
Chapter 2240

Chapter 2240
Follow the Qinglong array spirit in the Qinglong Orb to guide Yi Tian into the Qinglong Passage of the 'Nakufang' to the deepest point.Here is the location of the real node of the 'Four Suns Sealing Formation'.

What surprised me was that after inspection, I found that this place turned out to be a pattern of overlapping spaces.That is to say, what he was involved in outside was the big space of "Four Yang Sealing Formation", where there were sealed four spirit orbs.

And the node here is the door leading to the core of the real inner space of the 'Four Suns Sealing Formation', presumably this should be where the formation plate that stores the large formation is located.

The node was opened with a shot, and there was a large and dark passage entrance in front of him, and Yi Tian ran through it without thinking.

After entering, several halos flashed in front of his eyes, as if he was traveling through a time tunnel, and Shaoqing's face went dark, as if he had passed through the entrance of the passage.There was a slight cyan light all over his body to protect himself, and after three breaths, Yi Tian opened his eyes and began to look around when he felt a feeling of landing on his feet.

This is a confined space where you can't see your fingers. The divine sense can only extend ten feet away before being blocked by an invisible force.Fortunately, his feet seemed to have stepped on the ground, Yi Tian looked down and found that he was standing on top of a round formation.

The shape of this talisman is exactly the position of the green dragon in the 'True Spirit Four Suns Sealing Formation'.He raised his head and took a look, only to see a faint halo flashing in the distance about a hundred feet away.After a trace of purple light flashed in his eyes, Yi Tian performed the 'Tianma Pupil Technique' to see the faint halo clearly.

Floating in the halo is a half-foot-sized formation disk, which is the main formation disk of the 'Spirit of Formation, Four Suns Sealing Formation' here.Yi Tian was overjoyed and knew that he had come to the right place, but he had to get close to the halo first if he wanted to get the array disk.It's just that I don't dare to act rashly now, there are obviously hidden formation restrictions all around here, if I make a rash move, maybe I don't know if I can bear it after touching it.

After taking out the Azure Dragon Orb, Yi Tian hurriedly asked about the formation spirit Qinglong said: "I have already entered the deepest part of the 'Nakufang', how can I get the array disk of the 'Four Yang Sealing Array' next?" ?”

After saying that, a cyan phantom rose from the orb, and condensed into the appearance of a green dragon array spirit in the air in front of him.It stared at the formation disk in the distance and then said: "It's the formation disk, you can't go wrong, but if you think about it, you need to activate the formation here, and you can only approach the formation disk under its guidance." s position."

"Not only how do I activate the formation here?" Yi Tian asked: "Is it possible to activate the formation spirit orb?"

"This is the formation space that can only be entered by disciples of the 'Luotian Immortal Palace'. If you want to obtain the formation disk, you can only use the purest fairy palace secret technique," the Qinglong formation spirit explained: "The next thing is to see Yours."

After talking about Qinglong Xuying, he was in a trance for a while, and then took it back into the orb, Yi Tian frowned slightly, savoring the meaning of Qinglong Zhenling's words in his heart.After thinking about it, he raised his hand to sacrifice a wisp of Liyan flame, and slowly turned his hand to shoot this wisp of flame directly into the formation pattern under his feet.

With a 'coax' sound, the flames from the flames swam around around the formation pattern and finally converged towards the direction of the formation plate.Then, in the pitch-black space, the Liyan flame seemed to find some pattern attached to it and ignited directly in this direction.A passage of flames appeared in front of him within three breaths, and Yi Tian looked at the passage below which was covered with burning formation runes, as if guiding him to the location of the formation disk.

After thinking about it, he didn't know that only the disciples in Luotian Immortal Palace could use this kind of channel, and it also confirmed the words of the Azure Dragon Formation Spirit that the disciples of Luotian Immortal Palace's direct lineage could open the formation.

Stepping forward, Yi Tian didn't dare to have any entrustment. He opened his mind and swept back and forth across the road in front of him from time to time.After walking out of the flame passage, he came to the space where the formation disk was placed in the middle. There was a gust of wind behind him, and the light on the flame passage was immediately extinguished until it shrank into a wisp of flame and flew back to his hand.

Putting away the flames, Yi Tian turned his head and looked at the halo in front of him again.I saw a half-foot-sized array floating in the air, exuding a long aura.There are two-inch-sized grooves at the four right positions on the array plate, and the words "Four True Spirits" are engraved on them.

