
Chapter 2231 Fire Spirit 1

Chapter 2231 Fire Spirit One
In the "Golden Flame Consciousness Sea", Yi Tian found the source of the fairy golden flame, which turned out to be a real baby conceived by the fairy golden flame.After some negotiations, I learned from the other party that 'Zi Ling Xuan' was originally a forbidden area of ​​Luo Tian Xian Palace.And the owner here just took out a ray of true flame from the real fire of his life before leaving and left it in the 'Golden Flame Consciousness Sea'.

If you want to get out of trouble here, you will naturally have to pass the level in front of you first.I don't know how long this ray of golden flame has been bred here, and Yi Tian was deeply shocked by his transformation into his master at this moment.

Yi Tian had sensed something was wrong in the "Qishe" before, but here it really proved once again that there might really be a person who looks very similar to himself in Luo Tianxian Palace.But if I ask myself, it seems that things are not that simple, but I can't verify it for a while.

Seeing the appearance of Jin Yan'er's deity, Yi Tian could only sacrifice the Zixiao Zhan in his hands in a hurry.Then asked in a deep voice: "I don't know how you can let me go?"

"It's very simple," Jin Yan'er said with a smile: "I see that you are not strong enough, so I don't make things difficult for you, just accept my three moves."

"Three tricks," Yi Tian frowned slightly, the three tricks of the Golden Flame Spirit were no joke.With Jin Yan'er's strength that has been bred here for tens of thousands of years, maybe he can't even catch the opponent's move.

With a look of embarrassment on his face like this, Yi Tian tried to ask: "Dare to ask what level your strength has reached. If you make a rash move, I'm afraid I may not be your opponent."

"I feel that the power of the true flame on your body is strong. It should be because you have cultivated the 'Tai Shang Qing Ting Sutra' passed down by the sect, and the heat is not bad?" Jin Yan'er asked.

This name has been verified when exploring the fragments of the spirit world and fairy world, but I only know the general idea.Never before has Jin Yan'er said it so affirmatively today, Yi Tian thought in his mind and hurriedly replied: "I just practiced the Zongmen's Lihuo Nine Changes to the Dacheng state."

"The 'Nine Transformations of Lihuo' was originally a technique in the 'Taishang Qingting Jing'," Jin Yan'er explained: "Although you are only a Mahayana practitioner, it is very rare to be able to refine it to perfection. In this way Well, I won’t embarrass you, let’s just use one move to decide the outcome. I know that after refining the ‘Lihuo Nine Transformations’, there is a move called ‘Scorching Sun Wheel’. Although I can’t complete it, I can also imitate it. two."

'Wheel of Lieyang' Yi Tian was horrified when he heard the words. Isn't this the trick played by his own mirror image in the big formation outside the 'Qishe'.Speaking of which, this trick is powerful enough. At that time, I was able to escape from death entirely by relying on the characteristics of my own natal real fire mutation.

Although he didn't know why Jin Yan'er made such a request, Yi Tian didn't dare to look down upon her.On the contrary, he nodded after looking serious, "If so, I'll be offended."

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his left hand and held the Zixiao lamp in his palm. A ray of bright purple flame flew out from the tip of his index finger and landed in the center of the lamp impartially across an arc.After lighting up the Zixiao lamp, Yi Tian's whole body's spiritual pressure fluctuations were released, and he was promoted to the early stage of Mahayana in an instant.Then his right hand slid across the wick of the Zixiao lamp, and a little purple spark popped out from it.

After muttering something, Yi Tian said: "Change." After the little sparks flew out, they rolled in the air and flew a foot away, then they soared a hundred times to the size of a fist.

Then there was a spiral tumbling trace in the inside, and then hit the opponent's door.

Jin Yan'er, who was in the distance, showed contempt on his face when he saw it, and said in his mouth: "Why is your 'Wheel of the Lieyang' so small, it seems that you can't cultivate well."

"It's only been a few days since my cultivation level has been raised to this point. Naturally, such supernatural powers cannot be mastered to the point of perfection." Yi Tian didn't seem to mind this, no matter how powerful the trick is, as long as it works.What's more, I have already calculated in my heart that the ordinary method of dealing with Jin Yan'er in the fairy world like Jin Yan'er who gave birth to a true spirit will not work.So if you don't make a move, you will definitely not keep your hand once you make a move.

A cold drink came out of Jin Yan'er's mouth, and he stretched out his palms and drew two arcs of fire in front of him, then sacrificed a half-foot-sized supernatural power.Yi Tian looked carefully and naturally recognized that the Zongmen's 'Wheel of the Fierce Sun' magical power was used to deal with it.

In contrast, although Jin Yan'er's supernatural powers were not blessed by the spiritual weapon Zixiaozhan, its momentum completely overwhelmed her own.

Accompanied by a loud roaring sound, the half-foot-sized golden 'Wheel of the Blazing Sun' began to absorb the power of the golden flames of the surrounding celestial spirits.After one breath, the 'Wheel of the Fierce Sun' swelled to a size of three feet before stabilizing its shape.

Although both of them used exactly the same moves at the same time, in terms of momentum alone, they were at a disadvantage.But Yi Tian remained unmoved at all, and continued to manipulate the 'Wheel of Lieyang' to hit the other party's magic power fiercely.

With the sound of 'boom', two fast-rotating 'wheels of the sun', one purple and one gold, struck together immediately.What surprised Jin Yan'er was that although the supernatural power in his hand seemed powerful, he couldn't do anything about it, the purple fire wheel the size of a fist.And it stands to reason that his supernatural powers have continuously absorbed the surrounding fairy golden flames to maintain and supplement the power of the immortal essence, and the follow-up momentum is naturally not weak at all.But even in this way, they can only maintain a state of tie.

On the other hand, Yi Tian, ​​who was standing on the other side, smiled slightly after protruding his divine sense. Although this situation was somewhat different from what he had expected, it was still much stronger.Immediately after forming a seal with one hand with his right hand, he tapped on his own 'Wheel of the Fierce Sun'.In an instant, the rotation speed of the purple fire wheel more than doubled as if it had injected a lot of spiritual power.

At the same time, the 'Thunder Flame Purple Flame' exploded and began to devour the opposite 'Fairy Golden Flame'.Originally, the 'Wheel of Lieyang' transformed by 'Lei Yan Zi Yan' was far inferior to the opponent in terms of power and momentum, but the situation on the scene changed instantly after the characteristic of devouring was revealed.

'Fairy Golden Flame' has absorbed a large amount of immortal energy, but its speed cannot keep up with the devouring by 'Thunder Flame Purple Flame'.After ten breaths of stalemate, the three-foot-sized 'Golden Flame Wheel' began to shrink rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.Seeing this, Yi Tian was overjoyed and hurriedly pointed at his own 'Scorching Sun Purple Wheel' with one-hand seal, and the speed of swallowing instantly increased by more than [-]%.

And after continuously absorbing the fairy golden flame, the power of his 'Thunder Flame Purple Flame' soared, and the speed of devouring became faster and faster.After ten breaths, Jin Yan'er's spells shrank to half of their original size.

(End of this chapter)

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