
Chapter 2233 Rescue 1

Chapter 2233 Rescue One
In the "Zi Ling Xuan", Yi Tian finally agreed to take Jin Yan'er out of the fragments of the fairy world. After sacrificing the Zixiao lamp, he saw a golden aura flying out from the word "Li Yan", and then directly sank into it. Inside the Zixiao cup.

Jin Yan'er did not directly occupy the position of her natal real fire 'Lei Yan Zi Yan', but a circle of golden light lit up around the edge of the lamp.Yi Tian took a closer look at the color of the 'Fairy Golden Flame', and his natal real fire was still standing upright in the middle of Zixiao Zhan.

At this time, the two true flames seem to be clearly separated, generally occupying one side of the territory, and they have no intention of encroaching on the other side.

In this way, after the injection of the "Fairy Golden Flame" on the purple sky lamp, the original purple color of the whole body gradually became brighter.At the same time, Yi Tian could also notice that the 'Lei Yan Zi Yan' became brighter after swallowing a large number of 'Fairy Golden Flames'.By the way, Zixiaozhan showed a reddish-purple appearance.

With his left hand, he retracted the 'Zixiao Zhan' in his palm into the palace like a mud ball, and under his inner vision, Yi Tian found that the spirit weapon had landed on the left hand of the master of the Nascent Soul Spirit Body.As the spiritual power in his body continued to flow through the 'Zixiao Zhan', a trace of the power of the 'Fairy Golden Flame' was also brought out.

These spiritual powers traveled through his meridians for a week, leaving a faint golden light on the walls of the meridians.

This should be the benefit after taking away Jin Yan'er, Yi Tian twitched his mouth slightly, and then he jumped to search for the third handwriting relic in 'Zi Lingxuan'.

It's a pity that nothing unusual was found this time, and the handwriting left there was also blurred.It was hard to recognize a few 'golden seal script' characters in it, but they all recorded some romantic events.What surprised Yi Tian was that these handwritings were the same as those left on the roof of the "Guan Ling" cave in the depths of the blessed land of the back hall of the "Qishe".Needless to say, the owner of 'Zi Lingxuan' has a close relationship with that 'Qi Society'.

Moreover, I learned from Jin Yan'er before that this true immortal who looks very similar to himself has reached the level of 'Da Luo Jinxian'.Such a person should also be a powerful faction in Luo Tianxian Palace, so why would the interface where his other courtyard is located collapse?With all kinds of doubts in his heart, Yi Tian didn't know what to do for a while, and according to the current situation, he could only take one step at a time.

After leaving the 'Zi Lingxuan', he flew into the air and Yi Tian couldn't help but look down, this other courtyard is very interesting, he didn't withdraw the array barrier directly, but wanted to seal up this place forever in his heart.Looking up, I suddenly saw a ray of spiritual light flying towards this place, and it stopped after a while when it was ten feet away in front of me.

Yi Tian took a closer look and saw that it was the communication jade talisman given before, and these communication talismans had their own labels on them.But after the eyes swept over, his face changed color dumbly. I saw that there was still a lot of blood on the messenger talisman, and the situation of the person who sent it must be not optimistic at the moment.Gently stretched out his hand and called it into his hand, the spiritual power was slowly poured in, and then the divine sense quickly swept across the words in front of the jade talisman.After three breaths, Yi Tian showed a cloudy look on his face. This message talisman was delivered to Shi Jinming by himself before entering the fragments of the fairy world, but the one who inspired this talisman turned out to be the Nether boy.

Could it be that Shi Jinming had already been defeated by Nether Boy, Yi Tian immediately rejected it after a thought flashed in his mind.Although the two of them looked down on each other, they would not act secretly.Yi Tian read along the message of the communication jade talisman and found that it was a message for help from the Nether Boy.The content was that Wu Jue, the true immortal from the lower realm, was killing people, and he and Shi Jinming were involved with huge sums of money for no reason.

Seeing this, Yi Tian's face darkened, although he didn't want to face Wu Jue so soon, but the current situation seems to be beyond his control.After all, these true immortals from the lower realm are the most dangerous people, and among the fragments of the fairy world, only Wu Jue can pose a threat to him.

Seeing this, Yi Tian finished reading the information on the Jade Talisman of Communication in his hand, and then, with a flash of spiritual light all over his body, he flew straight towards the direction where the Jade Talisman of Communication came from.

Although I don't know how far they are, but this direction should not be wrong.And looking at the blood stains on the jade talisman, it was obvious that the Youming boy and Shi Jinming had already fallen into a disadvantage under the two-to-one.

