
Chapter 227

Chapter 227
'Baicao Valley' is located about [-] miles southwest of Tianjian City. Although the entire valley is full of aura, there are no special products, and there are groups of third- and fourth-level monsters in the valley.

The foundation-building stage monks who often go to explore the depths of the western wilderness will not pass here purposely, and the low-level monks in the gas refining stage usually come to the 'Baicao Valley' to explore in the face of hordes of monsters. Not many people.

Usually, there is almost no one in the entire valley, so the monsters entrenched here can quickly multiply into a large group.

But today, in the depths of the valley, there were noises and flames one after another. The ear-piercing crackling sounds and flashes alarmed the low-level monsters around, and even some weaker monsters started to run away.

Under a thousand-year-old locust tree in the middle of the valley, there are raised purple jade beehives within a radius of ten feet, but it looks different from the normal one.The entrance of this beehive is three feet high, and a normal person can enter by bending down.

But looking at the back of the hive, it is not difficult to find that this large hive has two branches, one big and one small.Yi Tian, ​​who was hiding three miles away, restrained his breath, and was puzzled for a while after checking the purple jade hive with the 'Qing Ling Fa Mu'.Recalling the "Elitic Medicine Ten Thousand Chapters" jade slip just now to check the insect items in it, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The old queen bee and the new queen bee live in separate nests to raise the bee colony, so it seems right. The two main beehives, one big and one small, are two queen bees respectively.Originally, they were deceived by others, but they didn't expect Shui Dongcheng and Tong Yan to steal a lot of money, and now they have to suffer on their own.

Following the white flash, Yi Tian approached quietly all the way, about a mile away, Yi Tian stopped, and found a hidden place around to hide his figure first.

Then he cast his pupil technique from a distance to observe the fight in front of him, and only waited for Yi Tian to fix his eyes and see a queen bee nearly one foot in size surrounded by a group of soldiers and surrounded the two uninvited guests.

The two people standing in the middle showed no fear on their faces. Shui Dongcheng held a half-foot-sized purple spirit sword in his right hand and a talisman in his left hand.Tong Yan is controlling a small bronze tripod with her right hand, and offering a white jade ring with her left hand. Although she is surrounded by heavy siege, she looks excited.

The talismans in Shuidongcheng's hands were activated one by one and turned into lightsabers, and then under the control of divine consciousness, they shot towards the bee colonies trapped around them.The power of these lightsabers is also astonishing. Accompanied by the whistling wind, the entire body of the soldier peak hit by the sword energy is often split, and the corpse falls to the ground without any sense of disobedience. It is said that more than a dozen guard bees were hit.

The encirclement was broken by the lightsaber in an instant, but the old queen bee on one side made a tearing beep, and none of the remaining guard bees escaped, and instantly filled the gap in the encirclement.

Under the control of the fifth-level monsters, it slowly became balanced again, but the bee colony surrounding it didn't seem as thick as before.

At this moment, Shui Dongcheng raised the purple flying sword with a cold snort, and his hands kept forming seals on his chest, as if he was about to use some big killer move.And Tong Yan's small bronze cauldron once also withstood the group attack of the bee swarm, and dark green arrow juice of different sizes slammed towards the two of them.

When the dark green liquid came into contact with Xiao Ding's halo, it emitted a foul smell and made the halo tremble.

I heard Tong Yan shout: "Brother, hurry up, there are too many purple jade bees, and my Qingling Yaoding can't hold it anymore."

Shuidong City who was beside him didn't pay attention at all, but kept speeding up the speed of seal formation with both hands, and then a gust of breath came out from the sword body.Taking the place where Shuidong City was standing as the origin, layer after layer of air waves began to roll out, shaking the group of purple jade bees surrounding the two of them into loose formation.

Those sprayed arrow juices also seemed to have lost their aim, and they all missed under the influence of the air waves. Tong Yan felt the pressure on her suddenly lighten, and seized this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to control Yuhuan towards the weak point of the encirclement circle with her right hand. Hit away.

A bright white halo wrapped around the non-stop rotating jade ring, directly opening a foot-wide hole in the encircling circle, and then both of them obviously showed a relaxed look on their faces.

Shuidong City gradually lifted up the purple electric sword, and saw the surrounding purple thunder light coming out of it, and the sword body wrapped in electric arc quickly grew to a size of three feet.Regardless of the sweat dripping from his head, Dongcheng's hands changed rapidly and finally joined together, and then he pointed at the position of the queen bee, and the purple lightning sword turned into a thunderbolt and rushed directly towards it.

The old queen bee also saw that things were not going well, and her mouth buzzed even more urgently. More than a dozen guard bees rushed forward desperately and built a shield wall in front of the queen bee.Then they collectively fired a volley towards the Zidian Sword, and more than a dozen streams of dark green liquid converged into arrow juice as thick as a bucket to meet them.

