
Chapter 2225 Open 2

Chapter 2225

At the gate of the "Qishe", Yi Tian and Wan Gang Yan Qiu joined forces to rely on the big formation on the square to confront the Changsun Pavilion of the lower world, the real immortal Guangming tomorrow.Speaking of which, it was also a good thing that Yan Qiu accidentally hit and damaged Changsun Pavilion this time, so the latter became so angry and wanted to deal with the three of them.

The reason is also very clear in Yi Tian's mind. If the opponent gets the carp dragon liver and recovers to the early stage of Mahayana, I am afraid that there will be no peaceful days in the Nine Realms of the Spirit.

The reason why I didn't directly break the skin with the other party back then was because I couldn't see through the other party's details, and I think the same is true for Changsun Ting.That's why there is an intersection in the dark beast sea area in the hell world.It's just that Yi Tian faintly felt that he was also used by Changsun Ting during the trip to the Fragment of the Immortal Realm, and with the analysis of the corpse of the carp dragon, it is not difficult to see that the opponent in the battle of "Mingze Lake" was absolutely ungrateful.

At that time, Changsun Ting should have invited Wu Jue from "Zi Yutian" to help out. Speaking of which, if he hadn't made a quick decision to sneak away from the underwater passage at that time, I'm afraid it would not have brought any benefits.

Now that the two sides are confronting each other, they seem to be a little impatient in their words, so in the end, they still have to see the truth in their hands.

After seeing Changsun Pavilion entering the urn, Yi Tian did not hesitate to activate the large formation on the square, and he has a deep understanding of the power of the formation here.It's a pity that the other three people only thought that it was a formation enchantment that he had arranged in a hurry, and Yi Tian didn't panic and waited until the formation restriction was activated, and the deity hid in the formation.

After a black curtain fell all around, all four of them were pulled closer to the formation space, and here Wan Gang and Yan Qiu saw that Yi Tian seemed to have changed inside, and he was wearing a set of Luo Tianxian Palace. The clothes, the Zongmen emblem also appeared on the forehead.

Although the two of them didn't know what to do, they were awe-inspiring when they saw that 'Yi Tian' was the master of Lihuo Palace as soon as he made a move.The supernatural power seems simple, but after scanning the divine sense, one can notice that the spiritual pressure fluctuations contained in it far exceed their current cultivation level.

Changsun Ting in front of him also sensed something was wrong, and the seemingly faint starlight flew ten feet away and then skyrocketed.After a flame in his pupils magnified infinitely, Changsun Ting's complexion finally changed, and he blurted out: "This is not the fire of the spirit world, but the supernatural power of the fairy world. I didn't expect you to keep a hand. I really underestimated you."

In the depths of the pitch-black formation space, a sentence came unintentionally: "Senior Eldest Grandson, you are absurdly praised. I didn't expect that my trivial skills can still catch your eyes. It's a blessing."

"Hmph, don't fight with your tongue. Although Luo Tianxian Palace's supernatural powers are strong, it's a pity that you are not strong enough, so naturally you can't exert your due power. Besides, do you think I am not prepared? Boy, just watch, attributes Under mutual restraint, your supernatural powers and spells naturally cannot pose any threat to me," Changsun Ting replied coldly.

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and took out a three-foot-long scepter to sacrifice in his hand. A blue orb was inlaid in the head of the scepter. Changsun Ting waved the scepter around himself after making a seal A blue defensive film.

Yi Tian, ​​who was hiding in the depths of the formation, naturally saw the opponent's movements in his eyes. He saw the huge fireball hit Changsun Pavilion's blue defensive cover fiercely, and then drove it back ten feet before slowly dissipating.

I secretly felt sorry for myself, I have experienced the power of such tricks before, I didn't expect that these true immortals from the lower realms would all have protective artifacts in their hands.That Changsun Ting's strength was not so strong that he couldn't touch it, but the scepter in his hand was so powerful that it could forcibly resist the killing blow of the formation spirit.

Surprised but surprised, Yi Tian lowered his head and hastily sent a voice transmission to the two people at the nodes on both sides: "You two should act quickly, the three of us will not be able to escape unless this problem is solved."

Both Wan Gang and Yan Qiu came to their senses when they heard the words, and what they said was naturally true.With the strength of the two of them alone, they have no power to fight back in front of Changsun Ting.If the opportunity is missed, it may be difficult to suppress the opponent. After thinking about it, Yan Qiu and Wan Gang looked at each other, and the two of them sacrificed the strongest spiritual weapon together and greeted Changsun Pavilion in the distance. .

The flash of electricity transformed by the yellow brimstone fire and black savage horn hit instantly, but the supernatural powers of the two seemed to be powerful, but they only made Changsun Pavilion's protective shield tremble a few times.Compared with the humble Mars before, its power is far worse.

But even so, the excited Changsun Ting began to curse: "You three little devils are trying to besiege me, today I will show you the strength of my 'Bright Tomorrow' True Immortal."

After speaking, the spiritual pressure fluctuations all over his body suddenly gathered together, and the cultivation base of Changsun Ting was like a wild horse running wild, breaking through the boundaries in the middle stage of the fusion and improving to the cultivation base of the later stage.

The soaring spiritual pressure fluctuation after three breaths seems to have no intention of stopping, continue to cultivate and continue to improve, and then directly hit the peak stage of the late fusion.

The aggressive aura exuding from his body instantly shocked Yan Qiu and Wan Gang.

As for the deity of 'Yi Tian' standing in front of him, he didn't seem to be timid about it at all. The oil lamp on his left hand slowly gathered up, and then he stretched out his right hand to skip it and took out a strand, and then flicked it lightly and then flew out.The real flame spun rapidly in the air and turned into a one-foot-sized spiral fire wheel, and then pressed down on Changsun Pavilion again.

"Small tricks, nothing to worry about," Changsun Ting showed no fear on his face, and stretched out his hand to sacrifice the scepter and drew a one-foot-sized circular arc in front of him.I saw a bunch of blue icicles fly out of the one-foot arc in the middle, split into three parts in the air, and hit the positions of 'Yi Tian' main body, Wan Gang and Yan Qiu respectively.Of course, nearly [-]% of the magical power is concentrated in the front to meet the spiral fire wheel.

But Yan Qiu and Wan Gang's complexion changed dramatically when they saw this, and they hurriedly raised their magical powers and struck towards the oncoming icicle pillar.At this time, they didn't dare to underestimate the enemy. Although the opponent only allocated [-]% of the power, they had to fight with all their strength.

'Bang bang' The two spells on the left and right collided fiercely in mid-air, and the magical powers of both sides were at a stalemate. Both Wan Gang and Yan Qiu did not dare to stop in their hands, and the spiritual power in their bodies gushed out crazily to strengthen their spells. Hold on for a while.

The two of them naturally knew in their hearts that they were just passing by, and the one who was really under pressure was Yi Tian.I saw that the red and blue magical powers met in the middle, and there was no stalemate, but the red spiral fire wheel actually split the icicle column in front of it and continued to fly forward.

So Yan Qiu and Wan Gang said in unison at the same time: "Okay."

On the other hand, Changsun Ting, who was on the opposite side, had an unbelievable expression on his face, but he shouted urgently: "The Luotian Immortal Palace's orthodox skill, the Spiral Fire Wheel, is not a supernatural power that you can display."

(End of this chapter)

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