
Chapter 2230 The Sea of ​​Consciousness

Chapter 2230 The Sea of ​​Consciousness
In the 'Zi Lingxuan', Yi Tian accidentally found three handwritings, and there are many writings left in these places.After Yi Tian passed by, he glanced over and found a lot of scary information.

Especially the second place, where there are only two gold seal characters engraved with 'Li Yan', but when Yi Tian stood in front of these words and immersed his spiritual thoughts deeply in it, he found that these words actually contained the power of law .

After sweeping his eyes, he found that the surrounding environment had changed, and Yi Tian was already in a sea of ​​flames at this time.Looking around, I can't see the edge, and I look up to see that the sky is also covered by burning flames.The originally clear sky turned red at this time, as if a burning cloud above his head slowly covered his position.

Although the artistic conception of these words has affected him, Ke Yitian still has no fear of the changes in the surrounding environment in his heart.Usually these artistic conceptions are nothing more than illusions of strange environments that make people immerse their minds and minds in them and cannot extricate themselves.Moreover, generally speaking, these environments are not aggressive, and at most they only affect the six senses of a person.In the final analysis, my own deity is still standing in front of that handwriting, as long as my divine sense can break through the barrier of artistic conception, then I can return to my original soul and return to my original position.

Thinking about it, Yi Tian suddenly realized that the surrounding sea of ​​fire in this artistic conception didn't seem to be fake, and he felt a trace of sweat seeping out from his back.Yi Tian has never had such a real feeling since he practiced to the fusion stage, and he secretly said in his heart, "No, this artistic conception is too strong and he has imitated the surrounding environment to the extreme, and his divine sense has been affected by this unknowingly. respond accordingly. '

Stretch out your hand to form a seal quickly, and then cast a wisp of 'Thunder Flame Purple Flame' between the index finger of your left hand, and then stretch out your hand to turn this wisp of natal true flame into a purple awn attached to the body surface.It is the 'Fire Alchemy Body' skill in the Nine Transformations of Lihuo. In an instant, the mask raised by the purple flames forced the surrounding flames to a distance of one foot.

At the same time, Yi Tian also found that his purple flames seemed to be continuously devouring the surrounding golden flames.It's strange to say that if it's really a place of faint artistic conception, what I see is just an illusion, but judging from the continuous devouring of the golden fairy flames on the 'Lei Yan Zi Yan', these flames really exist.

At the same time, Yi Tian discovered a special function of his natal real fire 'Lei Yan Zi Yan'.Although his own cultivation has not yet reached the level of a true immortal, he is able to devour the golden flames of the immortal world level. Speaking of which, this is also inseparable from the attributes of the true fire of his life.After thinking secretly in his heart, he couldn't help turning his attention to the seal in Niwan Palace again.Speaking of the mutation of my natal real fire, it can be said that the level of this seal itself should be very high, at least in the fairy world, it is also a high-level fairy artifact.

But what is the reason why this object fell into the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit, and then fell into the Tianlan Continent, and after it was cracked, it was stored in the ancestral hall by the ancestors of the Yi family.

According to the information I have learned now, the taller these fairy artifacts are, the stronger the aura contained in them will be, and they will definitely not be easily absorbed into the body.Yi Tian would not associate himself with this seal for no reason. He remembered that when he was in Tianlan Continent, this seal would come out to give him an 'additional meal'. Sad pass.

But thinking about it, Yi Tian still had a mixed look of worry and joy on his face. After all, his cultivation base can reach such a level, and many of them are the result of relying on this seal.As the saying goes, "When misfortunes come, blessings depend on them, and blessings come under the influence of misfortunes," I can get a lot of benefits from it even under tremendous pressure.

After regaining consciousness, his divine sense swept over Yi Tian again and found that there seemed to be some strange things in the sea of ​​flames in the distance.Although it doesn't look very far away from me, it is surrounded by a large number of golden fairy flames.And the source of the sea of ​​fire in the sea of ​​consciousness here seems to be there.

If you can't get out of this sea of ​​consciousness, the final result is that your own consciousness can't return to the deity again, and you will spend time and eventually die here alive.Thinking of Yi Tian's figure, he moved hastily. He didn't know how long he had stayed here at this moment, but it was not a solution to continue to delay like this.

After jumping out, the golden fairy flames around seemed to have found their target, and immediately swarmed up and surrounded him.Yi Tian saw that the secret path was not good, and he couldn't get rid of the siege in this environment, so he had to go forward bravely and break through the siege.After calming down, the spiritual power of the whole body began to circulate rapidly, and a large amount of spiritual power was poured into his own "fire alchemy body" supernatural power.