I remember a few days ago when I separated from Wu Jue, he absorbed the essence, blood and spiritual power of Changsun Ting, and his cultivation level jumped to the late stage of fusion.But even then, it was impossible to crush You Ming Boy and Shi Jinming so badly with one against two.Leaving aside Shi Jinming, the strength of the Nether boy alone has reached the peak of the late fusion stage.Although there is still some distance from Dzogchen, his strength as a furious clone cannot be underestimated.

Ordinary monks of the same level are far from their opponents, and at the same stage, I can only say that I can overwhelm my opponent, but if I want to take his life, I must pay a corresponding price.

Flying thousands of miles away in an instant, Yi Tian restored his cultivation base to the early stage of Mahayana, and his spiritual thoughts extended to thirty thousand miles away.But even in this way, the whereabouts of the Nether Boy and the others could not be traced. When his face was suspicious, he suddenly raised his brows slightly, as if he found some subtle and strange spiritual pressure fluctuations in the ground covered by the spiritual lock.

One rushed towards that place, and a moment later, when Yi Tian rushed to that place and looked far away, he found that there was a mess everywhere on the boundary below, as if a fierce battle had taken place not long ago.Stretching out his divine sense, he sensed the spiritual pressure fluctuations in the surrounding air, and then found that the spiritual power here was in an extremely chaotic state.

There are at least three spiritual powers, and one of them is even comparable to the current self.So far, Yi Tian's face was shocked, but he thought secretly in his heart.Unexpectedly, Wu Jue's cultivation could be raised to such a level that he had already reached the same stage of Mahayana as himself.

Although there are two other spiritual powers that are much weaker than them, they are also extremely powerful.Among them, there is a ghostly evil spirit that should be the spiritual power of the ghost boy, and the weakest one should belong to Shi Jinming.

Following the fluctuating and chaotic spiritual power, he turned to Yi Tian and searched, and found that the three spiritual powers were leaving towards the front left position at the same time.Needless to say, it was You Ming Boy and Shi Jinming who had suffered a loss and fled, and Wu Jue followed and left there.Immediately, without even thinking about it, he flew straight in the direction indicated by the spiritual pressure fluctuation.

What surprised Yi Tian after flying away within a hundred breaths was that after following the clues they left behind, he found that the three auras had changed again after flying thousands of miles.The remnant of Wu Jue's spiritual pressure fluctuation in the air seems to have weakened a lot, and has dropped to the peak of the late fusion stage.As for the remnants of the Nether Boy and Shi Jinming's spiritual pressure fluctuations, there have also been obvious changes, and they are no longer as strong as before.

Something must have happened to them, most of whom Wu Jue used some kind of mysterious technique to forcibly increase his cultivation base, and now his cultivation base is slowly falling after it expires.But even so, he is still extremely strong, and it shouldn't be a problem if he wants to fight two against one.

Because Yi Tian found that the remaining aura of Youming Boy and Shi Jinming showed a weaker fatigue state in the remnants of these spiritual pressure fluctuations.The determination was that one of the two was seriously injured or both were injured.

It is definitely not a good thing if one's own strength is damaged in these fragments of the fairy world, and no one can repay what will happen here.Yi Tian silently calculated in his heart that the escape light on his body did not weaken at all, and continued to search forward following the trail of the three of them.

After flying for more than half a day, I suddenly noticed in my spiritual sense that there were three signs of spiritual pressure fluctuations at the edge that my spiritual sense could detect thirty thousand miles away.It's just that they didn't fight together at this time, but divided into two places separated by several miles without making any movement.

Yi Tian secretly rejoiced in his heart, and then restrained the spiritual pressure fluctuations around his body to the peak of the late stage of integration, then took out the breath-suppressing cloak and put it on his body, and then set up the escape light and flew straight towards their position.

It took Yi Tian half an hour to fly a mere [-] miles away, but he stopped when he was a hundred miles away from the three of them.Yi Tian glanced over in the air and found that seven-colored fairy lights were constantly shining on the distant land boundary.

At this moment, the three of them were sitting cross-legged on the ground, practicing silently, as if eager to recover their spiritual power, and there were many characters of 'Golden Seal Script' under the area where they were.Yi Tian was secretly surprised when he saw it, they seemed to have touched some kind of big formation.Moreover, this place should be a forbidden place in Luotian Immortal Palace, they are really tired of touching such a restriction for no reason.

But looking back and thinking about it, Shi Jinming and You Ming Boy probably had no choice but to escape here, so they forcibly invaded the restriction.

Looking along the inside of the restriction, Yi Tian found a three-story tower building behind the restriction formation, and on the beam of the gate of the building were clearly written the three characters of "Nakufang" in "golden seal characters".

