
Chapter 2215 Test 2

Chapter 2215 Test Two

After entering the Fragment of the Immortal World, pass through the 'Mingze Lake' and come to the 'Huanshi Shuishi Pavilion', and then come to the 'Qishe' after walking out of it.In the square at the entrance of the main hall, Yi Tian accidentally touched the restriction here, and then the formation around him was activated, and he was involved in the space formation.

Yi Tian saw his own mirror image in this space, but it was slightly different from the main body in that the mirror image was wearing the clothes of Luo Tianxian Palace and holding a simple oil lamp in his hand.

Guessing it should be the last trial before entering the 'Qi Society', Yi Tian naturally didn't dare to hold it too high.After taking out the natal magic weapon 'Zixiao Zhan' in his hand, he fought with the mirror image.

Fortunately, being trapped in the formation space, the supernatural spells cast did not cause much impact even if they spread to the surroundings.What's more, Yi Tian's supernatural powers and spells are all driven by his own natal real fire 'Thunder Flame Purple Flame'.So naturally, any wisp will not be wasted easily.

After the fight, Yi Tian used his divine sense to control all the displayed 'Thunder Flame and Purple Flame' into the Zixiao Cup as much as possible.At this time, in the formation space, Yi Tian showed a dignified expression and looked at the mirror image in front of him, but he didn't mean to relax in the slightest.

Although the two moves just now were evenly divided, but Yi Tian was very afraid of the true flame magical power in the mirror image in front of him.Naturally, he was very clear about the power of the natal true flame he had cultivated, but even so, he couldn't take advantage of it at all.

Fortunately, after the two moves, the real flame on the other party's oil lamp was more than [-]% weaker than before.Obviously, after the fight, it is not completely free of consumption. If you make up your mind to continue to consume like this, it is not difficult to break the formation.

The key is that the other party should not display any great supernatural powers or find another way to make any big noise.

Just as he was thinking that the mirror image in front of him suddenly moved again, this time he stretched out his hand to brush the wick of the oil lamp.He held the whole bundle of flames in his hand and sacrificed them all in his palm, and then lit the real flame under the seal of his left hand.

Yi Tian is naturally very familiar with the printing method, and what he is using is the True Flame Armor.Moreover, after cultivating the Lihuo Nine Changes to the sixth level, such supernatural powers can be strengthened into a 'Fire Alchemy Body'.

What made Yi Tian feel slightly stunned was that the mirror image did not display the supernatural power of 'Fire Alchemy Body' as he thought after it was sealed.Originally, this kind of skill is to focus on defense, but if it is to attack, it is not enough.

But after a red flame flashed in front of him, Yi Tian found that the true flame on the mirrored right hand was quickly restrained, and the color of the flame became brighter and brighter. After three breaths, the original red flame completely turned into a bright white color. .

Seeing this, Yi Tian still can't understand that this is a method of breaking the surface. Since the "Fire Alchemy Body" is the strongest defensive skill among the nine transformations of Lihuo, if it is used in reverse, it can indeed become an extremely powerful attack. means.This is the 'wheel of the scorching sun' Yi Tian exclaimed.

And the other party has already done this, if I still use the supernatural power of 'Fire Alchemy Body' invariably, I am afraid that I may not be able to withstand the next move.After thinking about it, Yi Tian also reached out with both hands and brushed over the wick of the Zixiao lamp, and then took a ray of real flame.After Ji put his palms together, he quickly formed a seal, and then opened his hands and slowly drew a spiral shape in the void in front of him.

True Flame formed a one-foot-sized 'spiral fire shield' after the traces left by the hands.Speaking of which, this kind of trick is also the most basic defense method in Lihuo Nine Transformations.But Yi Tian knew in his heart that no matter how the tricks and supernatural powers evolve, they are always the same. If the most basic defense methods like this are used properly, their effectiveness will be worse than those of high-level skills.

I remember that when I was in the lower realm, I used this technique to break through the supernatural powers of monks of the same level, and this supernatural power also has the effect of devouring the opponent's spiritual power. Now I use the real fire of my own cultivation, 'Thunder Flame Purple Flame' to bless and cast it It's even more amazing when it comes out.

Obviously, his own countermeasures stunned the opposite mirror image, and the next moment he saw the opposite party jumping forward without hesitation.After leaving an afterimage of Dao on the spot, his whole body twisted for a while, and Yi Tian keenly noticed a faint wave of spiritual pressure emerging above his front.

The gap in the void appeared again, and the mirror image actually used the method of space link again in the formation space.Leaning out from the gap in the space above, he fell straight down according to the position of Yi Tian's deity.The white true flame wrapped in the clenched fist of the right hand drove away the pitch black surroundings, and at the same time, the 'wheel of the scorching sun' illuminated the place as if it were daytime.The original flame in the hand of the mirror image has now expanded to a huge fireball with a diameter of ten feet, pressing down from the top of the head like a scorching sun.

Inside the formation, it seemed like a red sun had descended into the world, illuminating the original darkness inside, and Yi Tian could naturally feel the scorching flames in front of him rushing towards his face while being in it.

After the spiritual power in his body was mobilized, it rushed into his palms frantically, and the spiral fire shield in front of him exploded to a size of ten feet to protect his body.Yi Tian knew in his heart that although the opponent's moves were fierce, they made a fatal mistake. The sum of the true flame's spiritual power remained unchanged, and the greater the changes in the magical powers displayed, the more dispersed their spiritual power would be.As long as he can survive the move in front of him, he will have the strength to fight back.As for the mirror image on the opposite side, it is completely unacceptable to use all your strength to make a shot.

At this time, Yi Tian showed a clear look on his face and urged the spell in his hand to the limit, and then put it in front of the front door to guard against it.

With a sound of 'Boom', the two spells slammed fiercely together, and then the purple fire flashed again.It's just that this time Yi Tian's side seems to have fallen into the limelight, and the purple flames were completely suppressed by the white flames.At this moment, Yi Tian only felt that someone had punched his chest hundreds of times, and blood was surging in his throat.With a sweet mouth, Yi Tian knew that he was injured by the opponent's skills, but fortunately most of the magical powers were not caught by the spiral shield in front of him.At this time, he was just injured by the huge impact force, and after forcibly swallowing the blood in his throat, all the spiritual power in Niwan Palace was activated.

After three breaths, the white Lieyang in the air stopped moving, and Yi Tian took a shot to restrain it, and then manipulated the spiral fire shield in his hand to continuously devour the opponent's true flames.At the same time, the spiritual power in the body was running rapidly to slowly repair the damage suffered just now.

After less than [-] breaths of stalemate, Yi Tian noticed that the true flames that had been swallowed up from the spiral fire shield began to feed back on him.After a gleam of joy appeared on his face, all the spiritual power in his hands was poured into the spiral fire shield, and the 'wheel of the scorching sun' in front of him was swallowed up at a high speed.

(End of this chapter)

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