
Chapter 2238 Rescue 6

Chapter 2238 Rescue Six

In the 'Four Suns Sealing Formation', seeing that the Nether boy was about to escape from the formation, Wu Jue naturally would not let him succeed easily.Under such circumstances, if he can get out of the big formation first, he must be trapped in the sea, and it is almost impossible to chase after the 'Meteor Star Fire Date'.

Therefore, Wu Jue would rather personally touch the big formation to trap everyone, and would not just watch the Nether boy leave like this.

Unexpectedly, after the restriction mechanism of the 'Four Suns Sealing Formation' was touched, the four people inside were directly involved in the alien space within the formation.The four spirits guarded by the formation of spirits showed their real bodies, and Wu Jue, who actively triggered the restriction, naturally had an extra meal.Suzaku and Xuanwu array spirits confronted him, and after two rounds of attacks, he was also forced to defend.It's just that Wu is absolutely worthy of being the avatar of a true immortal from the lower realm, and he still has a lot of background in his hands.

He was the first to find out the weak point of the formation spirit, and then forcibly repelled the Xuanwu formation spirit from behind the real deity, and took away the formation spirit orb on his forehead.Unexpectedly, this array of spirit orbs was also impressive, and after Wu Jue got it, he activated it and turned it into a basalt armor to wear on his body.

The Nether boy on the other side was naturally not to be outdone, and changed from the decadent look he had been suppressed before.After unleashing the mystical powers, his originally child-like five-short stature soared to about eight feet, showing the appearance of an adult.

Yi Tian, ​​who was far away, naturally saw all the strange things in his eyes. What the Nether boy was displaying was some kind of mysterious magic power.Although his current appearance has reached the peak of the later stage of fusion, it cannot be maintained for a long time.

Moreover, the Nether Boy is the most caring avatar of the ferocious deity, so the appearance he shows should be exactly what the deity should be.In this way, I can indirectly see the real appearance of the madness.

Afterwards, he leaned forward relying on his supernatural powers and secret techniques, first to suppress the white tiger formation spirit, and then took a white tiger orb from his forehead.After injecting a large amount of gray ghostly air in his hand, it was urged to move.

Sure enough, this orb was simply refined by Youming Boy and flew out of his hand, turning into several halos covering Youming Boy's body.After the white halo gradually dimmed, the Nether boy was wearing a white armor and appeared in front of the three of them with a white tiger helmet on his head.

After slowly stretching out his hands and moving his hands, the Youming boy looked up with ecstasy and laughed loudly: "I didn't expect that this array of spirit orbs would have such a magical effect. I feel that my strength has greatly improved at this time, even if I meet the main body It can also compete with each other.”

Hearing these words, Yi Tian frowned slightly, but there was a casual smile on his face.Although it was obvious to all that the Nether boy in front of him had soared in strength, he also showed the true thoughts in his heart.This is not a bad thing for me, but how to deal with it now is a very tricky thing.Wu Jue and You Ming boy in front of them have already gained a lot of benefits, I am afraid that if they turn their heads to deal with him, it will be very troublesome.

Fortunately, after Wu Jue and You Ming Boy succeeded, a black vortex appeared around them and sucked them in.Faced with such a sudden change, Shi Jinming's expression changed several times and he asked hastily, "What's going on?"

Just as he was talking, he saw that the remaining two formations, Ling Qinglong and Suzaku, had slowly surrounded them and pinched them in the middle.Yi Tian curled his lips and said: "Of course they got the key to go out, they can leave calmly, and I guess this kind of formation channel no longer knows where the two of them will be sent."

"Then we just collect the rest of the guardian spirits," Shi Jinming said with his tongue licking the corner of his mouth with naked jealousy, "I feel that if I put on this kind of armor, I'm afraid my strength will be improved by more than one level." .”

"Theoretically, that's the case," Yi Tian said lightly, "It's just that I think the guardian spirits in the Siyang Sealing Formation are also strong and weak. The Suzaku formation spirit should be stronger than the White Tiger and Xuanwu. As for Qinglong, who is the head of the four spirits, he might be three points stronger than Suzaku."

Shi Jinming heard the words but showed a stern look on his face: "Man dies for money, birds die for food, this business has to be done if not done. Fellow Daoist Yi, I will deal with Suzaku, how do you deal with Qinglong?"

After finishing speaking, Shi Jinming didn't wait for Yi Tian to reply, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations all over his body suddenly rose, and some stone spots appeared on his skin.At the same time, Shi Jinming's stature has also grown by more than seven feet. Originally, the monks of the Stone Clan were tall and strong, but now they are like a two-foot-tall little giant after using secret arts and supernatural powers.

