
Chapter 2228 Snatch

Chapter 2228 Snatch
After tracking Changsun Pavilion all the way, he was finally intercepted above the 'Mingze Lake'. It should be said that he was waiting for him there.

Soon, Yi Tian realized in his mind that Changsun Ting had asked Wu Jue to help him, which was similar to what he had imagined.After all, he doesn't have any real good friends in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit. On the contrary, Wu Jue, who is also a true immortal in the Lower Realm, is more reliable. Although the two are in a hostile relationship in the fairy world, they can become friends here Nice ally.

It's a pity that Changsun Ting still overlooked one point. When forming an alliance, both parties need to be in similar situations to be reliable.But now he was greatly damaged by the siege of three people, and his own strength was greatly damaged after a fight above the 'Mingze Lake'.As a result, the result is self-evident.After Wu Jue arrived, his divine sense passed by and he had almost understood the situation on the scene.

After Changsun Ting asked for help, the two were about to join forces, but they were attacked by Wu Jue from behind and directly sucked up the power of immortality in his body.

Even Yi Tian, ​​who was far away, was taken aback when he saw it. Although he had already planned this trick to drive tigers and wolves away, he never thought that Wu Jue would do it so decisively and so viciously. .But on the other hand, Yi Tian also had a headache about how to deal with Changsun Ting, and he didn't want to be charged with killing the avatar of the real immortal.

Wu Jue's decisive attack indirectly helped him a lot, but the other party's behavior is really chilling to see.

After Wu Jue finished handling Changsun Ting's body later, he slowly flew forward. At this time, the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body had already reached the peak of the middle stage of fusion, and it was possible to break through to the later stage anytime, anywhere.

It's just that Wu Jue is also very experienced and knows that he can't leave easily at this time, and his departure is a sign of weakness.Since Yi Tian in front of him was able to defeat Changsun Ting, he would be somewhat afraid of him.

After the two looked at each other in the air, Wu Jue first asked, "Your goal has been achieved, what do you want to do next?"

"Senior Wu is serious, the reason for you to kill senior grandson is your personal grievances, I just passed by and saw this scene," Yi Tian said nonsense for no reason.

"Sure enough, you're an old Jianghu, and you can push the responsibility away with just a few words. Don't say that you just sat on the wall to create opportunities for me," Wu Jue said disdainfully.

"Let's do what the seniors think, anyway, Changsun Ting's death should have nothing to do with me," Yi Tian replied with a look of reluctance.

"Hmph, what do you want to do next?" Wu Jue asked.

"What else can I do, continue to explore the fragments of the fairy world," Yi Tian changed the topic: "If you want to leave, senior, you can leave directly, and I will never have any intention of blocking it."

"I'm sorry you don't have this ability," Wu Jue said angrily, "But your reaction really surprised me."

"Why is there an accident?" Yi Tian said disapprovingly, "We explore the fragments of the fairy world to seek money and not really fight for life, unless we have stepped on the bottom line. I believe that Senior Wu should be able to understand what I mean. Bar."

Wu Jue was also stunned when he heard the words, and then looked at Yi Tianlai in front of him.After coming over for a full ten breaths, he sighed softly and said, "Well, it seems that you also have some scruples. If that's the case, then I won't force you to stay."

"Wait a minute, the so-called elder grandson of the so-called seer still has the storage ring in his hand, I want it, and I would like to ask Senior Wu to part with it," Yi Tian said unmoved.

"Cutting love, why don't you grab it?" Wu Jue rolled his eyes and said disdainfully, "First take the meat out of my mouth and see if you have enough for it."

"Oh, if that's the case, then I'd like to give it a try and see how the strength of senior Wu Jue compares with that of senior grandson," Yi Tian replied coldly and then waved his hand. With the sound of '嗖', the Taiyuan wooden sword that was ready to go flew out in response, and then turned into a blue aura and struck towards Wu Jue.

"I still can't help but make a move, let me see how strong you are as a monk in the lower realm integration period." Wu Jue showed no timidity on his face, and cast two black black lights on the sword silk in front of him went up to welcome.

"Sure enough, he is a true immortal who cultivates yellow qi," Yi Tian was not surprised but happy when he saw it. He had never had the opportunity to investigate Wu Jue's skills before.Fortunately, some clues can be detected through the wounds on the carp dragon corpse.Changsun Ting is majoring in ice-type supernatural powers, while Wu Jue should be practicing Huang Qi Kung Fu.

