
Chapter 2223

Chapter 2223
After resting for a period of time in the blessed land in the back hall of the "Qishe", Yi Tian took advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to perform the "Secret Technique of Imbuing Spirits" to directly raise the level of the two spiritual weapons in his hand to the level of a quasi-immortal weapon, and then in the cave. Sitting in the inner disk, he began to practice.

The power of the immortal here is abundant, sitting cross-legged in the cave and cultivating for one day is equivalent to several years of hard work in the sect of the spiritual world.

It's just that the current situation can't only occupy such a treasured land for a long time, and I also think that sitting for a day is a day in my heart.Until seven days later, in Yi Tian's spiritual sense, he found that someone seemed to be rushing towards here from thousands of miles away.Judging from the fluctuation of spiritual pressure, I know Wan Gang and Yan Qiu.

It's just that I don't know how the two of them came together, Yi Tian frowned slightly, and his face also had a thoughtful expression.After three breaths, the spiritual sense felt a third wave of spiritual pressure appearing in the air, and its goal was also very clear, it was chasing the first two rays of light and rushing quickly.

Among the fragments of the fairy world, Wan Gang and Yan Qiu are probably only one of the two true immortals from the lower realm, but I don't know which one it is. Changsun Ting framed him once before, and he It is also a trick to pay back the color.

Presumably the other party got the carp dragon liver, and his cultivation should have improved by leaps and bounds at this time.But I have actually stepped into the Mahayana stage, and I can say that I have the strength to fight.

Wan Gang and Yan Qiu are insignificant to the real immortals of the lower realm, but the forces behind them and the balance of the two interfaces involved, I can't just stand idly by just because of this.

But Yi Tian didn't want to tear his skin apart unless he had to deal with these real immortals, but if he wanted to fight, he would be in an endless situation and he had no way out.

After thinking about it, he opened his eyes and packed up the surrounding things, then Yi Tian hurried out of the stone room, his figure flashed a few times and then jumped out of the blessed land cave.After flying into the air, the divine sense checked again and found that the two people in front seemed to have flown within five or six thousand miles, and their divine sense should be able to detect their own existence.

Sure enough, after three breaths, Yi Tian found that the two of them seemed to have adjusted the direction of Feidun and flew straight towards the area where they were.At this point, being able to pull a person together will give him an extra chance of surviving.

What makes Yi Tian slightly puzzled is why the two of them were forced to such a point.After thinking about it, the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body slowly converged to the late stage of the fusion, a clear spiritual light flashed around his body, and Yi Tian's figure left an afterimage in the air, and then directly swept to the square in the front hall of the 'Qishe' superior.

Taking out four formation-breaking awls and injecting spiritual power into them, Yi Tian quickly punched them into the four-corner formation nodes of the square formation.Speaking of it, I have to be fully prepared. If I really make a move, the formation barrier here will be a natural help.

What's more, I have already experienced the power of this formation when I broke the formation before. If it is possible to use the formation here, it will be even more powerful when dealing with the real immortals of the lower realm. At least Yi Tian feels that he is at least six or seven points sure can deal with them,
Shaoqing saw two black rays of light galloping towards the "Huanshi Water Pavilion" not far in front of him, and then the two of them galloped after passing the gate at low altitude.Yi Tian opened his mouth and said in a deep voice: "There is a formation guarding the square here, you two follow my guidance, don't touch the barrier."

It was Wan Gang who took the lead, and after hearing his own words, he hurriedly sank to his dantian and shouted, "Thank you, fellow Daoist Yi, and please lead us out quickly."

Yi Tian nodded and then passed his divine thoughts over the two people not far in front of him, only to see that Wan Gang was anxious and frightened on his face at the moment, but he relaxed a little after seeing him, at least he felt sorry for himself in his heart Still quite agreeable.

But Yan Qiu, who was ten feet away behind him, was not so relaxed, and followed Wan Gang closely all the way with a sullen face.A hesitant look flashed in his eyes after seeing him, but as if thinking of the pursuers behind him, he could only grit his teeth and catch up with Wan Gang.

It was only when the two of them passed through the barrier of formation under his guidance and came three feet away in front of them did they stabilize their figures.After meeting Wan Gang, he hastily said: "Yi Daoyou has met you, but this time you made a big mess, please help me."

The corners of his mouth twitched a few times, but Yi Tian's face showed a serious look, and after bowing his hands to return the salute, he immediately asked, "Please tell me quickly what is it, don't hide anything."

