
Chapter 2227 Killing

Chapter 2227 Killing
In the air of the fragments of the fairy world, Yi Tian's whole body escaped light, and his speed was increased to the fastest in the late stage of fusion.In fact, Changsun Ting, who is currently tracking, has dropped to the next level and maintained a speed in the middle of the fusion in front of the escape speed.

At the current speed, it only takes three hundred breaths to catch up, but Yi Tian didn't do that.After all, these true immortals have more or less life-saving tricks, and I still have to wait until the opponent's spiritual power is exhausted to be sure.

It is still the first priority to explore one's own safety among the fragments of the fairy world. If you rashly kill one thousand enemies and injure yourself eight hundred, it is not the result Yi Tian wants.

The elder Changsun Ting in front seemed to be aware of this as well, but his spiritual energy was consumed too much now, and he performed the rebirth of severed limbs, and he had no time to adjust his breath to recover due to his serious injuries.Feeling that the spiritual pressure fluctuations chasing after him seemed to be approaching a little bit, naturally a bad premonition arose in my heart.

It didn't take long to fly over, but Yi Tian, ​​who saw Chang Sun Ting suddenly changed direction and followed behind, frowned slightly, naturally he must pay attention to the sudden situation.Immediately, the surrounding light suddenly appeared blue and red, and the whole person turned into a meteor-like light and chased forward.

The sudden speed increase this time naturally frightened Changsun Ting in front, and the distance between the two was shortened to two hundred breaths in an instant, and the distance was still shrinking continuously.

After Shaoqing passed many hills and lakes, Changsun Pavilion suddenly stopped on a lake, stabilized his figure, and took out a piece of blue ice offering in his hand.Yi Tian, ​​who followed closely behind, naturally also noticed the strangeness of the other party. After looking down for a while, he found that the two of them had returned to the top of the previous 'Mingze Lake'.

This should be the place where the carp dragon was lured together before, Yi Tian didn't know why the other party stayed here.With the idea of ​​being careful and not making a big mistake, he flew a hundred feet away from Changsun Pavilion before slowly reducing his escape speed, and then slowly flew forward to thirty feet in front of him before stabilizing his body.

After glancing over, he found that the cold ice in his hand and the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body could only be maintained in the middle stage of fusion, Yi Tian calmed down and said: "It seems that the eldest grandson is still ready to resist, I don't know if this is the case. What other tricks can you play this time?"

"Hmph, boy, I really misread you. I didn't expect you to be the person with the deepest mansion in the city." Changsun Ting said with an angry face, "As the descendant of Luotian Immortal Palace in this world, it seems that you have already planned to deal with it. Shall we?"

"To each other," Yi Tian said disdainfully: "Senior Elder Grandson descended from the Immortal Realm to visit relatives in the Nine Realms of the Spirit, right? Your real purpose should be to find the mysteries in these fragments of the Immortal Realm, I don't know Guess right?"

"Boy, don't even think about getting any more information out of me," Changsun Ting scolded.

"Oh, it looks like senior grandson is ready to make a move, but you didn't bring me here just to fight me one-on-one, right? If I'm not mistaken, Wu Jue should be on his way here now. "Yi Tian said with a twitching corner of his mouth.

Changsun Ting's face didn't change when he heard the words, but a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, and it didn't escape Yi Tian's gaze.Presumably, based on Changsun Ting's current state, he must rely on external help to deal with him.Among the monks who came in together, only Wu Jue had a relationship with him. Although he didn't know the extent of the friendship between the two, Yi Tian knew that if it was possible, Changsun Ting would only need to pay a certain price. Then the two would join hands to deal with him It's also normal.

Just as I was thinking about it, I detected a wave of spiritual pressure about [-] miles away in the northeast direction, flying straight towards here.After careful inspection, the fluctuation of spiritual pressure is Wu Jue, the true immortal from the lower realm. Fortunately, my cultivation base has reached the early stage of Mahayana, even if my cultivation base has not been revealed, but the detection range of divine sense has increased by a factor of [-] more than double.

It is estimated that it will take at least a quarter of an hour for Wu Jue to arrive here, during which time he can take care of Changsun Pavilion.After thinking about it, he took out the Taiyuan wooden sword and sacrificed it in his hand, and then he said: "Since this is the case, then I will learn the master's tricks, and I hope I will not hesitate to teach you."

After saying that, he didn't care whether the other party replied or not. After the flash of the sword in his hand, it turned into a rain of swords in the air and fell on Changsun Ting's head.Today's Yi Tian is naturally more proficient in manipulating supernatural powers than before, and among the falling blue sword threads, there is an inconspicuous dark green sword thread among them.

