
Chapter 2229 Trimming

Chapter 2229 Trimming
After the 'Mingze Lake' battle, Yi Tian didn't fight Wu Jue directly, after all, the existence of the opponent still has many advantages for him.As long as the scale is controlled within a controllable range, I believe it will have a positive effect on the next actions.

The plan in Yi Tian's heart is not limited to being in the fragments of the fairy world, but to face the mad deity after returning to the Netherworld after leaving.Speaking of which, as a monk in the Mahayana period, there is no need to really fight to the death.But if there is Wu Jue, the shit-stirring stick, he can also use this to put pressure on Luan Kuang and try to force him out of his body to negotiate.

It was because of this idea that Yi Tian left a move to let Wu Jue leave, and the opponent was himself a powder keg after absorbing a lot of immortal energy, and the consequences of rashly making a move were unpredictable.

But Yi Tian was not worried at all about the extent to which Wu Jue's cultivation could be improved. After all, Changsun Ting was attacked by him when his strength was greatly damaged.The original power of immortality remaining in the body is also exhausted, and the benefits that Wu Jue can achieve are naturally very limited.

On the contrary, I forcibly obtained Changsun Pavilion's storage ring later, the materials kept in it are naturally of high quality and there are also some immortal skills.It can be said that although the two benefited this time, it was a [-]-[-] split, but they got a lot of benefits on their side.

After putting away the storage room, Yi Tian turned his head and flew towards the depths of the fragments of the fairy world. Wu Jue wanted to take this opportunity to refine the power of immortality he obtained, so he didn't need time to digest the benefits he got.Speaking of which, although the two of them were shameless, neither of them was fully prepared. The most important thing in front of them now is the matter of time.

After flying in the air for half a day, Yi Tian did not return to the location of the 'Qishe'. After all, although it was good there, now with Yan Qiu and Wan Gang beside him, it was not an ideal place for retreat.

Flying in the air, Yi Tian let go of his restrained cultivation and restored it to the early stage of Mahayana. After stretching his spiritual sense to the limit, he found that he could explore an area with a radius of [-] miles.

Later, I realized that there is a place with abundant spiritual power thousands of miles ahead on the right, which can be used as a resting place.After thinking about it, he adjusted his direction and flew straight there.

After flying above the boundary, Yi Tian's divine sense stretched out again and skipped below, and his face brightened.There are some dilapidated ruins below, and the architectural style seems to be a courtyard of Luo Tianxian Palace.

Usually, the blessed land in the fairy world will also be chosen in a place with strong fairy energy.The ruins of the other courtyard here do not seem to be big, only covering half a mile, but it is also a quiet place.

After the cloud head fell, Yi Tian walked to the main entrance of the ruins of the other courtyard, and glanced over to find that the word 'Zi Ling Xuan' was engraved on the broken main entrance.It's just that the inside looks dilapidated. After Yi Tian walked in, he scanned it with his divine sense and found that it should have been a quiet private courtyard.There are still many bursting traces left on the ruins inside, but they have been completely destroyed now.

Since there are traces of formation formations, there must be spiritual veins passing by under the boundary here. I can't find a suitable place to rest for a while now, but I can rely on the original spiritual veins to lay down formation formations here first. .

After thinking about it, he took out the array plate and held it in his hand, slowly injected spiritual power, activated it, and then buckled it upside down on the ground.Soon the disk array penetrated into the ground and connected to the veins of the earth, and Yi Tian controlled it to hide it for hundreds of miles.

Then I went to the 'Zi Ling Xuan' and searched carefully again. As expected, this is just one of the places where disciples in Luo Tianxian Palace communicate.It is estimated that if the scenery inside was not damaged before it was damaged, Yi Tian didn't find anything else in it, but found a lot of handwriting left on the dilapidated wall.The above content is not any magical powers, but some poems and songs.

Yi Tian is really not interested in this, but these surgical handwritings are very similar to the writings he left on the top of the "Guan Ling" stone room in the cave deep in the apse of the "Qishe".

After looking at Yi Tian's mind, he was sure that it should be written by the same person. The "Secret Art of Empowering Spirits" that he developed in the stone room of the cave before was very useful for him to improve his refining skills.Therefore, Yi Tian patiently read all the words on these broken stone walls based on the idea of ​​loving the house and Wu.

