
Chapter 2241

Chapter 2241
After Yi Tian arrived in the deepest array space of the 'Nakufang', he successfully took the array into his bag.Originally, I thought that the matter could be easily resolved, but what I didn't expect was that Shi Jinming also broke into this space at an untimely time.

After a closer look, Yi Tian suddenly found that Shi Jinming seemed to be in a deep sleep at this moment, and it should be the Vermilion Bird formation spirit that is controlling his body now.From Qinglong's mouth, I learned that only the true disciples of the Luo Tianxian Palace can enter this space.But looking over 'Shi Jinming', he found that the Suzaku armor he was wearing actually contained Nanming Lihuo's aura faintly, no wonder he was able to enter this space.

Under the confrontation between the two, Yi Tian is naturally unwilling to go head-to-head and compare the consumption with each other. Now that he has the formation disk of "Four Yang Sealing Formation" in his hand, he can rely on his own formation skills to directly transform the environment of the two into ice Pattern of sea snow field.In this environment, Suzaku's famous stunt was greatly restricted, and his cultivation was less than [-]% of its power.

After the fight, Yi Tian suppressed the opponent with the Lingyao Transformation Technique, and after raising the Taiyuan wooden sword in his hand, he used the solidification and transformation to force Suzaku head-on.Unexpectedly, the other party was also a ruthless person who was not at all afraid of his hot tricks. He sacrificed Nanming Lihuo with both hands and then swung his fists to resist the cyan blade.

It's just that when Suzaku came back to his senses, he found that Yi Tian in front of him had long since disappeared, and then he heard the sound of "huhu" in his ears, and a golden aura wrapped his sandbag-sized fist and swept away from behind him Guo hit the back of the forehead severely.

In desperation, Suzaku had no choice but to reach out with both palms behind his head and promptly received this powerful and heavy move. The sound of "bang bang bang" was endless, and Suzaku retreated more than ten steps to stabilize his figure under a burst of violent punches. A Nanming Li fire exploded around him and then counterattacked.

Seeing this, Yi Tian hurriedly withdrew his hands and pushed them aside, the skin on his hands glowed with a slight golden luster, and he was using the Buddhist sect's physical technique 'Golden Yang Body Technique'.However, after getting in touch with Suzaku's Nanming Lihuo, he began to think about it. In any case, the power of the true flame was not as good as his natal true fire 'Lei Yan Zi Yan'.

But he couldn't kill the opponent directly, after all, the Suzaku formation spirit only relied on the power of the soul to control Shi Jinming.If he rashly killed Shi Jinming, it wasn't what he wanted. Saving people was much more difficult than killing them.

After careful consideration in my heart, I still came up with a wisp of divine thought that penetrated into the Azure Dragon Orb on the formation disk of the 'Four Suns Sealing Formation' and asked, "Senior, now that the spirit of the Suzaku Formation has completely controlled the host, how can I fight without bloodshed?" It is expelled from the host body?"

The miniature green dragon in the orb swayed around and then sighed and opened his mouth and said, "I never thought that the spirit power of the people in the spirit world would be so weak that they would be controlled so quickly."

"The host is a monk from the Stone Clan, and the power of the soul is weak. Speaking of it, maybe he didn't take off the Suzaku armor immediately after being sent out of the big formation," Yi Tian said.

"That's troublesome. Although wearing the Lingzhu armor can improve a person's strength a lot, it also allows Suzaku enough time to corrode the soul of the host," Qinglong explained.

"Then how do I wake up the host now?" Yi Tian asked: "It seems that Shi Jinming is asleep now, and he can't wake up no matter how he screams."

"Usually if you can invade the host's soul, you can easily awaken it, but now it seems that it is not a simple matter," Qinglong explained.

"Why," Yi Tian said suspiciously.

"Because Suzaku will definitely seal off the six senses of the host, and the Niwan Palace will also be sealed around to prevent someone from trying to wake up the host," Qinglong said.

"Then is there any simple and effective way?" Yi Tian asked.

"The control center of the Suzaku armor is the Suzaku gem on the helmet. You can temporarily cut off Suzaku's control by removing it from the forehead of the host. Then you can use external force to wake the host up," Qinglong said.

After hearing these words, Yi Tian's eyes shifted to the forehead of 'Shi Jinming', and he saw that he was wearing a fiery red battle armor on top of his tall body, and a helmet with a Suzaku headdress on his head.There is indeed a red gemstone shining faintly on the Suzaku headdress at the front of the helmet.Needless to say, that is the control center of this Suzaku armor. It seems that the only way to wake up 'Shi Jinming' is to peel off his helmet first.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian made a plan, reached out and took out a ghost face flower seed and a bottle of flat peach spirit wine.After opening the wine bottle and putting the ghost face flower seeds into it, he murmured: "Long".