It turned out that the two of them relied on the guard restriction outside the 'Nakufang' to block the pursuers behind them, but it seemed that Wu Jue's condition was significantly less affected by this restriction than the two of them.Every time he took two steps forward, the two of them could only move one step away, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations on Shi Jinming and You Ming Boy's bodies at this moment fluctuated sharply, as if their spiritual power had been overdrawn.

Unexpectedly, You Ming Boy didn't leave Shi Jinming behind, but after thinking about it, Yi Tian also understood that facing Wu Jue and the two of them, the defeat would be faster.The only way forward is to join hands and wait for rescue.

After ten breaths, Wu Jue, who was walking briskly forward, suddenly stopped, and turned to look towards the sky not far away.After the divine sense swept over, he shouted in a deep voice: "The boy came so fast."

After hearing this, Yi Tian was slightly taken aback. He didn't expect the other party to find his whereabouts so quickly. Sure enough, the strength of these lower realm true immortals is extraordinary.

With a sound of '嗖', Yi Tian appeared in the air, and without answering, Yi Tian flew forward to the edge of the restraining formation to stabilize his figure.After sweeping his eyes, he found that the one in front of him turned out to be the famous "Four Yang Sealing Formation" in Luo Tianxian Palace.It's just that at a cursory glance, the location of the formation nodes was not found, and these formations are connected to the underground fairy veins by relying on the formation patterns, which have connected this boundary with the ground veins below.

Yi Tian also showed surprise in his eyes after a rough look. It is impossible to rely on breaking the formation node to break in. Now the only way to save the two inside is to directly break into it.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian sighed helplessly, then lowered his head to the entrance of the formation.At this time, only Shi Jinming in Neizhong shouted loudly: "Yi Daoyou, you are finally here, hurry up, it shouldn't be difficult to break this formation with your formation skills." Although the voice was loud, Yi Tian It was still possible to hear that there seemed to be some unstable spiritual pressure fluctuations in his tone, he must have suffered some internal injuries.

When he glanced over Shi Jinming and turned to Youming Boy, he found that his face was pale. Although he seemed to be fine, the fluctuation of spiritual pressure on his body was stronger than that of Shi Jinming.Apparently he got special care from Wu Jue so he became like this.

After hearing Shi Jinming's words, Yi Tian hadn't had time to express his opinion, but Wu Jue shouted in a cold voice: "Do you really think that he can break this formation? The formation here is the Four Yang Sealing Formation of Luotian Immortal Palace, although it is not a profound formation. However, the people who set up the formation are too strong to hide all the nodes, and there is no other way than relying on strength to forcibly enter the formation."

Hearing this, Shi Jinming's face suddenly showed disbelief, and then he turned his eyes to Yi Tian who was at the entrance, as if hoping to hear a negative answer.

Yi Tian shook his head helplessly and said: "That's right, I really can't break through the formation with cleverness. But I can compare the speed of breaking through the formation. How did Shi Jinming and you guys get into this disaster?"

"Hmph, the two of them snatched my 'Meteor Star Fire Date', but it's a pity that breaking ground on Tai Sui's head is no joke," Wu Jue said with a curled lip.

"What about your 'Meteor Star Fire Jujube', the heavenly materials and earthly treasures among the fragments of the fairy world are those who are destined to get them, don't force yourself to put the hat on us," Shi Jinming shouted impatiently: "Obviously it's you Seeing the benefits, I just want to take it all by myself, so why bother to put a name on us."

"The 'Meteor Star Fire Jujube' can only be enjoyed by true disciples even in Luo Tianxian Palace. Such natural treasures are definitely not something you two can peek at," Wu Jue shouted.

In Yi Tian's mind, he quickly browsed the information of the 'Meteor Star Fire Date', and soon found the source.This treasure was originally a treasure for rewarding true disciples in the sect of the Immortal World.Usually only true disciples who have reached the Golden Immortal level can enjoy the high-level fairy world treasures with the contribution of the sect.

However, the treasures that Jinxian can use may not be suitable for monks in the spirit world. Yi Tian might not be able to refine such a treasure with huge spiritual power even if he takes it by himself.The final result will definitely cause the spiritual energy in the body to become chaotic and explode to death.After thinking about it, his eyes glanced over the face of You Ming Boy, and he also looked at each other, and then his eyes staggered and then fell down.Then he said: "The 'Meteor Star Fire Jujube' we got has already lost most of the power of the immortal essence, but it is a good tonic for monks in the spiritual world, and even monks in the Mahayana period can use it."

"Then you have to live to enjoy it," Wu Jue said disdainfully, and at the same time, he quickened his pace, breaking through the formation light curtain in front of him and taking a step forward.

(End of this chapter)

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