Although most of these written records are romantic affairs, but Yi Tian found that the author's mood changes were recorded on them.Some of the chapters are about the many deeds of this true immortal in Luo Tianxian Palace, but in the last chapter, there is a sense of melancholy between the lines.It seems that this person accepted the order of the master to complete an important task, and he left with emotion before leaving.

Only when I saw this did I realize that the handwriting on the back was either scratched, or the stone tablet was so damaged that I couldn't read it through.

So far, Yi Tian just sighed helplessly, saying that it was not easy for him to find such clues here.But he kept in mind the fragmented information left by the senior of Luotian Immortal Palace, and he would really check it out when he had the chance.

After retrieving the entire text in 'Zi Ling Xuan', Yi Tiancai sat cross-legged in an area full of immortal energy.I got a lot of good things from Changsun Ting this time, and it really needs to be digested.

Taking out the storage ring made of 'blue ice crystal' and holding it in his left palm, he scanned the ring with his divine sense and began to carefully identify the engraved pattern on it.

Speaking of which, I found a complete set of "Hai Na Bai Chuan" inscriptions in the "Tuo Wen Hall" next to the nave of the "Qi She" before, which is somewhat similar to the inscriptions on this storage ring.At least a lot of pattern symbols are very close.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian first took out the jade slips with his inscribed inscriptions and spread them out in front of him, and then scanned the map of the utensil patterns recorded on it with the inscriptions on the 'Azure Ice Crystal' storage ring. Compared.

After ten breaths, a thoughtful expression appeared on his face, and in his own judgment, the two are indeed closely related.It's just that the pattern engraved on the storage ring of the 'Azure Ice Crystal' seems to be a simplified version of the 'sea accepts all rivers. '

According to the Jade Slips of the Vessel Pattern Atlas, it is recorded that all storage artifacts engraved with the pattern of "Hai Na Bai Chuan" can at least turn down a big river. In this way, the capacity of the genuine fairy artifact should be far beyond my imagination.

As for this 'Azure Ice Crystal' storage ring, it is obviously engraved with a simplified version of the 'Hai Na Bai Chuan' pattern.On this, Yi Tian found that there was at least [-]% similarity, but he left out the most important part of the inscription.

Speaking of Changsun Ting's avatar will definitely not bring a fake lower realm, then Yi Tian began to compare the refining level of that 'Bright Tomorrow' in his mind.It is estimated that it should be far from the level of the orthodox fairy artifact in Luo Tianxian Palace.

The material used for this storage ring is not bad, but the person who made it is a two-handed knife. The 'blue ice crystal' that has been sacrificed in this way cannot exert the characteristics that the original storage ring should have.Moreover, the inscriptions are also crudely made, obviously without careful carving.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian began to figure out how to properly deal with this thing.Opening the Zongmen's refining classics, he first inquired about the characteristics of this kind of treasure, and soon Yi Tian was stunned.It turns out that this 'Azure Ice Crystal' is a rare ice-type treasure, which usually takes tens of thousands of years to produce the size of a longan. It takes at least 5 to [-] years to accumulate the raw materials for the storage ring in your hand.

The biggest characteristic of this kind of material is that it can store all the spiritual plants and flowers stored in it.For example, I used a jade box and a magic talisman to store the spiritual plant before, which can ensure that the spiritual power in the inner spiritual plant passes away at a turbulent speed.But the effect of this 'blue ice crystal' is several times stronger.Moreover, many vegetation treasures in the fairy world will gradually scatter even if the power of immortality in the body is sealed with jade box charms. The storage effect of the traditional method is much worse than that of the 'blue ice crystal'.

Seeing this, Yi Tian's eyes could not help turning to the storage ring, and he saw that the whole body was shining with blue light.After sighing in his mouth, he had an idea.

After transferring all the things in it to my storage ring, it is almost [-]% full.Now Yi Tian found that his biggest gain after coming to the fragments of the fairy world was from this storage ring.

Then a trace of thunder and purple flames were stirred up to gently wrap the 'blue ice crystal' storage ring.Stretching out his hand, he slowly erased the inscription on it, and then began to refine it again with the orthodox refining method of Luotian Immortal Palace.

Fortunately, the embryo of this storage ring was sacrificially relatively thick, and Yi Tian was extra careful when sacrificially.This is the first time for me to refine an immortal artifact. Although it is just a new sacrifice, it is not at all easier than the first time.Taking into account the characteristics of the 'Azure Ice Crystal', he did not directly use Li Yan and other supernatural powers, but sacrificed his natal real fire instead.

