
Chapter 2242 Trimming

Chapter 2242 Trimming
After successfully retracting the Suzaku orb into the 'Four Suns Sealing Formation', Yi Tian showed a rare relaxed expression, and Xu Xufei walked out of the passage of the formation space with Shi Jinming to the outside world, and then went to the 'Nakuang' 'Sit down in an open space.

After sitting down, Shi Jinming's face was pale, and his expression seemed to be in a trance.After all, Suzaku invaded his soul just now and controlled his body to fight him.Most of the spiritual power in his body was consumed at this time, and although his cultivation was still maintained at the middle stage of the fusion, his strength was at most only about half of what he had when he first came in.

Shi Jinming sat cross-legged on the ground and took out a large amount of elixir, swallowed it, and then quickly refined the power of the elixir.It took half a moment for his pale face to turn slightly rosy, probably because the power of the pill was slowly replenishing the spiritual power he had consumed.

Yi Tian didn't hesitate when he saw it, and sat cross-legged a zhang away, he took the Peach Spirit Wine and sipped it.After the wine flowed into his stomach, the hot spiritual power was slowly refined, traveled through the meridians, and finally returned to the Niwan palace on the forehead.

Shaoqing only heard Shi Jinming open his mouth to let out a sigh of relief, then opened his eyes and looked at himself.Then I saw his face turned solemn and he directly thanked him: "Thank you, Senior Yi, for your help, otherwise I really fell into a lost situation and couldn't extricate myself."

Yi Tian was taken aback when he heard this, and reacted instantly.I have not restrained my cultivation at the moment, what is shown in front of him is the state of the early stage of Mahayana,
After thinking about it, a faint smile appeared on his face, and then he slowly restrained his cultivation base, and after three breaths, he became the peak of the later stage of fusion.Such an easy genius said: "Fellow Daoist Shi doesn't need to be so polite. You also know that I don't care about these titles. From now on, you and I should still be called friends of Daoist. I hope you don't tell others about my situation."

Hearing the words, Shi Jinming naturally realized the meaning of the words. Yi Tian's restrained cultivation and appearing in front of everyone naturally wanted to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger.Now that he knows the details of Yi Tian, ​​he of course knows how to make a choice in case of trouble.

Coupled with the fact that he saved his life this time, Shi Jinming now has his posture straightened and knows what to say and what not to say.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit dignified, Yi Tian smiled lightly and said, "Fellow Daoist Shi, don't need to be nervous. Although you were plotted against by that Suzaku formation spirit this time, fortunately, Jiren Tianxiang finally passed this test without any danger."

"Thanks to Fellow Daoist Yi's help at this time, Shi is very grateful, and there is no need to worry about dispatching from now on," Shi Jinming hurriedly replied.

"I have the same temperament as Fellow Daoist Shi, and naturally I won't ask for anything in return. Fellow Daoist Shi is serious," Yi Tian said with a smile.

"Fellow Daoist Yi, you're being polite. Now that the fragments of the fairy world are full of dangers, I don't know if I can accompany you in the next exploration?" Shi Jinming asked tentatively.

In fact, Yi Tian also has this idea, before running away Wu Jue and Nether boy are serious worries.The two of them each held a formation spirit orb, and if they used it properly, their strength would naturally increase by leaps and bounds.And I don't know if the White Tiger and Xuanwu Formation Spirit have affected the two of them.In any case, this is a troublesome matter in front of you, and you have to deal with it properly.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian said, "Can you contact Yan Qiu and Wan Gang?"

"Both of them have summoned the jade talisman to stay with me," Shi Jinming replied hastily.

After hearing this, Yi Tian also understood in his heart that these guys are also secretly connected. After all, everyone entering the secret realm to explore together will not really come to the point where they will meet each other.Moreover, they also thought that the power of their respective clans would not turn their faces unless it was absolutely necessary.

"You can send them a message to tell them the information about Nether Boy and Wu Jue, and add a sentence, if you meet anyone, you must not be a match for them, and you should join us as soon as possible," Yi Tian said.

"Then I wonder if Daoyou Yi wants to deal with the two of them?" Shi Jinming asked.

"It can't be said to deal with it, but Wu Jue, the true immortal in the lower realm, is a serious problem. If we can fight him, it's better to keep him in this realm," Yi Tian replied flatly: "As for the Nether boy, that's not the case. 'Meteor Star Fire Jujube', if I am not mistaken, as long as the ferocious body absorbs all this treasure, it will be able to restore its strength to the stage of Mahayana, then you three monks will not be able to live in peace even if you are in the underworld .”