After three breaths, an emerald green bud poked out from the mouth of the bottle, it was the new sprig of Ghost Face Flower. There was a sound of 'click, click', and within three breaths, the twig of the ghost face flower swelled rapidly, and soon the vines of the branch grew crazily.

Seeing that, Suzaku on the opposite side sneered and said, "I thought you could cast some supernatural powers, but I didn't expect such a low-level skill."

"Gongfa and supernatural powers don't lie in high strength or not, as long as they are useful." Yi Tian said disdainfully: "You invaded Shi Jinming's body and confused his soul, so if you don't want to withdraw the soul quickly, don't blame me for being rude. .”

"Hmph, if you have the ability, go ahead and use it," Suzaku said.

Yi Tian didn't reply, holding the wine bottle and controlling the ghost-faced flower vines to move towards Suzaku's surroundings.After a flash of red fire, it directly ignited the besieged ghost-faced flower vines.

With a sound of 'crash', the ghost-faced flower vines at that place were forced to retreat one foot away under the burning of Nanming Lihuo.In this way, a fire net barrier was formed within the range of Zhang Xu around Suzaku to protect him in the center.

After Yi Tian saw it, he didn't show any surprise on his face. He had expected that Mu Rattan Shu could not easily pay the opponent, but being able to besiege him there had already achieved his goal.After stretching out his hand, he quickly formed a seal on his chest, and then formed a lotus seal with both hands.I saw that the 'Jing Shi Hua Lian' at this time was no longer pure white, and the slight purple awns appeared on the phantom of the leaf petals, which was the result of absorbing the real fire of his own life, 'Thunder Flame Purple Flame'.

With one finger, he lifted up the half-foot-sized 'Jingshi Hualian', passed through the gap surrounded by ghost-faced flower vines, and directly buckled it upside down on the top of the opponent's head.

Suzaku also noticed the change at the first time. Looking up and looking closely, Nanming Lihuo, who was controlling his body with both hands, ignited towards the top of his head.

It's just that those Nanming Lihuo seemed to be able to slow down the falling speed of the 'Jingshi Hualian' magical power, and it seemed that many of those flames were absorbed by the 'Jingshi Hualian', and then the lotus petals rose rapidly within three breaths Its size soared more than three times when it could be seen by the naked eye.

There was a loud 'huhu', and the 'Jingshihualian' finally surrounded Nanming Lihuo and even Suzaku himself.Yi Tian was overjoyed when he saw it, and under the golden light all over his body, he displayed the Buddha's "Golden Sun Body Technique", and behind the supernatural powers also appeared the appearance of a coronal golden wheel.One jumped forward and flew to Suzaku's close, two golden fists swung out one after another to hit the armored helmet on his forehead fiercely.

With two 'bang bang' sounds, Yi Tian only felt that his fists hit the hard rock, and there was a faint feeling of pain on his fists.Yi Tian held back the pain and forcibly staggered Suzaku's hands and lifted his helmet.

With a sound of '嗖', the helmet flew out and saw Nanming Lihuo around him collapsed.Immediately, Shi Jinming slowly revealed the aura of the original Stone Clan monk, as if his soul ban was slowly waking up.

After seeing it, Yi Tian knew that his strategy had worked, and he manipulated Jing Shi Hualian tightly to wrap Shi Jinming's body without any intention of stopping.Then the mantra was quickly chanted in the mouth, and golden light waves came out from the mouth, which was the eight sounds of Tianlei that Yi Tian was good at.As the golden light continued to pass over Shi Jinming's real body, his body trembled slightly at first, and then trembled violently after three breaths.

The red Suzaku armor that originally covered his body seemed to be unable to maintain its previous state at this time, pieces of red halos peeled off from his body.I only heard Suzaku's mournful cry from the helmet of the battle armor: "No, look at what you did, the host's consciousness is waking up quickly."

Yi Tian heard that the Tianlei Bayin in his mouth was more joyful, and the frequency of the golden light waves coming out of his mouth was also raised immediately.Shaoqing only heard Shi Jinming groan, and sighed deeply: "This sleep is really comfortable."

"Humph, when will fellow Daoist Shi not wake up at this time?" Yi Tian said something that exploded in Shi Jinming's ears, and then saw that he regained consciousness after a shock, and opened his eyes There is a trace of clarity.