Because of the fear of conflicting attributes, Yi Tian chose 'Lei Yan Zi Yan' after careful consideration in his mind. After all, although the energy contained in this natal real fire is violent, it can also accommodate treasures of different attributes. Another point is 'Lei Yan Zi Yan' Among the spiritual weapons refined by Yan'jiu, there are more or less certain characteristics of the retention period, and these are also what Yi Tian values ​​more.

The whole refining process lasted for several days before it was over. When Yi Tian opened his eyes and looked at the 'Azure Ice Crystal' storage ring again, he found that its color had turned into an impure blue. It should be It is said that it has the color of 'Lei Yan Zi Yan'.Then Yi Tian stretched out his index finger and sacrificed a ray of true flame to shrink it to as thin as a needle tip, and then started to engrave the device pattern on the storage ring.And the map of the pattern of the device is naturally a full set of 'Hai Na Bai Chuan'.

In order to take shape at one time, Yi Tian also infiltrated a trace of spiritual power into the ground before inscribing it, leading out a stream of immortal power from the ground to slowly input into his body.On the other hand, he didn't stop at all, and after igniting the flame, he aimed at the 'blue ice crystal' storage ring and slowly dropped a stroke.

Hearing the sound of 'Zi Zi', sparks flashed out after the flame entered the storage ring, Yi Tian only felt a tingling and numb feeling on his wrist due to the huge stress from his fingers.

He secretly thought in his heart that it was not good, but his success would fall short, his teeth bit his tongue hastily, and a trace of pain instantly kept his mind clear.A little later, the strokes in my hand kept engraving the entire set of inscriptions of "Hai Na Bai Chuan" along the four sides of the storage ring.

Yi Tian breathed a sigh of relief after the last stroke was made, put away the 'Lei Yan Zi Yan' in his hand, looked up and saw a half-inch-sized ring floating in the air in front of him.Slowly controlling it to fall into his palm, Yi Tian stretched his divine sense into it to check it out.In an instant, his brows were raised slightly, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

After his own re-sacrifice, the divine sense reached into the ring and found that its storage space has almost tripled.However, there are still many differences from what the inscription described. Yi Tian thought about it carefully and finally sighed helplessly. After all, his cultivation base is only that of the early stage of Mahayana, and it is still comparable to the true immortals in the upper realm. distance, what is naturally refined is only a quasi-celestial weapon.Even if the treasures and inscriptions are handed down from the fairy world, but if one's own cultivation is not enough, it is still impossible to be inclusive of all rivers.

But as far as it is concerned, it is already the leading storage ring in the Nine Realms of the Spiritual Realm. To put it bluntly, even if all three warehouses are emptied in the Spiritual Realm, it may not be able to fill half of its capacity.

After tidying up, Yi Tian felt in a good mood, and then he didn't continue to practice sitting cross-legged.Instead, he stood up and walked slowly in the 'Zi Ling Xuan' to search. .

I had already done a rough look in my spiritual thoughts before, and although I didn't find any valuable fairy treasures or spiritual plants, I also found three places with inscriptions in these ruins.

After breaking through the big formation in front of the 'Qishe' square, Yi Tian faintly realized that there was a mirror image of himself in Luo Tianxian Palace.This alone is already very suspicious.Although I don't know the reason, Yi Tian also wants to try to solve this mystery, so naturally he will not let go of any clues.

Flying to the first place of 'Zi Lingxuan' where there is a large amount of written information, Yi Tian glanced over and found a few words engraved on the stone wall here, but some of the key words had already been scratched.I can't see clearly the inscription, but it says in "golden seal script" on it that "I know that destiny is hard to break, so I dare not act against the sky." '

There was a look of surprise on his face, but he couldn't help saying: "These true immortals are still subject to the trend of fate, and it seems that this person's cultivation base is definitely not inferior to Changsun Ting and Wu Jue. If even so Existence will speak the words of destiny, I really don't know what kind of constraints these lofty true immortals will be subject to."

Flying again to the second place where the handwriting was left, Yi Tian identified himself as if it was different from the previous one, and it should have been written by another person.

I saw that these handwriting were vigorous and powerful, and it seemed that part of the power of law had been integrated into them when they were written.Seeing and watching, Yi Tian suddenly felt that the environment around him had changed, and when he came back to his senses, he found that he was already in a sea of ​​flames.

(End of this chapter)

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