'Puff puff puff' those golden celestial flames engulfed them and only approached within a foot of themselves before they were swallowed and assimilated by the 'Thunder Flame Purple Flame'.Although the power of immortality contained in these golden immortal flames is very easy to be refined, it can't hold up too much.Soon Yi Tian found that his whole body seemed to have turned into a golden fireball with a size of ten feet, but the inside was dark purple.Going all the way against the siege of the fairy flames, after flying for an unknown amount of time, he finally came to the end of the fire source.

At this time, Yi Tian found that there were too many golden fairy flames wrapped around him, and it would take at least a few days to completely digest it with the thunder and purple flames.In this way, I am afraid that breaking out of this sea of ​​consciousness space may not be something that can be done immediately.

After a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, Yi Tian directly stretched out his hands to make seals, and instantly stretched out four arms under his ribs, and poked out two heads above his stamina.After Asura Fa appeared, the six arms behind him shook and took out several spiritual weapons that had been stored in Niwan Palace.The two main hands are holding the 'Zixiao Lamp' and 'Feixianyin' respectively, while the other four hands are holding the 'Taiyuan Wooden Sword', 'Purifying Spirit Bottle' and 'Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan'.It's a pity that the croaking immortal true spirit phantom held by Yuanying in the Niwan Palace could not be taken out to absorb the power of the immortal flame.

At the same time, Yi Tian silently chanted the mantra and sacrificed the Buddhist secret technique 'Jing Shi Hua Lian' and wrapped it in his own thunder flame purple flame.In this way, the five spiritual weapons in his hand and the "Jing Shi Hua Lian" technique were activated at the same time, and then the power of the natal real fire, thunder, and purple flames began to gradually absorb the golden flames of the surrounding fairy spirits.

Not long after, Yi Tian only felt that the level of the spiritual weapons of 'Taiyuan Wooden Sword', 'Purifying Spirit Bottle' and 'Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan' suddenly soared to the peak of the heavenly level spiritual weapons after absorbing a large amount of fairy golden flames look.

After the spiritual pressure fluctuations on these three spiritual weapons stabilized, Yi Tian took the lead in bringing them into the Niwan Palace.And my natal magic weapon Zixiaozhan seems to have the experience of refining the 'Thunder Flame Purple Flame', and it can also accommodate more power of immortality when absorbing the golden flame.

After maintaining it for a full hour, Yi Tiancai realized that the power of aura on the Zixiao lamp was close to saturation, and then he took it in first.But after releasing the spiritual thoughts, he found that the leaves of the 'Jing Shi Hua Lian' around him had turned into a faint purple at this moment, and they seemed to have almost reached their limit.

After recovering his magical powers, Yi Tian finally focused his gaze on the 'Flying Immortal Yin' seal in his hand.I saw that this thing was crazily absorbing the fairy golden flames around it, and it seemed like a bottomless pit without restraint.Speaking of which, nearly half of the 'Fairy Golden Flame' around my body was introduced into it in the end.

After waiting for a while, Yi Tian put it in the Niwan Palace, and then cast a spell to put Ashura's dharma body away.So far, the 'Fairy Golden Flame' that was originally wrapped around his 'Fire Alchemy Body' armor has finally been completely resolved.

Yi Tian walked slowly to the source of the sea of ​​fire, stretched out his divine sense quietly and checked, and found that there was a young baby wrapped in the fire source in front of him.The baby was fat and white, and his whole body was wrapped by the 'Fairy Golden Flame'.In other words, these 'fairy golden flames' emanated from this baby.

From my own knowledge, it is not difficult to see that this 'baby' is the fairy fire spirit conceived in the 'Fairy Golden Flame'.I didn't expect to meet this thing here. Speaking of it, if I can refine and absorb it for my own use, I am afraid that my cultivation base can be improved to the late stage of Mahayana.

But Yi Tian just got rid of such thoughts from his mind after his eyes glanced over. This kind of fire spirit in the fairy world is no longer within his control.Moreover, this fire spirit seems to be transformed by a trace of true flame power intentionally left by the owner here.If it is included in the bag, it is bound to cause karma for the owner here.

This is something Yi Tian can't bear now. Although he knows that the other party should also be a member of Luo Tian's Immortal Palace, after all, there is a difference between immortals and ordinary people. The difference in cultivation level between the two is too great, so it will be harmful to him without any benefit. .

After thinking about it for a while, Yi Tian still didn't make a direct move, and looked around the group of fairy golden flames.

