
Chapter 2222 Imbuing Spirits 2

Chapter 2222 Imbuing Spirit II

After searching to the stone room of 'Guan Ling', Yi Tian found that there was only a fist-sized earth eye in it, but the 'Shuo Yang Formation' was arranged around it to restrain the power of the true flame within two feet The size of the stone room.

Although Yi Tian is not familiar with the steps of how to "imbue spirits" in the fairy artifact, he can roughly guess how to do it after entering this stone room.Sitting cross-legged, he absorbed a ray of true flame immortal power from the eyes of the earth to refine it, and Yi Tian discovered that the power of the fairy here turned out to be the power of primordial chaos.

Fortunately, I have practiced for many years after merging the mysterious and yellow energy, and after absorbing it, I was able to refine this ray of primordial chaos into a drop of immortal spirit liquid and swallow it into my stomach.

After refining all the drops of Immortal Essence Liquid, Yi Tiantian opened his eyes and looked around, and suddenly found that there were still many words left on the stone wall above his head.Although it was inscribed in 'Golden Seal Script', it didn't bother me. After reading it carefully, the pupils in Yi Tian's eyes suddenly enlarged infinitely.

Then a look of surprise appeared on his face, and he didn't let out a hearty laugh until he had read all the words on the top of the stone wall.In a good mood, he said to himself: "So that's how it is. This method of 'imbuing spirits' sounds like it is extremely complicated, but I didn't expect it to be operated like this."

It turns out that what remained on the stone wall turned out to be the process of the original owner of this cave performing the technique of "imbuing spirits" here.Presumably that real immortal also had a high level of attainment in the technique of refining weapons. In addition to the entire set of "imbuing spirits" methods engraved on the stone wall, there are also records of his experience in performing "spiritual infusion techniques".

These things are hard to come by for the present Yi Tian, ​​and there is no record of them in the refining handbooks handed down from the Zongmen.But in this cave, it can make up for the vacancy in this regard.

Taking out a piece of blank jade, Jiantian quickly recorded the words inscribed on the top of the stone wall. Speaking of which, these are priceless treasures.However, Yi Tian also had some doubts in his heart, since the master of the real immortal in this cave would have such a heaven-defying secret technique, why didn't he spread it within the sect.

After thinking about it, the speed of the inscription in his hand didn't mean to stop at all, and Yi Tian included this exercise in the jade slip within half a moment.After engraving, I didn't forget to check it carefully to make sure it was accurate before putting it away.

After finishing these, Yi Tian reached out and took out the Zixiao lamp in his hand, held it in his hand and looked it up.Speaking of which, if you want to imbue the spirit, the first choice is your natal magic weapon, but a thought suddenly flashed in your mind.When I was in the hell world, I once refined a semi-finished spiritual weapon 'Haotian Mirror'.I was thinking of doing follow-up processing after entering the fragments of the fairy world, but now is a good time.Moreover, this 'Haotian Mirror' also lacks aura. Unlike Zixiaozhan, it has not been warmed for a long time, so its power cannot be truly revealed.

Guessing that he would have to deal with the clone of the real fairy in the fairy world in the future, if he had more powerful spiritual weapons in his hand, he would be more confident.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian frowned slightly and took out the semi-finished 'Haotian Mirror' from the storage ring and placed it in front of him.Then he closed his eyes and quickly deduced the "spirit imbuing secret technique" he had just obtained in his mind.

Although this 'Secret Technique of Instilling Spirits' can be used on different spiritual weapons, Yitian found that the 'Zixiao Lamp' and 'Haotian Mirror' in his hands were completely different types of spiritual weapons, so he wanted to It will be different to perform the 'imbued spirit secret technique'.

After quickly evolving the process of this secret technique more than ten times in his mind, a little understanding appeared on his face.After opening his eyes again, Yi Tian stretched out his hand unambiguously to take the Zixiao lamp in his hand, and then sacrificed a wisp of 'Thunder Flame Purple Flame' from the fingertip of his right index finger, and began to refine the spiritual weapon again.Erase all the original spiritual world inscriptions on it, and then carefully carve the corresponding 'Golden Seal Script' inscription.

Yi Tian knew in his heart that it might not be suitable for spirit treasures to be used to imbue spirits, and with his current strength, he couldn't refine real fairy weapons.Therefore, under the balance of the two phases, we can only carve the inscription of the fairy world on the Lingbao first, so that at least its quality can be further improved.

