
Chapter 2234 Rescue 2

Chapter 2234 Rescue II

After receiving Shi Jinming's message jade talisman asking for help, Yi Tian was also taken aback. This message jade talisman was indeed sent by himself, but the person who inspired it turned out to be Nether boy.

Unexpectedly, Shi Jinming would come together with Nether Boy, and Yi Tian understood the situation after quickly reading the information on the communication jade talisman.The two of them were hunted down by Wu Jue all the way, so they asked him for help as a last resort.

Speaking of Wu Jue, Yi Tian couldn't help thinking of the incident that he devoured Changsun Ting's cultivation before.After all, I didn't expect things to happen to such a stage, but now I have to face this fact.

In his mind, he also regretted letting Wu Jue go before, but in fact, he had just absorbed the spiritual power of Changsun Ting and hadn't had time to digest it.It's a good time to deal with him, but Yi Tian also has his own concerns.In the face of these true immortals from the lower realms, I should try my best to avoid karma. If I really want to take action to kill them, it will be a moment of last resort.

I searched for the remnants of the spiritual pressure fluctuations left by the three of them all the way, and finally found them near the 'storage' of Luotian Celestial Palace.But at this time, the three of them were already trapped in the formation, and after Yi Tian looked carefully outside the restriction of the formation, he found that he could not attack anyone in the formation immediately.

The big formation here is the 'Four Yang Sealing Formation' that is laid out together with the veins below. The formation is the orthodox defensive formation of Luotian Immortal Palace, but the people who set up the formation cleverly hid all the formation nodes under the ground.It is already impossible to find any breakthrough nodes above the surface.

In this way, Yi Tian couldn't take advantage of his own method to break through the formation, so he had to force his way through the formation according to the orthodox method.

Obviously, You Ming Boy and Shi Jinming discovered the formation here early in the morning. After being chased and killed by Wu Jue, the two had no choice but to flee back here again, hoping to deal with it by relying on the prohibition of the formation.

And Wu Jue is not an easy-going lamp, as the avatar of a true immortal in the upper realm, he is naturally well-informed.The spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body are now also a few sentences unstable, sometimes strong and sometimes weak.Yi Tian found that when Wu Jue's cultivation was the strongest, he could be promoted to the early stage of Mahayana, and the weakest was also like the late stage of fusion.

It was obvious that Wu Jue used some kind of secret technique to cause this, but he couldn't stop to adjust his internal energy, but there was an inevitable reason for chasing the two of them.From the conversation between the three, Yi Tiancai learned that the cause of the dispute was that Shi Jinming had accidentally taken away the fairy world treasure 'Meteor Star Fire Date' that belonged to Wu Jue.

In Yi Tian's mind, he quickly found out the information of this treasure and browsed it carefully. This 'Meteor Star Fire Jujube' was originally a treasure in Luo Tianxian Palace for the true disciples to take.Even if the power of the immortal essence in the heart has lost a lot, as the Youming boy said, it is still a great tonic for the monks in the spirit world.

If this thing is brought to the outside world, it is estimated that even the Mahayana monks will look sideways at it.And Wu Jue has a deep understanding of this, so he keeps staring at it.

After carefully looking at it, Yi Tian can confirm that the 'Meteor Star Fire Jujube' should be on the Nether Boy, and his idea is also very simple, naturally he wants to take it out and give it to his deity.

As for Wu Jue, he naturally didn't want to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.If he can get this 'Meteor Fire Jujube' in his pocket, he can directly raise his cultivation to the level of Mahayana.So these two results are not what Yi Tian wants to see now.

If he didn't make a move, Wu Jue would definitely succeed in the end, although this time the attack would do more harm than good to him, but after thinking about the lesser of two evils, he could only bite the bullet and make a move.

Walking to the edge of the "Four Suns Sealing Formation", I glanced over and saw that there was a stone tablet on the side above which was written with the words "rough road" in "golden script".Needless to say, this must be the test of Luo Tianxian Palace's "Nakufang" for the younger generations, and those who want to enter it must go through this road.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian took a deep breath to activate the spiritual power in his body, and then stepped into the formation. After walking two steps, he found that the retreat behind him had been blocked by a red halo.

After taking a few steps under his feet, Yi Tian glanced over and found that he was about a hundred feet away from Wu Jue, while You Ming Boy and Shi Jinming were about 250 feet away.

It's just that although the two of them took refuge in the formation early in the morning, their progress was not fast.As for Wu Jue behind him, although he was much slower, his forward speed was much faster than the two of them.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian shouted in a deep voice: "You two try to move forward, and I will do my best to catch up."

