
Chapter 2226 Open 3

Chapter 2226

In the formation space, the deity of 'Yi Tian', Yan Qiu and Wan Gang attacked Changsun Ting at the same time, but such a true immortal from the lower realm could be bullied at will.Even under one-on-three, there was no timidity at all. After taking out the scepter and fairy artifact, the spiritual pressure fluctuations on the whole body skyrocketed.

In an instant, Changsun Ting's cultivation improved from the middle stage of the fusion to the late stage and finally reached the peak state. It is blunt to say that his current strength can already despise all the monks of the fusion stage. I am afraid that only the monks of the Mahayana stage can match him.

And if he didn't make a move, he would attack the three of them as soon as he made a move. The icy pillar summoned by the scepter in his hand split into three in front of him and attacked the three in front of him at the same time.It's just a side note to Yan Qiu and Wan Gang, only the real 'Yi Tian' in front of him was taken care of.

Yan Qiu and Wan Gang had to do their best to maintain the stalemate even if they were facing Changsun Ting's [-]% supernatural powers.But the supernatural powers performed by 'Yi Tian' split the icy pillar of Changsun Pavilion, and at the same time, he blurted out the source of such powers in surprise.

Although Changsun Pavilion's ice column is not weak, it seems that it can't stop its advancing momentum in front of the one-foot-sized "spiral fire wheel".

Seeing such a situation, Sun Ting hurriedly drew his hands and made mudras, retracting the two separated icicles, and then merged to the center.Then the icy pillar showed a dazzling blue color again, and at the same time, a sound of dragon chant came from above the supernatural power of the icy pillar.

It can be seen that the original icicle column changed again at this time, and after the threatening cold air came out, the surrounding area was frozen to the point that a large amount of water vapor condensed into rain and fell.

Only the sound of dripping water can be heard incessantly, like a downpour sweeping by.

But even such a powerful supernatural spell can only stop the momentum of the spiral fire wheel's spell, and the two sides are at a stalemate.

In this way, both Wan Gang and Yan Qiu showed shock on their faces. They had personally experienced the power of the icicle just now.But now that Changsun Ting changed his tactics again, he could only draw with Spiral Fire Wheel. It is conceivable that Yi Tian's strength has reached an unimaginable level.

However, the current situation seems to be quite favorable for the two of them. After Yi Tian restrained Changsun Ting, the two of them were able to free their hands.I only heard Yi Tian's voice in the dark space: "The two of you quickly get out your mobile phones so you can't lose them, just break through the defense of Changsun Pavilion."

A gleam flashed in the eyes of Yan Qiu and Wan Gang when they heard the words, Yi Tian was right.In the current stalemate situation, as long as there is any injection of external force, the balance can be broken.What's more, there are two monks in the middle stage of integration, and this external force is not just one or two points.

The two spirit pressure waves wrinkled, and then flew out from Yan Qiu Wangang's face, then circled around the area where the ice dragon and the spiral fire wheel were glued together and blasted towards Changsun Ting. 'Bang bang' two bangs, brimstone fire and black evil electricity accurately hit the defensive cover outside Changsun Pavilion.After a burst of blue spiritual power emerged, the entire protective cover showed blue light again, pushing the two spells out.It's just that this time Changsun Ting's spiritual power obviously showed signs of failure, and the blue defensive light film seemed to be beeping and flickered sharply.

He only heard a roar from his mouth and said: "You two ants dare to sneak attack on me, and I will have to tear your corpses into thousands of pieces later to relieve the hatred in my heart."

"You still have the heart to take care of us, let's talk about it after passing the current level," Wan Gang replied angrily, and at the same time the output of spiritual power in his hand increased by three points again, although Yan Qiu on the other side did not speak He didn't dare to relax at all, and also increased the power of supernatural powers.

A 'click' came from the protective cover, and a crack appeared.Yan Qiu and Wangang's faces were overjoyed, and the spiritual power in their bodies was frantically urging to maintain their magic attacks.

But Changsun Ting's face was like sinking water. At this time, he also knew what would happen if the defense was breached.A stern look flashed in his eyes, and he stretched out his hand to take back the ice dragon in his hand and filled the blue defensive cover.

But then the spiral fire wheel was right on Changsun Ting's front door. 'Zra' sounded lecherous and the spiral fire wheel stuck on the blue defensive cover, shaking it violently.

