
Chapter 228 Calculation

Chapter 228 Calculation
In the depths of the Western Wilderness Plain, there was a white flash in front of the sky, and a cyan flash behind, and the two light spots kept chasing and flying towards the depths of the wasteland.

Yi Tian, ​​who was flying behind, had no fear on his face. He held a few pieces of middle-quality goods in his left hand to absorb spiritual power from time to time, while his right hand held a jug with the lid open to drink a few sips from time to time.

Ever since the monk who pretended to be Shuidong City was killed in the 'Valley of Hundred Flowers', Tong Yan was waiting for an opportunity to escape.But Yi Tianna will let her succeed. Visually, the identities of these two people are also questionable. They killed three casual cultivators casually, and they were able to produce high-level spiritual weapons. As for the "Thousand Spirit Sect" they talked about Also a suspicious clue.

Yi Tian's idea is that since he has killed one, he must not let the other one go.Presumably, Tong Yan also sensed the killing intent, and knew that with her own means, she would probably end up here.

After being surrounded by the three fire wheels for an hour, Tong Yan didn't care about anything else, and directly sacrificed the Qingling tripod to protect herself, and then took out a flying escape talisman to inject spiritual energy to activate and escape.

Fortunately, Yi Tian's eyes were sharp, and he knew something bad was going to happen with a glance. He hurriedly squeezed the magic formula with both hands, and the three flywheels merged into one, and then moved towards the Qingling cauldron.After receiving a strong attack, the defense of the entire small tripod began to become shaky, Tong Yan had to slow down the speed of activating the talisman, and instead freed her hands to stabilize the defense.

Under the two phases, Yi Tian showed a look of anxiety. Although she slowed down her escape speed, it would be troublesome when the magic talisman was fully activated. Who knows where she would be teleported.

Seeing the flying escape talisman getting brighter and brighter, Yi Tian also got anxious, jumped forward with a 'swish', stopped in front of the opponent's protective cover, and then pointed at the flywheel with both hands, three small flywheels Get out of it, and attack from three fixed points on the left, right and rear.With one blow, the three flywheels were respectively embedded on the mask, and then saw Yi Tian chanting words, and the small flywheels rotated rapidly, as if cutting the protective cover.

Tong Yan, who was hiding in it, also showed fear, and three cracks began to appear on the Qingling tripod in front of him, and they were getting bigger and bigger, and the surrounding protective shields also became flickering, as if it was about to be unbearable. Living.

Tong Yan's face also paled, and her mood, which had been slightly calm before, became tense again.Accompanied by the sound of '呲呵', Tong Yan also eagerly poured all her spiritual power into the talisman.

Hearing a click, the entire defense was breached, and just as his heart felt cold, the Flying Escape Talisman also emitted a shining light, Tong Yan turned around to see that the last life-saving straw had been activated, and his whole body was covered with a layer of light film , and then turned into a flash of light and flew towards the depths of the wasteland.

Yi Tian was also angry from the heart, and the three small flywheels rotated again, leaving three red marks on the light film of the Flying Escape Rune.However, under the influence of external force, the Flying Escape Talisman did not leap three hundred miles as expected.

Under Yi Tian's eyes, the light group wrapped in the child's face only traveled to the southwest for nearly thirty or forty miles before falling.Seeing that the other party didn't escape too far, Yi Tian also showed joy. After closing the flywheel with his hands together, his whole body was wrapped in a blue aura, and he used the wind escape technique to fly straight towards Tong Yan's foothold.

At this time, Tong Yan was about to cry, but she thought that she would survive the catastrophe by activating the Flying Escape Talisman this time, but she didn't expect that the opponent's spells could affect the effect of the Flying Escape Talisman.Although she felt helpless in every way, but seeing Yi Tian coming in a threatening manner, Tong Yan had no choice but to chase the ducks to the shelves and perform escapism to escape to the depths of the inaccessible Western Wilderness.

The two chased one after the other in the air for nearly half a day, and the distance between them gradually shortened from thirty miles to three miles.Yi Tian also knew that the other party must have a ghost in his heart, otherwise he would not have galloped towards the depths of the deserted wasteland.After being determined in his heart, his feet were also quicker, and the output of spiritual power increased by three points, and the speed immediately increased, shortening the distance between the two of them a little bit.

Tong Yan in the front is also miserable at this time, flying all the way to replenish her spiritual power by taking drugs, but the pursuers behind seem to be faster and stronger, and there is no sign of falling down. With the support of technology, it is estimated that he has already caught up.

From Baicao Valley to here, it has been nearly a thousand miles deep into the wasteland, and now Tong Yan is like a headless fly, basically panicking, and has no time to think about the direction of escape.

Yi Tian, ​​who was chasing from behind, was also puzzled. Every time he speeded up, Tong Yan in front would bring his speed to a state similar to his own. Although he had consumed a lot of spiritual power, the opponent must have overdrawn even more.

