
Chapter 2216 Catastrophe

Chapter 2216 Catastrophe
In the formation space, Yi Tian and the mirror image fought against each other for the third move, which caused a slight tremor in the enchantment here. Xiao is that the two of them have amazing cultivation bases, and they both control the fluctuation of the technique within a controllable range, which can be produced after the magical attack. The spiritual pressure fluctuations still spread to the surrounding formations.

Yi Tian didn't care so much at this time, and quickly urged the spiral fire shield in his hand to devour the spiritual power on the opponent's 'Wheel of the Burning Sun'.For a while, the opponent's forward momentum was stopped, and at the same time, the opponent's fierce sun seemed to be slowly shrinking under the ebb and flow.

It was not obvious at first, but as the spiral fire shield in his hand accelerated to devour the spiritual power, the brightness of the scorching sun began to dim sharply.Xiao is from the same origin of the two martial arts, so Yi Tian felt that it was completely effortless after devouring them.At the same time, a large amount of spiritual power was sucked into the meridians in the body and sent into the Niwan Palace continuously after being circulated.

When the white true flame spiritual power flowed through the seal, Yi Tian was surprised to find that there was no sign of being absorbed by it.On the contrary, a lot of purple electric spiritual power was brought out from that seal and finally all belonged to his Nascent Soul.

The sudden infusion of a large amount of spiritual power also made Yi Tian feel a little nervous. With the continuous injection of spiritual power, he felt that the spiritual power storage in his body had reached a critical point.

The original joy on his face ended in silence at this time, and Yi Tian realized that if he went on like this, he would definitely break through the bottleneck in the early stage of Mahayana.Such a situation also makes Yi Tian dumbfounded, the realm that others are eager to reach is really troublesome to him at this time.

Although there were many opportunities to advance, Yi Tian still had lingering fears in his heart. He didn't know what kind of tricks the seal in Niwan Palace would play this time.Therefore, I will carefully examine my own cultivation all the time, and I will definitely not take that step lightly.

But today's attack is not the case. Facing the magical powers cast by his own mirror image in the formation barrier, he can only deal with them with the same origin.What I didn't expect was that if I didn't make a move, I would be in a dilemma.

But until now, Yi Tian didn't dare to stop easily, and could only absorb the true flame spiritual power from the mirror image magic power step by step.

It took more than half a moment for the spiral fire shield to swallow more than half of the spiritual power of the 'Wheel of the Scorching Sun' in front of him. Yi Tian snorted coldly and then used his palms to control the spiral fire shield to bounce the opponent's supernatural power away.

On the way back after withdrawing, Yi Tian changed his hands again and again to put away the spiral fire shield, and then stretched out his right hand to sacrifice 'Lei Yan Zi Yan'.After swiftly forming a seal with his left hand, he tapped on the real flame in his hand.

With a 'coax' sound, the 'Thunder Flame Purple Flame' surged and then retracted into the palm of his right hand. When it reappeared, it turned into a purple flame ball.With the continuous injection of spiritual power, the temperature inside the real eyeballs kept changing, and finally turned into bright white.

This 'Wheel of Lieyang' is also a high-level supernatural power recorded in the Lihuo Nine Changes, and it can only be used after it has been cultivated to the ninth level.But after Yi Tian saw it once, he absorbed a lot of spiritual power from the 'Wheel of the Burning Sun'. Speaking of which, his current strength has entered the highest level of the 'Nine Changes from Fire'.So following the example and learning the method of mirror image to display this supernatural power is just a matter of time, and Yi Tian feels extremely handy after learning what he has learned and using it now.

Unlike his opponent, Yi Tian didn't infinitely enlarge the 'Scorching Sun Wheel' in his hand, but gathered it into a group and manipulated it into a one-foot-sized light ball in his hand.

Then a layer of cyan halo appeared under the soaring spiritual power all over his body, Yi Tian left several afterimages in the air, but the deity teleported several times in succession to the mirror image ten feet away.Slightly loosen and push the 'Wheel of the Sun' in his right hand, and it flies out under the control of the divine sense, and hits towards the mirrored face.

I thought that the opponent with such supernatural powers must be unable to catch it, but who knows that the mirror image in front of him stretched out his hand and drew an arc in front of him to open a gap in the space.Yi Tian saw that his 'Wheel of the Burning Sun' flew in and was swallowed by it, and at the same time, the connection between the divine sense and the 'Wheel of the Burning Sun' was directly broken.The next moment, I only heard the sound of 'Zi Zi' from behind, and looked back to see that there was an opening ten feet away behind me, and the 'Wheel of the Fierce Sun' flew out of it and attacked me.