It was Yi Tian who quietly attached a wisp of Li Yan to the Lingyao sword thread and then mixed it into a large number of sword threads.Seeing that Changsun Ting frowned, he should be able to sense the power contained in these falling sword threads.After raising the ice in his hand, it turned into a thick ice coffin to protect himself.

After the falling sword wires hit the ice coffin, they made a 'jingling' sound, knocking Changsun Ting and the ice coffin down ten feet below.Most of the sword wires can only leave three-inch deep marks on the ice coffin, but one of the sword wires hit the ice coffin and went straight into it.Then a crack appeared around the breach, attracting a large number of cyan sword threads to swarm.

Seeing this, Changsun Ting's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly sacrificed his spiritual power to block the broken gap.The surrounding blue ice rushes to the opening of the ice coffin.It's just that the green aura inside seemed to ignore the surrounding solid ice and continued to invade into the ice coffin.

The cracks on the ice coffin did not show any sign of healing after the sound of 'click, click', but instead got deeper and longer. After three breaths, there were cracked stripes all over the ice coffin.

Seeing this, Changsun Ting's complexion changed drastically and he hurriedly cast a blue light film on the surface of his body, and then came out from under the ice coffin.As soon as he left, there was a bursting sound behind him, and the blue ice coffin couldn't withstand the attack of the sword wire and burst from it.Several blue auras flew out of the air and gathered together and turned back into that blue ice cube. At this time, Yi Tian swept his mind and found that the palm-sized ice cube was covered with auras all over the cracks. It is also rapidly collapsing.

When Changsun Ting saw it, there was a trace of heartache on his face, thinking that this thing is also the last life-saving thing in his hands.It's a pity that after a fight, it was destroyed, so why didn't it make him feel sad.

It seems that the predicament in front of him has not been resolved, and Changsun Ting used this to delay time and wait for Wu Jue to come to help.Unexpectedly, his defense was breached in the blink of an eye, Changsun Ting hurriedly shouted with panic on his face: "Friend Yi Daoist, we don't have any deep hatred, why do you want to kill them all?"

Hearing that he even changed his name, Yi Tian sneered and said with a sneer: "Senior Changsun seems to have forgotten that I am the direct descendant of Luo Tianxian Palace, you have no good intentions to explore the relics of my sect, how could I do that?" Let you go easily. Let’s not talk nonsense, you are just trying to delay the time, but don’t forget that Wu Jue, who is ‘from Yu Tian’, is not a good person, if you fall into his hands, there will be no good end for you.”

"Hmph, don't talk so much about sowing discord, as long as I can recover [-]% of my strength, no one in the Nine Realms of the Spiritual Realm will be my opponent, then I will definitely uproot your sect," said Changsun Ting, who is the avatar of the real immortal. There is still a sense of pride in his body, even in such an unfavorable situation, the words of his mouth have not weakened.

In Yi Tian's mind, he realized that Wu Jue's spiritual pressure fluctuations had already entered a radius of ten thousand miles, and with the strength of the other party, it was estimated that he could reach it within a hundred breaths.His eyes glanced at Changsun Ting in the distance, and it seemed that he had also noticed Wu Jue's position. The next moment, he saw a blue light flashing around Changsun Ting's body again, and then he turned around and flew straight towards the direction Wu Jue came from.

Needless to say, he wanted to join him as soon as possible. With Changsun Ting's current state, it would be difficult for him to face the next move.Yi Tian saw faint red blood oozing out of his body from a distance, this is a symptom that only appears when the spiritual power in the body is extremely disordered, and it is expected that Changsun Pavilion at this time is almost at the stage of exhaustion, As long as I take another shot, I can completely kill it.

But at this time Yi Tian's eyes flashed a gleam, and after recalling the Taiyuan wooden sword in his hand, he sacrificed three lotus brand marks under the seals of both hands.At the same time, after a white phantom of the Jingshi Hualian appeared around him, the whole person moved instantly.

Under the urging of the cyan light, it didn't take ten breaths to catch up from behind and directly cut off the direction of Changsun Ting's escape.Facing the bewildered Changsun Ting, Yi Tian lifted up the three lotus imprints in his hands and then aimed at the opponent's face, heart and lower dantian.

After the sound of '嗖嗖嗖', the three lotus marks flew into Changsun Ting's body, and he shook violently and spit out real blood from his mouth.Then he forced himself to open his mouth and asked, "What did you do to me?"