Changsun Ting's face was startled, and he never expected that such supernatural powers and spells would have such power to easily break through its defenses.Waving the scepter in his hand to inject spiritual power into it, but the blue defensive cover became flickering at this time, as if it was struggling to maintain it.

"This is 'Burning God Red Flame', how could you know the unique skills of Luotian Immortal Palace in the Immortal Realm?" Changsun Ting exclaimed, at this time his face was distorted as if he had been burned by 'Burning God Red Flame'.

Unexpectedly, Changsun Ting would also be burned by the supernatural power displayed by the mirror image, but Yi Tian was overjoyed and then thought about the situation when he faced the mirror image before.If this 'Burning God Red Flame' is really so powerful, then why didn't he get the slightest damage, unless such supernatural powers are only effective against monks who were surprised by Luo Tianxian Palace.Or the direct disciples of Luotian Immortal Palace can be immune to the damage of 'Burning God Red Flame' after they have practiced the kung fu to a certain level.

This matter can be investigated later, it is more important to deal with Changsun Ting now.Suddenly the surrounding pitch-black space trembled a few times, and then the main body of 'Yi Tian' shot again, and three sparks flashed above the lamp, flew through the air and then gathered into clusters.

The specks of starlight in the pitch-black space are particularly eye-catching, and Wan Gang and Yan Qiu standing on both sides naturally saw it clearly with knowing smiles on their faces.As for Changsun Pavilion in the distance, he was concentrating on dealing with the spiral fire wheel, even seeing such supernatural powers, he was unable to free his hands to deal with it.

But as a real fairy in the lower realm, he would naturally have a backhand to save his life. After all the spiritual power in his hand was injected into the scepter, the gemstone on the head of the scepter would emit a strange blue light.

In an instant, a large amount of freezing cold air flew out of it, forming a thin film of light on Changsun Pavilion's body surface. The sound of 'crack la la' wrinkled, and the original blue light film defense couldn't resist it, and then it completely collapsed.At the same time, a red fire broke out from the blue ice and concentrated on Changsun Ting's main body.It's a pity that the spell's power was almost exhausted after breaking through the defensive cover, but it only left a faint mark on Changsun Ting's body.

But at this time, Changsun Ting's face didn't look relaxed at all, replaced by an extremely solemn expression.Hundreds of feet away in front of him, there was a fist-sized fireball attacking directly at his position, which was exactly the trick used by the original 'Yi Tian' before.

Changsun Ting's complexion changed slightly, and then he even pulled back and retreated. With his strength, he had no choice but to back away from such a harsh move.

But the ball of white flames had already locked him firmly, and after drawing traces in the air, it quickly chased after him.Seeing that he flew within a short distance, a stern look flashed across Changsun Ting's face, and the scepter in his hand swung across in front of him, and then raised a huge ice ball to block in front of him.

There was a 'puff' sound, and the fist-sized white true flame hit the ice puck and sank directly into it, and then there was a 'click, click' sound from the inside to the outside of the ice puck.A large number of cracks and stripes appeared on the surface around the ice ball. Suddenly, a white light flew out from the gap and swept towards Changsun Ting.

With a 'bang', the white flame swept across the scepter, and the blue gemstone on its head cracked, and at the same time, the ice puck defense in front of it also collapsed.

Wherever the white true flame went, everything was inflamed. After being ignited from Changsun Ting's scepter, it flowed up to his left hand. After a heart-piercing cry, Changsun Ting's face was distorted as if he had suffered extreme pain at this moment. Big pain.

However, these true immortals from the lower realms are all brave and ruthless people, and they will definitely not be helpless because of this.I saw Changsun Ting stretching out his right hand like a knife and slashing at his left arm.

Although the white true flame went upstream quickly, it was not as fast as Changsun Ting's determination.A blood sword spread from his upper limb of the left arm, and blood gushed out from the wound in an instant.

After letting out a muffled low drink, Changsun Ting cut off two-thirds of his left arm.

In the pitch-black sky, the white true flame quickly burned his stump before slowly dissipating.And Changsun Ting's move of abandoning the car to protect the commander was also very timely. After stopping the blood from the wound, Changsun Ting cast the spell again, saying: "Long".At the wound of his severed limb, new granulation can be seen growing rapidly and crazily at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In less than ten breaths, Changsun Ting's severed left arm grew out again. At this time, the arm was tender white like the skin of a newborn baby.

