Sword' cast by his mirror image, he stretched out his hand to hold up the Zixiao lamp in his palm to sacrifice a purple flame, then swung his backhand and used the same supernatural spell.

It's just that what I cast should be called the 'Zixiao Sword'. Lei Yan Ziyan was sacrificed from the Zixiao cup and turned into a three-foot sword. The sound of 'Ziz' was loud, and once the 'Chixiao Sword' and the 'Zixiao Sword' came into contact, the two refused to give in to each other, sparking countless red and purple sparks in the air.

But Yi Tian was stunned. After the simple fight just now, it seemed to be evenly divided, but his Thunder Flame Purple Flame was refined several times.Coupled with the fact that recently it took decades to upgrade the Lihuo Nine Changes to the peak state of the eighth floor, even so, it failed to take advantage of it for a while, which naturally made Yi Tian feel lingering.

After a miss, Yi Tian pulled back, and then stared at the other party solemnly and began to size up.I saw my own mirror phantom took back the 'Chixiao Sword' and put it back into the oil lamp, but the light on it seemed to be a little weaker than before.

Yi Tian was overjoyed when he saw such a sign. It seems that the magic power that this formation can simulate is limited.Moreover, the mutated Leiyan Ziyan and the mirror image transformed from this formation cannot be completely copied.

Since this is the case, Yi Tian has a plan in his mind, not waiting for the opponent to make another move, so he sacrifices Zi Xiaozhan to make a strong attack.After taking a sharp breath in his mouth, he blew out his true energy at the Leiyan Ziyan in the Zixiao lamp.

After the zhenqi blows through the flame of the lamp, a little bit of purple sparks emerge from it, and after floating ten feet in the air, it has turned into a fist-sized fireball, and then it grows bigger and bigger all the way.

The mirror image on the opposite side stretched out his hand to make seals and then tapped three points on the center of the lamp.In an instant, three red sparks flew out and arranged in a zigzag pattern in the air.After flying over tens of feet, it turned into three fireballs and hit Yi Tian.

Seeing this, Yi Tian frowned slightly. Since the other party wanted to win by quantity, he didn't have to follow suit. He stretched out his hand and sealed his spell, tapped his spell and said, "Long."

Hearing the sound, the purple fireball exploded, and in an instant, its volume became more than ten times larger, turning into a giant fireball more than ten feet tall.

After the three sounds of "噗噗噗", the three red flame balls on the opposite side disappeared into the purple flame and disappeared immediately, but at the same time, my supernatural powers and spells could not make any further progress, and then I only heard the "click" of the purple flame The ball burst from it and burst out countless bright fireworks.

(End of this chapter)

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