
Chapter 2217 Retrieval 1

Chapter 2217 Retrieval One
After entering the Immortal Fragment, Yi Tian didn't expect that his strength would pass the Mahayana period so smoothly.But speaking of it, it is not very smooth, after all, there is only a [-]% certainty of crossing the tribulation this time.Originally, I expected that the seal 'Feixianyin' would come out to make trouble, but I didn't expect it to be different this time.

After crossing the tribulation, Yi Tian checked the seal in the Niwan Palace when he was free, and saw a lot of 'Golden Seal Script' writing on it.At this time, the seal was no longer suspended above the head of his Nascent Soul, but fell into his right hand.

Now the spirit body of Nascent Soul still appears in the form of Asura Dharma Body, holding the 'Feixianyin', 'Zixiaozhan', 'Taiyuan Wooden Sword', 'Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan', 'Jing' on the six arms respectively. The spirit bottle' also has a phantom holding the croaking immortal.

The Nascent Soul body sits cross-legged on a lotus platform called Hualien, surrounded by white lotus petals to protect the Nascent Soul in the center.

After crossing the catastrophe, Yi Tian sat cross-legged on the square in front of the 'Qishe' to correct for a period of time, and at the same time frantically absorbed the power of the surrounding immortals.It wasn't until the cultivation base was completely stabilized that he slowly got up and prepared for the next exploration.

Speaking of which, I never had the idea in my mind that I could successfully cross the catastrophe in the fragments of the fairy world, but since I came here, I can only take one step at a time when I come here.

After stepping into the main hall of the 'Qishe', Yi Tian opened his mind and probed inside, but after three breaths, his brows were slightly frowned, and his face was not very good-looking.In the huge main hall in front of him, there was not a single sign of completeness, and it was dilapidated everywhere, as if a fierce battle had taken place here.

The deity slowly flew up to the mid-air, Yi Tian soared into the air, swept past the main hall, and then came to the rear, where thousands of sword marks were left on the wall, and all the murals on the original wall were hung.However, Yi Tian can still find traces of patterns in these sword marks, among which there is an immortal artifact similar in style to the 'Zixiao Lamp' in his hand.But such a spiritual weapon seems to be housed in a palace lantern.

After secretly remembering this in his heart, Yi Tian turned around and sneaked towards the back of the hall.It is not much different from the layout of the spiritual world sect. There is also a long corridor connecting the back of the hall.It's just that in the divine sense, I found that the "Qishe" here should be divided into three halls: the front, the middle, and the back.On both sides of the nave and the apse, there are two side halls respectively.

Flying quickly to the field in front of the nave, Yi Tian's divine sense swept across the side halls on both sides of the place again.I saw the words "tuowen" and "rongling" written in "golden seal script" on the top of the door beam of the side hall.

Yi Tian was secretly surprised, and at the same time thought quickly in his mind: "I didn't expect the refining steps to be divided into such details in the "Qishe" alone in the sect of the fairy world.This rubbing pattern should be the main attack on the inscription of the spirit pattern, but here it is mainly the fairy pattern of the fairy world. 'As for the step of melting spirits, Yi Tian was even more surprised. Usually, when he was refining spirit weapons, he rarely needed the step of melting spirits.Even those top-level spirit weapons may not necessarily require the steps of infusing spirit weapons.

What I didn't expect was that this would be listed only in the sect of the fairy world. It is conceivable that the power of the fairy artifacts blessed by artifact spirits is naturally far better than those without artifact spirits.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian hurriedly lowered his head to send a sound transmission to the beast-controlling bag on his waist to ask the beast king and Taoist.Although he fell into the spirit world, he should still have some memories from the fairy world.

After three breaths, a ray of light flew out from the beast-controlling bag around his waist, and after landing, he turned into a beast king and a Taoist.I saw that he noticed the difference here, and then his face changed slightly, and then he tried to absorb the power of the immortal essence in the next four weeks.But Shaoqing showed a satisfied smile on his face and said, "Why didn't you inform me in advance when you came to such a good place?"

Yi Tian replied with an aggrieved face: "Didn't I tell you to come out? Speaking of which, we have come to the fragments of the fairy world in Luo Tian's fairy world, but there are many crises here, so we must be careful. "

Beast Monarch Taoist was overjoyed when he heard the words, and then turned around to look at Yi Tian, ​​and said with a slight start: "You have advanced, I didn't expect that the speed of cultivation base improvement is much faster than I expected."