There was an arcing sound of 'popping', and the incoming arrow juice was scattered by the arc, and the juice splashed on the ground instantly corroded the ground into pits the size of bowls.

Just by looking at the power of the Purple Lightning Sword, Yi Tian can confirm in his heart that this is at least the power of a monk at the late stage of Jindan's full strength. Although the combined blow of the dozen or so guard bees is not to be underestimated, it is actually in front of this electric arc. is vulnerable.

Before Yi Tian could think about it, the old queen bee started to move.Hearing its loud scream, it retreated towards the hive while commanding all the guard bees to come closer.Even those bee colonies that were originally in the hive rushed out in a swarm, and nearly a thousand purple jade bees gathered together, forming a three-foot-sized bee cluster.

After three breaths, a swarm of black bees surrounded the old queen bee tightly. Shui Dongcheng followed closely with both feet, and narrowed the distance from the queen bee to within five feet, and stretched out his hand Wiping the sweat off his head, he manipulated the Purple Lightning Sword with one hand and gave them a final blow.

At this time, Tong Yan also followed, tore off the Qingling Ding, and fully manipulated Yuhuan to quickly outflank the rear of the bee colony, forcing them not to return directly to their nest.

With the skilled cooperation of the two people, the queen bee was forced to the door of the hive, but she was not allowed to enter.I only heard Shui Dongcheng yelling: "Running Thunder Flash," the Zidian sword not far in front of him suddenly burst into lightning, and a net-like electric arc protruded from the sword body to form a five-foot-sized grid towards the bees. The group covered it.

And Tong Yan's jade ring is also shining with golden light spots, hovering around the grid, as long as there is a fish that slips through the net, it will hit it mercilessly.The swarms of bees also desperately resisted, and large groups of green juice exploded in the grid to support the Zidian sword.Seeing this, Shuidong City hurriedly took out a few pills, crushed them and stuffed them all into his mouth. After three breaths, his whole body's spiritual energy rose, and he controlled the power grid with both hands to push down the bee colony to the ground inch by inch.

The crackling sound of 'ZiZi' was continuously heard from the arc, and some of the peripheral bee colonies could not withstand the high-intensity voltage and were roasted into black charcoal. After ten breaths, even the guard bees in the middle began to gradually lose their support up.

With a 'bang', a series of fireballs suddenly flew out from the nearby bushes, and before the power grid completely pressed the bee colony to the ground, they took advantage of several gaps to get in.

There was a burst of cracking, and as the power grid was completely depressed, the soil on the entire ground was turned upside down, and there were five or six bucket-thick pits, large and small.

After the last crackling sound, the body of the Purple Jade Queen Bee was blown to pieces, and a monster crystal nucleus the size of a jujube pit flew out and fell into the nearby grass.

A hearty laughter came from not far away: "Brother Dongcheng, Fairy Tong is really good at tricks, and she is unambiguous in killing the Queen Bee with her hands." The two turned around and saw that it was Yi Tian walking with a smile on his face.

The atmosphere on the scene became embarrassing for a while, but everyone seldom said that they were people who had lived for decades, and it was Tong Yan who replied at this time: "Master Yi is really powerful, he cooked the group of purple jade bees so quickly. Now is the right time to come back, let's all go into the beehive to get honey." After speaking, he turned around and walked towards the beehive in the valley.

Shuidong City on the side also laughed and said: "This is just right, everyone is happy to work together." Before he finished speaking, a white spirit sword in his hand attacked Yi Tian.

With a sound of 'Dang', the flying sword was blocked by a red round shield a foot in front of Yi Tian, ​​no matter how Shuidong City manipulated it, it couldn't penetrate at all.

Tong Yan who was walking in front also turned around and raised her hand, only to see the white jade ring spinning towards Yi Tian.Ever since he had seen the methods of these two people, Yi Tian didn't dare to take it too seriously. The two spirit weapons in front of him were at least level five or above, and the spells they controlled were not weak. The only flaw was that the two had just been consumed for a while. It shouldn't have recovered so quickly after that.

After all, Yi Tian was also betting that he could play one-on-two before the spirit energy of these two people recovered.At least now it seems that the bet is right. The spells of these two people seem to be not weak, but the Shuidong City obviously has the Zidian Sword in use, so it must not be activated again. There is also a lot of spiritual power.

With the idea of ​​not letting it go, Yi Tian also made up his mind at the moment. He felt that there was something wrong with these two people in the early morning, so he took this opportunity to win them all, so that it would be easier to see what happened.

