
Chapter 2246 Tracking

Chapter 2246 Tracking
After entering the 'Tianque Pu', the three of them broke into the 'Eight Stone Soldiers Formation' and entered the trapped formation not long after walking.

Soon after walking, Yi Tian found that Wan Gang and Shi Jinming who were following behind him had lost track of him, and after stretching out his divine sense, he could only explore a range of more than ten feet in all directions.So Yi Tian has no choice but to bite the bullet and continue to explore.

After walking for several miles, Yi Tian realized that he had walked out of the foggy area, and then came to a primitive forest.There are fairy vegetation all around here, and those trees are at least tens of thousands of years old, and the spirit flowers and fruits that grow on them are at least ten thousand years old.

In fact, Yi Tian is also very clear in his heart that he is in danger every step of the way in the big formation.These seemingly bright things on the bright side do not know what crisis is hidden behind them.

Wherever I looked, I found a 'Linglong Zhixin Flower' growing at the root of a tall spiritual plant.Yi Tian stepped forward to look at it, and then showed a thoughtful expression on his face. Speaking of which, this "Linglong Zhixin Flower" is a very rare treasure. If you can take it off and take it out to be refined into a elixir, it will be a great deal for Mahayana There are also many benefits for myself who have been cultivating for a long time.

But after one breath, Yi Tian suppressed the desire in his heart, even though the things are good, he must have his life to enjoy them.In today's environment, it is already very good to be able to find the other few people smoothly, so Yi Tian had no choice but to shake his head helplessly, then flew to the midair and continued to fly forward slowly.

Not long after walking, suddenly a red light and shadow flashed across his eyes, he hurriedly stabilized his figure in the air, Yi Tian opened his mind and searched carefully.Soon, he found the figure in a bush, and after careful inspection, he found that it was a two-foot-long 'Fire Chain Python'.

Judging from his appearance, he should still belong to the infancy stage, but the spiritual pressure fluctuations displayed by the demon power on his body are almost the same as his own at this moment.

Taking a deep breath, Yi Tian hastily pulled out a protective shield to protect himself, and then quickly retreated in the opposite direction.Unexpectedly, the 'Fire Chain Python' seemed to have locked onto his whereabouts. After flying ten feet away, Yi Tian glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw the 'Fire Chain Python' jumping out of the bushes and flying up in the air.The whole body turned into a red lightning bolt and flew towards his position rapidly.

Yi Tian's heart tightened and he knew that something was wrong, and the true energy in his body began to circulate secretly and quickly.In an instant, with a flash of inspiration all over his body, his escape speed increased by more than [-]%.But who knows that the red light behind him is also following closely, and at the same time speeds up.

After Shaoqing flew for more than ten miles, Yi Tian realized that it was not an option to go on like this, and then he turned around in idling and stabilized under the flash of inspiration all over his body.After taking out the Taiyuan wooden sword in his hand, he raised it up, stretched out his hand lightly, and flicked it into thousands of filaments, falling directly towards the 'Fire Chain Python' behind him.

The sound of 'ping ping pong pong' can be heard endlessly, but the originally indestructible Taiyuan sword silk can't break through the defense of the 'fire chain python'.

A group of red aura forcefully protruded from the siege of the blue sword rain, and after flying through the air a few times, it opened its bloody mouth and bit fiercely towards the position where it was.

When Yi Tian saw it, he naturally knew the stakes. He stretched out his hand and pointed at the flying Taiyuan wooden sword to recall them, and they all gathered five feet away in front of him. The sound of '嗖嗖嗖' could be heard endlessly, and the blue Taiyuan sword threads were intertwined into a ten-foot dense sword net in front of him. With a 'bang', the figure of the 'Fire Chain Python' was directly loaded into the Dao Qingsi sword net.

But what surprised Yi Tian was that his sword net defense seemed to be unable to stop the opponent's momentum, and he flew directly towards his position even after being hit.

The sound of "chacha" sounded, and the "fire chain python" seemed to have forcibly pierced through the cyan sword net and directly accounted for the location of Yi Tian's deity.But at the next moment, Yi Tian's figure collapsed and turned into an afterimage of Dao and disappeared in place.After one breath, a figure came out from the gap in the space hundreds of feet away, it was Yi Tian himself who had used the space supernatural power of 'So Close to the End of the World'.

After stretching out his hand and retracting the Taiyuan Sword, Yi Tian turned around and flew into the woods without saying a word.

Speaking of it, I am not really afraid of the other party, but in such a weird environment, if I make a rash move, I am afraid that it will touch the formation prohibition around me, which is not the result Yi Tian wants.This time, Yi Tian retreated with blue and red aura around him, and his escape speed more than doubled.

After flying for hundreds of miles, Yi Tiancai found that the pursuers behind him seemed to have disappeared, but at this moment, there was no joy on his face, but an unprecedented dignified expression.

After getting rid of the 'Fire Chain Python' this time, I just hurried on my way, but I didn't expect to find that I had already left the area of ​​the virgin forest, and now I came to an area of ​​the Gobi Desert.There are a lot of underground lava erupting from the surrounding underground.Looking back, it seems that it is already close to the underground volcanic eruption area.

After flying forward for thirty or forty miles, the divine sense can extend to explore the movements within a radius of nearly fifty miles.Stabilizing his figure in the air, Yi Tian probed carefully and found that there were traces of extremely unstable spiritual pressure fluctuations on the edge of his left spiritual sense that could be detected.Flying forward, Yi Tian came to that area, glanced over and found that there was a mess around the ground, which should be traces left by someone fighting here.

After a little searching for the remaining spiritual pressure fluctuations in the sky, Yi Tian soon showed a puzzled look on his face.There are three people's auras in the spiritual pressure fluctuations here, including Yan Qiu and Wu Jue who I am familiar with, and a strange breath, but the spiritual pressure fluctuations of this strange breath are extremely strong. Wu Jue is going to be strong enough to get three points.

After weighing it secretly in his heart, Yi Tian also felt lingering fear, but there were some problems in it.First of all, I didn't even notice the movement of the basalt orb on Wu Jue's body through the "Four Yang Sealing Formation" formation disk.Furthermore, I didn't expect Wu Jue to come here, so I'm afraid something strange happened.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian didn't do it directly, but took out the array plate of "Four Suns Sealing Array" and invaded the spiritual sense. After finding the Qinglong array spirit, he described in detail all the things he encountered at this stage.

Shaoqing only heard Qinglong sigh and said: "I didn't expect that the Xuanwu orb would be refined so soon. Usually, only in this case will the formation disk fail to detect its whereabouts."

"Then what should I do?" Yi Tian asked with a sad face.Qinglong's words naturally made Yi Tian feel lingering fears. Speaking of which, he did not expect Wu Jue's strength to be so strong. In such a short period of time, he refined the Four Spirit Orbs and collected them for his own use. Compared with him It seems that the Nether boy is not one o'clock or two o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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