Standing next to him, Yi Tian was not even half as tall as him, looking from a distance like a child standing next to an adult.It's just that even if Shi Jinming used the secret technique and supernatural power, his cultivation base was only upgraded to the late stage of fusion, and he forcibly improved his cultivation base, unlike the previous two, the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body showed a sharply unstable state .

After a roar came out of his mouth, Shi Jinming's figure moved.Don't look at him as a big fool, but his movements are not slow at all.Swipe back and forth directly to the right side of the Suzaku spirit, and after waving both hands, try to grab the wings of the Suzaku.

It's just that a red flame lit up from Suzaku's mouth and hit Shi Jinming's face. The scorching flame swept through the air and burned the surrounding space, which was distorted.

It's not just that Suzaku Spirit's wings waved and hit Shi Jinming's hands in the direction they were waving. 'Bang bang bang' After several red flames burst out in the air, Shi Jinming's figure retreated quickly, but his face showed pain and he shouted: "Friend Yi Dao, please help me quickly!" Fan, this Suzaku array spirit is really powerful, I, Old Shi, seem to have no luck to endure it."

Secretly sighed, Yi Tian knew that he couldn't just leave him alone, Shi Jinming thought well, but his strength was far behind that of Wu Jue, and slightly inferior to that of Nether Boy.At this time, he and Suzaku Zhenling had already lost the wind after fighting against each other, and were chased and beaten by the opponent.This is really a steal, and the rice is lost, and the feelings are shown on the ass just like the show just now.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian's figure also started to move, but half of his spiritual thoughts locked on the Qinglong not far in front of him.The leader of the four spirits has not moved for a long time, Yi Tian is also stared at by the other party, and he can naturally suppress the Azure Dragon Formation Spirit if he goes all out, but if he exposes his true strength rashly, it will also provoke Shi Jinming to react Prepare yourself.

Now I still need them to cooperate in this fragment of the fairy world. If the team is not easy to lead at this time, it will have an unpredictable impact on subsequent actions.

He reached out and took out the Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan in his hand, and in the other hand held the Taiyuan Wooden Sword.Yi Tian jumped forward and raised the Taiyuan wooden sword, and then directly hit Shi Jinming and Suzaku True Spirit.After a flash of green light, the Suzaku formation spirits who were entangled in chasing Shi Jinming were separated.

In the next moment, a red flame magnified infinitely in Yi Tian's pupils, which was transformed by a beam of flames spewed out from the mouth of Suzaku Zhenling.

Stretching out his left hand, he lifted up the Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan and shook it lightly. The fan, which was originally one foot in size, instantly expanded ten times in size.Yi Tian held the Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan with both hands, aiming at the oncoming flames, and slammed down fiercely.

The sparks that emerged from the Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan flew out and condensed into a huge flame ball to meet the flames on the opposite side.In the pitch-black space, two pillars of fire, one red and one purple, struck together accurately, and the sound of 'Zrazla' could be heard endlessly.But Yi Tian was overjoyed when he saw it, his natal real fire 'Lei Yan Zi Yan' really had the ability to devour Suzaku's real fire.It seems that the two supernatural powers are comparable, but it is not the case when they are carefully distinguished. Yi Tian found that the true flame raised by the Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan in his hand showed faint signs of back pressure after being swallowed continuously.

But before he was too lazy, he suddenly became happy, and suddenly found that the spirit of the blue dragon array in the distance also moved in his spiritual thoughts.I thought something was wrong in my heart, but I didn't dare to stop in my hand.After injecting spiritual power into the Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan, he manipulated his true flame to speed up and devour it.

At the same time, Yi Tian hastily sent a voice transmission: "Fellow Daoist Shi, please take action to temporarily attract the Azure Dragon Formation Spirit. As long as you can support ten breaths, I can clean up the Suzaku Formation Spirit."

Shi Jinming's complexion changed slightly when he heard the words, he knew exactly how much he weighed.Just now, he met Suzaku's formation spirit face-to-face and was defeated.Now that I have seen the even more powerful Azure Dragon Formation Spirit, I don't know if I can resist it.What's more, Yi Tian asked him to carry it for ten breaths, which is not an easy task.

But now under two-on-two, if Yi Tian is allowed to fight two, even after going out, Shi Jinming will be at a loss.After thinking about it, I can only bite the bullet and reply: "Yi Daoyou, my strength can only last five breaths at most, you can figure it out."

Nodding helplessly, Yi Tian sighed and said, "Okay, just give me a push, and I'll help you after I finish handling the things here."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and didn't care about so much, and controlled the Taiyuan wooden sword to fly out under the fast seal in his hand.The green Taiyuan wooden sword flew out, turned into thousands of filaments, and hit Suzaku Array Spirit.

