
Chapter 2236 Rescue 4

Chapter 2236 Rescue Four

In the 'Four Suns Sealing Formation', after passing the test of the illusion, the situation within the formation has undergone subtle changes.Originally, You Ming Boy and Shi Jinming formed an offensive and defensive alliance, but now they have parted ways.You Ming Boy took away the 'Meteor Star Fire Jujube' and left only Shi Jinming in the rear.

Although the monks of the Stone Clan are not strong in spirit, Shi Jinming is still a mid-combination monk who has experienced many storms, so he quickly recognized the situation.And he simply stayed out of it, showing an appearance that he didn't want to get involved anymore.

Anyway, he didn't have what Wu Jue wanted, so naturally he wouldn't become the primary target.At the same time, he also lost trust in the Nether boy, and finally simply sat cross-legged in the formation and directly recovered his spiritual power.

Anyway, he is determined that Wu Jue will not waste time on him. Speaking of it, it is not impossible for Wu Jue to kill him directly, but rashly taking action in this formation will definitely arouse restrictions backlash.So Shi Jinming concluded that the other party would definitely not attack him easily.

Sure enough, when Wu Jue passed by, he only looked at his eyes lightly and then left straight away. He also had a very clear goal, and the 'Meteor Star Fire Date' was a must-have. As for Shi Jinming and others, they can deal with it later until they cultivate. After recovering, none of them can escape.

Soon after Yi Tian caught up with Shi Jinming, the two continued to walk down the formation together.

During this period, Shi Jinming slowly told the story of this time. It turned out that he first found the things in the 'storehouse' of Luotian Fairy Palace.It's a pity that I didn't have the blessing to accept it, so I opened the box containing the precious materials negligently.The multi-colored rays of light flying out from the inside shot straight into the sky, and then was spotted by Wu Jue who was passing by.

In desperation, Shi Jinming could only leave in a hurry with his treasures, but he, a monk of the Stone Clan, is proficient in physical skills but not good at flying away.Facing Wu Jue's pursuit, there is naturally no way to get rid of it. Fortunately, he met the Nether Boy again. This guy was also very clever and directly pulled him in under the guidance of the trouble.

However, You Ming Boy is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Even if he is suggested to keep the 'Meteor Star Fire Date', the two will distribute it after getting rid of Wu Jue.

Shi Jinming's strength was far inferior to his, so he naturally didn't dare to go against the other party's wishes, so he had to obediently hand over the precious material in exchange for a slight delay.But now he finally got rid of the burden, and his mood improved a lot.

Under the leadership of Yi Tian, ​​the two also quickly broke through the obstacles of the formation barrier, but deliberately kept a certain distance from Wu Jue in front.On the other hand, the most anxious of the four has become the Nether Boy, but he has a treasure in his body, but he has to guard against the prying eyes of the two groups of people behind him.

As for Wu Jue, it's not much better. Although his strength is not weak, he also knows that if he makes a direct move, he might be hit by the enemy.Or the praying mantis catches the cicada and the oriole finally makes a wedding dress for someone.

Not long after walking, Wu Jue's voice suddenly came from Yi Tian's ear: "Boy, I didn't expect you to come to this muddy water."

"Isn't senior also motivated by profit?" Yi Tian replied without any fear: "Heaven, material and earth treasures are destined to get them, not to mention that if senior really got the 'Meteor Fire Jujube', which will improve his cultivation base Will you still talk to me so calmly?"

Although he only saw Wu Jue's back, Yi Tian knew that his face would not be very good-looking.What I said is also the truth, Wu Jue will definitely not be too verbose if he wants to come to the situation where there is a huge gap in his cultivation base.

"Hmph, boy, I see that you also have a lot of research on formations. The 'Four Suns Sealing Formation' here is really weird. If you make a rash move, God knows what will happen." How about looking for what you need after taking it out?"

"Senior's words are wrong," Yi Tian replied calmly.Anyway, he is the one who is anxious now. Although he can't join forces with Nether Boy for the time being, he doesn't care about the final ownership of the 'Meteor Star Fire Date'.What's more, there is Shi Jinming at his side to help, so he is indeed in a more favorable position in comparison.Yi Tian thought for a while and then replied: "Senior wants nothing more than that precious material, but it is of no benefit to us at all, not to mention that I have to beware of seniors coming to trouble me after their cultivation base has improved, so what is the basis for joining forces? "

"Boy, you really don't want to suffer at all, but I can make a deal with you with that piece of news from the 'Nakufang'," Wu Jue suddenly softened his tone.

It was obvious that he was determined to get that 'Meteor Fire Date', that's why he threw out such a big temptation.

But Yi Tian knows that such risks and opportunities coexist, if Wu Jue really has the opportunity of "receiving the warehouse" in his hands, why not keep it for himself.

After thinking about it, he replied disdainfully: "Could senior allow me to give up such a good opportunity, you must know that there may be some better opportunity in this 'Na Treasury', and Shi Jinming has also entered it before and got it." "Meteor Star Fire Jujube", why should I seek far away instead of near?"

But after three breaths, Wu Jue sneered and said: "Shi Jinming just found the opportunity by accident, but he was also lucky and didn't touch the restriction in the 'Nakufang' after searching. If If you really think that you can replicate Shi Jinming's luck again, then you are very wrong. There is a treasure room in the depths of the 'Nakufang'. Although I don't know what can be found there, it is expected that there will be a treasure collection. "

Yi Tian didn't show any joy when he heard the words, and he knew in his heart that there must be a blocking formation or mechanism guarding a place like this.Although Wu Jue disclosed this information, he did not have good intentions. Yi Tian knew that this was a coexistence of opportunity and danger.And the greater the crisis, the greater the rewards.

Speaking of it, Yi Tian was also a little tempted, but after looking at the two people in front of him, he didn't directly express his opinion.Leading Shi Jinming all the way forward, both of them used body skills and body skills, so they were less suppressed by the array.But still kept a relatively safe distance, to Wu Jue it was like a thorn in his back that he couldn't get rid of.

After a while, I only heard Wu Jue say again: "There is a hidden place in the depths of the 'Nakufang' in front of me. I have seen it before. It needs the skills of Luo Tianxian Palace to open it, or people who are proficient in formations can also use it." You can try to break the barrier seal. With your formation skills, you will definitely be able to break through this place and get out the treasures inside, so why continue spending time with me here?"

"Thank you senior for your advice, so I'm a little bit moved, but I'll talk about it after I get out of the formation," Yi Tian replied.

"If you're really interested, just wait a little later," Wu Jue said, "I'll leave when I get it."The implication is also very clear that he wants to sit on the wall and stop taking action.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian nodded and replied, "Deal."

(End of this chapter)

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