
Chapter 2224 Open 1

Chapter 2224
Wan Gang and Yan Qiu interrupted his practice for no reason, so Yi Tian could only escape from the retreat cave.After coming to the outside world, after talking with the two of them, I found out that it was a good thing that Yan Qiu broke the Changsun Pavilion with an inexplicable shot.Originally, I was still thinking about how to deal with those two true immortals from the lower realm, but now it seems that it is a godsend opportunity.

In addition, there is also the formation barrier outside Luo Tianxian Palace'Qishe' that can be used as a support, and with the assistance of Yan Qiu and Wan Gang, there is at least a [-]% to [-]% chance of winning in a three-on-one situation.

After handing over the formation talisman jade cards for the two, let them enter the formation first. Although I still can't control the formation, I can still avoid most of the formations only by the induction of the formation breaking awl and formation talisman in the formation node. The attack of the enchantment.

Seeing that they were all ready a little later, Yi Tian didn't hesitate and flew into the mid-air, opening his divine sense to lock on the position of the person coming.After careful inspection, it was undoubtedly Changsun Ting.

At this moment, the other party should also have discovered that he has a shock wave on his body, but under such a one-on-three situation, he doesn't know if he has the courage to come forward.

Just as he was thinking in his heart, his divine thoughts passed by and found that Changsun Pavilion's escape light only paused slightly in the air, and then continued to rush towards here.

Twenty breaths later, a ray of light swept up from the air, passed through the main entrance of the 'Qishe', and flew to the square. After dangling in the air, it stopped thirty feet away in front of it.After the light faded, the face of Changsun Ting was revealed. At this time, he seemed to have no leisurely look before. Instead, he stared at Yi Tian in front of him and Yan Qiu and Wan Gang in the square below.

After being slightly startled, Changsun Ting said in a deep voice before he could open his mouth: "My boy, I thought you were a good helper, but I didn't expect you to run away alone while chasing the carp dragon."

"Senior, why did you say that?" Yi Tian couldn't see the expression of joy or anger on his face, but he replied calmly: "I didn't expect that the senior found another helper besides me, so I ask myself, senior. He and Wu Jue have absolutely nothing in their hands, so why stay there?"

"Oh, it seems that you already know about it," Changsun Ting said disdainfully, "Then it seems that you and the two people below are also in collusion, just to spoil my good things, right?"

Yi Tian shrugged helplessly and said lightly: "Senior guessed wrong this time. The two people below are my friends. If there is anything wrong with them, I will apologize for them first. Please also look at the seniors. Let them go on my laurels."

"Let them go," Changsun Ting said with a cold snort, "You are too overestimating yourself. When I met you in the lower realm, I didn't kill you because the situation was unknown. Don't overestimate yourself too much. In the eyes of the real immortals, you monks in the spiritual world are just ants. At that time, it was just my expedient measure to make friends with you. Now I have absorbed a lot of immortal energy in this world, and my cultivation level has been able to improve. Level one, speaking of which, even if you meet a Mahayana cultivator, you are not afraid."

"Senior seems to want to tear his skin apart when he said that," Yi Tian said with a calm expression, "Even if my spiritual monks are not as good as the true immortals of the fairy world, we have experienced thousands of years of training to get here. Absolutely will not compromise."

"Okay, it seems that today you are determined to protect them," Changsun Ting said coldly, "then don't blame me for being rude."

"Hmph, so that seniors can learn that we and other spiritual monks have backbone, and would rather die standing than kneeling. Since seniors insist on going their own way, don't blame us for joining forces to deal with you," Yi Tian replied neither humble nor overbearing At the same time, he reached out and took out the Taiyuan Wooden Sword Sacrifice in his hand.

"The younger generation seeks death," just as he finished speaking, Changsun Ting raised his hand, and a blue aura flew out from his sleeve.Yi Tian's sharp eyes naturally recognized that there should be a powerful fairy treasure in the escape light, and the reverse scale at the throat of the previous carp dragon should have been injured by this thing.

He reached out and took out the dragon tortoise shield and sacrificed it in front of him, a red halo instantly lit up to protect him. After a loud 'bang' aroused waves of spiritual pressure in the air, Yi Tian felt that the dragon tortoise armor shield in front of him had been severely hammered.

The red halo shield was avoided by the blue aura for tens of feet before it stopped the momentum of retreating. Yi Tian controlled the spiritual power in his body to pour out into the dragon tortoise shield in the air before he stabilized his figure.

Secretly admired in his heart, he didn't expect these true immortals from the lower realm to be so powerful, and they could push themselves away such a long distance with just one blow.Although he is only using the strength of the later stage of the fusion, Yi Tian knows that the real strength of Changsun Ting should be higher than his own at this time, unless he immediately reveals his true cultivation to curb the opponent's momentum.

But Yi Tian knew in his heart that he absolutely couldn't do this, for two reasons.First of all, I don't know if Changsun Ting has any other trump cards. Secondly, if the two people below just let them watch and refuse to let them make a move, even if they win, it will be a tragic victory. Next, they will have to face these two People are really not good at calculation.

After thinking about it, he sank and fell straight to the square below, and then directly activated the formation breaking awl under the seal of both hands to activate the formation barrier here.

After a dark light curtain suddenly lit up, Changsun Ting crossed the air and enveloped him completely.But seeing that there was no trace of timidity on his face, instead he looked at the three people on the ground with a playful expression.

Then he shouted loudly: "I didn't expect you to have prepared to set up a formation barrier here. It's a pity that in the eyes of us and other real immortals, your formation skills are nothing more than that. It is wishful thinking to trap me with this, but If this is the case, it's a cocoon, and none of the three of you can escape."

After hearing the other party's voice, Yi Tian smiled slightly, and then stretched out his divine sense to look at Yan Qiu and Wan Gang on both sides.I saw that they were not as calm and calm as me, and they all looked over as if they were waiting for my instructions.

"Heaven and Earth Profound Formation lead to the same goal by different routes, today I will use this large formation to defend me against the enemy," Yi Tian said, quickly chanting mantras to forcefully control the large formation.

With a sound of '嗖', the surrounding mirrors became pitch black, and the four of them had already entered the space created by the formation barrier.When Wan Gang and Yan Qiu came back to their senses again, they saw a person wearing the clothes of Luo Tianxian Palace appearing in front of them.Taking a closer look, it was Yi Tian himself, but his face and forehead were slightly different, and the clothes on his body seemed to have changed.

In the dark space, Yi Tian's words suddenly came out for no reason, and resounded all around, saying: "I will control the formation and the two will take action together from the side."

After finishing speaking, I saw the deity of 'Yi Tian' move instantly, holding an oil lamp in his hand, sacrificing a little starlight, drawing an arc in the air, and then hitting Changsun Ting directly.

(End of this chapter)

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