There were two 'bang bang' sounds, and the cyan sword light disintegrated after being interlaced with the black magic evil electricity.After the attack, the original sword thread had now split into three and continued to plunder towards the opponent.

Wu Jue also showed an unexpected expression when he saw it, and after being deeply surprised, he had a plan in his mind.Since Yi Tian was able to deal with Changsun Ting, his strength must not be weak, so he didn't dare to go any further and stretched out his hand to take out a half-foot-sized hammer, held it in his hand and swung it out.

The sound of "ping ping pong pong" came, and Yi Tian could only see that the aura of his Taiyuan wooden sword and the aura on the sword thread became weaker every time he struck with the hammer.I didn't expect that the opponent would take out the fairy weapon as soon as they fought. Even if my own martial arts and supernatural powers were slightly better, he suffered a big loss from the spiritual weapon.

After thinking about it, he hastily stretched out his hand to retract the supernatural power, and the three green lights flew back to his hand and turned back into the Taiyuan wooden sword.Yi Tian's eyes glanced over and found that the halo on the spirit sword was dim at this time, and he might have to warm up for a while before it could return to its original state.

But at this time, Wu Jue's small hammer was victorious and hit directly at his position, Yi Tian couldn't see any surprise on his face, he reached out and took out a spiritual weapon, holding it in his right hand, it was the Buddha sect he had refined The spirit weapon bowl, after quickly chanting the mantra in his mouth, he knocked three times on the bowl with his left hand.I saw three golden rays of light shot out from the inside and accurately hit the small hammer.

After the first two golden lights passed by, they suppressed the momentum of the small hammer, and the third shot passed through the other party's spiritual weapon and directly shone on Wu Jue.The latter also looked condensed after seeing the reaction of the hammer, so would he still know that this is the result of the restraint of the attributes of the exercises.

Seeing the golden light coming, Wu Jue's complexion changed slightly, he hastily stretched out his right hand and drew an arc in front of him, a black defensive shield of evil spirit appeared and blocked in front of him.It's just that under the golden light, it lasted less than three breaths before collapsing.

At this time, Yi Tian's deity also moved, leaving an afterimage on the spot after a sudden flash.At the same time, he appeared ten feet away from Wu Jue's right side, and the Taiyuan wooden sword in his hand was sacrificed again and turned into a green light, slashing at Wu Jue's body.

"Hmph, dare you kid," Wu Jue was caught off guard and hastily mobilized his spiritual energy to cast a protective shield on his body.

However, the green light didn't seem to hit his body after passing by, but Wu Jue's face became angry and shouted loudly: "Sly boy, you are breaking ground on Taisui's head."

I saw that Yi Tian's Qingmang sword thread did not directly attack Yan Qiu's body after passing by, but slashed at the shriveled corpse of Changsun Ting in his hand.Changsun Ting's right arm was directly cut off after a green glow passed by, and Yi Tian stretched out his hand and flew back with the half arm with a green sword glow.

His eyes glanced over the storage ring on his right hand, which was Changsun Ting's storage.Stretch out your hand and lightly pop out a wisp of green Liyan True Fire attached to this arm, instantly igniting it.But that storage ring is a fairy treasure that is not afraid of Li Yan's real fire, and there is a faint layer of frost on it to protect the storage ring.It is obvious that the refining materials used for this thing are also extraordinary. Changsun Ting naturally brought a lot of good things to the lower world. Although he has died, these things are real benefits. Naturally, Yi Tian will not give up easily.

Yi Tiancai turned his head and stared at Wu Jue for a while and took the storage ring into his pocket. He said that at this time, the flesh and blood of Changsun Ting he had just swallowed had not had time to digest in the future.If I go all out at this time, I can naturally take him down, but in this way, I have to forcefully try the background of these true immortals from the lower realm.

To be honest, the strength that Changsun Ting showed in the big formation in front of the 'Qi Society' just now was almost comparable to his own full strength.At that time, if it wasn't for my own tricks to use the formation and enchantment to siege and exhaust its foundation, I'm afraid it would not be so easy to succeed.

So now without the benefit of the formation, Yi Tian is also heartbroken. To be honest, it is really not worthwhile to risk his life after fighting a real immortal from the lower realm.