A crisp cry came out of Suzaku's mouth, and countless red fire feathers flew out after it flapped its wings.As soon as it came into contact with those blue sword threads, they blocked the sword threads. After the sound of "Ping Ping Pong Pong", three strands of sword threads passed through the fire feathers and hit Suzaku accurately.

Suddenly, three holes opened above the fiery red figure.One of them accurately hit Suzaku's forehead and defeated the flame phantom, revealing a red ball.

Yi Tian saw it clearly, and directly moved to the position of Suzaku's forehead, stretched out his hand and took off the orb.The sparks all around were retracted into this orb in an instant, and the supernatural powers cast by the Suzaku formation spirit just now disappeared without a trace.

After doing all this, Yi Tian suddenly noticed a violent spiritual pressure fluctuation coming from behind him. It didn't take much to see that Shi Jinming and Qinglong Zhenling had met.It's just that in his spiritual sense, he realized that Shi Jinming was suppressed by the opponent after a single encounter, not to mention five breaths on the top, even three breaths may not be able to resist.

The Suzaku orb in his hand was gently raised and sent out, Yi Tian hurriedly shouted: "Shi Jinming take the orb and take a step first, let me handle the next thing."

At this time, Shi Jinming's hands were faintly cracked, and the petrified skin he was proud of was also cracked when he was fighting against Qinglong.

Seeing that his side had finished dealing with it, Shi Jinming finally showed joy on his face.After reaching out and discovering the Vermilion Bird Orb, his divine sense raised his brows and replied: "Friend Yi Daoist, I know that you are the most trustworthy person, so I will be disrespectful."

Pulling back, he stretched out his hand to take the Suzaku orb, and after injecting spiritual power into it, there was only a 'swish' sound, and Shi Jinming put on a fiery red Suzaku armor.Then a black threaded hole suddenly appeared on the side.Without even thinking about it, Shi Jinming fell into it, and came out of the hole.

After three breaths, when the threaded hole is healed again, only Yi Tian and the Qinglong formation spirit are left in the formation space.Putting away the Purple Flame Wind Thunder Fan and Taiyuan Wooden Sword in his hands, Yi Tianfei stepped forward and landed slowly in front of the Azure Dragon Formation Spirit.

I saw a ten-foot-long blue dragon cruising around in front of me, and then the dragon's head was facing me. I stared at it with two copper bell-like eyes for a long time and opened my mouth and said, "Are you a disciple of the sect?"

Unexpectedly, this group of spirits would ask questions, and Yi Tian's face was slightly startled, revealing a look of surprise.Then he stretched out his hand and took out the Zixiao Zhanji in his hand, then glanced at him and replied: "I am Yi Tian, ​​the direct disciple of Luotian Immortal Palace, I don't know who the senior is?"

"It seems that there is no such thing as you in the true legend of Luotian Immortal Palace?" Qinglong said.

"Why do seniors say such things?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

"When will the true disciples in Luotian Immortal Palace have disciples with a low cultivation level like yours? They are usually those who have reached the Golden Immortal level and the number of them is very small," Qinglong Ling said while his eyes fell on Yi Tian's hands Zi On Xiaozhan.

After looking at it for a while, there was also a look of surprise on his face.Yi Tian smiled lightly and said: "Now Luotian Immortal Palace has collapsed from the fairy world to the spirit world, and my current cultivation base should be regarded as the top level in the spirit world."

After all, Yi Tian let go of the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body and directly restored his cultivation to the early stage of Mahayana.

After seeing the spirit of the Qinglong formation, he asked, "When did the fairy palace collapse into the spirit world?"

"About 10 years," Yi Tian thought for a while and replied, "I'm not very clear about the specific situation, but the Taoism I got is indeed from the Luotian Immortal Palace in the Immortal Realm of Inheritance."

"There is no doubt about it. You have the 'Eight Scenery Palace Lantern' lampstand passed down from generation to generation in your sect," Qinglong Zhenling said, "I can still detect a hint of the breath of the fairy world in your lampstand."

"It must be Jin Yan'er," Yi Tian thought in his heart, but his face remained silent, and then he put away the Zixiao lamp in his hand, and then asked: "If you are trapped in the formation tonight, please give me your advice." How to get out of trouble."

"This is the True Spirit Four Suns Sealing Formation. Originally, the formation was based on the Four Spirit Guardian Orbs," Qinglong said, "If you want to go out, you only need to activate any of the True Spirit Orbs in your hand to go out of the formation."

(End of this chapter)

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