
Chapter 225 Negotiation

Chapter 225 Negotiation
The eight people worked together to break through the chessboard formation and get the key. After opening the stone gate behind the throne, they found that there were more than a dozen treasures and a large number of spirit stones inside.

Afterwards, Yan Zhaoxue and Tong Yan went forward and took out all the materials they had obtained and counted them. There were about five primary spirit treasures, and some fifth-level spiritual plants and advanced refining materials.

As for the kung fu items, there is only one volume of jade slips of 'puppet art', but Yi Tian is not the only one who is interested.After scanning the crowd, it seemed that Shui Dongcheng and Tong Yan looked at the jade slip with a flicker of interest.

For Yi Tian, ​​too many skills do not overwhelm him, and he is a craftsman himself, so he can learn from this puppet refining method.And those spiritual plants are all good choices. At least Yi Tian glanced at it with his spiritual sense and found a five-level Jinyang grass. ' Worse.

Yi Tian stood aside, although his face was calm, but he was thinking in his heart that with this 'Golden Sun Grass', his progress in practicing physical skills could be greatly improved.

Through the spiritual planting technique I have learned, as long as I pick a few seeds and put them in the high-quality cultivation soil, I can cultivate a few fourth-level spiritual grass within five years. The period of time can be shortened from the original 30 years to ten years.

Thinking that he could advance to the Golden Core realm within ten years, Yi Tian's heart was filled with enthusiasm, and he wished he could go up and take this 'Golden Sun Grass' directly.

Everyone glanced at the treasures listed below one by one with their spiritual sense, and everyone had a direction in their hearts, and then distributed them according to the previously established order.With Yi Tian's promise, Yang Ling did his part to make the first choice. Although some people were dissatisfied, he still pretended to be kind.

After Yang Ling chose a spirit treasure, Shui Dongcheng and Du Heiyi followed.Shui Dongcheng put away the dark 'puppet technique' jade slip without thinking, while Du Heiyi chose a 'two-edged and three-pointed knife' with a short handle to attack Lingbao.After returning from Shuidong City, Tong Yan, who was standing aside, moved her mouth a few times, as if discussing something through sound transmission.

After three breaths, the two seemed to have reached an agreement, and they returned to normal after nodding each other.Yi Tian didn't say much in his eyes, but he just revealed his meaning to Shuidongcheng through sound transmission.

The general idea is that after this incident, a copy of the jade slip of puppet art will be engraved, and the condition is to give him a fifth-level spiritual weapon, and the latter nodded excitedly towards Yi Tian.

Afterwards, there was no big difference in the distribution of the people. Dugu Ao chose a blood essence stone the size of a palm.

Xing Yuan, on the other hand, held back his eyes undeniably, and then said for a while, "Congratulations, you are going to go one step further. I hope you can see your full strength in the duel."

Dugu Ao nodded with a smile and replied: "As you wish," and then sent a voice transmission to Yi Tian privately: "Friend Yi Daoist is thanks to you this time, I appreciate it. "

After hearing this, Yi Tian nodded slightly, and then replied: "Brother Dugu got what he wanted, I just tried my best, please take care of me in the future."

Xing Yuan went up and took a look. After hesitating, he chose a soft-skinned spiritual armor. His attack power is the strongest, and his defense is probably weak. With this pair of spiritual armor, he can more or less make up for it.

Yan Zhaoxue and Tong Yan also stepped forward to get their favorite things one by one, but it was Yi Tian who went forward to take the 'Golden Sun Grass' which surprised people.

Originally, I thought that as an artisan, if you don’t take the spirit weapon, you should at least get some materials, but Yi Tian just smiled lightly, and then took out a spirit planting pot and directly planted the spirit grass in it.Then he took out a small jade bottle and poured two drops of Xuanling clear liquid on the root of the spirit plant. After three breaths, he could see that the spirit energy on the whole 'Golden Sun Grass' was getting stronger and stronger, exuding vigorous vitality.

Seeing that after the transplantation was completed, Yi Tian directly put the entire flowerpot into the bracelet, and then walked back slowly, ignoring the surprised eyes of everyone around.Suddenly Yan Zhaoxue's voice transmission came from my ear: "I don't see that you still have research on spiritual plants. I still have some spiritual plants here. If you are willing to help, how about I send you some seeds if the transplant is successful?"

Although Yi Tian was a little moved, but now is not the time to discuss it, he just moved his lips and sent a sound transmission to Yan Zhaoxue, to the effect that this matter can be sat down and discussed slowly after the two of them find a chance.

With Yi Tian's guarantee, Yan Zhaoxue also nodded slightly, and then showed two small dimples with a smile on her face, everyone tacitly proceeded to divide the treasure.

The second round was not as harmonious as before. Eight people were divided into four groups. It is inevitable that some people will have a bye, and it is impossible for the extra spirit stones to make up for these shortfalls. In the end, the four people who got the treasure each took out [-]. Lingshi supplements the rest.

Half a day later in the evening, the sky was a bit dark, but for monks, as long as they had practiced some spells, they would not feel any problem.

Flying alone on the way back to Tianjian City, Yi Tian recalled how everyone looked like when the treasure was distributed in the cave before, and it was also funny.Although I don't think much of these things, but the extra 10,000+ spirit stones for no reason can be regarded as a small fortune.

