
Chapter 2239 Explore

Chapter 2239 Explore
Wu Jue, You Ming Boy, and Shi Jinming all got the formation spirit orbs in the "Four Suns Sealing Formation" and escaped directly from the formation.Afterwards, only Yi Tian and Qinglong Zhenling were left to confront each other, but what I didn't expect was that Qinglong Zhenling revealed his origin as soon as he opened his mouth.

When Yi Tian heard the words, he naturally didn't need to evade this problem, and simply took out the Zixiao Zhanji in his hand to reveal his identity.Later, I asked about the way to get out of the battle, and it turned out that if I wanted to get out, I still had to use the orbs guarded by the four spirits.

Yi Tian looked at it and felt a little uncertain. If he wanted to go out, he needed the orb on the forehead of the Azure Dragon Formation Spirit.But I don't know if the other party will hand it over to me so easily, since I have already shown my identity, I will not make another move if I want to come to Qinglong Formation Spirit.Then he opened his mouth and asked: "Dare to ask senior why the other three orbs can be turned into defensive armor spirit weapons. From what I have seen, the power of these armors is really impressive."

The Qinglong Formation Spirit replied indifferently: "This formation was originally laid by relying on the Four Spirit Orbs. The Four Spirit Orbs were originally the first seat of the 'Qi Society' in Luo Tianxian Palace, which was transferred to the 'Nakufang' for sacrifice. Immortal artifact. I just didn’t expect that after so many years, the aura left on the immortal artifact is so slack that even a monk in the fit stage can easily break it.”

It seems that the Qinglong formation spirit still vividly remembers the scene where the other three spirits were defeated before, and Yi Tian comforted him with kind words: "Speaking of which, all the orbs in the formation need to have the fairy spirit in the underground spirit veins Only by warming for a long time can it exert its power. Now it should be the power of the immortal essence left in the fragments after the fragments of the fairy world fell into the spirit world, plus the original immortal spirit with the passage of time for tens of thousands of years Due to lack of strength."

Qinglong looked at Yi Tian meaningfully, and then said: "It is true, you are right."

"Has senior ever thought about returning to the fairyland?" Yi Tian asked tentatively.

"I think your strength should have a lot of opportunities to ascend to the fairy world, can you take us back?" Qinglong Zhenling said: "We are trapped in the four suns of the true spirit, and if we want to go out, we have to commit ourselves to others. But after all, you still can’t get rid of the restriction of this formation, unless you can take out the formation disk and return the four true spirit orbs.”

"Dedicated to others, did the other three formation spirits break out of this formation after being defeated and fell into the hands of individuals?" Yi Tianjing asked.

"There is indeed such a component, but if the armor transformed by the formation orb is not replenished with the spirit energy for a long time, it is likely to backfire on the wearer," Qinglong explained: "Unless you can get the armor of the formation plate Take it out and take back the remaining three formation spirit orbs, otherwise the three of them will definitely cause big trouble."

"What's the big trouble?" Yi Tian hurriedly asked.

"The True Spirit Orb will gradually erode the wearer's soul, and in the end it can forcefully occupy the soul and turn them into another person," Qinglong said.

"There is such a thing," Yi Tian said with a shocked face: "It seems that such a fairy weapon is really not simple. If it is not used properly, it will not only fail to effectively defend against the enemy, but also sell itself. I don't know how long it will take to completely erode the wearing people?"

"The more the user's heart relies on the true spirit orb, the faster the mind will fall. I don't know how long, but if you see the four spirit marks on the forehead of the person holding the orb, it means that the soul has been completely eroded Already," Qinglong said.

"Then when will the user fall completely?" Yi Tian tried to ask.

"I'm not sure about this either. It depends on the extent to which the strength of the spirit and soul remaining in the other three formation spirit orbs has attenuated, as well as the strength of the user's spirit," Qinglong explained: "If the user is an extremely powerful spirit The degree of erosion of individual individuals will be slowed down, but at most it cannot exceed ten times of using the True Spirit Armor."

Yi Tian had a thoughtful look on his face when he heard the words, but he was not worried about Wu Jue and You Ming Boy in his heart, these two were powerful people in the first place.Moreover, the power of the soul is not weak, so the problem should be discovered soon.

