
Chapter 226

Chapter 226
Shuttle through the mountains of 'Baicaoya' at low altitude, Yi Tian looked depressed.There was a fourth-level top-ranking queen bee closely following her with more than thirty guard bees. The two sides maintained a distance of nearly fifty feet, and the stalemate lasted for nearly half an hour.The queen bee was about a foot in size, and the guard bees were only half the size of the queen bee.

Yi Tian, ​​who was flying in front, was holding a mid-grade spirit stone in each hand, recovering his spirit energy while flying.Turning his head slightly to suppress the group of purple jade bees staring behind his eyes, Yi Tian felt uncomfortable from the bottom of his heart.

After discussing with Shui Dongcheng and Tong Yan more than half an hour ago, the three immediately started to act.First of all, Yi Tian and Shui Dongcheng slowly approached the purple jade hive from north and south directions, and within ten breaths after lighting the demon-inducing incense in their hands, they heard a piercing buzzing sound.

Not knowing what was going on, Yi Tian saw the queen bee rushing towards him with most of the guard bees.Although I learned that the queen bee of this group of purple jade bees was only at the fourth-level high-level appearance, but when Yi Tian used the "Qing Ling Famu" to identify carefully, he found that the leading queen bee was actually a top-level four-level monster. beast.

I am not afraid of this group of monsters, but with thirty or so helpers behind it, it seems that I am panicked. These ants kill elephants so much that Yi Tian dare not go up and smash them to death.Two fists can't beat four hands, not to mention a big scene of one pair of thirty, Yi Tian didn't even think about it after one breath, and directly threw the Yaoyin incense in his hand and flew towards the south.

I thought this was the end of the matter, and the big deal was to stop playing, but who knew that the group of purple jade bees didn't even have the slightest intention to turn their heads, and followed closely in the direction of Yi Tian.

Especially the leading queen bee took the lead. At the beginning of the period, due to its high level, it broke away from the main force and directly attacked Yi Tian.

Yi Tian was also furious, and the two sides started to attack at less than thirty feet away.The queen bee's mouth sprayed some venom from time to time. Fortunately, Yi Tian made all preparations and set up a flame inscription shield in his hand to block the incoming venom.

As for himself, he freed his hand and tapped quietly towards the queen bee a few times, and several bright sparks exploded in front of the queen bee in an instant.Fortunately, all animals have the instinct to be afraid of flames. After a few crackling sounds, the queen bee slowed down and waited for her backup to arrive, and then followed them up together.

At this time, Yi Tian knew in his heart that it must be the trick of Shuidongcheng and Tong Yan, otherwise the group of purple jade bees would not be staring at him.

Looking back, it seems that there is no chance of being attacked by a dark hand, except for the jade slip of the 'puppet technique'.After thinking about it, Yi Tian also did an experiment, took out the jade slip, and after a closer look, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it, but the group of purple jade bees in the back suddenly became agitated, as if they saw their prey. All of them accelerated suddenly.

With a cold snort, Yi Tian raised his wind escape technique again, keeping the distance between the two parties at fifty feet away.Turning his head, he suddenly smelled a faint fragrance, and cursed in his heart: "These two people have calculated it against me, and I must settle the account properly after this matter is resolved."

With such a plan in mind, spiritual energy quickly gathered from the palm of the right hand holding the jade slip, and a bright red flame instantly wrapped the jade slip.Looking back to see that he had flown twenty or thirty miles away from the hive, Yi Tian slapped his left hand, took out eight black tokens from the storage bracelet, and then muttered words in his mouth. A simple eight-door golden lock array was set up within a range of ten feet.

The right hand threw the scroll of jade slips directly into the formation, but he jumped aside a few times, and then turned back to wait for the rabbit.

Sure enough, the purple jade bee queen who took the lead abandoned Yi Tian and flew directly towards the jade slip.Seeing that most of the purple jade bees had entered the urn, Yi Tian, ​​who was standing not far away, did not hesitate, crossed his hands and made seals, and then shouted: "Shen."

