
Chapter 2249 Explained

Chapter 2249 Explained
After forcing back the green lion, only Yi Tian and the other three were left on the scene, so no one would take the initiative to think of chasing them.Yan Qiu was very lucky to be able to escape, at this time, he directly hit Wu Absolute, who was flying to Yi Tian's side, and stood up in the distance.

Yi Tian knew his thoughts in his heart and did not stop him further after seeing his actions in his eyes.Then he glanced at Wu Jue who was in the distance, and saw that he slowly put away his martial arts and supernatural powers, and the basalt armor on his body flew back to his hands after a flash of spiritual light.At this time, the spiritual pressure fluctuations on Wu Jue's body became sharply unstable, slowly falling from the early stage of Mahayana to the peak in the late stage of fusion, then fell again, and finally stabilized in the state of late stage of fusion.

After taking out a few pills and knocking them lightly, Wu Jue's complexion recovered a little bit, and then he stared at Yi Tian and the two for a while before saying: "Boy, I think you have hidden a lot of strength, but unfortunately you can't eat it for the time being." Is that why you stand still?"

Surprised in his heart, Yi Tian felt a little jealous of these true immortals from the lower realms, he didn't expect that he could hide so well but still not escape Wu Jue's detection.But after three breaths, after seeing clearly Wu Jue's movements, his tense mood slowly relaxed.Wu Jue's perception is extraordinary, even though he just tried a few tricks just now, he was able to guess his general strength from the power of Lingyao Huaqian's supernatural power.

It's a pity that guessing is guessing. He still can't be sure how far he has raised his cultivation base.However, thinking about the secret technique that the other party used just now to forcibly raise his cultivation level to the early stage of Mahayana, it can be seen that he also has a hole card in his hand.It's just that these hole cards cost a lot of money, and Wu Juejuan will not use them easily.What's more, he and himself are not at the stage of directly tearing their skins apart and insisting on a life-and-death decision.

There was a stalemate on the scene for a while, and after ten breaths, Yi Tiancai replied: "We are all trapped in the 'eight formations of stone soldiers' this time, I don't know what the next step is for Senior Wu, is he going with us?" Or go on the road alone?"

"Boy Yi, will you feel at ease if I say that I will walk with you?" Wu Jue said with a sneer on his face: "But speaking of it, you are also a dangerous person. It is true that walking with you can easily break the formation, but you may be killed. You figured it out."

"It seems that Senior Wu still doesn't trust me," Yi Tian replied calmly, "If that's the case, then I won't send you any more."

"Boy, you can do it yourself. Don't forget that when you are calculating others, you will also be calculated by others," Wu Jue said with a cold snort, then turned around and chose a direction that was completely opposite to that of the green lion. go straight away.

Soon his light disappeared from the eyes of the two of them, and Yan Qiu, who was standing aside so far, let out a sigh of relief: "Finally left, but this plague god has been sent away."

"Yan Daoyou seems to be happy too early," Yi Tian said indifferently: "Now we are in a dangerous situation and we need to support each other to get out of trouble."

"What fellow Daoist Yi said is that this time you came here because of me, and this kind of affection is really appreciated," Yan Qiu hurriedly replied.

"I hope Fellow Daoist Yan won't just talk about it," Yi Tian pouted and said, he had found out about Boy Youming's movements early in the morning, so naturally he wouldn't be confused by Yan Qiu's one-sided words.

But what should be asked is to ask, so as not to make him doubt.Then Yi Tian asked: "I don't know why you broke into the 'eight formations of stone soldiers'? And why did you meet that Wu Jue?"

"It's strange to say that after Wan Gang and I broke up near the 'Qishe', we flew away all the way until nine days ago when we heard a shout of traction for no reason, so we traced it so far and inexplicably entered the 'Stone Soldiers Eight Formation' ' Among them," Yan Qiu replied.

Yi Tian looked at it and found that he didn't have any abnormality when he answered, and he probably didn't tell lies.But who led him here? That voice didn't seem to have any effect on himself, Shi Jinming or Wan Gang.

After thinking for a while, Yi Tian said again: "I don't know if I should say something or not."

Yan Qiu's complexion changed slightly when he heard the words, and after looking at it for a while, he replied: "Did Daoist Yi talk about the Nether Boy?"

Yi Tian nodded and replied: "Exactly, you should know what kind of person he is after you have been with the Nether boy for a long time. Now you are still valuable, so he won't do anything to you for the time being, but this way It’s definitely not going to last forever.”

