
Chapter 2245 Doubt

Chapter 2245 Doubt
It took several days to drive the assault boat in the fragments of the fairy world, and the three of them finally arrived at the 'Tianque Pu', but within a thousand li radius, the 'Stone Soldiers Eight Formation' formation was already covered.

The three of them broke into the 'Tianque Pu' together and after a short walk, Yi Tian noticed something was wrong. There were obviously traces of array characters on the road they walked under the soles of their feet.After continuing to probe down, it didn't take long for the three of them to break into the trapping formation inlaid on the periphery of the 'Stone Soldiers Eight Formation'.

After exploring for a short time, Yi Tian found that Shi Jinming and Wan Gang who were following behind him had disappeared, and now they could only search within a range of three feet even with their divine sense.So Yi Tian is also a daring person with high skills, relying on his own understanding of formations to continue to explore.

It would be useless to stay in the current state in this state. Only by looking forward to find the formation node or the position of the formation eye can we usher in a respite.

After walking more than ten steps, Yi Tian suddenly stopped, and then flew up into the air, a height of Zhang Xu from the ground.

He lowered his head and looked down, only to see hundreds of dim lights flashing near where he was originally standing, but when he looked closely, he saw a large number of poisonous snakes coming towards him from all directions.Just when there was a sneer on Yi Tian's face, Yi Tian felt disapproving, and felt an invisible pressure in the air pushing him to the ground.

Secretly surprised, Yi Tian knew that this had unknowingly touched the restriction of the 'Stone Soldiers Eight Formation'.But when he lowered his head and scanned carefully with his divine sense, he found that the snakes below were not illusioned by the formation, but really existed.

He took out the Taiyuan wooden sword and sacrificed it under the seal of Yi Tian's hands, and then said in his mouth: "Go." In an instant, a dazzling green light emitted from the Taiyuan wooden sword, and it disintegrated into ten thousand in one breath. Thousands of filaments fell towards the lower boundary.Immediately, the sound of "sizzling" was heard endlessly, and a large number of snake stumps mixed with red blood and green venom splashed outwards.

After three breaths, there is a mess within three feet around the original standing position.After Divine Sense came to sweep the ground, Yi Tian was surprised to find that what he killed were real poisonous snakes.This is a bit different from the 'eight formations of stone soldiers' that I expected in my heart. I thought that after nesting different phantom formations and killing formations in this formation, it would only evolve some phantoms of ferocious beasts. I played for real.

After stretching out his hand and swipe over it, he invoked the Liyan magical power to deal with all the messy scenes scattered around him.After Yi Tian fell from the sky, he didn't continue to walk forward, but lowered his head and carefully looked at the formation pattern and formation talisman on the ground.

Most of these formation patterns are the ones that I can distinguish, and they are the nested formation symbols of the 'Stone Soldiers Eight Formation' and 'Dream and Illusion Formation'.But these talismans left behind a strong snake smell.Unlike any snakes I have seen, these snakes contain a lot of yellow gas in their smell.

With a 'shabu', Yi Tian's complexion was deep, and he lowered his head and began to think secretly.This is one of the few living creatures seen among the fragments of the fairy world.The snake smell here should be left from an adult horned python, but I didn't expect that there would be such a creature in the 'Stone Soldiers Eight Formation'.Speaking of which, if it transformed into a dragon, it would be much stronger than the carp dragon.

From the secret volume of the sect, it is known that there are several species of dragons in the fairy world, and the carp jumping dragon gate is the weakest one, and the strongest ones are the snakes that transform into dragons, and the dragons that transform into dragons.In terms of strength, an adult Jiaohualong at least has the strength of a heavenly immortal, and if it is a snake, it also has the cultivation base of a true immortal.

Thinking of the dense beads of sweat oozing from Yi Tian's forehead in an instant, he was lucky this time, and he didn't expect to break into the snake's nest for no reason.

After slowly calming down, the divine mind poked out slightly and went deep into the 'Four Suns Sealing Formation' formation disk, found the Qinglong formation spirit and asked, "Is senior there?"

I saw a miniature blue dragon swimming in the blue orb, staring at me and looking at me, saying: "You have a heavy evil spirit on you, who should have done it?"

Nodding his head, Yi Tian quickly told Qinglong what he had encountered, and finally asked: "I don't know if the seniors know whether there are creatures like pythons in Luo Tianxian Palace?"

Qinglong thought for a while before replying: "Snake dragons and other spiritual creatures are generally not raised in fairy palaces. After all, they made too much noise when they crossed the catastrophe. I guess what you met may be the fairy palace that came from the fairy world. After the collapse, some disciples of the sect left here to raise the spiritual species to hide in the big formation hastily in order to avoid disaster?"

"Then why didn't the 'Stone Soldiers Eight Formation' here encounter this siege and kill them?" Yi Tianxi asked.

"I think the 'Stone Soldiers Eight Formation' here should have been the training ground for the disciples of Luotian Immortal Palace, so it would only have an effect on people. As for why the python was trapped here, I'm not very clear." Qinglong replied.

Knowing that he couldn't find out why if he asked again, Yi Tian had no choice but to let it go.After Shen Nian withdrew from the Azure Dragon Orb, he stretched out his hand to put away the array.Then Yi Tian sacrificed the Taiyuan wooden sword and continued to probe forward cautiously.

Not long after walking, Yi Tian found that the patterns under his feet became clearer, and the fog in front of him gradually became lighter and lighter before walking along the pattern.Yi Tian was delighted to know that he was about to walk out of the area surrounded by fog.At the same time, the range that the divine sense can detect also slowly increased.After walking a hundred and twenty steps, the divine sense can almost pass the twenty-foot radius.

After careful inspection, Yi Tian found that there were no traces of snakes on the surrounding ground, and it seemed that the poisonous snakes appeared out of thin air in the area where he was standing just now.

Although he had doubts in his heart, he didn't dare to show any signs of stopping, and at the same time, he secretly accelerated and walked forward.After walking for a long time, his eyes suddenly brightened, and the surrounding scenes changed again after he walked out of the white mist.At this time, Yi Tian found himself standing on the edge of a forest, looking up at the towering trees above, the huge canopy covering the sky.

Leaping up Yi Tianfei lightly to the fork of a big tree and then stabilized his figure, purple awns flashed in his eyes and looked forward.My own gaze can almost be scanned several miles away, but no trace of any living beings can be found wherever the gaze goes.

But the trees below are staggered and clustered like a huge maze, and for a while, I don't know where to start.

Suddenly, his eyes froze. Hidden in the woods, there were many spiritual plants scattered around the roots of those tall trees.Leaping up to the nearest Lingzhi, Yi Tian couldn't hold it anymore when he looked at his face, but blurted out: "This is the 'Linglong Zhixinhua', and it is at least tens of thousands of years old." Planted treasures."

(End of this chapter)

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