
Chapter 229 Harvest

Chapter 229 Harvest
The dense fog on a certain mountain depression in the depths of the Western Wilderness Plain lasted for a day before gradually dissipating. It is normal for the mountains to have fog in this wet and cold weather.The location of the col is relatively remote, and there is no record of the appearance of spirit beasts here. If you don't get close to it on purpose, it will be difficult to find the situation here.

In the depths of the mountain depression, a man and a woman sat with their backs facing each other three feet apart. Neither of them said a word, each of them was sorting out their things.

Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting on one side, scratched his head from time to time, as if he wanted to say something.But as soon as she turned her head, she could see Shi Qianwei's bloodshot eyes and haggard face from the corner of her eyes. Some words just reached her mouth and she couldn't continue.

At this time, Yi Tian didn't have any opinion on Shi Qianwei from the bottom of his heart, he just felt that this came too suddenly, although he took advantage of it, but thinking about it the other way, he also followed the other party's way.

After waiting for a while, it was still Shi Qianwei who spoke first: "You have been infected with the ancient family's blood deed tracking technique, and after you successfully form the alchemy, you can rely on your own cultivation to erase it, and before that, don't go back to Zhongzhou. "

"Are you concerned about me?" After the topic started, Yi Tian finally found that the atmosphere had eased.

Shi Qianwei didn't pick up the topic, but said to herself: "I'm an inner disciple of the 'Qianlingzong'. I'm under a hundred years old this year, and I can be considered a leader among my peers in the sect."

Now Yi Tian sensed something, smiled and said quickly: "I'm not yet seventy this year, so I'm a direct descendant in the sect, and I won't suffer from following you."

I saw Shi Qianwei covering her mouth and looking at Yi Tian secretly in surprise, looking up and down, she first smiled slightly, and then returned to normal, only to hear her say flatly: "Your 'Li Huo Sect' Now it can barely be regarded as the first-class sect in Zhongzhou, but it is still a little far away from my 'Thousand Spirit Sect'. I will give you 300 years, and when you practice to the late stage of Jindan, come to the sect to propose marriage, and I will wait for you." The words became more and more serious. The voice of the last sentence can almost only be heard by herself.

"According to my speed, it should take 300 years to reach the Nascent Soul stage. Don't worry, as long as you leave your contact information, I will definitely come to the appointment at that time." Yi Tianman replied indifferently.

After speaking, thinking that there were still some loot to be harvested, the two of them also recovered their spiritual power and prepared to return by the same way.

Although the two of them flew side by side along the way, they spoke less than ten sentences in total.Yi Tian knew that she was worried about tracking the blood contract of the monks of the Gu family, so she had to try her best to talk about it elsewhere.

After returning to 'Baicaoya', Shi Qianwei checked it out. Fortunately, there was no sign of tampering with the nest of purple jade beehives.This time, the two of them were not polite, Yi Tian shot open the beehive directly, while Shi Qianwei took out a few storage jade bottles and filled all the bee jelly in the two places.

In the end, nearly a hundred bee eggs placed in the hive were found in the beehive. After Shi Qianwei carefully screened them in her hands, she selected a batch of bee eggs that could be used for hatching, and prepared to take them back to the sect as spirits. Insect culture.

When Shi Qianwei searched the hive, Yi Tian was not idle, and directly wrote the 'Puppet Art' and 'Ning Xin Curse' on the jade slips respectively.Then he took off the valuables and storage bracelets from the 'Gu Canglang' corpse, and destroyed the corpse with a big fireball.

After breaking the imprint on the bracelet, Yi Tian counted the items inside. In addition to a large number of spirit stones and the purple lightning sword, there are also two books named 'Thousand Faces' and 'Yao Jianshu'. Lingzong's town school's unique skill 'Qianling Jue'.

After flipping through it roughly, Yi Tian found that both of the formulas can be practiced directly, especially the 'Thousand Faces Technique' which can change one's appearance into that of anyone he has ever seen.After thinking about it, this is a great weapon for robbing houses and killing people, but the disadvantage is that it cannot imitate the opponent's aura attributes and magic moves. Once it is used, it can only achieve unexpected effects. It is still very difficult to truly confuse the real with the fake .

But that's enough, what Yi Tian lacks most now is such auxiliary spells, if he really wants to doze off, someone will send him a pillow.

As for the summary in front of the 'Bright Sword Art', it is clearly stated that this is an offensive spell that does not have specific requirements for the attribute of spiritual power, and anyone who is a swordsman can use it, especially the 'sword spell' when it has been practiced to a great degree. Qi is like silk', compressing the three-inch thick sword air into a silk-like thickness is amazingly powerful, and it is the representative of the surface-breaking spell.

This sword formula is one of the top skills of the three town schools of Qianlingzong. Although the formula in hand is not a complete set, it is enough. It records that it can be used to the Xiaocheng state of "condensing the emptiness and transforming the real" in the Jindan stage.

And the 'Thousand Spirit Art' is obviously suitable for monks with Jinshui Lingli, but it is tasteless to Yi Tian.

After thinking about it for a while, he took out three jade slips and rubbed these spiritual formulas and spells respectively. Originally, he kept them all by himself, and handed the rubbings to Shi Qianwei. I believe that with her ingenuity, she can make the most of everything use it.

