
Chapter 2235 Rescue 3

Chapter 2235 Rescue Three

Although everyone woke up from the environment in the 'Four Suns Sealing Formation', the positions of the four changed slightly due to the problem of breaking the formation.Among them, the Nether boy took the lead and walked almost half of the distance. As long as he maintains the current speed, he can take the lead.

Although Yi Tian was the last one, he was the fastest.After using physical and physical abilities, it was obvious that he was moving faster than the previous three.Now the distance from Wu Jue is only fifty feet, and it is not polite to say that even if he directly shoots, he can get the other party.But Yi Tian didn't dare to act rashly, he knew exactly how powerful the Zongmen's "Four Yang Sealing Formation" was, and it was naturally more powerful if it was arranged together with the earth veins in the fragments of the fairy world.

As for Wu Jue, as a true immortal from the lower realm, he also has a lot of vision. He is naturally afraid of the formations in Luo Tianxian Palace, and he will not easily risk himself unless it is absolutely necessary.

Although Shi Jinming is unlucky, he is the one with the most relaxed mood now, after all, Wu Jue wants the 'Meteor Star Fire Date' to be kept in the hands of Nether Boy.And Wu Jue didn't dare to fight directly in the formation restriction, so he became the safest one for the time being.

The four of them maintained this order and continued to walk forward in the 'Four Suns Sealing Formation'.Not long after, Shi Jinming seemed to give up, and suddenly he let out a sigh of relief and sat down on the ground.

This made the other three people startled, Yi Tian smiled slightly when he saw it, and secretly said in his heart, "I didn't expect this stone-headed head to be quite conscious sometimes, and he made Wu Jue behind him feel troubled by such a picky thing. I don't know how to deal with it. After thinking about it, he accelerated his pace again and chased after him.

As expected, Wu Jue's face tightened for no reason after Shi Jinming withdrew so grandiosely.His purpose was simply to get the 'Meteor Fire Jujube', but it wasn't on Shi Jinming's body.If he stepped forward to fight with him, then the Nether boy would win in the end, but if he didn't make a move, Wu Jue was also afraid that Shi Jinming and Yi Tian behind him would join forces to cause trouble for him.

So after walking a few steps, he slowed down accordingly, obviously he was considering gains and losses.As for the Youming boy walking in the front, he let out a cold snort from his nose angrily, then ignored the people behind and continued to walk forward.

Half a moment later, Wu Jue walked past Shi Jinming. The two were separated by a distance of three or four feet, but each of them only made corresponding defenses to prevent the other party from violently attacking on the spot.

After passing by, Wu Jue just looked back and looked at Shi Jinming with a gloomy look in his eyes. After thinking about it for a while, he sighed helplessly, then turned his head away and continued to chase the Nether boy in front of him.

After seeing this, Shi Jinming showed a little smile on his face, reached out and took out some pills from the storage ring, stuffed them into his mouth and swallowed them, and then sat on the ground to recover his spiritual power.

He should have suffered a lot of dark losses at the hands of Wu Jue before, and after traveling all the way, he also consumed a lot of spiritual energy.This will just take this opportunity to recover quickly, anyway, he is a dead pig now, and he is not afraid of boiling water, so he has spotted Wu Jue's current target is not him, so he is naturally confident.

Half a moment later, Yi Tian caught up with him. At this time, Shi Jinming, who was sitting on the ground, opened his eyes, stood up, lowered his head, and said via voice transmission: "Friend Yi Daoist, you are finally here. This time I, Old Shi, have been planted. I didn't expect You will be put together by the Nether Boy."

Yi Tian smiled and replied via voice transmission: "Fellow Daoist Shi can see it clearly, but I'm a little curious where did you find this 'Meteor Star Fire Date'?"

"I found it in the 'storeroom'," Shi Jinming pointed at the building behind the formation and said, "I entered it by mistake before, and found a 'meteor star' in a hidden storage room." Huozao’. It’s a pity that when the ban was broken, Wu Jue, who was passing by, noticed it.”

"So that's the case, it can only be said that you are unlucky," Yi Tian sighed and said, "But what is so different about 'Meteor Star Fire Date' that will provoke Wu Jue to come here?"

"When I opened the box, there was a multicolored glow from inside that pierced the sky, which probably attracted Wu Jue's attention," Shi Jinming explained through voice transmission.

"Colorful glow," Yi Tian underestimated, but frowned slowly. According to the information he knew, the 'Meteor Star Fire Jujube' would not reveal colorful glow even if it was a thing in the fairy world.There must be something strange in this thing, and Wu Jue should have been chasing the two of them after he discovered the heresy.

After thinking about it, he said in a deep voice: "Get up and go with me. You have to get out of the restriction of the big formation, and you can't hide here forever."

"That's exactly what I meant," Shi Jinming replied, stood up, adjusted his internal energy, and then continued: "I also didn't expect that You Ming boy would abandon me directly. gone."

"No rush, no rush," Yi Tian said with a smile, "I bet they won't be able to get out of this 'Four Suns Sealing Formation', after all, they will touch the internal prohibition in the end."

Shi Jinming asked hurriedly, "Are you sure, you must know that we are also in the formation at this moment, if they touch the restriction, they will definitely implicate us."

"Could they let us go after getting out of trouble first?" Yi Tian said disdainfully: "I think that even if a person like Wu Jue walks out of the big formation ban, he will try to trigger the formation ban so that we can rely on it." The formation will kill us inside. Or just waiting for work at the exit, if it were me, I would definitely not let go of such a golden opportunity."

After hearing this, Shi Jinming's face showed a lot of worry, and it was the same reason after thinking about it carefully.Looking up, he saw Dao Yitian's face was calm and composed, as if he had a plan to deal with it, and then he felt relieved and hurriedly asked through voice transmission: "You Daoist Yi is really righteous, it seems that you have seen through this matter early on, right?" , then why did you forcefully break into the formation?"

"Would you believe me if I said I'm loyal enough," Yi Tian joked.

Shi Jinming immediately shook his head and looked at the next time with a tired look: "You really know how to tell jokes, but I still admire your character, at least you are more righteous than the Nether boy."

"I just said this to you, and I can guarantee that as long as you don't make mistakes, it should not be difficult to get out of trouble according to my instructions, but the 'Meteor Star Fire Date' should be nothing to play," Yi Tian said.

"I believe what you say. There is no need to lie on this point based on the friendship between you and me. Besides, I know that my strength is limited and I can't get my hands on the treasures of the fairy world. It's better to just give up." Shi Jinming said: "It's just that I can't breathe in my heart , if there is a chance, I have to find the Nether boy to get it back."

"Don't worry, you will have a chance soon," Yi Tian said with a smile, "I hope you won't have any scruples at that time."

(End of this chapter)

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