"It's nothing, it's just a little trick, it's just that if you mobilize the true energy in your body, you won't be able to use it freely, and I don't need to be afraid of you exploding yourself as a fairy baby," Yi Tian replied with a slack look on his lips.

Although Changsun Ting's face was full of disbelief, he didn't dare to stay any longer. He reluctantly brought up the power of his true energy and found that it was true as Yi Tian said. At this time, there is not one in ten of the true energy that can be mobilized in the body, but even if In this way, he also flew in the direction of Wu Juelai with the escape light.Shen Nian leaned out slightly and found that Yi Tian behind him really didn't move, as if he was letting him go.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. If it is under normal circumstances, Changsun Ting will naturally check the situation in his body, but now that he is desperate, it is more important for him to run for his life first.

Shaoqing saw a ray of light flying towards him from the sky and falling three zhang away, and when the ray of light faded away, the true face of the deity was revealed, which was exactly what Wu Jue looked like.At this time, he had a surprised look on his face, and he flew forward to stare at Changsun Ting in front of him, and then he passed his divine sense to Yi Tian who was not far away.

Wu Jue raised his eyebrows slightly and said in a deep voice, "How did you end up in such a miserable state? Who actually hurt you?"

"Fellow Daoist Wu, don't ask any more questions, heal me quickly. Afterwards, the two of us joined hands with each other, and then killed all the monks who entered this world. Afterwards, as a reward for the fragments of the Luotian Immortal Realm, Xin Mi was given by Dao How about having a friend alone," Changsun Ting hurriedly replied.

Hearing this, Wu Jue showed joy on his face, then nodded and said: "Okay, let's act according to the method of fellow Taoist. In this way, I will transfer a portion of the power of the immortal essence to you first, and then we will join hands to deal with that one after you recover. kid."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and patted Changsun Ting on the back, and at the same time turned around and looked at Yi Tian in the distance, and found that he didn't seem to want to do anything.

After three breaths, Changsun Ting let out a heart-piercing cry: "What are you doing, why are you plotting against me?"

After Yi Tian's divine thoughts swept over, there was an expression on his face as it should be. He had explained it to Changsun Ting before, but it was a pity that he was in the game but didn't know it.The great savior he was looking forward to turned into a deadly killer in the end, all the power of immortality around him was drawn out through the meridians and rushed towards Wu Jue crazily.

I saw that the cultivation base of the latter slowly increased from the middle stage of the fusion and reached the peak of the middle stage in less than ten breaths.

But Changsun Ting's cultivation base at this time has lost a portion of the cultivation base that would not be able to maintain the fit period.

Soon Changsun Ting's flesh and blood turned into spiritual power and was absorbed by Wu Jue, leaving only a human body in the end.When Wu Jue let go, a spiritual light flew out from the forehead of the shriveled body, it was the immortal baby spirit body of Changsun Ting.

After escaping, he flew towards Yi Tian's position in a hurry, his fairy baby looked dying in the spiritual light, and the sharp fluctuation of spiritual power on the fairy baby's body seemed to be very unstable.

Wu Jue was taken aback when he saw it, and then Yi Tian, ​​who glanced at the distance, found that there was no intention of responding.After a flash of joy flashed across his face, he stretched out his hand and pointed at the fairy baby in Changsun Pavilion.

In an instant, a black lightning bolt pierced through the fairy infant's spirit body and completely knocked it apart.After finishing all this, Wu Jue nodded in satisfaction, then turned around and looked at Yi Tian in front of him.Flying forward and stopping ten feet away, he said, "Boy, you are so brave that you dare to attack Changsun Ting."

"Senior Wu Jue, don't talk nonsense, we know exactly who killed senior grandson," Yi Tian replied flatly.

"How can you say that his death was also caused by you, but what makes me curious is why you didn't take action just now?" Wu Jue asked.

"It's inconvenient for Senior Wu to do it for me," Yi Tian said with a wave of his hand.

"I think you are borrowing a knife to kill people," Wu Jue replied angrily, "You don't want to be charged with slaughtering the true immortals of the upper realm, and I guess you have some guesses in your heart, after all, Changsun Ting's avatar fell here. This deity should have a sense, if you don’t ascend to the fairy world, it’s all right, if you ascend, you will definitely face the revenge of his deity.”

"Hehe, what Senior Wu said is reasonable, but I'm afraid that even if his real deity can sense it in this fragment of the fairy world, he will not be able to pinpoint who did it," Yi Tian said calmly: "As for borrowing the hand of senior, it is also reasonable. Among other things, the only way for you true immortals in the lower realms to improve their cultivation is through special means or by absorbing a large amount of immortal energy."

(End of this chapter)

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