Taking out the Azure Dragon Orb, Yi Tian was about to try to put it in, when suddenly a fiery red light lit up one side of the space hundreds of meters away.Then a burly man in red armor suddenly broke into the space formation.

Yi Tian fixed his eyes to see if it was Shi Jinming or who he was waiting for, but Shi Jinming's eyes were closed at this time, and there was no expression on his face.Only the spiritual pressure fluctuations around his body indicate that he is still alive, but it is not known whether his spirit can still be independent at this time.

After a flash of flames flashed all over Suzaku's armor, the passage there was also opened, and then Shi Jinming, who was wearing the armor, walked through it with big strides.Hearing the sounds of 'bang bang bang bang', Yi Tian's face also showed some unnaturalness.

He hastily sent the Azure Dragon Orb in his hand into the halo and landed accurately on the groove marking the position of the Azure Dragon in the east of the array.After that, the halo on the disk slowly faded, and then it automatically flew forward to three feet in front of it before stabilizing.

Yi Tian reached out to take the array plate and put it in his hand, glanced at the pattern on it, and saw a dark golden light flashing on the surface of the array plate.Then a large number of 'Golden Seal Script' array patterns were revealed, Yi Tian looked at it carefully and naturally recognized the pattern of the array patterns on it.What surprised me was that when this set of formation plates was refined, two sets of formation patterns of space formations were inscribed in the 'Four Suns Sealing Formation'.

One set is on the outer layer of the array disk, which should be the large array space outside the 'Nakufang', and the other set is on the inner core area.Needless to say, it should be the space here, and now there are two lines of Qinglong and Suzaku on the formation plate that glow, corresponding to the two passages opened here.

As for the other two passages of Baihu and Xuanwu, they showed a gloomy appearance.After Yi Tian saw it, he felt relieved, Wu Jue and You Ming Boy seemed to have been teleported to nowhere.And Shi Jinming's wearing the Vermilion Bird Armor should not be his original intention so far. Speaking of his current appearance, his soul should be affected by the Vermilion Bird Orb, so that he is controlled by the Orb.

With a sigh in his mouth, Yi Tian secretly said in his heart, "It seems that these fairy treasures are not easy to control. If they are not good, they will be controlled by these fairy artifacts, and they will be lost and unable to extricate themselves."This is exactly the case for Shi Jingming in front of him. After hearing the explanation of the Azure Dragon Spirit, he had imagined the worst situation. He did not expect that his soul power was so weak that he would be controlled by the Suzaku Spirit so quickly. '

After thinking about it, Shi Jinming, wearing a red armor, walked through the passage and walked into the central space.Suddenly, the Suzaku armor on his body flashed a red light, and then he opened his mouth, and a female voice sounded out from it: "Who are you, why did you come here to take the array so quickly, and why is Qinglong so stubborn?"

It sounds like it should be the voice of Suzaku Array Spirit talking through Shi Jinming's body, and Yi Tian dragged the array disk in his hand and said with a faint smile: "I am a true disciple of Luotian Immortal Palace, so I naturally have the ability to enter Here. Your spirit actually eats back the wearer, I think you also want to get the disk, but I don’t know what you want to do?"

"The younger generation of Luotian Immortal Palace, you really took my eyes off me," the Suzaku formation spirit said with a crisp cry, "I never thought that you are the strongest among the four who broke into the formation. And it’s still hiding that identity.”

"However, I think you are also very lucky to be able to possess Shi Jinming, who has the weakest power of the soul," Yi Tian replied without changing his face when he heard the words: "If it is the other two, I am afraid that they will not be able to do so so quickly. Controlling the host is overwhelming."

"I didn't expect that Qinglong would even tell you such an important matter," Suzaku Array Spirit said with disdain on his face, "At first I thought I was the only one who could enter this place to obtain the array disk, but I didn't expect that I was a step too late."

Hearing this, Yitian was startled. From what she said, it can be confirmed what Qinglong said before, this is indeed a space that only direct disciples of Luotian Immortal Palace can enter.And Suzaku Zhenling also has a familiar smell, I didn't have time to check it carefully before, but now it seems that there is a smell of Nanming Lihuo left, so I can enter this space.

It's a pity that my own plan in Suzaku failed, but the next step will be difficult.As expected, Yi Tian glanced over the formation disk, and then a gleam flashed in his eyes and said: "So I don't know what you are going to do next, it seems that you are determined to win this formation disk, but I won't either If you hand it over easily, you can only see the truth in the end."

"Hmph boy, don't think that you can do whatever you want with the formation disk in your hand. After all, you are just a lower realm fairy, and you are still far behind the true immortals in the fairy world," Suzaku Array Spirit shouted.