If it weren't for the fear of encountering some high-level monsters in this wasteland, Yi Tian wouldn't be so cautious.After a few times of acceleration, I found that Tong Yan in front of me gradually seemed to be losing strength, and now the distance between them was shortened to about one mile.

After visually entering the attack range, Yi Tian smiled, took out a fireball talisman in his hand, injected a little spiritual energy, and threw it directly behind Tong Yan.Although the distance is far away, it is definitely impossible to hit, but when Tong Yan heard the whistling wind behind him, until the situation was wrong, he turned around and glanced around, and saw a fist-sized fireball ten feet away from him. fly over.

Tong Yan's face didn't change, but his heart became more and more anxious, thinking that if he went on like this, he would probably be exhausted by the other party, and it would be better to turn around and fight head-on to have a higher chance of surviving.

After flying over a few hills, Tong Yan found a col and landed directly, then took out all the pills she was carrying, stuffed them in her mouth and started chewing.After ten breaths, the aura of the whole person has been significantly improved, and the spiritual power wrapped around his body is also constantly improving.

When Lao Yuan saw Tong Yan, he slowed down, and Yi Tian didn't rush, took out a few blood essence pills that he asked Dugu Ao to ask for before and took them.After the medicine melted in the stomach, the whole person felt a surge of spiritual power bursting out of the body.It's a pity that this pill is a good thing, but the amount is too small. Next time I find a chance to make more.

After regaining his senses, he checked that his spiritual power had recovered to a minimum, and he believed that Tong Yan's condition would not be too bad at this moment.Yi Tian thought in his heart that he had to get valuable information first, and it would not be a problem to kill the other party rashly.

Slowly falling in the middle of the mountain, a distance of ten feet away from Tong Yan, Yi Tian first used the Qingling method to carefully identify the other party, and then asked in a deep voice: "Can you tell me the name, fellow daoist, and why do you want to pretend to be Tong Yan and Tong Yan?" Yang Ling, and killed Shuidong City afterwards?"

After listening to Yi Tian's words, the other party did not deny it, and directly removed the disguise on his body to show his true face.At first glance, she looks like a young woman about 20 years old. Although her appearance is not shy, she can be regarded as refined. The temperament of her whole person and life is similar to that of Yan Zhaoxue. In comparison, it should be related to the 'Thousand Spirit Sect' they mentioned earlier.

It's just that there is a trace of sweat on the forehead and the hair on the temples is wet, which is obviously exhausted.Before killing her accomplice, Yi Tian has no plan to let her leave alive, if the grass is not uprooted, the spring breeze will regenerate, leaving a big hidden danger for herself in the future is not worth the loss.

After sweeping his eyes, he understood in his heart that the monks who had cultivated to the late stage of foundation establishment were not ninety or hundreds of years old, and there were very few people who could reach such a state at the age of six or seventy like himself.The real age of the female cultivator in front of her is probably that she can be her aunt. Judging from her face, she should have taken some beauty elixir.

"Shi Qianwei, a disciple of the 'Thousand Spirit Sect' in Lower Zhongzhou, did not expect you to be such a powerful direct disciple of the Lihuo Sect in Zhongzhou. My senior brother Gu Canglang's death in your hands will be settled sooner or later."

After hearing this, Yi Tian felt amused, it seems that Shi Qianwei on the opposite side regarded herself as the descendant of Li Huo Sect in Zhongzhou, now that the white dog steals the black dog as a disaster, he might as well pretend to be Li Huo in the future Forget it for the disciples of the Fire Sect, this can be regarded as pulling the tiger's skin to pull the banner.

After thinking about it for a while, Yi Tian snorted coldly: "Are you still planning to leave now that you are a teacher and friend? This Western Wasteland is not the jurisdiction of your 'Qianlingzong'. Why are you pretending to be Yang Ling and Tong Yan?"

Shi Qianwei asked without showing any weakness, "When did you see through us?"

"In the refining room of Xidingshan, Master Daoist, didn't you hint to me that you want to make a promise with your body?" After speaking, Yi Tian laughed out loud.

Now Shi Qianwei, who was standing aside, couldn't hold back anymore, her cheeks were reddish and she spat angrily: "You are a disciple, I know that you are secretly hooking up with that coquettish fox."

"It's not that Fairy Shi was exposed by herself. Tong Yan cultivated water-type spiritual power. If I guessed correctly, you should cultivate metal-type spiritual power." Yi Tian curled his lips and continued incredulously: "And What I traded with Tong Yan was only the last few layers of formulas of the 'Qing Ling Dharma Eye', but Fairy Shi, you yourself would have misunderstood it, which made me suspicious."

