
Chapter 2248

Chapter 2248
Yi Tian finally found the whereabouts of Yan Qiu and Wu Jue among the people who traveled together this time after walking through the jungle and the Gobi in the "Stone Soldiers Eight Arrays".What I didn't expect was that the two would come together, and follow the residual spiritual pressure fluctuations in the air to find Yi Tian all the way to the outside of a broken stone pavilion in the Gobi Desert.

After activating the mirror in the stone pavilion, he finally found a breakthrough. After getting out of the formation gap exposed by the mirror on the stone wall, Yi Tian found himself in another formation space.It's just that the spiritual sense here doesn't seem to be oppressed as much as before. After protruding out a little, there are a lot of remnants of spiritual pressure fluctuations in the air, which should be left by Yan Qiu and Wu Jue.Then he opened his mind and found that there were violent spiritual pressure fluctuations in the air about [-] miles away. Two of them were undoubtedly Yan Qiu Wujue, and the third spiritual pressure fluctuation was very powerful compared to his current state of the body. We must be stronger by three points.

After making up his mind, Yi Tian also suppressed the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body, and then cast an invisibility spell and touched it quietly.

From a distance, two figures and a cyan light were seen fighting together.It wasn't until Yi Tian was within a hundred miles that he could see clearly that there was a blue lion in the blue light.

The spiritual pressure fluctuation emanating from this monster has already reached the peak state of the early Mahayana, which is even stronger than his current heyday.As for Wu Jue, he completely refined the basalt orb. At this time, his overall strength in the brown basalt armor has also improved, and he can barely reach the stage of the early stage of Mahayana.

As for Yan Qiu, as a mid-stage monk, he can only be regarded as the weakest person, and at most he can only beat the autumn wind to help delay and distract the green lion in a battle of this level.However, he also seemed to realize that he would never be able to get out easily by himself, and only by cooperating with Wu Jue to pay or repel the opposite green lion would he have a chance of survival.

Although he didn't know how the two of them got together, Yi Tian knew that it wasn't the right time for him to come.If it's [-]:[-] in the evening, maybe I can still pick up the leak after they and the Qingshi decide the outcome.

But after approaching quietly, Wu Jue discovered his whereabouts, and after he let out a deep call, Yi Tian could only bite the bullet and show his figure.Slowly flying forward to meet the two of them, they were separated by a hundred feet to stabilize their figure, and then Yi Tian asked: "I didn't expect you two to hunt fairy beasts again with such a good mood."

After hearing this, Yan Qiu's face became a little unnatural, he was lucky if he couldn't become the green lion's meal by hunting immortal beasts.Then he hurriedly replied: "Friend Daoist Yi, don't make fun of me anymore. Please don't you see that I have been cornered by that green lion and I can't get out. Please help me, I am very grateful."

"Yan Daoyou's words are wrong," Yi Tian said with the appearance of an old god: "There was no news about Wu Jue in the summons Shi Jinming received when he contacted you before. If this time is not a coincidence I’m afraid that if you meet me, you will really hide it from me.”

After finishing speaking, his eyes scanned Yan Qiu back and forth several times, and a little dissatisfaction appeared on his face.Speaking of joining forces, the most taboo thing is that they each have their own ghosts. Yan Qiu's previous information did not mention other people's news.Moreover, Yi Tian had confirmed early in the morning that You Ming Boy had also entered the 'Eight Formation of Stone Soldiers', so Yan Qiu's abacus was naturally self-evident.

Fortunately, I already had a bottom line in my heart, so I didn't feel too unexpected after seeing Yan Qiu this time.Yan Qiu, who was on the opposite side, blushed and showed a little guilt, and said, "You Daoist Yi, please help me now that the crisis is in front of you. Afterwards, I will never forget your kindness."

"It's not difficult, but I see that the green lion's strength is not bad, and it's definitely not Yi's generation. You need to see Wu Jue's meaning before making a decision," Yi Tian said, turning his eyes to Wu Jue on the other side body.

I saw a flash of spiritual light flashing all over his body at this time, holding two golden hammers in his hands and offering sacrifices, just relying on the armor transformed from the Xuanwu orb, he can already fight against the green lion alone.Although the strength was slightly inferior, he did not show defeat, at most he just gained the upper hand.

Seeing his gaze, Wu Jue yelled in a deep voice: "Boy Yi, I didn't expect you to come so fast, but the formation space here is extremely weird. We might as well abandon our previous suspicions and join forces to fight against the enemy."