"I understand what you mean by Daoist Yi. Once the situation in the hell world changes, the position of my Huangquan clan will also change accordingly. If I don't choose a side early, I will definitely fall into a very passive situation," Yan Qiu said. Said.

"Exactly, and you have also seen that it is not known whether the Nether boy can walk out of this fragment of the fairy world today," Yi Tian said.

Yan Qiu frowned slightly when he heard the words, he naturally understood the meaning of the words.Speaking of it, it is obvious that Yi Tian, ​​Shi Jinming and Wan Gang will join forces, and now he is still vacillating because he is waiting to see how things will develop.If there weren't these real immortals from the lower realms to disrupt the situation, I'm afraid Yi Tian would have done it a long time ago, but Yan Qiu didn't know what kind of medicine Yi Tian was selling in the gourd at this time.

After thinking about it, he asked tentatively: "I wonder if Fellow Daoist Yi can reveal your plan to me. After all, no matter what I say, I will not simply put the fate of the whole family on the three of you."

"Yan Daoyou is indeed from the old city," Yi Tian said with a smile: "Actually, before I came in, I had already met the great elder guarding Huangquan, and I was three or four points sure about dealing with the madness."

"Three or four points seems to be too low," Yan Qiu replied, "If I don't have full confidence, I don't think I will make up my mind."

"Yan Daoyou's words are different," Yi Tian said in disapproval: "It is impossible to be completely sure of anything. You must know that there is a [-]-[-] chance of winning in everything, which is already a great opportunity."

"You Daoist Yi is right, but didn't you say that you are only three or four points sure?" Yan Qiu said.

"That was before I came in. After exploring in the fragments of the fairy world during this period of time, I am at least [-]% sure that I can deal with the madness," Yi Tian said with a smile, "It's just because of the problem of Wu Jue, the real immortal from the lower realm, that I still have to deal with it." He has to think about it."

"Isn't there still a lower realm true immortal grandson Ting?" Yan Qiu asked hastily: "Could it be that fellow Daoist Yi has forgotten him, or does he mean that he will cooperate with us?"

Knowing what Yan Qiu is thinking, if there is a true immortal from the lower realm standing by his side, it will definitely be a great help.But Yi Tian shook his head and said: "Changsun Ting has fallen, and his flesh and blood have been absorbed by Wu Jue."

After hearing this, Yan Qiu's pupils froze and he cried out: "Why is this happening?"

Yan Qiu was naturally taken aback when he heard the news that Changsun Ting had fallen, and he must be very confident that these words came from his own mouth.Yi Tian didn't want to explain more on this issue, he just went to the end.After three breaths, Yan Qiu seemed to have digested these words before he came back to his senses, turned around and stared at it for a while, and then asked: "You Daoist Yi explained all these things to me today, isn't it a bit persuasive?" mean?"

Yi Tian smiled faintly, but shook his head and said: "I never bother to threaten others, and my biggest shortcoming is that I like to tell the truth. Although these truths may not sound pleasant, they are all real. It’s all done. Besides, these things have more or less impact on you and me, you should think about it carefully, Daoist Yan.”

Hearing this, Yan Qiu lowered his head and thought about it solemnly, but a tangled expression kept appearing on his face.Presumably, he was also forced by Wu Jue all the way before, so he had no choice but to join forces to deal with the green lion beast here.

Shaoqing only listened to Yan Qiu's strengths and said in one breath: "The situation is pressing now, if a weak person like me can't make the right choice, I'm afraid he won't be able to get out of this fragment of the fairy world."

"You don't need to worry too much, Daoist Yan, but you haven't figured out one thing. Even after you get out of the fragments of the fairy world, you have to face the furious anger of the Nether Emperor. I think you should know how to choose between the two evils. "Although Yi Tian didn't intend to threaten or intimidate, he clearly analyzed Yan Qiu's situation inside and outside the words, and whether to go or stay was all in his mind.

"I don't know what I will do if I cooperate with Daoyou Yi?" Yan Qiu asked suddenly for no reason.

"You also know that the relationship between me and the Nether boy is now in turmoil, and this time I entered the fragment of the fairy world, I have to end it," Yi Tian replied.

"Speaking of which, you can kill it, but after going out, how should you face the savage deity?" Yan Qiu asked.