"That's not dare, but this time the two of us unintentionally offended Sun Ting, the real immortal of the lower realm, and he must be furious at this moment to take our lives," Wan Gang replied.

"To the point, how did you offend him," Yi Tian asked.

"I have to ask Fellow Daoist Yan about this matter. Speaking of which, I was also implicated by him," Wan Gang said with his eyes darkened, and there seemed to be a little anger on his face.

Yan Qiu, who was standing behind him, suddenly became extremely dignified when he heard the words, and then sighed: "Speaking of which, I really have troubled the two of you, and I didn't meet any good things when I was exploring the fragments of the fairy world before. Until several A few days ago, I ran into a dying red dragon."

"True dragon, wait a minute, what you are talking about should be a carp dragon, right?" Yi Tian interrupted: "This red carp dragon is about ten feet long, its body is as thick as a bucket, and its strength should be worse than mine. not much."

"That's right," Yan Qiu said with a look of surprise on his face, "You Daoist Yi, how can you be so clear?"

"I was also there when the carp dragon was calculated before, but I didn't know that this beast would be so difficult that even the real immortal from the lower realm could not handle it quickly," Yi Tian sighed: "Then what did you do to make Changsun Ting anxious?" Are you in a hurry to catch up?"

Hearing this, Yan Qiu showed embarrassment, but seeing the faces of the two of them, he naturally knew that this matter was not trivial, and if he didn't make it clear, he would naturally carry it alone.Yi Tian and Wan Gang definitely had no reason to take action for no reason, not to mention that even if they found good things in the fragments of the fairy world, they would have to take them out to enjoy them.

After thinking about it, Yan Qiu gritted his teeth and said: "I saw that the carp dragon seemed to be dying, so I shot and killed it decisively, and then put it in the storage ring. But within ten breaths, it was captured by the divine mind of the real immortal. It was locked, and only then did I realize that this time I took advantage of the fire and snatched away the meat that people had eaten."

It turned out that Yi Tian was not surprised when he heard the words, but according to what Yan Qiu said, Changsun Ting should not have got the carp dragon liver, and with his previous strength, he should still be in the middle stage of fusion.Although it has the supernatural powers and secret arts of the fairy world as its background, it seems that it may not be able to exert [-]% of its real strength in the fragments of the fairy world.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian opened his mouth with a smile on his face and said, "So that's the case, but it's easy to handle at this time. I'll give you three choices."

"The plan will be settled," Yan Qiu immediately breathed a sigh of relief, but the tense look on his face did not relax at all and hurriedly asked: "Dare to ask fellow Daoist Yi what are the three strategies?"

"What's the best strategy? Fellow Daoist Yan handed over the carp dragon in his hand. If I come forward to deal with it, at most I will give the other party a certain amount of compensation, which can be regarded as exposing the matter," Yi Tian said: "But it depends on the other party's wink."

Before Yan Qiu could reply, Wan Gang waved his hands and said, "No, he has been chasing us for three days and three nights, and it's even better when we're at this level. I'm afraid we will still be missed after this period What about the middle policy?"

"The three of us are leaving now, and the real fairy can only catch up to one at most, and everyone lives and dies according to their destiny," Yi Tian said lightly, curling his lips.

"What kind of middle strategy is this? If we don't keep our tails between our legs, we won't be able to please them when we see them in the future. Maybe we will be pursued by them after we go out. Although this matter is temporary, it cannot be avoided forever. We still need to find a solution once and for all," Yan Qiu said with a displeased expression on his face.

"If you want to get rid of future troubles, you have to take the wrong policy. After a while, the real fairy will rush to the three of us and make a decisive move to keep the other party here," Yi Tian's face sank, the corners of his mouth moved slightly and he popped out a sentence road.

As soon as this remark came out, Yan Qiu and Wan Gang in front of them also raised their brows slightly. Although they can roughly guess the content of the bad plan, Yan Qiu and Wan Gang are still a little bit concerned after Yi Tian said so grandly. Moving.

Naturally, they are also quickly calculating the gains and losses in their hearts, as they said, the best way is to solve the other party again.However, it is still unknown whether facing a true immortal from the lower realm can retreat completely, let alone kill the opponent.

In his divine sense, he found that the breath was already close at hand, and he estimated that he would be here in less than twenty breaths.Both Yan Qiu and Wan Gang had drips of cold sweat on their foreheads, and they looked at each other and saw the uncertain light in each other's eyes.Looking at Yi Tian in front of him again, it seems that he has no intention of preventing this matter at all.