The [-]-foot range of the eight-door golden lock array suddenly became muddy, and the bee swarm flying in the low sky had to fly lower and lower under the pressure of the large array.Some weaker guard bees were the first to be pushed into the ground at a height of one foot. Yi Tian was overjoyed, and freed up a hand to point at the token with the word 'Dui', and the big formation immediately turned into a crowd. Streams of muddy swamp rose up, directly sucking in the purple jade bees that were closest to the ground.

Seeing that the blow was successful, Yi Tian was overjoyed and repeated his old tricks. While continuously increasing the formation pressure, he took the opportunity to aim at those purple jade bees that had entered the altitude, and he could always kill three or four of them in one roll.

After the half-pillar of incense came down, the group of Purple Jade Bee guards were all taken care of, and now there are only three or two left around the Queen Bee.But the fourth-level top-level monsters are indeed different. Seeing that the situation is not good, the queen bee wants to take her remnant soldiers and abandon the jade slip to escape.

But its subordinates seemed to be possessed and rushed towards the jade slip one by one, and saw a burst of sparks flashing, and the purple jade bees that flew up were instantly ignited like moths flying to a flame.

When only the queen bee was left in the formation, Yi Tian smiled at the corner of his mouth, and pointed to the characters 'Zhen' and 'Dry' in the token. After three breaths, a cyan and a golden streak appeared from the two tokens respectively. The arc struck the queen bee.

Only two 'pops' were heard, and two fist-sized holes appeared on the left and right wings of the queen bee when the arc struck.The mud on the ground seemed to have eyes, and the ground rolled up and rolled up the entire body of the queen bee.

The queen bee that was brought to the ground by the mud fluttered for ten breaths and gradually lost its vitality. Yi Tian, ​​who was standing not far away, was relieved. Fortunately, the purple jade bee is not a powerful monster, and he has a new one recently. Only then can these formation weapons be able to capture them in one fell swoop.

It wasn't until the queen bee was completely dead that Yi Tian pinched the magic formula with both hands to put away the entire formation, and then slowly walked forward to check it.I saw that more than 30 purple jade bees were half buried in the soil and died completely. After taking out the "elixir ten thousand articles" in his hand, Yi Tian also compared them one by one. They all belong to the herd spirit beasts, and their strength is around level four, and the queen bee is usually level five.

Now Yi Tian raised his head and looked at the queen bee in front of him, she was clearly the peak of the fourth level, so there was an error in the book.Looking down carefully, Yi Tian couldn't help but smile, and saw that there was a record in the article "Elixir Wan": "Generally, when the capacity of the bee colony increases to a certain level, the old queen will cultivate a new queen, and then the whole The colony will divide into two, which is also a unique form of bee reproduction. '

Seeing this, Yi Tian's heart stirred up. Don't Shuidongcheng and Tongyan like yin people? It seems that the two of them are going to face the five-level old queen bee next. It's a good show to watch. up.

Continue reading and found that there is also a note in the elixir ten thousand chapters that the dead purple jade bee can be used as flower fertilizer, and the aura contained in the corpse can improve the level of low-level spiritual plant cultivation soil, even intermediate-level spiritual plant cultivation soil as long as the quantity is enough. Can be directly upgraded to high-level.

Turning around to look at the bee carcasses all over the place, a satisfied smile appeared on his face. There were still a large number of spiritual plant flower pots in his storage bracelet. By the way, he took them out one by one and mixed the bee carcasses and cultivation soil into Together, keep it for later when transplanting the elixir.

After tidying up the loot, Yi Tian picked up the 'puppet technique' jade slips that had been thrown in the formation. After being calcined by flames, the black lacquered jade slips were slightly bright.After holding it in his hand for a while, he realized that there was something wrong with it. The entire jade slip was obviously tampered with, and a layer of black enamel was re-coated on the original basis, and then the "puppet technique" was recorded.