"If it is said that I already have a comprehensive plan to deal with Luan Kuang, I'm afraid Fellow Daoist Yan won't believe it," Yi Tian said with a smile.

"Why don't you believe it?" Yan Qiu said in a puzzled way: "If it were someone else, I would still be skeptical, but it's a different story when it comes from Daoist Yi."

"Oh, fellow Daoist Yan looks up so highly, isn't he afraid of being disappointed?" Yi Tian asked back.

"It's not enough to be disappointed, but I'm betting on your character, Fellow Daoist Yi." Yan Qiu replied with the appearance of an old god: "Although we have known each other for thousands of years, because of our respective positions So the relationship with each other has not been very harmonious.”

"That's true," Yi Tian said without denying it. After all, he has been in a state of competition ever since he met Yan Qiu in the demon world, and everyone has not staggered in private.

I only heard Yan Qiu continue to say: "In fact, based on my understanding of you, Daoyou Yi, and the analysis of what you have done after you have been in the demon world and the spirit world over the years. I think that you have a huge weakness in Daoyou Yi."

"Oh, I don't know what is the weakness?" Yi Tian asked hastily with enthusiasm.

"Being trustworthy and righteous, this is your biggest obstacle, Fellow Daoist Yi," Yan Qiu explained: "Doing things is open and upright, not procrastinating, but also kind and enmity, these two points are also the biggest obstacles after you can dominate several planes. rely on."

"Then why is it a weakness?" Yi Tian said.

"It is precisely because you keep your promises and righteousness that I conclude that there must be a reason for you to visit the muddy waters of the hell world and even the nether world for no reason," Yan Qiu explained: "It may be because of someone you promised, or Who did you promise to. Although I can't guess the details, the above conclusions can be roughly drawn based on what you have done."

With a light pat on his hand, Yi Tian's eyes also showed some approval and fell on Yan Qiu.After scanning back and forth a few times, he felt helpless and secretly thought, "These old monsters in the fusion period are indeed human beings, and it is very pertinent to be able to analyze their own affairs."Who told me to stir up turmoil in the hell world these years, speaking of it, there is a shadow of my own activities behind the scenes that can cause some turmoil. '

After thinking about it, Yi Tian smiled lightly and said: "Yan Daoyou is really powerful. He is worthy of being an old Jianghu who has been in hell for thousands of years. It can be said that he is very powerful if he can infer from what I have done so far."

"Admit it," Yan Qiu said with a straight face: "Although I can't guess your intentions, I can generally figure out the context of your life. Suppress my Huangquan clan, and at the same time cut off the tyrannical Emperor Youming. Wing, the ultimate goal is to face the madness."

"That's right, after listening to your analysis, I don't know how Yan Daoyou will make a choice?" Yi Tian asked.

"Of course I teamed up with you. Now Luankuang can be regarded as just a loner. There must be something wrong with him hiding in the Netherworld for thousands of years, otherwise he would not allow Huangquan Guards to become so powerful," Yan Qiu said.

"I have met Yan Wenjing, the great elder guarding Huangquan, and he has already made plans on how to deal with the madness," Yi Tian said, "It's just that Yan Wenjing mentioned to me at the end that he wanted to give the Huangquan clan a chance, so this is what I always said The key reason why friends are merciful."

"It turns out that the ancestors have seen through the current situation a long time ago," Yan Qiu sighed for a while: "As a younger generation, I will naturally not ignore the meaning of the ancestors, let alone Daoist Yi promised in person that he would like to come to my Huangquan clan. gone."

"That's what I said, but I hope Yan Daoyou will make the right choice with the overall situation in mind, so that you don't have to let down Yan Wenjing's painstaking efforts. If you can form an alliance with us, the next thing will be much easier," Yi Tian said.

"In that case, I can also reveal some key information to Fellow Daoist Yi," Yan Qiu said with a wink and a smile.

"I don't know what's the matter?"

"Fellow Daoist Yi, you know that my meeting with Wu Jue was actually done under the instruction of Boy Youming," Yan Qiu explained.

"Then why?" Yi Tian asked suspiciously.According to what Yan Qiu meant, it seemed that You Ming Boy and Wu Jue had some private agreement directly.

"I don't know the specific situation, but according to my observation, the two of them must have something tricky directly," Yan Qiu said.

"Oh, so it's interesting," Yi Tian muttered, but he couldn't help but think of the identities of the two. He didn't know what made them come together, and there was an inevitable factor in it.

(End of this chapter)

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