
Chapter 2243 Convergence

Chapter 2243 Convergence
After three full days of recuperation in the 'Nakufang' area, Shi Jinming finally made up for the lack of spiritual power. At the same time, he also received a reply from Yan Qiu and Wan Gang respectively.

Apparently, the two also parted ways after passing by the 'Qishe'. After receiving the summons, Yi Tian found that Wan Gang's summons information was quite normal.At this time, he was on his way after exploring a certain ruin, but Yan Qiu's message stated that he was trapped in an 'eight formation of stone soldiers'.

Moreover, in his message, he also asked Shi Jinming to rush to rescue him as soon as possible, and at the end he gave the exact location of the 'Eight Stone Soldier Formation'.Yi Tian checked the information carefully and found that according to Yan Qiu's words, there are still about seven days before he was trapped.In addition, it will take at least one more day to wait for Wan Gang to meet.

But time waits for no one. From the information revealed on the communication jade talisman, Yan Qiu is trapped in it and struggling to support it. In his words, "I don't know how long I can last." '

In this way, the two of them were in trouble for a while. They wanted to find a helper to deal with the Nether boy together, but they didn't expect to provoke a whole body of trouble.As a person who knew Yi Tian's details, Shi Jinming naturally did not dare to easily decide on the next move, and then asked tentatively, "What do you think should be done, fellow Daoist Yi?"

Obviously, he didn't want to get involved in such a difficult issue, so he simply kicked the ball to himself, and then he just had to follow orders.But Yi Tian held these two Chuan Xuyu slips in his hands, his face was expressionless, but he began to think about it in his heart.According to the information given by Yan Qiu, the position of the 'Stone Soldiers Eight Formation' where he was trapped coincides with the direction in which he used the 'Four Yang Sealing Formation' formation plate to detect the spirit of the White Tiger Formation.

If there is nothing tricky in it, I would not believe it, but right now it seems that to deal with the Nether Boy who holds the White Tiger Orb in his hand, he needs to contact everyone to work together.And I still have to be on guard against Wu Jue, the biggest unstable factor, so I can't deal with You Ming Boy with all my strength.

After thinking about it, he sighed and said: "Send a message to Wan Gang, and tell him the news we got. And tell Yan Qiu the direction where he was trapped, and tell him to turn immediately to meet us on the way to save a lot of time. .”

This kind of planning can be regarded as the words of the old city, after all, Yi Tian has to take into account the feelings of Shi Jinming and Wan Gang.The two of them seemed to be tied to their warships, and Yi Tian took good care of his allies. No matter how you say it, everyone will have to work together to solve the current big trouble.

Shao Qing Yitian took out the assault boat, held it in his hand, and flicked it lightly, the five-inch assault boat transformed into a thirty-foot-long transport ship in the wind.Shi Jinming hurriedly wrote the content of the subpoena on the jade talisman according to his instructions, and then hurriedly sent a notice to Wan Gang.

Then the two flew up into the cabin and entered the main control room one by one. Shi Jinming drove the warship to select the right direction and then galloped towards the position where Yan Qiu was trapped by the 'Eight Stone Soldiers'.

After flying for three days, Yi Tian found in his spiritual thoughts that there was a wave of spiritual pressure [-] miles away on the right, flying towards the path of the assault boat.From the fluctuation of the spiritual pressure, it can be found that it is undoubtedly Wan Gang, so Yi Tian ordered: "Drive the warship to the right, and I expect to meet Wan Gang in about an hour."

Shi Jinming, who was in charge of driving the assault boat, changed his face slightly when he heard the words. He hadn't found any news in his spiritual sense yet, and Yi Tian had already told him the route.Immediately, a look of awe flashed in Shi Jinming's eyes, and Shi Jinming hurriedly responded, "Don't worry, fellow Daoist Yi." After saying that, he felt the whole ship vibrate slightly, which was exactly the direction Shi Jinming adjusted.

Yi Tian scanned the spiritual pressure fluctuations on Wan Gang's body tens of thousands of miles away with his divine thoughts, and was surprised to find that he also seemed to have some adventures. But it is more than [-]% stronger.

Waiting for more than half an hour for the assault boat to fly, Yi Tian released the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body to the late stage of fusion, and at the same time, he could notify Wan Gang who came from afar.The latter really noticed where he was, and quickly corrected the direction of Feidun and rushed straight to where the two were.

"Stop the assault boat here and open the hatch and wait for him to come," Yi Tian said lightly.