"Fellow Daoist, this is my unintentional advancement," Yi Tian knew that this matter would definitely be mentioned, but he didn't want to go into details and just explained it vaguely, and then asked : "I don't know if the Beast Monarch Taoist understands the refining of immortal artifacts in the fairy world? I saw two side halls with 'Tuowen' and 'Rongling' here, and I want to ask fellow Taoists for advice."

Hearing the words, the Beast Monarch turned his eyes to the left and right sides, and said after sweeping over, "You are a direct disciple of this sect, and you are proficient in refining weapons. Do you have any doubts about this?"

"That's not true. I have a deep understanding of rubbing patterns. But here should be the inscriptions of the fairy world, and I am only proficient in the inscriptions of the spirit world." It is rarely mentioned in the classics. After all, the spirit weapons used in the spirit world rarely give birth to spirit weapons."

"You're right, but I'm afraid you'll be disappointed this time too," the Beast Monarch and Taoist sighed.

"How do you say this?" Yi Tian asked in confusion.

"Actually, I am a tool spirit derived from the spirit world. Although the memory of the fairy world that can be preserved after tens of thousands of years is indeed not very complete, the information that can be given to you is also very limited," said the beast king. There was also a little apologetic look on his face.

"So that's the case, that's okay," Yi Tian comforted, "Why don't you come with me to explore, fellow Beast Monarch, maybe you may be able to recall some of the past when you see those leftovers from the fairy world on the way."

"That's the way it is," the Taoist Beast Lord nodded and replied, "However, the remaining immortal spirit power in this world is extremely strong. I will try to absorb some of it while walking and digest it. It will inevitably drag down your itinerary."

"That's okay, anyway, I don't have any time limit for coming to this world," Yi Tian said: "If I encounter any troubles, I hope the Taoist Beast Lord can help me."

"No problem, let's go," Beast Lord Daoist pointed to the side hall of the 'tuowen' and said: "Go and see the side hall over there first."

After finishing speaking, the two of them jumped to the door of the side hall of the 'Tuowen', pushed open the thick door and walked in, and Yi Tian saw a building that looked like a workshop.Half of the space is an open workshop, and the other half is full of bookshelves.It's just that there are almost no jade slips left on the bookshelf.

After scanning with his spiritual thoughts, Yi Tian found that there were marks written in 'Golden Seal Script' on these bookshelves, but after searching carefully, there was a flash of light in front of his eyes.Although there is no valuable atlas of spirit patterns in the fairy world, but from the handwriting left on these bookshelves, Zongmen Qishe roughly divides the inscribed formation patterns into 'Xuanming', 'Kongwu', and 'Five Spirits' And 'Xiangyun' four.

Yi Tian then hurriedly asked: "I wonder if fellow Beast Monarch Daoist has any research on the types of fairy lines in the fairy world?"

The beast king and Taoist's spiritual thoughts swept across the side hall here, naturally realizing the source of Yi Tian's problem, and then explained: "I only have the contents of 'Five Spirits' and 'Xuan Ming' in my memory, because my body Above is the combined fairy pattern inscribed with these two categories."

"That's right, two different types of fairy patterns can be combined in this way, it must be a great increase in power," Yi Tian praised.

"Actually, it's a little different from what you think," Beast Lord Taoist explained with a smile: "The four kinds of fairy lines mentioned here have different uses. For example, the 'five spirits' is the simplest and mainly focuses on the fusion of the five elements. Give full play to the characteristics that immortal artifacts should have. As for the 'Xuanming' type of immortal patterns, they are mainly suitable for depicting offensive and defensive immortal artifacts."

"That's right, but what's the matter with the combination of immortal patterns like you said?" Yi Tian asked.

"That's because some fairy artifacts will be used in different environments, and no single fairy pattern can give full play to its full strength, so we choose those combined inscriptions that have no conflict or can complement each other," explained the Beast Monarch. .

"Then what about the functions of the two immortal patterns 'Kong Wu' and 'Auspicious Cloud'?" Yi Tian said.

"These are two different types of immortal pattern systems. The inscriptions of the 'Kongwu' type should be used in the formation of formations, and the 'Auspicious Cloud' type of immortal patterns are used in the refining of auxiliary immortal weapons. , "The Taoist Beast Lord patiently told all the situations he knew in his heart.

After listening to this, Yi Tian suddenly realized, but then there was a gloomy look in his eyes and said: "It's a pity that the jade bamboo slips collected on the bookshelf here are no longer there. Even if I enter Debaoshan I can only go back empty-handed.”