After leaving the cave, Yi Tian took out the formation disk and removed all the original trapped formations.Then everyone bid farewell one by one and went back to their respective homes.

Thinking of the fact that he had to make a copy of the 'puppet technique' jade slip in the previous transaction with Shuidong City, Yi Tian summoned him directly.Most of the puppets stored in the chessboard array are still in his hands, especially the wreckage of the "black general" Yi Tian is also determined to get it. With this thing, he can avoid a lot of detours in the research and production of puppets.

Three hours later, Yi Tian received a message from Shuidong City, hoping to meet at the top of 'Baicaoya', a hundred miles to the southwest.After receiving this news, Yi Tian was stunned for a moment, he didn't go back to Tianjian City, why did he trade in a place where no bird shits and chickens don't lay eggs.

Although he had doubts in his heart, the unique communication method of Shuidong City would not be false. Although Yi Tian had murmurs in his heart, he had no choice but to fly towards the agreed place.

The distance of hundreds of miles is not long. After flying for about a quarter of an hour, Yi Tian saw the "Baicao Cliff" mentioned by Shuidong City from a distance. The whole mountain peak is full of spiritual energy. flow out.

After looking around the surrounding environment, Yi Tian found that there was no one around here, and no one could be seen passing by for dozens of miles around.After laughing, Yi Tian was not afraid that Shuidong City would be blacked out, and his little cultivation base was completely ignored.

If it weren't for the principle of being a newcomer and keeping a front line in everything, Yi Tian wouldn't bother with them.

Yi Tian looked around in the air, and found that Shuidong City had arrived first, and was sitting cross-legged waiting in the open space on the top of the mountain.Seeing Yi Tianfei approaching, Shui Dongcheng hurriedly stood up and said, "Brother Yi, I'm here."

After the cloud head fell, Yi Tian also smiled and said: "Brother Dongcheng, why did you choose such a quiet place to trade? Is there anything else going on?"

Shui Dongcheng was stunned for a moment and then said with a helpless expression: "Actually, to tell you the truth, Brother Yi, Tong Yan and I made an appointment to come here to get some 'Purple Jade Royal Jelly' from the mountain depression, so please help Brother Yi as well." .”

Hearing this, Yi Tian's face darkened, and he said in his heart: "This Shuidong City is also cunning enough, and he wants to pull himself into the group, so there is still such a stubble," although he was unhappy in his heart, but his face was still I can only pretend to be indifferent and said: "It's a trivial matter, I can be considered as a favor for brother Dongcheng, but I believe that brother Dongcheng will not renege on what I said before to trade the jade slip of the 'puppet technique' ?”

"Where is it, this is a good deal, how can I go back on my word," said Shui Dongcheng and threw the jade slip over.

After taking it over, Yi Tian scanned it with his spiritual sense, and after a closer look, it turned out to be the original copy. After opening it, he looked inside and it was still intact. I really don't know what he was thinking.After a while, he raised his head and said to Shui Dongcheng: "It's disrespectful to be here, I don't know when we will go down?"

"Just wait for a while and Tong Yan will arrive," Shui Dongcheng replied with a determined look.

So Yi Tian directly found a flat place on the top of the mountain and sat down to adjust his breath slowly.After about half an hour, there was a little light in the sky flying towards the direction of 'Baicaoya'.

Shui Dongcheng smiled and said, "Brother Yi is here, let's get ready."

Seeing Tong Yan coming after ten breaths, Yi Tian said with a smile: "Tong Fairy is really close to Brother Dongcheng, it seems that this time is also your idea."

One sentence made Tong Yan's face change slightly, and then he replied back to normal: "Yi Daoyou is resourceful, this time I only need to get some 'Purple Jade Royal Jelly', but there are too many bee colonies in this valley, so I have to Please help Daoist Yi to come up with this bad plan."

"It's okay, since it's Brother Dongcheng's request, I'll do my best, but I thought Fellow Daoist Yang would come too."

Shuidong City Road: "Young Daoist Yang has other things to do, so he didn't participate in this treasure hunt. Besides, the three of us are enough. At that time, Fairy Tong will be responsible for collecting the royal jelly, and brother Yi and I will be responsible for leading the queen bee out of the hive. Can."

Speaking of this, Yi Tian finally understood that his feelings were for him to be the bait. After turning his head to look at Shuidong City, he nodded and said, "I want one-third of the royal jelly."

"That's natural, we all cooperate sincerely," Tong Yan replied.

With the agreement of the two people, the three of them sat down and decided on the next method of action.According to Tong Yan, there is a colony of purple jade spirit bees in the valley of this 'Baicaoya', and the most powerful fourth-level queen usually stays in the hive without leaving home.And usually there will be nearly dozens of fourth-level mid-level guard bees patrolling around the hive.

Fortunately, the flying speed of these guardian bees is not very fast. Tong Yan's plan is to release the demon fragrance at the mouth of the valley by Shuidong City and Yi Tian to lure those high-level bee colonies out of the hive, and Tong Yan will take the opportunity to go in and get the Queen Bee pulp.

Roughly speaking, it is reasonable, but Yi Tian always feels uncomfortable being used as a gunman. Fortunately, Shuidong City on the side also agreed, so it is always a bit of a burden.

(End of this chapter)

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