Naturally, Shi Jinming violated what he had done, and controlled the assault boat to slowly lower its flying speed in the air, and opened a hatch with the protective cover from the outside world.

Half a moment later, a yellow light streaked across the sky and flew straight towards the assault boat in the air.After flying ten zhang away, I heard a voice saying: "The two of you were lucky enough to run into me."

"Friend Wan Daoist is polite, please board the ship quickly," Yi Tian said with a smile.

A flash of spiritual light flashed by and saw the travel-stained Wan Gang flying into the cabin, Maibu stepped forward and bowed to himself and Shi Jinmingji respectively.

Yi Tian found that the aura on his body had indeed changed a bit, which was much more solid than what he saw in the 'Qishe'.Reaching out his hand to signal Shi Jinming, the latter quickly closed the hatch knowingly, reopened the defensive barrier of the assault boat, and then galloped towards the direction Yan Qiu said.

In the cabin, Yi Tian and Wan Gang sat down as guests and hosts, and then looked at each other before saying: "Congratulations, fellow Daoist Wan, it seems that you will be able to advance to the late stage of fusion soon."

As soon as this remark came out, Shi Jinming, who was in charge of the pilot in the main cabin, was slightly moved. He stared at Wan Gang for a long time but didn't see anything.His eyes were full of doubts, and then he turned to Yi Tian to listen to the following.

On the contrary, Wan just bowed his hands with a smile and thanked him: "This time, thanks to the help of fellow Taoist Yi, Wan was able to step into a higher level. I believe that after going out, he only needs to spend thousands of years in retreat to try to hit the later stage." barriers."

"Fellow Daoist Wan is humble. I think the spiritual pressure fluctuation on your body should have benefited a lot from this exploration. As for going out, you don't need a thousand years, at most 500 years, you can pass the checkpoint," Yi Tian said with a smile.

"That's good news for Fellow Daoist Yi. It seems that the rise of our barbarian tribe in hell is already unstoppable," Wan Gang replied with a confident smile on his face.

"But before that, we still have a lot of things to deal with with the fragments of the fairy world," Yi Tian changed the subject and said, "The rise of the barbarian tribe will definitely cause the peeping of the Huangquan tribe, and the tyranny of the Nether Emperor will definitely not Hi. Fellow Daoist Wan, you need to think about the countermeasures."

"Yi Daoyou's words are true. I have considered all these consequences long ago, so I came here this time to discuss with the two of you how to deal with that Nether boy," Wan Gang hastily echoed.

Obviously, when he didn't know when to advance to the later stage of the fusion, he naturally wouldn't think about it like this.And the problems facing us now had better be solved in the Immortal Fragment, otherwise once the Nether Boy was allowed to go out, the threat to the Horn Clan would naturally increase.

Speaking of which, more than anyone else, Wan Gang wanted to keep the Nether Boy in the Immortal Fragment forever.Considering this point, Yi Tian smiled slightly and then described in detail all the things he encountered outside the 'Nakufang' before.Among them, the main thing is to focus on the analysis of how the Youming boy and Wu Jue each got a four-spirit orb.

After hearing this, Wan Gang couldn't help but restrain the smile on his face, and then his complexion became more and more dignified.It is said that the Nether boy now has the White Tiger Orb and a pair of White Tiger Armor, and his strength is already comparable to his own.This is definitely not good news for Wan Gang and others.

After the explanation was over, Wan just asked hastily: "Does Fellow Daoist Yi have any countermeasures?"

Yi Tian shook his head lightly and said without hesitation: "Not yet, after all, I don't know whether the Nether boy can completely subdue the white tiger formation spirit and take it for his own use, or if he was misled by the formation spirit and fell into a coma. You have to take me to see his state before making any plans.”

"According to Fellow Daoist Yi, this matter is really troublesome, so you want to find us together, and we all work together to deal with the Nether Boy?" Wan Gang asked.

"That's right," Yi Tian replied with a nod, "After all, there is still Wu Jue, and he also got one of the four true spirits, the Xuanwu Orb. He has to be guarded against."

"For us, the Nether boy is a serious concern, but I don't know why Yi Daoyou must find Qi Yanqiu this time," Wan Gang said with a serious face: "The relationship between him and the Youming boy is extraordinary, and it is impossible to cooperate with him." It's different from seeking skin with a tiger."

Shi Jinming on the side also showed a puzzled look on his face, but he knew the details of Yi Tian and naturally he didn't dare to make mistakes.Randomly, he glanced over the two of them with an inquiring look, but they were actually listening to the following.