In this sea of ​​consciousness, there are no surrounding 'fairy golden flames' that really exist. If you want to break out of the sea of ​​consciousness and return to the original place, you must figure out the strangeness in this sea of ​​consciousness.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly heard a yawn, and the Huo Ling baby in front of him woke up unexpectedly.Then he rubbed his hazy eyes and looked around.Soon Yi Tian found that his eyes fell on him, and then there was a cold war all over his body for no reason.

This is not a good thing, now on the opponent's territory, his own strength is not dominant.The only thing that can be discussed is his identity as the descendant of Luotian Immortal Palace.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian secretly got 12 points of energy in his heart, secretly picked up Zi Xiaozhan in his hand, and stared at the other party to size up.

The two sides stared at each other for about a dozen breaths, Yi Tian made up his mind that it is better to adapt to the situation, and naturally he did not speak directly.I saw the baby Huo Ling conceived by the 'Fairy Spirit Golden Flame' asked: "Who are you? Why did you break into the 'Zi Ling Xuan'? You must know that this is a private forbidden area of ​​the sect."

One sentence contained a lot of information, and Yi Tian was startled, and his mind started spinning quickly.Shaoqing used the courtesy of Luo Tianxian Palace disciples to meet him and said: "Your junior Yi Tian is a direct disciple of the Zongmen 'Qishe', and I hope you will forgive me for taking the liberty to disturb the forbidden area."

"My name is 'Jin Yaner' and I am here to stay here by the order of the master," the baby fire spirit said, "You are really a disciple of the 'Qishe', so why do you have the 'Eight Views Palace Lantern' passed down from generation to generation on your body?" hand?"

"Eight Views Palace Lantern," Yi Tian didn't change his face, but he was slightly taken aback and secretly said, "Could it be this 'Zixiao Lantern', it turns out that it is such a treasure in Luotian Fairy Palace in the fairy world." '

Then he stretched out his hand and slowly took out the Zixiao lamp in his hand, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes after his eyes passed by.On the other hand, Jin Yan'er in front of him first looked happy when he saw it, but then a look of disappointment appeared on his face.After looking at it for a while, he asked, "Why is your sect's direct descendant so weak, and you only have the lamp in the 'Eight Views Palace Lantern' in your hand."

It turned out that he also admitted his mistake, but Yi Tian was overjoyed when he heard it.It turns out that the Zixiao lamp is just the core part of the fairy artifact 'Bajing Palace Lantern', so the complete fairy artifact should be more powerful.Looking at Jin Yan'er, Yi Tianji took heart and said, "In fact, this world has fallen to the spirit world for tens of thousands of years, and the inheritance in the sect has been left in the spirit world. Now the sect's Taoism is in the spirit world. It is rumored in the world that I am the suzerain of the sect in this spiritual world."

"I see. No wonder your cultivation base is so low." Jin Yan'er nodded and said, "Fortunately, the wick of the 'Eight Views Palace Lantern' in your hand is not bad, but it's a pity that the power is too weak."

"Oh, I don't know why the senior said that?" Yi Tian asked hastily.

"I'm not a senior of the sect, but since you have obtained the orthodoxy, if you can enter the 'Golden Flame Sea of ​​Consciousness', you are naturally the one who is destined," Jin Yan'er said.

"Fateful person," Yi Tian muttered these words, but there was an expression of uncertainty on his face.

Only to hear Jin Yan'er continue to say: "I can detect the induction of the sect's martial arts from you. It's a pity that your cultivation base is too low, and it will take some time before you want to ascend to the fairy world."

"Thank you for your good words," Yi Tian didn't feel any emotion after hearing it, after all, it was enough to be able to tell the possibility of ascending to the fairy world from Jin Yaner's mouth.

Then he continued to ask: "Now that I have strayed into the 'Golden Flame Sea of ​​Consciousness', please let me out."

"It's easy to go out, but you have to pass my level first," Jin Yan'er said, and the fairy Jin Yan on her body flourished, and then the whole person turned into a golden halo and stretched quickly stand up.

Yi Tian saw that he became as tall as himself after taking three breaths, and after the halo on his body faded, he revealed his true face. He was a disciple of Luotian Xiangong with the appearance of a young monk.It's just that the human figure transformed by Jin Yan'er is exactly the same as her own, except that the Zixiao lamp in her hand is missing.

Seeing this Yi Tian couldn't help but look surprised, could it be that he turned into his own mirror image again.I remember that it was the same in the formation on the "Qishe" square before.

Then he asked, "Jin Yan'er, didn't you transform into a human form after my appearance?"

"Don't worry, this is my real body," Jin Yan'er said disdainfully: "I was originally a ray of golden flame in the master's natal real fire. If I want to transform into a illusion, I will naturally only transform into the master's appearance."

(End of this chapter)

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