It's just that if Wu Jue is allowed to leave, it will be extremely difficult to let him grow up in the future.At this time, Yi Tian was very entangled in his heart, and didn't know how to make a decision.

But seeing Wu Jue's complexion changed slightly, he stretched out his hand and slapped Changsun Ting's body hard, and immediately countless pieces of meat mixed with blood splashed out.Then he turned around and stared at Yi Tian for a while, then shouted in a cold voice: "Boy Yi, I've got you all the benefits this time, and I'm not afraid of eating too much and bursting my stomach."

"Senior Wu, don't worry about it," Yi Tian said disdainfully: "Speaking of which, we can only get half of it this time. You have absorbed a lot of immortal energy in Changsun Ting's body, but unfortunately you don't have enough. Time refines. Otherwise, I would never continue talking nonsense with me here."

Wu Jue frowned slightly, and his face showed a look of emotion, Yi Tian was right, if his strength could be overwhelming, he wouldn't talk nonsense here.It's just that although Wu Jue has absorbed a large amount of immortal energy, he hasn't been able to absorb and refine it. After he turns all the absorbed immortal energy into his own strength, he may be able to improve his cultivation to the later stage of fusion up to the peak stage.

In this way, I am afraid that no one in the fragments of the fairy world will be his opponent, so Wu Jue restrained the stern voice on his face slightly and said: "Okay, I will not engage in unnecessary disputes with you anymore, next We go our separate ways, but don't be too happy, I will come back to you after I recover my strength."

"Every other, each other," Yi Tian was not afraid at all after hearing the other party's threatening words. He didn't want to fight him now, he wanted to digest the results of the victory, and he was the same.In this way, the two sides are just fighting verbally. As long as they don't forcefully threaten the other side, today's battle should be avoided.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian then said: "Senior Wu just wants to deal with me later, but I don't want to entangle with you anymore. Why don't you let it go and make a deal next time."

"Hmph, you're smart, kid, but I believe I won't be merciful when we meet next time," Wu Jue turned around and walked away after finishing speaking.

Seeing his fading away, Yi Tian finally breathed a sigh of relief, he let him go because he wanted to confuse this trip to the fragments of the fairy world again.With the character of the other party, after suffering a big loss in his hands, he will definitely not let it go.But Wu Jue naturally has a steelyard in his heart.Even after his cultivation has been improved, he will not directly come to him for surgery.

The people who entered the fragments of the fairy world together were Nether Boy and others, so they should be in a hurry under the misfortune.Thinking of this, Yi Tian smiled slightly, and this matter was exactly the result he wanted.If Wu Jue took the initiative to find them, he could save himself a lot of troubles, especially if the Nether Boy fell into Wu Jue's hands, he might be able to stay out of the matter.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian smiled lightly, then took out the storage ring and searched it with his spiritual thoughts.This item of the fairy world is really amazing, this storage ring is made of a whole piece of azure ice crystal, so it can withstand the burning of his Li Yan supernatural power.

After reaching out his hand to erase the prohibition marks on the storage ring, Yi Tian invaded it with his spiritual sense and began to explore.After ten breaths, there was a sigh of relief on his face. The space capacity in this storage ring was so large that he had never seen it before, it was as large as a mile.

Speaking of which, the storage ring 'Li Yan Ring' in my hand has a space of a hundred feet, which can be regarded as the storage ring with the highest capacity in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit, but compared with this azure ice crystal ring, it is a little witch See the big witch.

It's just that there are not many materials left in the huge storage space, except for the pills, there are some bottles and cans.After scanning Yi Tian's divine sense, he found that they were all treasures of water attribute, but these things were completely useless to him now.

In addition, there are several copies of jade slips written in 'Golden Seal Script'. After taking them out, Yi Tian quickly read them with his spiritual thoughts.Among them is only one book named 'Ba Tao Jue'. After opening it, Yi Tian suddenly felt a little dizzy in his mind after his spiritual thoughts glanced at ten lines.Quickly closing the jade slip, Yi Tian hastily operated his exercises to suppress this feeling.

After taking three breaths, he breathed a sigh of relief, turned to stare at the jade slip and sized it up in his heart, and said in his heart, "These fairy world exercises are really good, and it is quite laborious to read with my current cultivation base. Sit down in a suitable cave and study it carefully. '

After thinking about it, Yi Tian turned around and chose a direction, then sacrificed Dunguang and left straight away.

(End of this chapter)

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