So Yi Tian also sighed helplessly and said: "I know what kind of guy Yan Qiu and the Huangquan clan are. It's just that it's not a problem for Yan Qiu to fall to the Nether Boy in the face of the clan's interests. But this is also true. It is Yan Qiu's biggest weakness, if giving him enough benefits can smooth out the unfavorable factors brought about by madness, I think he will make a more sensible choice."

"You Daoist Yi, do you mean that you think that Yan Qiu is only for the benefit of the Huangquan clan, so he will pretend to be a snake with the madness?" Wan Gang asked: "In fact, as the patriarch of the Huangquan clan, he is also arrogant. Of course, the generation will not be content to be subordinated to others."

"That's natural," Yi Tian said with a smile: "When I came in, I deliberately let him go last, and I also tested his true thoughts. But in the end, I still left my established spot to him, naturally I also saw something."

It turned out that Wan Gang showed a clear expression on his face, and then showed admiration for Yi Tian in front of him.Then he said: "Since Daoist Yi tested Yan Qiu's ideas for us early in the morning, I am also relieved. After all, under the current situation, our chances of winning will be higher if we can form an alliance with one more person."

"There is no doubt about this matter," Yi Tian replied: "It's just that Yan Qiu asked us to rescue him this time, which also surprised me."

"How do you say that?" Wan Gang asked hastily, his pupils froze.

"Then you should have heard about the true spirit orb in the 'Four Suns Sealing Formation', right?" Yi Tian reached out and took out a one-foot-sized formation plate and held it in his hand, and then slowly poured spiritual power into it Among them, the pattern was activated.

In an instant, the inscription on the position of the white tiger on the array plate lit up, and then a phantom of a miniature white tiger appeared at a height of half a foot above the array plate, pulling the array plate towards the direction of the assault boat.

Wan just stared at it for a while without knowing it, and then asked: "Yi Daoyou, I don't know what the white tiger formation spirit in this formation shows?"

"Actually, I can already sense the position of the White Tiger Orb after I activated the inscription on the array plate," Yi Tian blinked and said, "It is exactly in line with the direction of the 'eight formations of stone soldiers' trapped by Yan Qiu."

"That means that we may meet the Nether boy this time," Wan Gang said with a surprised expression, "Aren't we throwing ourselves into a trap?"

Hearing this, Shi Jinming, who was even manipulating the assault boat, showed a puzzled look on his face, and immediately cast a questioning look, as if he was eagerly paying attention to his answer.

With a knowing smile on his face, Yi Tian reassured him: "If you are unprepared, it is just like Wan Daoyou said, you are throwing yourself into the net, but since we have already guessed the point, we can adopt corresponding strategies. I think he is more impatient than us at this time."

"I don't know what fellow Daoist Yi said?" Wan Gang asked.

"If you are Yan Qiu, do you think it would be good for him to wipe out the three of us?" Yi Tian asked back.

Wang Gang thought for a while and blurted out: "Of course it's better to maintain the status quo. After all, if the three of us perish here, then no one in the Yellow Springs will be able to threaten the status of the Yellow Springs. In this way, his family will dominate It will definitely cause furious dissatisfaction. To put it bluntly, the meaning of Yan Qiu's existence is to maintain the balance of all parties in the hell world. Once the balance is broken, it will not benefit everyone."

"Fellow Daoist Wan's analysis is quite thorough," Yi Tian praised, "I think Yan Qiu should be riding a tiger. On the one hand, he doesn't want to break the balance of power, and on the other hand, he can't offend Boy Youming. So even if we are in danger, we will There's plenty of opportunity to get out."

"You Daoist Yi said that Yan Qiu would secretly help us?" Wan Gang asked casually.

"Under the pressure of the situation, I believe he will do this," Yi Tian nodded and replied: "And I thought of this, so I called you to join forces, as long as it can pose enough threats to the Nether Boy or become an overwhelming trend, I believe that it is not impossible for Yan Qiu to turn against the water before the battle."

"Since that's the case, how sure is Daoist Yi's strategy of doing whatever he can?" Wan Gang asked again.

"More than [-]%, we know well that we can respond to all changes without change, and at worst force Yan Qiu to join hands with us to keep the Nether boy here," Yi Tian said.

"That's the reason. Since Daoist Yi has a secret case in mind, let's take a gamble," Wan Gang said with a determined look on his face after thinking about it.

(End of this chapter)

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