
Chapter 2237 Rescue 5

Chapter 2237 Rescue Five

The two sides secretly reached a tacit agreement under Wu Jue's private voice transmission. After all, Yi Tian came to rescue Shi Jinming this time.As for the Nether Boy, who was originally his target, if Wu never took action against him, he would have to spend some effort to deal with it.

What's more, now that the two are fighting each other, Yi Tian is also happy to see it succeed.Then he lowered his head and privately instructed Ji Ji with Shi Jinming, who did not change his face when he heard the words, but his eyes showed a playful look and looked at the You Ming boy walking in the distance.

The two slowed down at the same time, and quickly opened the distance to seventy or eighty feet.Wu Jue, who was in the front, was naturally aware of the situation behind him very quickly, and after his face was overjoyed, an aura suddenly flashed across his body, and his cultivation base also skyrocketed, breaking through the scope of the fusion period in one fell swoop.

Then he jumped forward and rushed towards the direction where the Nether boy was leaving.In an instant, the distance between the two was shortened by several feet, and after three breaths, Wu Jue caught up with one-third of the distance.

It seems that as long as it lasts less than ten breaths, it can catch up. The Nether Boy, who is at the forefront with such a sudden change, is naturally alert.The divine mind stretched out and opened it, then swept it, and his face changed drastically.When he noticed the positions of Yi Tian and Shi Jinming, he naturally understood that he had become the target of public criticism.And Wu Jue's sudden attack also made him a little surprised. Although the road under his feet has already traveled more than half, there is still a lot of road ahead.

According to a rough estimate, it will take at least half a moment to go out completely, but Wu Jue's speed behind him may catch up in less than ten breaths.You Ming Boy's complexion changed so suddenly, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations in his whole body also began to work rapidly, and the frequency of his steps was obviously accelerated, and he rushed forward rapidly.

In the big formation, one could only act carefully so as not to touch the surrounding restrictive organs, but at this time the two seemed to take care of this matter flawlessly, and tried to rush through the passage at their fastest speed.

Shi Jinming, who was standing in the distance, saw it, but asked through voice transmission with a worried face: "Could it be possible for the two of them to force their way out like this?"

"It's absolutely impossible, but one thing I can be sure of is that they will definitely touch the prohibition of the large formation here," Yi Tian said decisively: "Prepare for self-protection, maybe they will get involved after a while if they make some noise. us."

Shi Jinming was startled when he heard the words, and hurriedly took out a battle robe and put it on, and then asked with a panicked expression: "Then what should we do, this time, the black dog ate the white dog as a disaster and was implicated by these two bastards?" .”

"Don't worry," Yi Tian said with a calm expression, "This place was originally the 'Four Suns Sealing Formation'. Although this formation is a bit weird, its principle remains the same. Even if it touches The two of them will be found immediately after any restriction, even if we are implicated, we will not be the main target of the attack."

Just as he was speaking, a strange sound came from a distance, and then several red auras flashed, and then a clear and crisp sound of Fengming came out of thin air.In the southern section of the Siyang Sealing Formation, the phantom of the Southern Ming Suzaku slowly appeared, and after three breaths, the phantom turned into reality.Then three phantoms of auspicious beasts appeared in the east, west, and north directions of the formation at the same time.

The entire 'Four Suns Sealing Formation' was filled with violent fluctuations of surprise at this time, and at the same time as the guardian spirits of the four directions appeared, four red light curtains appeared behind them, sealing off the front, rear, left, and right exits of the entire formation. up.

Yi Tian glanced out of the corner of his eye and found that You Ming Boy and Wu Jue, who were in the distance at this time, also stopped at the same time.It was because the two of them were rushing through the formation channel just now that they touched the formation restriction for no reason.

Under the siege, the two hurriedly restrained their spiritual power, took out the spiritual weapon sacrifice in their hands and began to defend themselves.Soon the patterns on the ground surrounded by the surrounding red light film were activated one by one, and the body suddenly felt a little weightless, and Yi Tian hurriedly used the escape technique to stabilize his figure in the air under his feet.

After opening the divine mind, I found that I was already in a formation space, surrounded by a black void space.Apart from the three people in front of them, there are four huge guardian beasts of the true spirit on the periphery.

Yi Tian glanced over these true spirit guardians and couldn't help being secretly startled. The spiritual pressure fluctuations emanating from them were as strong as those in the early Mahayana period.If you really want to make a move, I'm afraid that among the people present, I'm the only one who can calm down. As for the Nether boy and Shi Jinming, they probably have enough to drink a pot.