Three or two sentences made Shi Qianwei choke so hard that she couldn't speak, and it took a while to come back to her senses, Shi Qianwei said sharply: "You have killed my senior brother Gu Canglang, and the ancestor of his ancient family is a late Jindan You are a cultivator of the Realm, and you are the one who is most likely to become a baby within 300 years in my 'Thousand Spirit Sect'. You should have been planted with a blood contract, even if you return to the 'Li Fire Sect', it is impossible Escape from the pursuit of the ancient family. If I were you, don't hurry up and find a place to hide in the depths of the Western Wilderness at this time. My Qianlingzong has its own tracking method, and you won't be able to hide if you want to .”

Now it was Yi Tian's turn to sink his heart. When he killed Gu Canglang just now, he faintly felt that something was wrong with him. It should be some kind of blood contract for money.It seems that I didn't notice it because I haven't reached the level of cultivation, so I have to wait for the alchemy to find a way to get rid of it.

Turning to Shi Qianwei, he said: "Since this is the case, in order to avoid future troubles, I have to keep you here, Shi Xianzi, so that I can feel at ease." As soon as he finished speaking, the big flywheel in his hand suddenly burst into flames Fly towards Shi Qianwei.

Seeing the other party tearing his face, Shi Qianwei also secretly complained, knowing that threats and intimidation are not effective, but now seeing that Yi Tian is determined to keep herself here, it is impossible for Shi Qianwei to sit still and wait for death.The right hand sacrificed the jade ring, and a bright white halo wrapped around the jade ring and then moved towards the flywheel to meet it.

There was a crisp sound of 'Dang', and Yuhuan was firmly suppressed by the flywheel for the first time when the spirit weapons of the two sides met.The fire-type aura that Yi Tian cultivated has already restrained Shi Qianwei in terms of skill attributes, and her cultivation base is more than a step higher than hers.In the air, the two spirit weapons held each other for less than three breaths, and then the flywheel staggered away from Yuhuan and flew towards the position where Shi Qianwei was standing, and Yuhuan's lost aim was too late to return to the defense, scaring Shi Qianwei's face.

The second sound of "Dang" sounded, and a small cyan cauldron was sacrificed and placed in front of the flywheel. It turned out that Shi Qianwei hurriedly took out the spirit cauldron to defend herself when she saw that the attack was unsuccessful. It was about to reach the limit, and the cracks on the small tripod slowly expanded along the original gap, making a crisp sound of 'squeak'.

When Yi Tian saw it, he sneered and made a seal with his hands again, pointing at the flywheel, and made three beeps of "sudden, sudden, sudden", and the three small flywheels flew out in all directions, bypassed Xiaoding, and then flew towards Shi Qianwei's sides.

As soon as the two sides fought, the difference between the superior and the inferior was determined. At this time, Shi Qianwei's face changed a few times. After biting her lip with her teeth, traces of blood flowed out from the corner of her mouth.

Then Yi Tian saw that her face sank suddenly, as if she had made some great determination, and couldn't help cheering up 12 points. The ability that this person erupted when he was dying was absolutely inestimable.For this reason, both hands did not stop while directly increasing the spiritual power, while secretly taking out the nanmu seeds, which transformed into a vine within three breaths and penetrated into the ground, extending towards the direction where Shi Qianwei was standing.

Unexpectedly, Shi Qianwei ignored Yi Tian's attack, but just took out a simple mirror from the storage bracelet and looked at Yi Tian.Then he bit his finger and wrote the names of Yi Tian and Shi Qianwei in the mirror, and then put the mirror on the ground.Then he took out two big red candles and lit them on both sides of the mirror, and then he muttered something.

Suddenly Yi Tian felt that the surrounding environment had changed, the original barren mountains and wild mountains had turned into wedding candles, and his killing intent towards Shi Qianwei seemed to have disappeared all of a sudden, and the spells in his hands had suddenly stopped. The small flywheel that was controlled was also put away, and the defensive Qingling tripod was put away with a 'swish'.

A red light flashed, and Yi Tian turned his head to see that the clothes on his body had been changed into the groom's big red gown, while Shi Qianwei on the opposite side was wearing the bride's clothes with a ruddy complexion, her ten fingers were as delicate as jade fingers, It's like waiting for the husband's wife in the bridal chamber, but the traces of blood leaking from the corner of her mouth and the unnatural smile on her face are incompatible with this beaming environment.

In the center of the bridal chamber was a round table and two round stools. On the table were a jug of wine, two wine glasses and some pastries. Immediately, the two couldn't help but came together and sat down next to the table holding hands.Shi Qianwei shyly picked up the jug and filled the wine glass, then handed it over, and Yi Tian took the wine glass involuntarily.

After the two of them slowly drank the wine, Yi Tian found himself a little dizzy, and his usual clear thinking seemed useless at this time, and Shi Qianwei also staggered to help Yi Tian move towards Da Hongxi bed walked.

(End of this chapter)

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