"You're right. In terms of strength, I definitely can't reach the lowest level of true immortal cultivation, but you forgot that the person you possess is only a mid-stage cultivation base, and the attributes of the skills don't match at most. It can only exert its power at its peak in the late stage of fusion," Yi Tian replied indifferently.At the same time, he stretched out his hand to face the formation disk and cast the Dao Jue, the surrounding space suddenly lit up, the temperature plummeted, and pieces of snowflakes fell above his head.

Suzaku Zhenling looked around and found that the environment had changed, and the two of them seemed to be on a boundless sea of ​​ice and snow. "Spirit formation transformation, I didn't expect you to be able to control the formation disk of the four spirits sealing formation so quickly," Suzaku formation spirit shouted in surprise.

"It's nothing more than a small skill," Yi Tian replied disapprovingly: "In this environment, fire-type exercises are suppressed to the greatest extent, and I think you can only display your usual seven-success power at most, plus Factors such as the attributes of the possessed person are less than [-]% of their strength."

"Then don't be arrogant, won't your own strength be affected by this?" Suzaku Array Spirit still shouted arrogantly.

"As long as you don't use fire-type exercises, it's a pity that you really don't have a choice," Yi Tian said with a smile, taking out the Taiyuan Wooden Sword Sacrifice in front of him as he spoke, and then said in his mouth when he cast a seal with one hand :"Change."

Immediately, a faint green glow emanated from the Taiyuan wooden sword, which disintegrated into thousands of filaments and surrounded the spirit of the Vermilion Bird not far in front of it.

"Whether it's okay or not, we won't know until after the fight," Suzaku snorted coldly, and a red flame ignited behind his back, protecting himself instantly.Then a phantom of Suzaku rose from behind him, instantly melting a large piece of the surrounding ice and snow.

Seeing this, Yi Tian waved his hand at Suzaku and said, "Middle." Thousands of blue sword lights surrounded him as if they had eyes.It's just that the blue sword thread approached Suzaku's body one foot, and was blocked by the red flame defense, and it was difficult to make an inch.

There were quite a few cyans trying to force their way in, and then a series of Suzaku true flames ignited from the side and swept across the sword thread, stopping their momentum.Yi Tian's divine sense swept over his face, but he showed surprise. The aura on the blue sword thread swept by Suzaku's true flame was consumed rapidly, and he couldn't hold it for a long time and retreated.

At this time, 'Shi Jinming' raised his head, opened his mouth and let out a screaming bird song, and then the phantom of the Suzaku behind him overlapped with his body and slowly opened his eyes.A red light flashed across Yi Tian, ​​and one could see a trace of cold gaze appearing in Shi Jinming's eyes.It was expected that Suzaku should have completely controlled Shi Jinming's soul power at this time.

The next moment, the opponent's figure moved, and after a sudden flash in the air, he broke through the siege of Lingyao Huaqianjiansi and teleported out directly.There was a weak wave of spiritual pressure coming from behind, Yi Tian didn't even want to pull away, and teleported away from the original position.After dodging to the side, his divine sense flicked over and found that the Suzaku formation spirit appeared behind the position just now, striking out with two fiery fists with two fiery fists, directly punching a three-foot-sized dent in the position where he was standing. .

After weighing it in his heart, Yi Tian also showed surprise on his face. After controlling the array, he can be regarded as the best time, place and people.But this can only suppress the opponent's strength to such a level. It seems that relying solely on the cultivation base of the fusion period cannot calmly win.After thinking about it, the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body suddenly rose, and his cultivation level was immediately raised to that of the early Mahayana.

Speaking of which, this is also the first time that I have made a full shot after entering the Mahayana period.Seeing the spirit of Suzaku in front of him, he cried out: "So you are a guy who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger. You have already cultivated to the end of the earth fairy, but you still pretend like this."

"I didn't want to deal with you like this, but you used my friend's body as a vassal and controlled his soul. This matter should not be underestimated. I will take you down quickly so as to maintain his real strength to the maximum extent," Yi said. Tian didn't talk too much after saying that, after taking back the Taiyuan wooden sword, Houji turned into a green sword blade in his hand, aimed straight at the face of Suzaku formation spirit.

Qingmang crossed the void and slashed straight at Suzaku's face, only to hear the loud "Ziz" sound, and saw two big hands punching out of thin air to catch the blade head-on, and after a breath, when she recovered, she found Yi The sky has long since disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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