
Chapter 2220

Chapter 2220
Although Yi Tian discovered a lot of new doubts after exploring the fragments of the fairy world in Luotian Immortal Palace, but he didn't have the ability to check and get any definite results for a while.

After persuading the Nether boy, Yi Tian went to the square in front of the 'Qishe' to check the formation barrier left there.But the result was unsatisfactory.At least the information I can get is limited, and I can only get some specious results in the end.

After activating the formation barrier here again, Yi Tian turned his head and flew straight towards the depths of 'Qishe'.Before, I was able to forcefully break through the restriction on the stone gate of the cave in the deepest part of the apse with great effort.

If it hadn't been interrupted by the Nether boy, he would have gone to explore it a long time ago.

After more than ten breaths, the figure continued to fly over the building of "Qishe" and finally landed at the entrance of the cave.Yi Tian repeated the old trick again, and after the divine sense invaded the forbidden barrier, he contacted the forbidden magic cone.After exchanging hands with various seals, he said lightly: "Open."

With a sound of 'Zla', a three-foot-wide and seven-foot-high gap was opened on the forbidden light film in front of him, and the stone gate was located in the middle.

Yi Tian stepped forward and stretched out his hand to press on the stone door and pushed it lightly, only feeling that the door was so thick that he couldn't move it even a bit.Retiring half a body, Yi Tian hastily stretched out his spiritual sense and swept across the entire stone gate, only to see a mark of Luotian Xiangong left in the middle of the stone gate.

Usually such marks can only be seen outside the sect collection.After three breaths, Yi Tian naturally recognized that in order to enter, he must use the sect's direct method to activate the switch on the access control.

After thinking about it, he stretched out his hand to touch a lotus mark in the air, and the natal real fire 'Lei Yan Zi Yan' in his hand flashed to activate the mark, then pushed it backhand and hit it directly on the Shimen mark.

The sound of 'Ka Ka Ka' sounded, and the Shimen parted from it, revealing the road in front of it.Yi Tian glanced over and saw that there was a dark passage in front of him, and his divine sense could only penetrate it to a distance of about ten feet.A musty smell emanated from it, a sign that no one had been there for a long time.

At this point, Yi Tian could only bite the bullet and continue to explore. He reached out and removed a luminous pearl and took it in his hand to illuminate the road ahead, and then walked slowly inward.

After passing through the stone gate, I walked a few steps, only to hear the sound of '咔咒咚' coming from behind me.Even without turning his head, he knew that it was the sound of Shimen closing again.

Yi Tian sighed lightly, shook his head helplessly, and continued to walk down bravely.

After walking several tens of feet, I saw an exit in front of me, and when I poked it out, I found that this place looked like a reception hall.There are also stone platforms, benches, futons, etc., and there are three forked roads in front of you.There seems to be some handwriting left at the door of the fork in the road.

Yi Tian actively stepped forward to have a look, and saw three forked roads from left to right with the words 'warehouse', 'Guanling' and 'bedroom' written in 'golden script' respectively.

It seems that the owner here should be a high-level person in the "Qishe", since it is not easy to open a cave in the best position of the cave in the apse.

As for these three places, it should be the place where this true immortal usually refines, repairs and collects immortal artifacts.After thinking about it, Yi Tian walked directly towards the passage of the 'warehouse', but he wanted to see the collection place of the real immortal in his heart.After walking about a hundred feet, he walked out of the warehouse passage and came to the large stone room inside.It's just that Yi Tian's divine thoughts swept over here and did not find any traces of immortal artifacts left behind.

There are empty shelves everywhere in the stone room, covered with dust.After passing his gaze, Yi Tiancai discovered that this place should have been the storage place for immortal artifacts.On those shelves, there are quite a few carved labels with the names of no less than dozens of immortal artifacts.

Speaking of which, Yi Tian has never even seen these immortal artifacts in the artifacts kept by the sect, so here he can only enjoy them dryly.At least it is known that there are indeed many fairy treasures in the fairy world.

After exiting the passage and returning to the central stone room, Yi Tian chose the passage on the far right, which leads directly to the bedroom of the real fairy.Yi Tian also wanted to see what it would be like for these true immortals to stay in the cave on weekdays.

After ten breaths, Yi Tian walked through the passage to the bedroom, but what surprised him was that the stone room was very simple.The space of the stone room is only three feet in size. There are only two stone futons facing each other on the ground in the middle, and there is a stone bed nine feet long and five feet wide in the deepest part of the stone room.Yi Tian stepped forward and gently pressed the edge of the bed with his hands, and instantly felt a cold fairy air coming from the bed and flowing into the meridians in his body quickly through the surface touched by his palms.

"Sure enough, it's a good treasure. I don't need to guide the spiritual power to practice while sitting on this bed. The spiritual power injected from this bed is enough for self-cultivation," Yi Tian thought.At this time, Yi Tian's eyes flashed a strange color, and he had an idea to put such a stone bed directly into his storage ring and bring out the fragments of the fairy world.

He just took a step back and glanced at the patterns on the stone bed, and there was a trace of regret on his face.It is obvious that this place is a stubborn stone connected to the veins, and the real immortal must have laid out a whole set of formations after excavating here, so that the fairy energy in the veins can be easily introduced to the stone bed.

It would be of no avail if he just carried the stone bed forcibly, so Yi Tian simply jumped onto the bed if he thought about it.Sit down on it with peace of mind, and then silently practice the energy, absorb the spirit of the fairy, and circulate it in the body for a whole week.

Half a day later, Yi Tian opened his eyes again, and Yi Tian was overjoyed, only to feel that the matter had returned to its best state, and after practicing exercises and breath adjustment, his cultivation base had also entered the stable stage of the initial stage of Mahayana.

Although it was impossible to bring this out, it also benefited Yi Tian a lot.If there is enough time, Yi Tian doesn't mind staying here for a few more days.

After putting away his relaxed mood, Yi Tian jumped off the stone bed, and then walked out of the stone room of the dormitory.So far, only the channel in the middle of the "Guan Ling" has not been explored.Based on my own understanding of Qi Dao, the original owner of this stone room should be far beyond my expectations.

I learned from the beast king and Taoist before that all high-level immortal treasures need to be bred to derive a weapon spirit.And Luo Tianxian Palace has this secret technique that can accelerate the growth of the incubating spirit.

After walking into the central passage from the stone room, Yi Tian noticed that this place was obviously very different from the other two places.The passage spiraled down obliquely to nowhere, but the surrounding temperature dropped sharply, and there was no sign of an exit after walking for half a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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