This time I found a treasure. It was originally used as a bait to attract the purple jade bee, but I didn't expect the strangeness in it to be revealed by accident.After being overjoyed, Yi Tian first took out a blank jade slip and extended the original "puppet technique" verbatim. This thing is still very useful.Then the red aura on the right hand wrapped around the jade slips, and a raging fire ignited and burned the entire set of jade slips.

After half a quarter of an hour, the outer layer of the pitch-black jade slip could not withstand the high temperature of the flame, and began to peel off little by little, revealing the true whiteness inside.After the black enamel completely faded away, Yi Tian put away the spell, spread out the jade slips and began to read the contents carefully.

After careful reading, it turns out that this is the itinerary of the disciples of Tianyunmen.According to the records above, it happened thousands of years ago. When Tianyunmen encountered a catastrophe, he was ordered by the suzerain to carry one-third of the sect's secret treasures all the way out of the Zhongzhou territory.

After wandering around, they arrived at Xihuang. According to the previous instructions of the ancestors of Tianyun, they found Fengjun Ridge in the Xihuang land boundary, and then set up the "Eight-door Golden Lock Panlong Formation" to wait for the arrival of those who are destined.

Although I don't know what catastrophe happened to Tianyunmen that year, but according to the records on this jade slip, it seems that there must have been a major event that related to the survival of the sect.Fortunately, the Heavenly Fortune Sect has a long life, and the crisis of the year has been dealt with. Otherwise, there would be no Heavenly Fortune Sect disciples like Xiao Linhang now. The way he walked around the wine bottle was probably trying to find what was lost by the sect. treasure.

As for the one-third of the secret treasures of the sect mentioned here, Yi Tian thought about it, and nine out of ten it is the Luogeng plate. Now that he has the pointer, the Luogeng plate and the base, doesn’t that mean Have you already gathered all the secret treasures of Tianyunmen?

Also, is it possible that this predestined person is talking about himself?Now his heart started to warm up. Yi Tian only had a half-knowledge of what the Tianyunmen sect was like, but he learned from side-by-side information from other sources.

The secret treasure of the luck gate that day must have been used in this area, and now I have taken other people's things and repaired it first, and it is a good way to try to use it first.

When his strength improves, he will go to talk to Xiao Linhang's master Tian Yunzi at that time. After all, there are still many mysteries in his heart that have not been solved. Maybe this is also an opportunity.

At the end of this jade slip, there is also a record of Tianyunmen's "Three Lives III Concentrating Heart Curse", which has always been a secret spell in the Tianyunmen sect. Demon Tribulation has great benefits.

After reading it carefully, Yi Tian found that this thing is definitely the biggest gain besides Luo Gengpan.Originally, Shuidong City wanted to use this thing to plot against him, but he didn't want to be given a heaven-defying gift package. I really don't know if he would vomit blood in anger if he found out.

This formula can actually be used in the Nascent Soul Tribulation, there is God's will in the dark, and there must be constant entanglements between myself and Zhongzhou Tianyunmen.Since this is the case, it would be disrespectful. Looking at the Golden Elixir ten years later, it will definitely be available.

Immediately, Yi Tian received this pair of jade slips into the ring of flame inscriptions. Now is not the time. After finishing the matter in front of him, he will find a quiet place to read it carefully.

After finishing all this, I counted the time since I left 'Baicaoya' for nearly half an hour. It is estimated that the two people probably had a hot fight with the old queen bee.

After sneering on his face, he clapped his hands together and covered his whole body with a thin cyan aura, and then Yi Tianmeng leaped over a distance of ten feet with all his strength, and drove quickly from the direction of the road on the ground, in order not to startle the snake. Ci Yitian urged Mu Lingqi to use the lightness kung fu of the mortal world to hurry.

After walking back for less than a quarter of an hour, I heard fierce noises in front of me, which were obviously made by powerful spells.After listening to it, he slowed down again, then restrained his breath and touched it quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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