Yi Tian then stretched out his hand and quickly contacted the 'Wheel of the Burning Sun' with his divine sense, and then hurriedly took it back into his hand.After slowly withdrawing the spiritual power in his hand, Yi Tian really didn't dare to underestimate his opponent at this time, even if his own mirror image was not as strong as his own, he could use the characteristics of supernatural moves to restrain his skills.

In terms of his understanding of supernatural powers alone, it is far beyond what he can achieve.Yi Tian also feels a little depressed about this, obviously everyone is also using the supernatural power of the "Wheel of the Blazing Sun", but his own means are so easily resolved by the other party.

Fortunately, it seemed that the opponent also stopped after a few tricks, and later, the mirror image said unprecedentedly: "You have passed the test and can enter the temple." After speaking, his figure suddenly disappeared in the original Hey, the next moment Yi Tian felt a daze in front of him, and when he came back to his senses again, he found that he had already returned to the square in front of the main hall of the 'Qi Society'.

At this time, the formation barriers around and the formation patterns on the ground disappeared, and the light film barrier that originally protected the 'Qishe' in front of him was also gone.It seemed like a long period of time had passed since the battle with the mirror image in the big formation just now, but it seemed that it was just a matter of less than half a moment.Yi Tian hurriedly took out the hourglass and roughly estimated the time since he came.Calculating the distance, it is only a hundred breaths away from the 'Huan Shi Shuixie'.

I was so surprised, I didn't expect that the formation barrier here is so powerful, in addition to space, it can also confuse the monk's sense of time.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian took a different look at the formations set up here. He didn't expect that the main hall of "Qishe" under Luotian Immortal Palace alone could have such a powerful formation arrangement.I don't know what kind of terrifying formation enchantment I will encounter after entering the hall.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian carefully checked his body, remembering that he had absorbed a lot of spiritual power from the 'Wheel of the Sun' in the mirror's hand just now.I don't know if this is just an illusion like the formation.After restraining his spiritual thoughts and looking inward, Yi Tian went through all the meridians in his body again, and after ten breaths, there was a wry smile on his face.

The spirit body of the Nascent Soul in the Niwan Palace in the body has already absorbed enough spiritual power, and it has become more and more solid at this time.Obviously this is the result of absorbing the spiritual power of the 'Scorching Sun's Wheel'.Moreover, the 'Wheel of the Fierce Sun' just now contains a large amount of fairy energy, and its spiritual power is much stronger than ordinary spiritual energy.

In desperation, Yi Tian could only sit cross-legged and silently exercise his skills and began to adjust his breath, trying to quickly refine these spiritual powers mixed with the power of immortality.After three breaths, the spiritual power drawn from Yuanying's body poured into the meridians like a tide, and Yi Tian had to grit his teeth to let the spiritual power wash over and over again in the meridians in his body.

While sitting cross-legged, he suddenly heard a roaring sound coming from above his head, raised his head vigilantly, and Yi Tian looked it up, only to see a gap in the sky in the square.There are a large number of thunderclouds gathered in it, which seems to be looking for a target.

A few words popped out of his mouth with difficulty: "It's really not the time to come," Yi Tian's face flashed a look of helplessness, and then he hurriedly reached out and took out the Zixiao Zhan and sacrificed it in his hand.Then quickly cast a supernatural spell under the seal of both hands.

Suddenly a thought flashed through Yi Tian's mind, Yi Tian raised the corner of his mouth slightly, flicked his right index finger after making seals, and said 'Lei Yan Zi Yan' to place in the center of Zi Xiao Zhan.Then he reached out to take the spiritual weapon and placed it on his forehead, and after making a seal with his hands, he appeared as the body of Asura.

At this time, the purple thunderbolt light in the sky seemed to have found the target, and then a spark lit up, attracting the surrounding lightning to gather quickly.A white flash of light streaked across the sky, accompanied by a loud bang, and then a bucket-thick electric light fell from the Jieyun and hit Yi Tian's face gate.

I just felt someone hammered hard on the top of my head, Yi Tian raised his head with difficulty, held the Zixiao lamp in his hand, and raised a purple defensive halo to protect himself in the middle.

Then a spiritual light flashed in Niwan palace on the forehead, and I saw the spirit body of Yuanying flying out of it holding the 'Feixianyin'.At the moment when the tribulation thunder fell, Yi Tian found that the seal in Niwan Palace seemed to have changed. Originally, it had been hanging above Yuanying's head, but this time it flew into Yuanying's hand automatically.

So far, Yi Tianna didn't know that it seemed that this immortal artifact that hadn't moved for a long time noticed some changes, so it made such movements.

I saw the Nascent Soul spirit body holding the 'Flying Immortal Yin' in its hand and escaping from its body. Afterwards, the tribulation thunder in the sky seemed to have a clear target, and then there were roaring sounds one after another.