The idea in his heart is also very simple, to improve the quality of the spirit weapon he refines to a level infinitely close to that of a low-level fairy weapon.In this way, if it is used for "spiritual filling" cultivation, it can be promoted to a spiritual treasure that transcends all the categories of spiritual weapons in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit.

Soon the inscriptions on the Zixiao lamp were re-engraved, and then Yi Tian slowly raised it up and placed it above the center of the Earth's Eye.Glanced over, I saw a ray of white true flame slowly drawn out from the eye of the earth and fell directly on the Zixiao lamp to envelop it.

Memorizing the steps of the 'Secret Technique of Instilling Spirits' that he had just deduced in his heart, Yi Tian knew that he could not tolerate any mistakes at this time, so he stretched out his hands and quickly formed the seal method recorded in the secret technique.In an instant, after the seal was formed, all the spiritual power from the surrounding area was extracted, and then poured into it crazily according to the Zixiao lamp.

Out of the corner of Yi Tian's eyes, he saw that the patterns on the stone walls around the stone room were also activated. It seems that the blessing of a large formation is needed to perform the 'Secret Technique of Empowering Spirits' here.

The original inscribed patterns on the stone walls in the entire room glowed with white halos, instantly illuminating the room as brightly as day.The white true flame in the earth's eye rose and enveloped Zixiaozhan, turning it into a ball of light the size of a fist.Yi Tian is constantly changing the printing method in his hands and going through the "Secret Technique of Imbuing Spirits" step by step.

After the whole set of secret techniques was finished, Yi Tiancai resolutely withdrew his hand, and the white true flame in the ground's eyes slowly shrank back after the last seal.Stretch out your hand and take the 'Zixiao Zhan' into your palm with a light stroke, and your divine sense gently penetrates into it to search the internal condition of its spiritual weapon.

After three breaths, a pensive look appeared on Yi Tian's face, and Zi Xiaozhan at this time seemed to be no different from before.But if there is any change, there are still some differences.First of all, the quality of the spirit weapon has been improved again, almost comparable to that of the primary fairy weapon.It's just that compared with the seal in Niwan Palace, it seems to be a bit inferior.

Secondly, the "vessel pattern" inscribed on the Zixiao lamp before has disappeared at this time, and it will not appear again until someone activates it.

And there seems to be a little white light spot in the inner core of the spiritual weapon, which was not the case before performing the 'Secret Imbuing Technique'.Speaking of which, this should be the spiritual seed that breeds the spirit of the weapon. In the future, this spiritual weapon can be raised and nurtured so that this little spiritual seed can grow.But it is not known to what extent it can grow, but according to the "Secret Imbued with Spirits" records, as long as there is the existence of this kind of spiritual species, it can conceive the weapon spirit, compared with those that can only be derived after tens of thousands of years. Ling Na saved a lot of effort.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian also sighed lightly, it was a good experience after all.At least my natal spiritual weapon has been raised to a level that is infinitely close to that of a fairy weapon, but I still need someone to test and retrieve it to find out how powerful it is.

After finishing all these, Yi Tian turned his attention to the 'Haotian Mirror' on the other side of Fang.After taking Zixiaozhan back into the Niwan Palace again, Yi Tiancai lightly picked up the 'Haotian Mirror' and looked it over carefully.

Speaking of which, compared to his natal magic weapon, the grade of this semi-finished 'Haotian Mirror' is far inferior.Although I also selected the top-level treasures of the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit when refining, but because there is no sufficient warming after the artifact is completed, its quality is naturally inferior to Zixiaozhan.

Fortunately, his current skill in refining weapons is already several times stronger than when he was in the lower realm.Therefore, when the 'Haotian Mirror' was completed, it was already a heavenly top-level spirit treasure.

After some deduction in his mind before, Yi Tian naturally knew how to deal with it. He stretched out his hand and hit the aura, and then sacrificed the 'Haotian Mirror' at a height of half a foot above the mouth of the real flame.

After having the previous experience, Yi Tian is very familiar with this time. The seal of his left hand stimulates the surrounding formations, and the right hand controls the 'Haotian Mirror' to continuously draw the white flames in the eyes of the earth. Inject it.

The difference from the last time is that Yitian Equipment uses the true flame here to raise the level of the 'Haotian Mirror' again.It would be best if it could exceed the level of Zixiaozhan, and it would be even if it was not good.

With the continuous injection of white true flames, the mirror surface of the 'Haotian Mirror' seemed to be burning with raging fire, and soon its body began to rotate slowly under the urging of the true flames.From time to time during the period, white true flames overflowed from it, and Yi Tian stretched out his finger to lead these true flames back into the earth's eye again.