But Shi Jinming is different. As a monk of the Stone Clan, his spirit power is slightly weaker than that of ordinary people. With his strength, if he uses the Suzaku armor a few times in a row, he will fall soon.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help sighing, and then asked: "I don't know if senior can let me use this formation?"

"This matter is easy, as long as I open the channel," Qinglong said: "But you have to go to the 'Nakufang' to find the array disk of the 'Ling Ling Siyang Sealing Array', and then retrieve the other three spirits." It can only be included in the array."

Nodding his head, Yi Tian said resolutely: "I will try my best to do this matter without senior's suggestion. After all, if these four spirit orbs are allowed to wander into the spirit world, something may happen."

"That's all right, after I open the exit of the formation, you can take my formation spirit orb out together," Qinglong said, and his whole body emitted a faint blue light.After three breaths, the body shrinks to a fist-sized light ball, and when the halo fades, a blue orb is presented.Yi Tianfei went forward and took out a jade box, opened the lid and put it in. Suddenly, the space in front of him was distorted and a three-foot-sized spiral gap appeared.

Closing the lid of the jade box, Yi Tian plunged into it with his head down, and quickly passed several scenes in front of his eyes. After his feet felt the ground, he came back to realize that he was already in front of the 'Nakufang'.Looking back, it was the Four Yang Sealing Formation that was passed in behind him. At this time, the formation was still being maintained, but there seemed to be a lot of aura missing in it.

Yi Tian naturally figured it out quickly, and the four spirit beads in the formation had already flown out one after another at this time, only when the natural aura was greatly reduced would it show such a situation.But after stretching out his divine sense, he found that there was no trace of the other three people within a radius of [-] miles, and he didn't know if they would have been teleported elsewhere.

After searching around the 'Nakufang' back and forth, they couldn't find any trace of their aura. Only then did Yi realize that he was the only one who was teleported here, and the others had long since disappeared.

Although Wu Jue, Youming Boy and Shi Jinming each hold a precious orb, it would be easy to find their whereabouts if you had a formation disk in your hand.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian walked towards the main entrance of the 'Nakufang' without any hesitation, and he had to get the array first to get the real business.

When he came to the door of the 'Nakufang', Yi Tian didn't dare to enter easily, but searched deeply with his spiritual sense first, and then found that his divine sense was blocked by an invisible force after reaching less than a hundred feet.With a slight change in his complexion, he thought to himself, "It seems that this 'Nakufang' is not a simple place. Before Shi Jinming broke into it for no reason and got a 'Meteor Fire Jujube', he was already lucky."And based on my own experience, there will definitely be guards in such a storage room, and it will take some setbacks to explore the depths. '

Standing at the door, Yi Tian took out the 'Blue Dragon Orb', and then his mind invaded it, and found a miniature green dragon swimming in the core of the orb.After seeing it, he asked: "I don't know where the other three four-spirit orbs will go at this time, I expect that the other three formation spirits will also give everyone considerable instructions."

"You're right, but after they were sent out of the formation, they should have been a hundred thousand miles away," the Qinglong formation spirit explained, "But they will definitely be driven back to collect the 'Four Yang Sealing Formation' formation disk , after all, this array is very important to the Four Spirits Orb."

"Then we still have the upper hand, so let's act as soon as possible," Yi Tian said, then jumped through the gate of the 'Nakufang' and entered the interior.

After walking for a short time, he came to a spacious hall. Yi Tian's divine sense passed by and found that the hall in front of him had a radius of thirty feet.There are four stone gates at the back of the main hall, with patterns of four spirits engraved on them.

Going forward, Yi Tian glanced and found that there is a fist-sized groove in the middle of the pattern of the four spirits on the stone gate.Judging from the size, it should fit into the 'Blue Dragon Orb' in your hand.After thinking about it, he reached out and took out the orb, and then gently placed it in the groove.

After three breaths, from the position of the orb, several spiritual lights appeared slightly, activating the group on the stone gate.The blue dragon pattern on the stone gate in front of him instantly became lifelike, exactly the same as what he saw in the formation space.

I saw that Qinglong said: "The disciples of the younger generation of the sect have to choose a treasure with their heart every time they enter the warehouse, and they must not be fooled by the things in front of them."

Yi Tian kept these words in his heart and said repeatedly: "The junior Yi Tian should listen to the teachings and not be fascinated by the mind."