Yi Tian also had lingering fears in his heart, but he didn't know what Feixianyin wanted to do?
Soon there was a purple thunder falling in the calamity cloud, which was different from the previous one in that its power far exceeded Yi Tian's expectation.I didn't expect that it would be so difficult for me to advance into the Mahayana, and the heavens actually sent ninety-nine thunder calamities.

All of a sudden, the lightning flashes on the square in front of the entire "Qishe" were finally collected on the "Flying Immortal Yin" in the hands of the Yuanying Spirit Body.

After the sound of "哗啦", the electric light flowing through Yi Tian's body also made him feel a tingling sensation all over his body.Although there is this Zixiaozhan guarding the deity's body, the aftermath of the ninety-nine thunder calamity is also agitated, and the spiritual power in Yi Tian's body is tumbling up and down.

Shaoqing waited until the 'Flying Immortal Yin' collected all the purple thunder and lightning from the Nine-Nine Thunder Tribulation, Yi Tian's Nascent Soul spirit body flew back to the Niwan Palace of his physical body holding the fairy artifact.After the Yuanying spirit body flew back, the seal did not hang high above the forehead again, but flew into the right hand of the reason.There was still the remaining power of the thunderbolt on it, and the spirit body of the Nascent Soul was also electrified and trembled slightly.

Fortunately, Yi Tian hurriedly sacrificed Lei Yan Ziyan to protect the Niwan Palace, and at the same time silently refined the power of these tribulation thunders.The 'Feixian Yin' is like a lightning rod absorbing all the power of thunder and lightning. After the attack of the robbery, the blurred writing on it gradually became clearer.

Yi Tian scanned with his mind and found that his own name had already appeared on one side of the seal, but now the word "Luo Tian" appeared in front of the name.The rest of the electric energy attacked his own body, but at this time, after Zixiaozhan sacrificed, a purple flame of thunder and purple flames protected the body.No matter how the Jielei and Lightning Jin spurts in, it will only cause sparks on the purple flames and cannot cause any damage to the physical body.

With a firm mind, Yi Tian didn't care about so much. The spiritual power in the physical body was constantly circulating to maintain the purple flame barrier, and the spirit body of the Nascent Soul was holding the 'Flying Immortal Yin' to continuously return the falling thunder power to the cage. .At the beginning of the period, the Nascent Soul's arm holding the 'Feixian Yin' still felt numb, but Yi Tian was also unceremonious, and the Nascent Soul's spirit body absorbed and refined the absorbed lightning energy one by one.Unexpectedly, such a tribulation thunder actually contains a lot of spiritual power and feeds back at the same time.

I saw that the meridians in Yuanying's body were continuously destroyed by the power of thunder and became riddled with holes, and later they were repaired by refined spiritual power.After the tribulation and thunder of the Nine-Nine Heavens Calamity fell, a little bit of water of nectar fell in the void. Of course, these were also introduced into Yuanying's body through the "Flying Immortal Yin".

I don't know how long it took Yi Tian to open his eyes, and looked up, it seemed that the robbery cloud above his head had long since dissipated, and at this time, Niwan Palace had already changed.After Yi Tiannei took a look, he found that the true fire of his own life, 'Thunder Flame Purple Flame', seemed to be getting darker and thicker.

Moreover, the Nascent Soul deity has completely surpassed the category of monks in the fit period.Looking carefully at his physical body, I don't know when the nectar that fell after the thunder calamity had repaired all the meridians that had been damaged by the ninety-nine thunder calamity.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, using the three heads of Asura Dharma Body, the three mouths on the three heads took a sharp breath at the same time, and Yi Tian found that he had absorbed all the power of the immortals within a hundred miles.After these celestial powers were absorbed into the body, they circulated for a week and finally returned to the Niwan Palace, turning into drops of fairy liquid.His Nascent Soul spirit body raised its head and opened its small mouth to continuously swallow the fairy liquid that fell from the top wall of the Niwan Palace into its stomach.

After several days of sitting cross-legged and practicing like this, Yi Tian felt that his Nascent Soul spirit body had absorbed a sufficient amount of immortal energy.Then he slowly recovered and stood up.After stretching slightly, I realized that my cultivation base had unknowingly been promoted to the initial stage of Mahayana.

After a burst of joy appeared on his face, Yi Tiancai put away the Asura dharma body on his body, and at the same time glanced at Zixiaozhan in front of him, and found that there were streaks of purple luster flashing on it, and the color was even more intense than before.

After taking back the natal spirit weapon, Yi Tian looked around and found that there didn't seem to be much change.It's just that the range that my divine sense can detect is more than double that of before.

Yi Tian flew forward to the main entrance of the main hall of the 'Qishe', and then opened the door and walked in.

(End of this chapter)

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