After scanning the three people next to him with his divine sense, he found that the shock on his face was no less than his own.

On the contrary, Shi Jinming hurriedly asked: "These formation spirits seem to be very powerful, I don't know how to deal with them?"

"What are you afraid of? It wasn't you who touched the restriction," Yi Tian replied indifferently: "Look carefully at the four spirit guards, they have locked the Nether Boy and Wu Jue now. Waiting for you to move Try to defend so as not to anger the spirits, and it is estimated that the two of us will not be able to be targeted."

Just as he was talking, he heard a tiger howl from the west, and a white figure flashed past quickly and rushed towards the face of You Ming Boy.At the same time, Suzaku in the south and Xuanwu in the north also moved, and their targets were Wu Jue himself.

However, there was a dragon chant resounding in the ears of Yi Tian and the two of them. They turned their heads to see a ten-foot-long green dragon formation slowly cruising in the air and then flew towards this side.

After all, what should come is impossible to escape, Yi Tian sees the faint golden light on his body, urging Jin Yang's movement, but the cyan light is wrapped under his feet, and then quickly fades away to the side.

Shi Jinming also imitated the example and withdrew after a while. Both of them knew it in their hearts, and they would naturally be able to reduce a lot of burden when they faced it at the same time.And at this time, he still didn't forget to unscrupulously lock his spiritual thoughts on Wu Jue and Yan Qiu.Seeing that the two were in extreme danger at this time, the white tiger rushed towards the Nether boy, and wherever its sharp claws went, it drew ripples in the surrounding void.

The white tiger's claws are so powerful that swiping out of thin air can make the space it passes create an extremely unstable state.The Nether boy didn't dare to take it by half, and hurriedly pulled back.Although the white tiger claws didn't reach him, the power of space ripples aroused viciously bounced the Nether boy away.

Under that blow, You Ming Boy's face flushed a little, obviously because he was affected and injured his internal organs.Quickly took out some elixir, chewed it in his mouth and swallowed it into his stomach. The Nether boy quickly refined it to replenish his own spiritual power, and then stepped back again trying to stay away from the attack of the white tiger spirit.

Wu Jue, who was on the other side, was also having a hard time at this time, and he was even more stressed when facing Suzaku and Xuanwu's front and rear pincer attacks.However, Wu Jue is the avatar of the real fairy from the lower realm, so he naturally knows more about these spirits.But at this time, as if he was facing a big enemy, he took out a round spirit ring from his left hand and raised it up to protect it in front of him.In his right hand, he took out a shovel-like spiritual weapon and held it in his hand.

A red flame spit out from Suzaku's mouth and turned into a fireball flying towards Wu Jue.The next moment, these fireballs gathered from all directions of Wu Jue as if they had eyes, blocking his escape route.Then they swarmed up and encircled the inner city, and the figures of 'Boom Boom Boom' were endless.At the same time, dozens of red sparks erupted in the air.

Inside, there was a looming black halo shaking violently. Yi Tian glanced over and found a strange figure appeared in the black halo. Although his divine sense could not detect it, he could see it. When two black wings protruded from Wu Jue's back, they firmly protected him in the middle.

Unexpectedly, Wu Jue was still hiding it. If it wasn't for the formation and barrier here to force his real body out, he might not have the chance to see him.Several black gusts of wind blew from Wu Jue's body and bounced off all the fireballs around him, from which a black figure flew out and passed through the gap surrounded by the flames.

After three breaths, Wu Jue appeared in the distant sky, his upper body was naked and black wings grew on his back.And above the wings, a lot of hot air rose slowly, and there were traces of mess in many places. Obviously, he also forcibly bounced off the attack just now, and he also suffered a lot of impact.

But before Wu Jue could recover his breath, Xuan Wu who was standing beside him suddenly left.Under the shaking of his body, his whole body rolled into a ball and turned into a three-foot-sized gray meat ball, rolling towards Wu Jue.

There was a deafening roar in the air, and the meat ball transformed by Xuan Wu seemed like a giant meat bullet locked on to the target and crushed it straight away.Seeing this, Wu Jue's complexion changed slightly, and after weighing it up, he didn't dare to accept this move forcefully, so he jumped a hundred feet away.

But the speed of the Xuanwu meat ball was faster than him, and it changed direction halfway and hit Wu Jue's teleported position. "Oops" screamed from his mouth, and Ruo Da's gray fleshy ball crushed him mercilessly.