I don't know how long it took, when Yi Tian finished the final set of the "Energy Impression Secret Technique" and injected the spiritual power into the body of the "Haotian Mirror", all the white true flames in it overflowed and flew back to the place in the eyes.

After receiving the power, Yi Tian slowly stopped the surrounding formations and barriers, and the halo in the stone room became pitch black again after falling.Among them is the 'Haotian Mirror' floating in the air, emitting a faint halo that illuminates a five-foot radius around it.

Yi Tian stretched out his hand and took the 'Haotian Mirror' back, held it in his hand and inspected it carefully.At this time, the 'Haotian Mirror' seemed to shrink a circle to only half a foot in size, but there were a lot of real flames floating around the mirror.Yi Tian held the mirror up in his left hand, and then took a picture of himself.

After three breaths, there was a dumb look on his face, and under the white mirror light sweeping across his body, he felt a slight trembling of his Nascent Soul in Niwan Palace.It seems that the mirror light can shine on the Niwan Palace on the forehead to directly fix one's own soul.

Fortunately, the seal in Yuan Ying's hand seemed to have sensed something, and a purple aura flashed hastily, filling the inner wall of Niwan Palace and blocking the incoming white light from the outside.

After testing the power of the 'Haotian Mirror', Yi Tian also had lingering fears about the Zongmen treasure.This kind of effect is afraid that if it is used suddenly when facing the enemy, it will directly hit the opponent by surprise.

At the same time, under the restraint of the Nascent Soul, it is naturally impossible to use its supernatural powers again, and it will only be slaughtered by others.

Judging from the quality of the spirit weapon, it should have been raised to the same level as the 'Zixiaozhan'. Although it did not exceed my expectations, it did not disappoint me either.Generally speaking, the results of the 'Secret Infusion' performed this time are quite satisfactory.

Yi Tian glanced at the mirror surface of the 'Haotian Mirror' when he was happy, but then his face was slightly stunned.I saw my own figure appearing in the mirror, but its appearance was somewhat similar to the current deity.In the 'Haotian Mirror', I saw that I was wearing the clothes of Luo Tianxian Palace, wearing a Taoist crown on my head, and there was an obvious triple fire mark on my forehead.

Hastily took out another mirror and looked at himself, Yi Tian found that the appearance in the mirror was exactly the same as his own deity.

As for the image of myself reflected in the 'Haotian Mirror', it seems to be [-]-[-]% similar to the mirror image I saw in that formation before.It can be said that they are exactly the same except for the Taoist crown and the triple fire mark on the forehead.

Seeing this, Yi Tian's eyes sank, his eyes turned and he thought about it. It is obvious that the re-refined 'Haotian Mirror' seems to have certain characteristics.But at this time, I can only use myself as an experiment and I can't tell what it is. It seems that I can only find someone else to try it if I have the opportunity.

But in his heart, he secretly rejoiced that he was really lucky to come to the fragments of Luo Tianxian Palace in the Netherworld this time. In addition to obtaining the high-level secret art of Zongmen's refining, he also raised two spiritual weapons to the realm of quasi-celestial weapons.But the most shocking thing is that he discovered that he must have a great connection with Luotian Immortal Palace.

At least the mirror image in the formation formed by the "Qishe" is the same as his own appearance, and after refining the "Haotian Mirror", another side of his true self is reflected.Speaking of which, it would never be such a coincidence, just once, but there is a great strangeness in it twice.At least Yi Tian's thoughts now have been linked to how the Luotian Immortal Realm collapsed and fell into the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit.

Speaking of which, this decision is definitely not a coincidence, but an inevitability.It's just that the information I have now is limited and I can't find out what happened.But Yi Tian knew in his heart that this matter was just the beginning, and he became more and more interested in the secrets of Luotian Immortal Palace.

Quietly thinking about it, he seems to have entered the fragments of the fairy world three times after he reached the Nine Realms of the Supreme Spirit.The last two times were very clear, only the first time when Houtian and others forcibly stuffed the fragments of the fairy world into it was a bit strange.I remember that I once had a dream during the trip to the fragments of the fairy world. The situation in the dream was still very clear. At that time, I thought it had no direct connection with myself, but now it seems that it has aroused the deep memory in my mind. .

After putting away the 'Haotian Mirror' in his hand, Yi Tian didn't plan to leave directly, anyway, he finally found an excellent practice place here, so he might as well take this opportunity to practice well.

After thinking about it, he closed his eyes and sat cross-legged, silently practicing kung fu and adjusting his breath.

(End of this chapter)

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