After throwing three flywheels with the left hand, the index finger of the right hand connected three sparks to ignite the flywheels, and the three plate-sized flywheels circled around the arc to attack behind the two of them.Shui Dongcheng and Tong Yan had no choice but to dodge the flywheel attack, and the distance to Yi Tian was a few feet closer.

Yi Tian didn't dare to release any more water in this one-on-two state, so he must go all out for every move.With a stomp on his right foot, wrapped in a mass of red fire aura all over his body, he replaced the wind escape technique with the fire escape technique, and a trace of Xuanyang real fire wrapped around his right hand, using the recently practiced 'Xuanyang cut' ’, then pointed at Tong Yan with her left hand, and the three fire wheels blocked her rescue route from the top, middle and bottom angles.

After a cold snort, Yi Tian's figure split into two groups of flames and disappeared from the original position. Shuidong City was shocked when he saw this, and turned his head to stare at the flames, looking for Yi Tian's figure.At this time, Tong Yan suddenly exclaimed: "Those two groups are fake shadow division techniques, senior brother, be careful behind your back."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Yi Tian's figure appearing one zhang behind Shuidongcheng on the left side. Shuidongcheng was so startled that he couldn't use his body skills, so he had to concentrate all his spiritual power on the protective cover on his back.

But the right hand wrapped in flames pierced through Shuidong City's shield in no time like cutting tofu, and a heavy fist hit his back. With a 'bang', Shuidongcheng spat out blood, and then the whole After the heavy blow from top to bottom, the body crashed towards the ground, and after a burst of smoke dispersed, there was still a smoking black hole behind.

Yi Tian was also stunned for a moment, the ordinary five-level defensive armor of his method could not resist at all, and he didn't seem to let go of the attack just now.Turning his head to look at Shuidong City on the ground, it seems that he is wearing a high-level armor.

Under the atmosphere of killing intent, Yi Tian didn't care so much, and separated out a wave of spiritual consciousness to control the fire flywheel to entangle Tong Yan.Then, the spiritual energy in his whole body flourished again, he took out the olive core in his right hand, lit the Xuanyang fire, and shouted "go".

A fire ball the size of a baby's fist attacked Shuidong City again, and Yi Tian's body was not idle, and he used 'Xuanyang Cut' again with his right hand, and a figure disappeared in place again.

Shuidong City fell on the ground with a hideous face, mouthfuls of blood spewed out from its mouth, then took out the Zidian Sword and smeared the blood on it desperately, stood up with swords in both hands and moved towards the flying fireball went up to welcome.

The purple electric arc activated the power grid within a ten-foot radius around him, and Shui Dongcheng screamed while spitting blood: "Don't kill me, or you will be hunted down endlessly by the 'Thousand Spirit Sect' of Zhongzhou."

After the fire olive hit the grid head-on, the flame spread along the grid to the entire spell, looking like a fire net from a distance.And the purple electric sword seemed to be on fire, burning non-stop.Shuidongcheng threw away the spirit weapon in his hand, turned around and saw Yi Tian was standing behind him, with a disdainful sneer on his face.

After a flash of flames, there was a scorched black corpse on the ground. Looking at Shuidong City, which was already dead and couldn't die any more, Yi Tian frowned. Although the body of this corpse was burnt to black, the facial features The silhouette definitely doesn't look like Shuidong City.Based on the performance of the two when they killed the queen bee before, this matter seems to be getting more and more interesting.

Immediately, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to catch the fire olive, put away the spell, took out a storage bag and put the whole body in it, then turned his head and looked in the direction of Tong Yan.

Sensing the peeping eyes from one side, Tong Yan felt that calculating Yi Tian was the stupidest thing he had committed today.With the corner of his eye, he saw Yi Tian collecting the corpse just now, and then he shouted: "You killed Senior Brother Gu, and you will face the endless pursuit of the 'Thousand Spirit Sect', as long as you let me go, you can still Hurry up and escape to the depths of the Western Wilderness, and enjoy the rest of your life to the fullest."

This is the second time Yi Tian heard about the "Thousand Spirit Sect" from the two of them, but it seems that he has read the historical travel notes before Xihuang, and the "Thousand Spirit Sect" has never appeared in the records in this land.

But it seems that what Tong Yan said doesn’t seem to be fake, and this matter needs to be clarified. Visually, Tong Yan is definitely not his opponent. Yi Tian slowly stepped forward and used the three fire wheels to limit her range of activities. Restraining himself, he asked in a deep voice: "You are not Tong Yan himself, and he is not Shuidong City. If I guessed correctly, the real Tong Yan and Yang Ling were murdered by you long before they met at Xidingshan. As for Shuidong City It was because you were tricked into a trap by the two of you after we parted ways, and then you pretended to be him to plot against me, saying who are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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