
Chapter 2221 Imbuing Spirits 1

Chapter 2221 Imbuing Spirit One
Entering the cave in the depths of the blessed land in the back hall of the 'Qishe', Yi Tian searched the 'warehouse' and 'bedroom' inside, but he didn't find any real good things.At most, he just sat cross-legged on the stone bed in the 'bedroom' and adjusted his breath for a while.

These real fairy caves are indeed full of immortal energy, but after sitting cross-legged here and adjusting the breath, Yi Tian found that his cultivation has entered the stage of consolidation in the initial stage of Mahayana.

You must know that if you want to reach such a state in the spiritual world, it is impossible without hundreds of years of penance.From this point of view, the power of immortality here is far stronger than that of the outside world, and it is impossible to practice in such a favorable environment without a rapid increase in cultivation.

Afterwards, Yi Tian reluctantly turned around and looked at the jade stone bed before turning and leaving the bedroom.After coming to the main hall outside, turn into the passage in the middle. The word "Guan Ling" is marked on the entrance of this road. It is conceivable that it should be the most worthwhile place in this cave.

After all, Yi Tian himself is a 'refining master' and he was born as a direct descendant of Luo Tianxian Palace.But there is still not much involved in the technique of "imbuing spirits". After all, there are very few immortal artifacts in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit, let alone the kind that derives from artifact spirits.Although there is an artifact spirit derived from the Immortal Tiger Talisman on hand, it is only an artifact that fell from the Immortal Realm.Yi Tian thought in his heart that it would be a terrible thing if the spirit weapon he refined could produce a spirit weapon.

Walking all the way down the middle road, Yi Tian found that the passage was spiraling down all the way to nowhere.It's just that the further you go down, you find that there are faint frost condensation on the surrounding walls, and the temperature in the passage also drops sharply.So Yi Tian didn't dare to stop carelessly and secretly exercised his energy in his body. After three breaths, a slight green light appeared on his body, and then a flash of spiritual light flashed to protect himself.

After opening the protective cover, Yi Tiancai took another step towards the bottom of the passage, and after a short walk, he saw a sudden light in the dark passage extending downwards.

It should be the exit position, Yi Tian was overjoyed and hurriedly accelerated the pace of his feet.But when you walked to your exit, you saw a layer of faint spiritual light restraining it.

Unexpectedly, there would be a forbidden enchantment here, and Yi Tian was very interested in this "spiritual filling" room at this time.Usually, only those important places would specially set up a separate barrier, and the cave in front of me just existed like this.

After having the previous experience, Yi Tian naturally didn't dare to be careless, and lightly raised the aura in his hand and struck towards the restriction.After the aura hit the restriction barrier, only the sound of "chacha" was heard, and all the restrictions in front of him were activated.Fortunately, Yi Tian had long been aware that this shot was just a test, and the strength of the shot was controlled just right.

The pupils in his eyes froze, Yi Tian naturally recognized that the forbidden barrier in front of him was the "Shuoyang Formation" in Luo Tianxian Palace, but the surrounding temperature was so low that it was obvious that this "Enspiriting" stone room was built deep in the ice cave the end.

Moreover, the significance of setting up the 'Shuo Yang Formation' here is self-evident, there must be several strong fire source immortal treasures inside, otherwise such an arrangement would not easily appear.After a flash of thought flashed in his mind, Yi Tian also had some calculations in his mind, and it is not difficult to explain it according to the principle of refining art.

The spiritual power of the shield on Shaoqing Yitian's body changed again, this time the cyan halo turned into an erratic dark green in an instant.A Liyan real fire sacrificed and protected the deity, and then Yi Tian didn't directly try to forcefully break the formation, but instead relied on the Liyan real fire on the protective cover and walked straight towards the restriction on the passage.

I saw that the Suoyang array seemed to have sensed the Liyan real fire on Yi Tian's body, and then the big array lit up and directly sucked the deity into the restriction.

After being in a trance for a while, Yi Tian saw a light in front of him, and then the temperature around him rose sharply.Contrary to the situation in the tunnel just now, Yi Tian also felt quite uncomfortable under the cold and hot conditions. Fortunately, under the blessing of Liyan True Fire, he did not seem to be repelled by this "Shuoyang Formation", on the contrary The formation enchantment seems to think that he has directly absorbed it from the same origin.

In this way, Yi Tian saved a lot of energy. You must know that in such a small space in the previous passage, if you feel a little uncomfortable when you try to crack the formation, it will be backlashed on yourself.Fortunately, Yi Tian recognized the type of formation restriction. Speaking of which, he was able to easily enter Dejing this time because of a trick.

After passing through the formation barrier just now, he had to temporarily close his eyes under the glaring white light. After he felt himself standing still, Yi Tian slowly opened his eyes.After looking around, I found that there is a hole in the middle of the cave here, and there are traces of real fire coming out of it.The high temperature in this cave is also emitted from here.

"Could it be possible to 'imbue the spirit' by refining the immortal weapon here?" Yi Tian seemed to have a confident expression on his face.The real flames that burst out of such eyes seem to be not much different from the real flames of one's own life, but can it really achieve the effect of "imbuing spirits"?
With a suspicious look on his face, Yi Tian didn't go forward directly, but opened up his divine sense and looked around the room first.The stone room here is not big, only about two feet in size, and the surrounding walls are also engraved with formation barriers, which seem to be exactly the same as the 'Suoyang Formation' at the entrance.After Yi Tian searched, he knew clearly that this place of feelings is a confined space surrounded by the 'Synomoid Formation'.

Following the patterns on the surrounding walls, one can directly trace back to the earth eye in front of him. It turns out that this earth eye is the location of the formation eye.And the bottom of the eye does not know where it leads, but Yi Tian can clearly feel that the power of the true flame coming out of it is far stronger than any flame he has ever seen.Moreover, the power of immortality contained in the true flame seems to echo the spiritual power cultivated in him.

My heart was full of doubts, Yi Tian quickly analyzed the form in front of him, and after ten breaths, he said something for no reason: "How can there be a stagnant black and yellow aura in this true flame, just like the original the power of chaos."

Speaking of this, there was a look of shock on his face, and then he stared at Zhenyan, who was in front of him, and began to size up.After observing silently, Yi Tian simply stepped forward and sat cross-legged three feet away from the place in front of him, and then silently worked his way down to introduce a trace of the power of the underground true flame immortality into his body.

Sure enough, after a ray of immortal energy penetrated into the meridians, Yi Tian realized that the chaotic spiritual power contained in it and the aura of God and Demon that he had cultivated were complementary to each other.The only difference is that the purity of spiritual power in his body is far less than that.

Then the spiritual power in the body rapidly circulated to refine this ray of true flame immortal energy, and the true red immortal energy was compressed into a drop of spiritual liquid after passing through the meridians, and finally returned to the Niwan Palace.Yi Tian's Nascent Soul Spirit Body opened its mouth and raised its head to swallow it directly into its stomach.

(End of this chapter)

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