"I hope you can arrive in time, Fellow Daoist Yi, but the restriction here seems a bit weird, and I don't know how far I can go," Shi Jinming, who was in the distance, hurriedly replied after hearing the words.

After entering the 'Siyang Fengzheng', Yi Tian just felt that every step he took would add an extra burden to his body.After taking more than ten steps in a row, I found that my weight had more than doubled. I checked with my eyes that there was still at least eighty or ninety feet away from catching up with Wu Jue. I really didn't know what kind of burden I would bear by then.

Furthermore, Yi Tian did not forcibly touch the formation mechanism step by step, so for the time being, he has not received any attack from the 'Four Suns Sealing Formation'.Looking up at the three people in front, they seem to be very careful, after all, if the restriction is really triggered, everyone may be trapped in the formation.

It's just that Wu Jue's speed of action was not slow, I saw that after the flash of spiritual light all over his body, his whole face was immediately refreshed, and then he took more than ten steps quickly, shortening the distance by about ten feet.

Yi Tian was vigilant in his heart and knew that there was not much time left for him, and then the spiritual power in his body was running rapidly, and the skin around his body glowed with a slight golden light, and he performed the Buddha Sect Jinyang body method.

In this way, he can withstand the extra gravity attached to himself by the injection, and then take a quick step forward.The road ahead seemed smooth but Yi Tian felt his heart tremble for no reason, this feeling naturally made him alert.The monks in the integration stage can perceive the world and their insight into the crisis is also superhuman, and the perception of the monks in the Mahayana stage is more than several times stronger than that.

But the road in front of him had to go on. Seeing that Wu Jue's action speed had improved, Yi Tian had to speed up.

After walking a few steps, suddenly the eyes flashed, and the surrounding landscape changed.As if he had returned to the depths of the Lihuo Palace Zongmen in the spiritual world, a beautiful figure suddenly appeared in front of him.Yi Tian fixed his eyes and saw that it was Qing Lianyun, and saw that she came forward and said politely: "My husband is back, but I haven't come in to rest. I have been waiting for a long time and I have a lot to say to my husband. Woolen cloth."

Needless to say, Yi Tian was really surprised that the "Four Sun Sealing Formation" was actually mixed with an illusion formation.The Qing Lianyun in front of him was the same as the one in his memory in terms of appearance, voice and shape.

But Yi Tian didn't move half a step, he just stood there blankly, looked at his eyes, and said with a long breath: "It really is lifelike, this kind of formation can draw out the seven emotions and six desires in people's hearts, but if I move it rashly I'm afraid that one step will immediately touch the prohibition in the formation."

After thinking about it, he was reluctant to look at Qing Lianyun in front of him for a few times, then closed his eyes, restrained his breath and temporarily stabilized himself.

No matter how "Qing Lian Yun" in front of him teases Yi Tian, ​​Shao Qing just acts like he's holding his breath, ignoring everything and just calming down.

It's just that 'Qing Lian Yun' immediately stepped forward and posed in front of him, Yi Tian suddenly felt his heart flutter.

Speaking of reality, Qing Lianyun is quite reserved and will never make some frivolous actions to seduce him, but the original impulse in Yi Tian's heart is still there, not to mention that although his lifespan is close to 3000 years, he is still a "hot-blooded youth" in the final analysis Naturally, there will be some emotional touches for such provocations.

The teeth in his mouth bit his tongue suddenly, and a trace of pain came to his heart in an instant, which made Yi Tian finally come back to his senses.Later, I hurriedly recited the "Bodhi Concentration Mantra" silently in my heart to temporarily get rid of all distracting thoughts.The figure of 'Qing Lian Yun' in front of him seemed to be unable to maintain any longer, and began to show some signs of laxity.

Yi Tian was overjoyed, it turned out that the phantom array here is to sacrifice the emotions in the hearts of those who entered the array to reveal the weak points of human nature.It's a pity that I have practiced the Buddhist sect's secret technique a long time ago, although it doesn't have much effect on breaking the illusion.But just to demonstrate the original mind has a miraculous effect. The illusion aroused by such a formation is just the seven emotions and six desires drawn from one's own heart. If the original mind can be settled down, the surrounding illusion can be broken without attack.

After this continued for more than ten breaths, when Yi Tian opened his eyes again, he found that the phantoms around him had returned to their original state, and 'Qing Lian Yun' had disappeared.I was still standing in the position in the formation just now, without touching any restrictions.