But Taoist Beast Monarch smiled slightly and said, "I don't think so. With the luck and fate of fellow Daoist Yi, how could this be the case. You are a fan of the authorities, but you only saw the labels on those bookshelves, but the workers in those workshops There should be some remaining on the stage."

"Oh, I don't know why Fellow Daoist Beast Lord made such a statement," Yi Tian said with a puzzled look on his face, "I searched with my divine sense early in the morning, and there seems to be nothing left on the stage of the workshop in this palace. things."

"Those disciples of the sect will naturally not leave the tools or maps they used to inscribe the immortal patterns, but when they meet those powerful people, they can enter the stone for three points when inscribed, and there will definitely be left on those crafting platforms. It's the traces," said the Beast Monarch and Daoist, pointing at it, looking for it carefully should be fruitful.

Hearing this, Yi Tian looked overjoyed, and hurried forward to search carefully on the stone platform in the workshop area in the 'Tuo Wen' hall.

"Try to inject it with spiritual power, if there is any immortal pattern left, it will definitely be activated," the Taoist Beast Lord suggested.

After hearing this, Yi Tian stretched out his hand without hesitation, and lightly sacrificed the spiritual light, and then poured it into the stone platform in front of him.After Shaoqing's spiritual light walked around the surface of the stone platform, a bottle-shaped fairy artifact appeared in the middle.The traces of the fairy pattern on it are also clearly visible, Yi Tian has been involved in this a little bit before, and he has already seen at a glance that this is a blessing inscription for storing fairy artifacts.

After thinking about it, he hurriedly took out a blank jade slip and recorded the map.At the end of the carving, I saw a description of "golden seal script" next to this type of inscription.After carefully looking at it, Yi Tian's face showed joy, and saw that it said 'auspicious clouds' and 'sea accepts all rivers'.After reading further, Yi Tiancai realized that the inscription he had written now was suitable for refining and storing immortal world pill containers.The inscription of "Hai Na Bai Chuan" is so powerful that it can open up a huge storage space in the container.

You are welcome to say that it is no problem to fill the water of the sea, but Yi Tian knows in his heart that with his own knowledge and the packaging materials in his hand, even if it depicts the inscriptions of the fairy world, it will not be able to do that. It's like filling into a great river in the spiritual world.

But even this would be of great benefit to him, at least the largest spiritual weapon in the aura map preserved in the previous sect could not reach such a level.

After depicting the pattern pattern, Yi Tian got excited. With the idea of ​​missing this village and not having this shop, he put away the jade slips and searched carefully on the remaining workbenches.

It's a pity that the next few places are either incomplete or incomplete or there are no inscriptions at all.As a result, Yi Tian's face became more and more serious, and he could only comfort himself. Anyway, he had already got a complete set of inscriptions of "Hai Na Bai Chuan" on hand.

When searching to the last place, Yi Tian also lost his patience completely, but the Beast Monarch and Daoist kindly comforted him: "You don't have to worry about everything according to fate. You must know that these real immortals have different levels of crafting skills. Don't be too persistent. It's good to have it, but it's okay to not have it."

After hearing this, Yi Tian also nodded helplessly and injected spiritual power into it. After the sound of '嗖', the spiritual light flashed, and there were shining lines of patterns on the stone platform here.

Following the flash of inspiration, Yitian kept praying in his heart, hoping that a complete map of the inscriptions would appear.After ten breaths, when the inscription was fully displayed, Yi Tian's eyes lit up, and he shouted: "Sure enough, luck is not bad, and there is still a complete inscription left here."

Beast Monarch Taoist also hurried forward to look at it before saying: "It seems to be an inscription like 'Auspicious Clouds'. I don't know what effect this time."

After reading this inscription, he found that the words 'Yuan Ling Gui Zhen' were written on it, so Yi Tian hurriedly took out the blank jade slip and began to engrave the style of the inscription on it.But after ten breaths, there was only a 'click', and the blank jade inscription in his hand cracked halfway through.Unwilling, Yi Tian took out a blank jade slip again and started to engrave it, but this time the old trick was repeated and it was cracked after writing it not long after.

On the other hand, the Daoist Beast King hurriedly said: "This inscription map should have great supernatural powers, so ordinary jade slips cannot bear its stress. I think you should memorize it in your heart, fellow Daoist Yi. Anyway, it is normal for a monk to have a photographic memory, so if there is a chance to find another super treasure in the future, it would be good to engrave it and pass it on to the world."

(End of this chapter)

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