After three breaths, Wan Gang took the lead and said: "I agree with this matter, it's better to have a good time than to be missed by the other party in the future, if we don't do it while we are all together at this time, I'm afraid there won't be such a good chance in the future. "

Hearing this, Yan Qiu also sighed and said: "Okay, I also agree with Yi Daoyou's suggestion. Although it is a bad idea, it is naturally my wish to solve the other party once and for all."

After speaking, Yan Qiu took out a storage bag and handed it over, and continued: "I have already collected the carp dragon's body here, I think it's better for you, Daoist Yi, to keep it. How to divide it afterward is up to you." You decide."

It sounds like Yan Qiu is soft, but in fact Yi Tian knows in his heart that he is causing trouble, and after handing over the corpse of the carp dragon, he can clear the blame no matter how bad he is.And in this way, he became the primary target of the real immortal, and this trick of killing two birds with one stone was well enough.Now the three of them really want to deal with the real fairy in the fairy world, and it was Yi Tian's proposal, so Yan Qiu expected that he would follow.

With a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to hold the storage bag, and after reaching in with his divine sense, he found that it was the real carp dragon he had met under the 'Mingze Lake' before.At this time, there were two obvious depressions on the forehead of the carp dragon, which were obviously caused by a strong attack.One of the two dragon horns on the head was also broken, and the dragon scales on the back showed several scars with deep bone visible, but the most deadly one was at the reverse scale under the neck.

It is obvious that Youdao's supernatural power broke through the soft reverse scale and pierced the carp dragon's throat from bottom to top.Yi Tian's eyes glanced over the wound and found a faint blue light on it, staring carefully, it seemed to be some blue frost, needless to say, it should be the damage caused by some kind of ice magical power.

The wound on the carp dragon's back exudes a faint black evil spirit, just like the real devil's spirit in the demon world.Regarding this, Yi Tian showed an unbelievable expression on his face. He didn't expect that one of the two lower realm true immortals cultivated the yellow energy, and the other cultivated the magical power of the ice attribute.

Unexpectedly, Changsun Ting would use two supernatural powers to fend off the enemy at the same time, but after three breaths, an ominous thought flashed in his mind.These two supernatural powers are obviously not performed by the same person. Apart from the conflict in the attributes of the exercises, the position of their shots is also very particular.One attracted attention and the other took advantage of it. The tacit cooperation between the two did not look like the first cooperation.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian thought to himself, "These true immortals are really cunning. Unexpectedly, Changsun Tingming invited him to help him, but he actually found Wu Jue to join forces secretly."If I didn't run away but stayed in 'Mingze Lake' at the beginning, I'm afraid I should have fallen under the attack of the two of them. 'Thinking of this, the only good feelings for Changsun Ting in my heart are gone.

Although he couldn't be sure which one it was, Yi Tian secretly hoped that it would be best if he met the true immortal who cultivated Huang Qi.Otherwise, under the restraint of supernatural power attributes, one's own advantage will not be as great as imagined.

Wan Gang, who was suddenly on the side, asked: "Yi Daoyou, you also tell us how to deal with it later?"

Speaking of this, Yi Tian had to withdraw his attention from the carp dragon, and then stretched out his hand to point to the big formation in front of him and said: "There is a formation restriction of Luotian Immortal Palace here, if we can use it well, we can use its power Overwhelm opponents."

"But we all don't know much about the formation, how should we deal with the unknown?" Wan Gang asked.

"It's not difficult," Yi Tian took out two formation talismans and handed them over, "I've already driven the formation breaking awl into the nodes of the formation. Although I can't fully activate the formation barrier, as long as you hold the formation formation Talisman, we can still avoid the trouble of the formation, so the three of us will have the advantages of geographical advantage and harmony."

"Yi Daoyou is right. If we lose again while we are waiting for work, it can only be said that we will not take advantage of the sky." Yan Qiu said in a deep voice: "If the sky is going to be destroyed, we will not be able to escape no matter what, let us join hands Respond to the enemy."

After finishing speaking, Yan Qiu and Wan Gang stretched out their hands, and they held the talisman jade tablet in their hands and injected spiritual power into it.Later, the formation talisman jade pendant resonated with the formation-breaking awl stuck on a node in the formation.A guiding aura appeared in front of the two of them, following the aura they flew straight into the formation without touching the restraint of the formation.

(End of this chapter)

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