There was a sigh in my heart. It seems that I still have some concerns about Senior Sister Qing in my heart, and I still have to go back to Taiqing Pavilion in the spiritual world to have a good chat with Senior Sister.

Stretching out his divine sense and scanning the front, he found that the three people in front seemed to be in some trouble as well. At this moment, they all had dull eyes and frowned brows, as if they were struggling in the environment.

Unexpectedly, the environment of this large formation would be activated at the same time, and Yi Tian looked a little surprised after looking at it.When his eyes fell on You Ming Boy, he found that he slowly opened his eyes at this time, as if he had escaped from the environment.Then the two looked at each other, and Yi Tian could see the astonishment in the eyes of You Ming Boy no less than his own.

After all, with a character like You Ming Boy, the seven emotions and six desires are naturally much less than himself, so it is easier to break out when facing illusions.It's just that he didn't expect that he would get out of trouble earlier than him.

Immediately, the Nether Boy turned around and walked quickly towards the passage behind the formation without any hesitation.The 'Meteor Fire Jujube' should be on him. Although he and Shi Jinming joined forces temporarily, he still puts his own safety first in his heart, so naturally he has no intention of staying in the slightest.

As for Shi Jinming at this time, he was obviously trapped in an illusion and couldn't extricate himself for the time being, with an intoxicated look on his face, he was probably trapped in an illusion.

Yi Tian glanced at Wu Jue who was in the distance again, and saw that his brows were slightly furrowed at this time, and his face was constantly twitching, as if the environment had touched his mind and he couldn't get out of it for the time being.

Taking advantage of such an excellent opportunity, Yi Tian hurriedly walked forward, and suddenly felt that the pressure around his body was relieved.It seems that after breaking the phantom formation, he can temporarily get rid of the troubles of the formation. Naturally, Yi Tian will not miss such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and walk forward quickly.

After walking a few steps, he felt the heavy feeling again, and Yi Tian couldn't help muttering a few words, "The reward for breaking the illusion is too little." '

Fortunately, after the quick walk just now, I have already shortened the distance to Wu Jue in front by half.Suddenly Wu Jue was also trembling all over, and then opened his eyes.

After breaking the illusion, he used the corner of his eye to see that the pursuers behind him had already caught up with their skills, and he naturally showed surprise on his face.Immediately, his eyes flicked to the front, and he saw that the Nether Boy had already run farther away, but that Shi Jinming was still standing there stupidly, as if he was still deeply trapped in the illusion and couldn't extricate himself.

Then Wu Jue also seemed to feel that the atmosphere around him relaxed, and he took a step forward and walked forward quickly.But he slowed down after walking no more than twenty feet.

But this also shortened the distance a lot, at least it was only a hundred feet away from Shi Jinming in front.

When Yi Tian saw it, he knew he couldn't wait any longer. The golden aura around him flashed again, and he sacrificed the Buddhist sect's "Golden Yang Body Technique" and walked away with his legs raised.Go straight along the path guided by the 'Four Suns Sealing Formation'. Although you are the last one to enter the formation, your speed is the fastest.

After struggling to catch up, the distance between Wu Jue and Wu Jue was shortened to fifty feet, which really made the other party's face look unnaturally tense.Such a distance can be obtained if you make a rash move.

Shaoqing only listened to Shi Jinming's mouth open and let out a long breath, then came back to his senses and opened his eyes to take a look.When he searched the surrounding environment with his spiritual sense, he realized his own situation, and then his face changed drastically and he blurted out: "You Ming boy, you have no loyalty, you actually left me and walked alone."

At this time, the Nether boy had already walked tens of feet away, and he didn't look back, but replied as he walked: "You are loyal to me, have you forgotten who my real deity is? It can only be blamed on your strength It’s not good, I can’t wake up from the environment as soon as possible.”

After hearing this, Shi Jinming naturally showed disdain, and then said angrily: "That 'Meteor Fire Jujube' is in your hands, so I won't play with you anymore. At worst, I'll go back the same way."

"You'd better put away such thoughts. Once you enter the formation, you won't be able to get out. Unless you can break through the formation and get out, you can wait to be trapped in it for the rest of your life," You Ming boy said disdainfully, and his feet didn't stop keep going.

Shi Jinming also showed a helpless look on his face when he heard the divine thoughts sweeping behind him. He stood on the spot and pondered for ten breaths before stomping his feet and rushing forward.

(End of this chapter)

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