"Where am I, fellow Daoist Yi, why haven't we escaped from the formation space?" Shi Jinming asked in surprise, "Why did you trap me with magic?"

"I'll explain this to you later," Yi Tian replied indifferently, and at the same time stretched out his hand to form a seal to remove the surrounding Mu Rattan Art and Jingshi Hualian.

Then he turned around and looked not far in front of him, and saw that the various parts of Suzaku's armor peeled off and turned into a red halo, which finally converged on the helmet.After the halo faded, only a three-inch diameter red orb was left in the air.Yi Tian breathed a sigh of relief when he saw it, and flew forward to take the orb with his hand.

Suddenly, I felt a trance in my heart, as if I felt drowsiness in my mind, and my eyes drooped weakly.Immediately, he became secretly alert. Needless to say, it was Suzaku Orb who was trying to influence his sanity. It is estimated that Shi Jinming had caught this way before.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian bit his tongue with his teeth suddenly, and a trace of pain rushed straight to his forehead to wash away the drowsiness.A flash of light flashed in his eyes, and the spiritual power of the Nascent Soul in the Niwan Palace quickly circulated to protect the soul.

Then silently recite the "Bodhi Concentration Mantra" in my heart, repeating this three or four times to stabilize my soul power and get rid of all distracting thoughts in my heart one by one.

Spreading his palms and staring at the Suzaku Orb in his palms, Yi Tiancai sized it up carefully, and said coldly, "I didn't expect you to try to influence my mind, but it's a pity that you found the wrong person."

Suzaku's voice came from the orb: "Boy, you can actually ask me to break my soul-absorbing technique. Who are you?"

"I don't need to explain to you who I am, but your insanity is useless to me," Yi Tian replied with a sneer: "Now that you are in my hands, you will be crushed even if you rub it flat or round it." Do what I want."

After saying that, a trace of 'Thunder Flame and Purple Flame' was aroused in the palm, and then it enveloped the whole orb.The natal real fire in his hand quickly refined the orb, and after the real flame was taken back, a faint purple light appeared on the original red Suzaku orb.

But the Suzaku inside screamed and said, "What did you do to me? Why do I feel that I can't mobilize the power of my soul?"

"Given that your soul-stirring technique is so powerful that it can even affect the mind of a monk in the fit stage, I also reserve a backup for myself, in case you cause me trouble again in the future, so I left a ban on you ,” Yi Tian shouted coldly.

After finishing speaking, the divine sense boldly invaded the Suzaku orb in his hand, and saw that there was a Suzaku in the heart of the orb at this time, and the whole body was covered with purple banning runes.After a closer look, these runes are all written in 'Golden Seal Script', Yi Tian looked at the following and said with a smile: "This time you can't make any troubles again, but you are also a 'four I won't embarrass you as one of the formation spirits of the Yangfeng formation, as long as you can sincerely surrender to me, you can return to the formation disk."

"Although you are a direct disciple of Luotian Immortal Palace, but your strength is too weak to even meet the most basic entry requirements," Suzaku said disdainfully: "Would there be any benefit if I follow you? After you ascended, you started as the lowest-level disciple of Luotian Immortal Palace."

"That's better than you staying in this fragment of the fairy world," Yi Tian said indifferently: "You know that the fragments of the fairy world have been left for a long time, and the remaining immortal spirit power is not as good as before. If you If you stay here for a long time, there will be a day when the power of immortality is exhausted, and when the true spirit dies, there will be no chance of rebirth."

"Then follow you, will you have a chance to get rid of the siege of the 'Four Suns Sealing Formation'?" Suzaku said disdainfully: "Think about how the four spirit beasts like us lived in the fairy world so freely, didn't we The great Tianzun of Luotian Immortal Palace forcibly detained us here to refine the formation."

"So that's the case, since they were detained by the suzerain of the fairy world, they must have nothing to do." Thinking of this, Yi Tian secretly thought about it, and then said: "If this is the case, you are lucky to meet me. As long as you are willing to attach yourself to me in good faith, maybe after I ascend to the fairy world, I can give you back your freedom."

"Are you really going to do that?" Suzaku asked in surprise.

"It's not certain. The Luotian Immortal Palace in the Immortal Realm happened to be changed. Even though I am its descendant, I can't easily correct the banner. Of course, I have to ascend and see the situation. I won’t renege on my word and get fat,” Yi Tian said, “Besides, the array is in my hands and you can’t leave easily now, so you should consider the stakes for yourself.”

(End of this chapter)

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