"That's what I mean," Yi Tian said with a faint smile, "But I still have doubts about Senior Wu's character, after all, the things that happened before are still vivid in my mind."

"Then what are you going to do?" Wu Jue said angrily.

"It's very simple. If you want to join forces, you have to see how much sincerity you have," Yi Tian replied disdainfully, "Since it was proposed by Senior Wu, then you should make the move first, and Yan Qiu and I can help. And it seems that The blue lion seems to be eyeing you, maybe you have annoyed the other party or you have provoked the other party with something you shouldn't have."

These words were also well-founded, and Wu was so choked up that he couldn't get angry on the spot.Thinking that his avatar of a real fairy in the lower realm is now in danger and being threatened by others, he naturally has a look of displeasure on his face, but after a flash of impatience flashed across his face, he returned to normal and then sighed: "Okay, In this case, let’s act in the order you said. I hope we can work together to solve the troubles in front of us.”

"It's all right, after all, I have the previous experience of joining forces with Senior Wu, so I don't dare to go all out easily," Yi Tian joked: "At least I can vividly remember how the elder grandson fell."

These words seemed to address Wu Jue's sore spot, and Changsun Ting's death had something to do with him.Moreover, Yi Tian also witnessed the devouring process at that time, so he would naturally be extra careful if he wanted to cooperate.

However, Wu Absolutely did not complain at all, after all, Yi Tian's reaction is also human nature.But after he glanced at the two of them hastily, he turned his head away and said, "Okay, let's not talk nonsense, I will do it first, and you will follow."

Without waiting for the two of them to reply, Wu Jue waved his two golden hammers with both hands and turned them into golden light to hit the opposite green lion's face.Seeing that he made a move, Yi Tian also unambiguously took out the Taiyuan wooden sword and sacrificed it in his hand, and then muttered a word to decompose it into a blue sword thread, and then condensed it into a blue lightsaber.

This trick of condensing the emptiness and transforming the real is also practiced so well that Yi Tian didn't dare to spread his skills when dealing with Qingshi, who was in the middle stage of Mahayana in front of him.Speaking of which, this green lion should be a fairy beast housed in the 'Stone Soldiers Eight Formation', Yi Tian glanced at the bell on the neck of the green lion and began to think about it.

Since such a fairy beast is stored in the 'Stone Soldiers Eight Formation', it will naturally be protected by the formation, and it is not easy to deal with it.I wouldn't be so stupid as to just kowtow to that green lion.Now that he and Wu Jue have reached a short-term joint agreement, he can't just watch and do nothing.

Shaoqing saw that Wu Jue manipulated the two golden hammers and smashed them hard at the green lion's face, but when the two golden lights approached to within ten feet of the green lion's body, the opponent opened his mouth and let out a roar.The thick lion's roar resounded through the heaven and earth, and the sound waves scattered from the blue lion's mouth and then swept towards the golden hammer.

The golden hammer, which was invincible all the way, stopped in the mid-air in an instant, and the golden light on the spiritual weapon was consumed rapidly. After three breaths, the two spiritual weapons became precarious and could not make any further progress.

Seeing this, Wu Jue hastily stretched out his hand to retract the golden hammer, and then drew out a black saber to hold in his hand.Speaking of which, although the battle armor transformed by the Xuanwu orb is powerful, it is not as easy to use as the spirit treasure he brought with him.

After Yi Tian noticed that the light waves transformed by the lion's roar passed over his body, he couldn't help being startled, as if he had an inexplicable sense of fear in his heart.He secretly recited the "Bodhi Concentration Mantra" several times before suppressing the fear.Looking back, Wu Jue and Yan Qiu beside them were also affected by the lion's roar, but they couldn't recover as quickly as themselves.

Thinking secretly in my heart, this lion's roar is a bit like the eight-tone mysteries of the Buddha School, which can affect people's spiritual power and make people afraid of him. Weak Yan Qiu will be the first to run away. '

Thinking of this, Yi Tian knew that he couldn't wait any longer, so he controlled the Taiyuan wooden sword and plundered it at the green lion.It's just that his target is the bell tied around its neck.

At the same time, he muttered words and displayed the Buddhist sect's secret technique of "Tianlei Eight Sounds", and golden light waves came out from his mouth, and then slowly dispersed in the air with Yi Tian as the center point towards the surroundings.

When the two waves of light hit each other together, they made a sound like fried beans out of thin air.