Shi Jinming's expression turned serious when he heard the words. Although his spirit power was slightly weaker, it didn't mean that his mind was not good enough.After instantly figuring out the pros and cons, a stern look flashed in Shi Jinming's eyes, and he said, "For us, the Nether Boy is even more of a threat than the Immortal Wu Jue from the lower realm. If conditions permit, it is best to keep him out of the way." Fragments of the fairy world are better."

"In this case, the three of you need to work together. I can deal with Wu Jue, but I can't take care of the Nether boy," Yi Tian said, but in fact, he had already made up his mind. This time, both of them hold important treasures It would definitely not be my style to let Shi Jinming and the others reap the benefits if they do everything by themselves.

What's more, dealing with the Nether boy was originally planned, and now pulling the three of them into the water is also to share a little responsibility.It will also be helpful to the madness after going out at that time.

What's more, now that Shi Jinming knows his true cultivation level, he will naturally make a decision in his heart. With himself as his backing, he will also have a bottom line in his heart, and he will naturally have a little more confidence in his actions.

Shaoqing only listened to Shi Jinming's reply: "The power of this array of spirit orbs is extraordinary, but those who get them must have greatly increased their strength. Now we are weak and weak, and if we act separately, we will be defeated one by one. Fellow Yi Daoist said Yes, it's time to join forces to deal with them." After finishing speaking, Shi Jinming took out two communication jade talismans, wrote a lot of information on them, injected spiritual power into them, activated them, and sent them out.

After finishing these things, Shi Jinming asked: "You Daoist Yi, what do you think we should do next?"

"Temporarily take a rest here to restore the state to the best before dispatching. At the same time, you can make up for all the lost spiritual power. And I have to think about how to deal with those two," Yi Tian said.

Hearing this, Shi Jinming's face relaxed and revealed a look of relief. Speaking of which, although he adjusted his breath a little bit to make up for the lack of real energy, he was far from his peak state.

You can take advantage of this opportunity to quickly restore the spiritual power in your body. After all, no matter who you face next, even if it is two-on-one, it is not an easy job.

As for Yi Tian, ​​he wanted to take this opportunity to communicate with the Qinglong formation spirits in the 'Four Suns Sealing Formation' formation. He couldn't lock the positions of the other two formation spirits, but he didn't necessarily.If there is a way to find their traces and gain considerable initiative for himself, Yi Tian is naturally happy to see this happen.

After seeing Shi Jinming sitting cross-legged on the side, Yi Tian restrained his spiritual thoughts, and then quietly invaded the 'Four Suns Sealing Formation' formation.At this time, there were two orbs embedded in the corresponding grooves in the array plate, one green and one red.

After the divine sense invaded, it was discovered that there was a phantom of a miniature blue dragon and a miniature Suzaku facing each other in the core of the array.After seeing the phantom of his own spiritual lock, the two slowly separated and surrounded him.

Only to hear that Qinglong said: "This time, I really need your help to get Suzaku back to its place."

"Senior praised you, this is also my duty as a disciple of the Luotian Immortal Palace sect," Yi Tian replied modestly, not daring to pretend to be modest.At the same time, his eyes flicked over the phantom of the Suzaku, and he saw that the other party seemed to be reluctant to talk to him, and after a face-to-face meeting, he turned his head away and stopped talking.

Yi Tian could only smile dumbly under such a deflated state, and then turned around and asked, "Now that the Suzaku is returning, there are still two missing in the 'Four Suns Sealing Formation' formation, but the people who get those two orbs are all very powerful. More than usual, I don't know if Senior Qinglong has any coups that I can point out?"

Only Qinglong sighed and said: "Speaking of which, Baihu and Xuanwu are both the Four True Spirits, but their strength is far inferior to Suzaku and me, so their influence on the soul power of the person they hold is also much weaker."

Yi Tian frowned slightly, and thought for a while before saying in his mind: "According to what the senior said, that means the remaining two may not be able to affect the soul of the holder?"

"Not necessarily, more or less it will have an impact," Qinglong explained: "But if the true spirit can be fully utilized while being suppressed by people, the effect it will exert is amazing."

Hearing this, Yi Tian compared the strengths of Wu Jue and Youming Boy in his heart. Both of them are not bad in terms of strength, but Wu Jue's background is stronger, so he can completely control the spirit of Xuanwu formation.I'm afraid that there will be troubles when facing Wu Jue in the future, after thinking about it, I sigh again and again, not keeping Wu Jue in the previous big formation is really letting the tiger go back to the mountain.