Several pieces of black feathers fell from the sky, and in the middle, a black halo protected Wu Jue.The defensive spiritual light on the halo flashed rapidly, as if the spiritual power was consumed so much that it was about to be unable to sustain it.Wu Jue took out a large amount of elixir and poured it all into his mouth, then chewed it up with a 'crack-crack' sound in his mouth and swallowed it down.

After three breaths, the black defensive aura finally stabilized and stopped shaking, but Wu Jue's face clearly showed fear.He didn't have much thought about Suzaku and Xuanwu in front of him, he pulled back and sacrificed the spirit weapon in his hand, but his eyes swept back and forth between the two formation spirits of Suzaku and Xuanwu as if they were looking for something.

The supernatural power displayed by Suzaku and Xuanwu formation spirit in the fight just now definitely made Wu Jue lingering in fear.It's just that, as a true immortal in the lower realm, he is well-informed and well-informed, even if he suffers a little dark loss, he will not lose his position, and under careful observation of such a formation spirit, he is silently thinking about the way to break the formation.

The supernatural power displayed by the array spirit is powerful but not invulnerable. After Wu Jue received a move, he was not as embarrassed as he imagined.

Shaoqing saw that he stared at the two spirits for a while and then jumped up. The black wings on his back flashed suddenly, and the whole person turned into a black gust of wind and disappeared in place in an instant.The next moment, the figure brought to him appeared not far above the Xuanwu Formation Spirit.

After offering the immortal ring in his hand, he turned from defense to offense, opened his mouth and sucked in a large amount of immortal energy around him, and then injected black evil power into the ring.

Stretching out his hand, the ring came out of his hand, and then turned into a round wheel with an arc about the size of Daozhang Xu, and struck at the head of the Xuanwu formation. With the sound of 'bang', the black round wheel hit the body of Xuanwu Array Spirit and knocked it back ten feet away.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Jue's face was overjoyed, and the wings behind his back were stirred up one after another, and he jumped forward and flew towards the forehead of Xuanwu True Spirit.

Yi Tian, ​​who was in the distance, was slightly startled when he saw Ba Ba. He didn't expect Wu Jue to find out the key to breaking the formation so quickly.The two black wind blades raised from Wu Jue's hands and slashed at the forehead of the Xuanwu spirit again. After hitting accurately, the forehead of the spirit revealed azure light.

Everyone fixed their eyes and saw that it was a bead the size of a fist, and Wu Jue flew forward with a fierce look on his face, reached out and picked up the bead.He only heard a deep roar coming from the mouth of the Xuanwu formation spirit, and then the whole figure shook violently, and after three breaths, the formation spirit retracted into the bead.

Wu Jue held the basalt formation spirit orb in his hand and carefully looked it up in front of him.After a steady stream of spiritual power was poured into it, the orb suddenly flew out of his hand with a 'swish' sound.

After the orb flew through the air, it disintegrated into several blue auras that fell directly on Wu Jue's body.After the blue halo faded, I saw that Wu Jue was wearing a blue armor at this time, and the black wings on the back of his whole body were covered by the armor.

Unexpectedly, the spirit beads transformed by the Xuanwu formation spirit would have such an effect, and everyone present showed surprise on their faces when they saw it.But soon You Ming Boy and Shi Jinming's eyes flashed a gleam. If Wu Jue could get the basalt armor, wouldn't the Qinglong, Suzaku, and White Tiger in front of them also have that kind of Lingzhu armor.

You Ming Boy's expression was also lifted at this time, he didn't expect that this array of spiritual protection would be so beneficial.He raised two strands of gray ghost energy around his body, and suddenly several powerful spiritual pressure fluctuations emanated from his body, and after three breaths, he opened his mouth and made several howls.In an instant, his body swelled up, and the original five-short figure suddenly elongated, and there was a crisp sound like "cracking, crackling" fried beans from his body.

After the gray aura subsided, the Nether Boy appeared in his original form, no different from ordinary people.The entire face has also become an adult, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations on the body have been raised to the peak of the late fusion stage, almost as strong as Yi Tian's in the fusion stage.

After stretching out his hand and taking out a gray spirit sword, the entire body of the Nether boy also moved, and the speed increased by more than [-]% compared with the child's state.After teleporting to the front of the white tiger's spirit, the spirit sword in his hand fell, and a gray arc of light slashed fiercely on the white tiger's forehead.

With a sound of 'crash', the white tiger array was forced to receive a move and was pressed down three feet alive to stabilize his figure. A white aura appeared from his forehead, which was the white tiger spirit bead.After seeing it, the Youming boy was overjoyed and stretched out his hand to take it into his hand, and the spirit of the white tiger array in front of him also dissipated and was finally taken into the orb.

(End of this chapter)

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