From the beginning to the end, the relationship between the two people was very delicate, Shi Qianwei always looked hesitant to speak, and the eyes she looked at Yi Tian softened a lot.But on his face was a look that strangers should not enter, and Yi Tian didn't know what to do.

When she was parting, Shi Qianwei just took out two concentric buttons, bit her fingertips and popped out two drops of blood.After the Tongxin button absorbed the blood donation, Shi Qianwei handed one of them to Yi Tiandao: "I'll wait for you to come to Zhongzhou with the token."

After returning from the depths of the Western Wilderness Plain, the relationship between the two became more subtle. The third division Qianwei seemed to have something to say a few times, but every time she saw Yi Tian's hippie smiling face, she was not angry at all.

It is said that women are fickle. Although Yi Tian is sixty years old, he can only be regarded as a fledgling young man in this respect.Three days later, ten miles away from Tianjian City, Yi Tian watched Shi Qianwei go away with a helpless smile on his face.

During this period of time, the two seem to have let go of their estrangement, and they have warmed up a few times during this period.Holding the concentric buckle in his hand, the most urgent thing in Yi Tian's heart at this moment is to form an alchemy, and then trace and remove the blood deed on his body.

After thinking about the way to go, Yi Tian shook his head and was entangled in spiritual power all over his body. He used the wind escape technique and flew towards Tianjian City.

After returning to the Zheng's Artifact Refining Shop in the north of the city, Yi Tian greeted Zheng Fu directly, and explained that he might need to retreat for a while.

Then he handed over some of the low-level spirit weapons left on his body to Zheng Fu, and they were supposed to be consigned in the shop.In this way, it can also ensure that the store's supply of goods will not be interrupted during the closed period, and it can also be explained to the main store.

After finishing the finishing work, Yi Tian went directly into the refining room inside the shop, covered the spirit-gathering array with spirit stones on the open space in the room, and then sat at the eye of the array to adjust his breath.

The Asura Dharma image suddenly appeared on his body, and the main spiritual consciousness maintained the state of cultivation, and then separated into two spiritual consciousness to count the materials in the storage bracelet and the scroll of 'Bright Sword Technique' respectively.Really achieve three purposes in one mind.

Apart from the Concentrating Curse, the puppet art is the most valuable in this expedition. I also brought the storage bracelets from Shuidong City. In addition to more than [-] spirit stones, there are also some puppet wreckage.

Although it was beaten to pieces before, there are more or less clues left on it, which can be used as samples for refining.In this way, when practicing puppet art, it will definitely get twice the result with half the effort. The ready-made samples can be used to decompose one by one. Effect.

Moreover, many inscriptions on the puppet art seem complicated, but in fact, dismantling them can't be regarded as advanced inscriptions.After disassembling some puppet wreckage, Yi Tian discovered that this thing itself is not complicated, even some apprentices who have just learned how to inscribe can make it.

After carefully referring to the 'puppet art' scroll, the key difficulty is to combine the various parts in an orderly manner. In addition, the bearing pins at the joints of the limbs all need higher-level inscriptions and materials to be refined. of.

The energy core of the entire puppet turned out to be the crystal nucleus of a monster, and the quality and attributes of this crystal nucleus directly affect the strength of the puppet itself.After dismantling the energy core of the 'Black General', Yi Tiancai discovered that it contained a black lacquered fifth-level monster core, about the size of an egg. No wonder the strength of this black general can reach Foundation building peak.

It is estimated that if it is not because the quality of the material is too low, and the attributes are also repulsive, this black general should be able to reach the strength of an early Jindan monk.It seems that the magic operator is only a "two knives" in the refining process, which is a waste of great resources.

At the same time, another strand of spiritual consciousness was examining the Golden Sun Grass. After reading the "Elitic Medicine Ten Thousand Articles", Hou Yitian found that the efficacy of this elixir can greatly shorten the progress of practicing "Golden Sun Immortal Body".The spiritual herbs collected in large quantities in the market before had to be used carefully and carefully, but now it is better to use the best quality ones directly.

Originally, Yi Tian planned to spend ten years to practice the first level of physical training to the Xiaocheng state. According to the description of "Golden Sun is not bad for the body", as long as the body reaches the Xiaocheng state, the muscles, bones and skin of the whole body will be fully penetrated. Shining golden, the strength of the body alone can withstand a lightning strike.

According to the current situation of abundant cultivation materials, the progress of this cultivation can be greatly shortened, and it only takes nearly half of the time to achieve the expected effect.

The main spiritual consciousness has been holding the jade slip of the "Heart Concentration Curse" for detailed reference. The content on it is extensive and profound. Yi Tian admires Tianyunmen very much until now. I heard that there are not many disciples in the sect, but all of them are It can be cultivated to the Golden Core Realm.

Judging from Xiao Linhang's qualifications before, he will definitely be a Nascent Soul cultivator after 500 years. It is really difficult for other sects to find a Nascent Soul cultivator, but according to the appearance of Tianyunmen, it seems that it is not a problem .

Even the most difficult level of demons can be overcome skillfully, which makes it difficult for others to live.Although the 'Concentrating Curse' in his hand is not a complete version, it is enough. Yi Tian is secretly making up his mind now that he will go to Zhongzhou to visit Tianyun Gate in the future, maybe the doubts in his heart can be solved easily.

(End of this chapter)

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