Although the rebirth of severed limbs is a small way for these true immortals from the lower realm, even a Nascent Soul cultivator can do it.But after casting this spell, the aura on Changsun Ting's body is not as good as before, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body have slowly dropped from the peak of the late stage of fusion to the original state of the middle stage of fusion.And his face also became extremely pale, half of the originally dark hair turned gray, he looked like an old man in his 60s, the skin on his face also lost its elasticity, and there were many wrinkles.

It's just that this momentum seems to have no end. It is estimated that the cultivation base was forcibly raised and the spiritual power in the body was too much after performing the rebirth of the severed limbs.Seeing that he was about to practice the body fusion period and his cultivation would not be guaranteed, Changsun Ting hurriedly took out a few pills from the storage ring with a serious face, stuffed them into his mouth, refused them, and swallowed them whole.

With the continuous replenishment of spiritual power, Changsun Ting's cultivation base once again returned to the appearance of the middle stage of integration.After three breaths, everyone present saw that the Changsun Pavilion in front of him seemed to have returned to its original state, but its strength had not fully recovered.Although the sunken flesh and blood on the face swelled up again and was full of elasticity, there was still a large amount of white hair on the head that could not be removed.

Seeing that his cultivation was barely able to maintain the previous level, Yan Qiu and Wan Gang winked at each other, and then they both moved at the same time. The figure flashed and then teleported to the left and right sides of Changsun Pavilion thirty feet away.Sending out the sacrificial skills directly in his hand, one cut off his retreat and the other attacked head-on.

With a cold snort, Changsun Ting also knew that the two had picked the right time to attack decisively, although it was not difficult to deal with them, the key was that Yi Tian, ​​who was the main force, was still watching from afar.

If you are too tired to deal with it, someone will definitely take advantage of it. Thinking of this Changsun Ting, he gritted his teeth and held up a spiritual light in his hand to break out from the gap on one side before the two magic spells could form a siege.

But no matter how powerful he is in the formation, as long as he can't break the formation, he will still be trapped.After escaping for a hundred miles, Sun Ting didn't show any joy on his face. Instead, he stared at a certain dark space in front of him, looked at it, and said coldly: "Your true deity is hiding here. Could it be that you did it?" Cultivation technique?"

"Senior Eldest Sun really has sharp eyesight," a voice said from the pitch-black air, "The formation here is the defensive spirit formation of Luotian Immortal Palace, I just took the opportunity to gain control over the injection."

Changsun Ting distorted his face with an inconceivable look and said, "You can do such a thing, you can even imitate the exercises handed down by Luo Tianxian Palace. It turns out that I misjudged the situation in front of me early in the morning, so I did it. It's such a passive situation."

"Senior has won the award, but today you don't want to be kind, you can't help yourself in the formation," Yi Tian's voice came again: "As long as you hold your hands and go out of the lower realm, maybe I will be lenient Put you in reincarnation."

"Hmph, kid, don't think too highly of yourself. Even though I'm at a disadvantage, you can't say you're sure of me. A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. If you want to catch me, you may not be able to do it with your current skills." After finishing speaking, a stern look flashed in Changsun Ting's eyes, and then he sacrificed the scepter in his hand, and after injecting spiritual power into it, it seemed that he wanted to explode the fairy weapon himself.

Although the blue gemstone on the top of the scepter has been broken, this fairy weapon itself is of extraordinary quality and contains extremely strong immortal energy inside.

After the spiritual power on the scepter showed signs of disorder, a white ice crystal appeared around Changsun Ting's body again to protect himself.The scepter in his hand flew up and shot towards Yi Tian's position, and after a 'coax' sound, he forcibly opened a hole in the dark formation space.After the space array suffered such a powerful blow, it couldn't sustain it again. After a white light flashed in front of their eyes, the four of them were in a trance for a while, and then returned to the 'Qishe' square.

When Changsun Ting saw the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, he jumped out, but after flying a hundred feet away, he was intercepted by thousands of black threads falling from the sky.It was Yi Tian's Lingyaohuaqianshu, but Changsun Ting didn't dare to have any intention of stopping, bit the bullet and forcibly broke through the sword thread in front of him before fleeing towards the distance.

Not far behind him was a green light following closely, and it was Yi Tianfei who caught up.At the end, he just left a sentence: "I'll go after him, you can do whatever you want."

Wan Gang and Yan Qiu looked at each other and then shook their heads again and again. They were lucky to be able to get out of trouble today, and they didn't want to go into this muddy water again.

(End of this chapter)

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