Then he asked again: "I don't know what weakness the Xuanwu Formation Spirit has. If I can find out in advance, maybe I can formulate corresponding countermeasures."

"Beishui Xuanwu was originally known for its strong defense, and the defensive armor transformed by its formation spirit orb should be the hardest among the four true spirit armors," Qinglong said.

"Then the defense is impeccable?" Yi Tian said worriedly.

"That's not necessarily the case. Everything must be reversed. Although the Xuanwu Armor is extremely strong in defense, it also has the characteristics of the Xuanwu True Spirit," Qinglong explained: "The advantage that is often proud of sometimes turns into a disadvantage of procrastination. To subdue it, it would be more effective to start from these aspects."

Hearing this, Yi Tian immediately fell into deep thought, but Qinglong's words are also reasonable, even the strongest defense has weaknesses.Although Xuanwu is the last of the four spirits, he is also one of the four spirits. It is not easy to deal with him.

"I don't know if the senior can find the location of the other two spirits?" Yi Tian asked, although he has an array disk in his hand, it is not difficult to find the location of the other two spirits.

"You can activate the formation disk, and search for it by relying on the formation pattern induction where the white tiger and Xuanwu orb are located," Qinglong said, "But the strength of the induction will be different. If the formation spirit orb is suppressed and controlled by someone, it will be very difficult." found it."

After listening, Yi Tian glanced over the formation plate, and saw the words 'Golden Seal Script' of Baihu and Xuanwu left in the two grooves respectively.In the mood of giving it a try, Yi Tian slowly injected the spiritual power in his hand into it, and then continued to walk on the formation plate along the pattern pattern.Shaoqing transferred the spiritual power to the groove where the white tiger orb sat to activate the formation patterns inside, and then Yi Tian felt a slight reaction from the formation disk for no reason.

Slowly stretch out his hand and gently lift it up into the air, when the disk floats up, a phantom image of a white tiger appears on it.After three breaths, the phantom of the white tiger began to move, slowly pulling the array to move towards the northwest.

Needless to say, it was only after the formation plate had sensed the orb that the abnormality appeared. Yi Tian was overjoyed when he saw it, and secretly said, "This way, we can have the correct guidance, and it is easy to find the Nether boy." '

Then he took another shot to control the spiritual power in the array from the white tiger position and then turned to the position where Xuanwu was.After activating the inscription inside, the phantom of Xuanwu True Spirit appeared again, but the phantom didn't seem to have any movement, as if it didn't sense the direction of the orb.

Seeing this, Yi Tian hurriedly invaded the array with his divine sense, found the spirit of the Qinglong array, and then explained the situation in detail.Hearing the words, the latter replied with a dignified expression, "It seems that the Xuanwu formation spirit should have been completely suppressed by the person who held it. I didn't expect that person's power of soul to be so strong, and usually only high-strength power of soul can be suppressed." It is only with strength that we can completely restrain the Four True Spirits."

"Then Wu Jue is the avatar of the true immortal in the upper realm, and the monk in the lower realm is naturally no better than the monks in this realm," Yi Tian sighed after hearing this, although he had already made a judgment in his heart, but he was lucky enough to get some negative answers from Qinglong .But now it seems that this is not the case, and then Yi Tian asked helplessly: "I don't know if the Xuanwu formation spirit has been completely suppressed and tamed at this time?"

"You don't need to worry about this matter. Due to the refining method, these four spirit orbs will not be forcibly controlled by external forces except for the 'Four Suns Sealing Formation' formation disk," Qinglong said: "Since you can rely on the formation If you find their location with the guidance of the disk, you will definitely be able to find them. I hope you can take it back together with the remaining two spirit orbs as soon as possible, so that we can continue to rely on the disk to absorb the power of immortality to maintain it after the "Four Sun Sealing Formation" is restored. One's own cultivation."

Hearing this, Yi Tian understood in his heart that what Qinglong was worried about was the fear that the 'Four Suns Sealing Formation' formation plate would affect the absorption of spiritual power after leaving the fragments of the fairy world.In the spirit world, even if you find a place with excellent spiritual power, it may not be able to maintain the spiritual power of the four spirits at most. Only after returning to the fairy world can you re-consolidate your cultivation.

Moreover, Yi Tian naturally guessed Qinglong's real plan in his heart, compared to the other three spirits, he can be regarded as more thoughtful.Speaking of the 'Four Yang Sealing Formation' that seals the four true spirits, Qinglong intends to use an orthodox method to get rid of the shackles of the formation, so naturally he needs to find someone to help him.

(End of this chapter)

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