After speaking, he saw the Azure Dragon Orb flying out of the groove and landed directly in his palm.Then came the sound of 'Ka Ka Ka' from the stone gate, and a gap three feet wide was split from it.In a flash, Yi Tian rushed in through the gap.

After coming to Neizhong, one's eyes suddenly brightened. There is an endless passage in front of him. The walls around the passage are inlaid with night pearls the size of longan to illuminate the interior.Yi Tian sprinted towards the front with the wind blowing under his feet, and finally found the exit after walking in the passage for half a moment.

After escaping out, Yi Tian hurriedly opened his divine sense to search, and found that he had come to a storage room about ten feet in size.At first glance, there are no good things left on the shelves here, but the labels left on those shelves prove that this place did contain a lot of fairy world treasures back then.There are many things that I have never seen before. As for the things left on the shelves, most of them have passed through their old age and the spiritual power of the immortals on them has been slackened.

When a gust of wind blows past, these things will be directly weathered and then scattered and scattered.When Yi Tian saw it, he shook his head helplessly. Although he felt it was a pity, these things were really useless.I just gained some insight here, but after I glanced at these labels, I quickly realized that all the treasures left here were wood-attribute fairy materials and treasures, which should match the attributes of the four spirits.The Lihuo Nine Variations Kung Fu practiced by him is the most suitable for Suzaku's attributes. If he can choose, it is best to enter the door marked by Suzaku.It's a pity that Shi Jinming took the Suzaku orb, and Yi Tian smiled helplessly at this.At the beginning, I gave things to others, but now that I think about it, it was a loss.

After three breaths, his eyes locked on a stone door in the depths of the storage room, which should be a passage leading to a deeper level.Yi Tian didn't have time to think about it, so he rushed forward and opened the stone door of the exit passage and continued to walk down.According to what the Qinglong Array Spirit said, the array disk of the "Four Suns Sealing Array" should be stored in the deepest part of the "Na warehouse" at this moment, and it is estimated that you have to go to the end to encounter it.

After entering this passage, Yi Tian's divine sense stretched out again to probe forward, which would not be a big obstacle.After exploring about half a mile away, the divine sense reached the end of the passage.But there was no exit at the end, Yi Tian was suspicious and hurriedly took out the Azure Dragon Orb and explained the situation he encountered with the Azure Dragon Formation Spirit.

The latter looked overjoyed when he heard the words, and then hurriedly replied: "The end of the passage should be the formation node of the spirit lock formation. When you get there, check it out and try to open the formation node to enter the central core of the 'Nakufang' .”

When Yi Tian heard the words, there was no doubt that he flew forward in a hurry, passed through the last passage and came to the stone room at the end.The space here is only one foot in size, surrounded by hard rock walls, only the front wall is engraved with the pattern of a green dragon.Its style is exactly the same as the blue dragon pattern on the gate guarded by the four spirits in the main hall, except that there is no groove on it to place the blue dragon orb.

Going up to Yi Tian Shennian and scanning carefully, he found that there are indeed some doorways around the blue dragon pattern.Dao spiritual light was held in his hand and struck on the pattern, and the spiritual light was injected into the pattern to activate it, and in an instant a string of array characters written in 'golden seal script' came into view.After reading it, Yi Tian's face changed slightly, and this place is indeed a pattern node.After careful consideration in my heart, I finally confirmed that this place should actually be the hidden formation node of the "True Spirit Four Suns Sealing Formation" from the outside world.

But haven't I already entered the formation before? If I activate the node here and break in from it, I will go back to the distance.With all kinds of doubts in his heart, Yi Tian's eyes fell on the pattern in front of him again, and soon a trace of shock flashed in his eyes.

I didn't expect the formation here to have the function of space nesting. I entered a large space from the outside world, but there is still this small space here.Unexpectedly, the formation plate of the 'Four Spirits Sealing Formation' was stored in this small space.

Reaching out for a while, he took out the formation-breaking awl, and then Yi Tian stepped forward, glanced over, and injected spiritual power into his hand to slowly activate the formation-breaking awl.Then he raised his hand and stabbed at the forehead of the blue dragon pattern. After the formation-breaking awl pierced, the whole pattern shone with a dazzling blue light.Then a hole the size of Daozhangxu was opened on the stone wall in front of him, and Yi Tian jumped in through it.

(End of this chapter)

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