As for the green glow transformed by the Taiyuan wooden sword controlled by Yi Tian, ​​it flew to the green lion's face and was photographed head-on by a huge lion claw before it could cut in.After the claw slapped hard, the Taiyuan wood was directly staggered, and Yi Tian found that the Taiyuan wooden sword, which was originally invincible, was shaken by the magic power of condensing the void and transforming reality and the green lion's lion claw. It is also slightly underwhelming.

He stretched out his hand and pointed at the Taiyuan wooden sword, and the green light flew back to his hand after an arc.It's just that Yi Tian saw that the aura on the Taiyuan wooden sword seemed to have consumed about [-]% at this time, and his face also changed slightly, and his gaze towards the blue lion also changed slightly.

After thinking for a while, Yi Tiancai said in a deep voice: "Senior Wu, don't hide it anymore. If you want to get out of trouble, you have to use some real skills to press the bottom of the box."

Wu Jue's complexion also changed slightly when he heard the words, and after looking at the blue lion in the distance, he could only nod helplessly and said: "You are right, it seems that you really can't pass this level without using some trump cards."

After saying that, a lot of yellow energy suddenly appeared around the whole body, and Wu Jue's figure suddenly swelled up, and in an instant, his figure became more than twice its original size.What is surprising is that the battle armor transformed from the Xuanwu orb on his body has also changed accordingly, and there is no sign of being broken at all.

The black saber in his hand gave off a faint stench, after seeing it, Yi Tian naturally knew that there were five hundred souls who died under such a black saber.

At the same time, Wu Jue's cultivation has also improved significantly and has reached the peak of the early stage of Mahayana. At this time, he is three points stronger than his peak state.

But Yi Tian knew in his heart that this kind of performance was also to forcibly improve his cultivation level, which was not as good as he was in the early stage of Mahayana.Fortunately, along the way, he didn't show his true cultivation, otherwise, I'm afraid that Wu Jue would definitely not find him to cooperate so easily.

After a while, I heard Wu Jue say in a deep voice: "Boy Yi, don't hide your clumsiness. I think your strength is far from that. Let's make a quick move."

After finishing speaking, Wu Jue jumped forward and flew forward first, swung the magic knife in his hand and cut out a black knife arc about three feet in size.Yi Tian saw it clearly, and then secretly said in his heart, "Why is it very similar to the Datian Demon Sword, but its power has indeed increased by more than three times." '

Wu Jue forcibly increased his strength to the peak of the early stage of Mahayana, and what he used was all the supernatural powers of the fairy world, so the power is naturally unusual.Yi Tian quickly figured out the key point, and then raised the Taiyuan wooden sword, waved his hand and said 'change. '

After the Taiyuan wooden sword turned into a solid lightsaber, it shrank again to the shape of a strand of sword wire, and then quickly flew up and circled to the side of the green lion to wait for an opportunity.However, Yi Tian's gaze never left the bell on the green lion's neck. From the pattern on it, it can be roughly inferred that if he wants to deal with the green lion, it will not be easy to suppress it with magical powers and secret techniques.It is estimated that only by relying on that immortal weapon can it be completely suppressed.

The sound of 'Zla' ​​was exactly the sound of Wu Jue's saber arc splitting the void, but the green lion didn't seem too timid about it.After the two front paws slapped out, the front face of the knife arc was hardened, and two blue auras appeared on the lion's claws, and then it jumped forward and the front face became hard.

Wu Jue's complexion changed slightly when he saw it, he didn't expect the opponent's physical body to be so strong.His supernatural powers are also very clear in his heart, but he didn't expect that his special skills would be so forcibly taken over.

Suddenly, a trace of green light flashed in the black arc of the knife, and Wu Jue looked happy when he saw it, then turned his eyes to stare at Yi Tian for a while, and there was also a look of approval in his eyes.

The timing of this supernatural power was just right, and the green lion dealt with Daomang with all its strength in one blow.But he didn't have time to deal with the sword silk green light that followed.

The sound of 'Dangdang' came, it was the sound made by the Qingmang sword silk hitting the bell.I saw that the originally extremely powerful green lion twitched violently after hearing the sound of these bells.Immediately, it was naturally powerless to take Wu Jue's sword light forcibly again, and with a 'bang', the black sword light broke through the green lion's claws and slashed fiercely on his body, forcing the whole body away alive. It was only after thirty feet away that he could barely hold on.

The bell on the blue lion's neck glowed with bursts of aura to protect its whole body. In front of the three of them, the blue lion turned its head away and quickly faded towards the rear. limit.

(End of this chapter)

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