
Chapter 230

Chapter 230
One day seven years later, in the inner hall of the branch of the Zheng family's refining shop, Yi Tianzheng sat respectfully at the lower end, and the ones seated above were Zheng Rutong, the Jindan elder of the Zheng family, and Zheng Yong, the big shopkeeper of the main store.

In fact, Yi Tian only interacted with the two people when he first entered the city. In the past few years, except for leaving the shop when he went on an expedition last time, he spent most of the rest of the time squatting in the shop.

I don't know what's going on this time, and the two will come to the door for an interview in person.Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting on the seat, was also full of doubts in his heart, and his face still showed helplessness.No matter who is interrupted, it is not a good thing. Fortunately, in the past few years, I have already practiced the first level of "Golden Sun Immortal Body", and I have a thorough understanding of the puppet art. Learn about the 'Concentration Curse'.

If Zheng Fu hadn't disturbed him three times and four times a month, Yi Tian would still be hiding in the secret room and not come out.

Now that I met these two as soon as I came out, Zheng Yong didn't pay attention to them, and his level of refining weapons should be a little bit behind his own.On the contrary, the appearance of Jindan Elder Zheng Rutong is intriguing. When he first arrived in Tianjian City, he was also favored by others, and Yi Tian didn't dare to be too presumptuous in front of high-ranking monks.

After Zheng Fu served good tea and closed the door, Zheng Rutong opened the barrier with a wave of his hand and enveloped the three of them in.Seeing this, Yi Tian was stunned for a moment, this time he came to the door to ask for something, and from the looks of the two of them, they seemed to be in some trouble.

I only heard Zheng Rutong say to Yi Tian with a smile: "Yi Daoyou, I think you are almost ready to form alchemy, and I guess it will be like this for 30 to [-] years."

Yi Tian couldn't deny this either, surging spiritual power filled his whole body, if he hadn't been struggling to suppress his cultivation, I'm afraid the Thunder Tribulation of Core Formation would come within five years.

But at this time, Zheng Rutong mentioned this matter, whether he wanted to plan his own future, or whether he had other plans.Yi Tian smiled back and said: "Elder Zheng's eyes are like a torch, and I am also troubled by these things. I haven't found a cave full of spiritual energy yet."

"This matter is easy to handle. Although I am stationed in Tianjian City, I still have some connections in the Excalibur Sect. It is not a problem to find a cave with plenty of spiritual power."

With Zheng Rutong's guarantee, Yi Tian was sure of it.But to take the short hand of others, this time it is clear that they are here to ask for help, and the remuneration has been agreed in this way, so I don't know what it is.After thinking about it, Yi Tian also got up and cupped his hands: "I don't know what is the order of Elder Zheng, if I can do it, it must be defined, and the resignation will not be perfunctory."

What Zheng Rutong was waiting for was this sentence. Zheng Rutong's eyes lit up, and then he stretched out his hand to signal Yi Tianan to sit down, and then said: "The original Tianjian City's refining shop held a grand meeting every 20 years, and it is estimated that there is still a month left." At that time, each store will send several candidates to participate in the alchemy or weapon refining competition."

Now Yi Tian was a little puzzled after hearing this. Could it be that Zheng Rutong thought that his level was higher than that of the big shopkeeper, and was going to make a replacement?
I heard Zheng Rutong go on to say: "Each store sends two refining masters to the competition, each with three assistants, and this store will be staffed by Yi Daoyou and Yongxian nephew. The master craftsman will judge on the spot, as long as there is one spiritual weapon that reaches the fifth level."

Zheng Yong looked serious, thought for a while and took the topic: "I don't know who is in charge and who is in charge. When the time comes, there will always be someone who dispatches and directs on the field."

Zheng Rutong's face froze when he was asked, and then he pretended to be indifferent and said: "You are the leader, and Fellow Daoist Yi is the deputy. You will dispatch all the supplies."

At this time, Zheng Yong showed a satisfied smile on his face. It seemed that his ancestor still knew the depth of this place, and would not completely entrust these matters to outsiders.

On the contrary, Yi Tian didn't show any emotion on his face, but there was a murmur in his heart. The person in front of him knew about his crafting in Xiding Mountain.It's no wonder that Xiding Mountain is also considered to be under the jurisdiction of the Excalibur Sect, and there was no reason why the Jindan cultivators who were guarding there hadn't investigated such a big commotion there.

Turning his head to look at Zheng Yong, who was enjoying himself on the side, Yi Tian was only slightly disappointed. If he couldn't get a good result in this competition, it would be difficult for Zheng Rutong to explain to him.It is definitely a good thing for him to form alchemy in a cave with abundant spiritual energy. If it is not good, it will be a big deal to go deep into the wilderness alone, and find another way to find a spiritual vein to open a cave.

At this time, Zheng Rutong's voice transmission came from my ear: "Yi Daoyou, this competition is of great importance. It is related to the share that my Zheng family will pay in the next 20 years, and the ratio of receiving high-level raw materials. I can do my best, and I only ask to keep the No.5 from last time."

Yi Tian turned his head to look at Zheng Yong. It seemed that he didn't care about it, so he said to Zheng Ru: "Senior, please rest assured, I will do my best to assist Zheng Daoyou to complete this mission satisfactorily."

With such an answer, Zheng Rutong also showed joy, and then instructed the two of them to pay attention to each competition, and then got up and took Zheng Yong to leave.

After bidding farewell to the two, Yi Tian also sat down to recollect the previous conversation carefully.Zheng Rutong's meaning couldn't be more obvious, this time he wants to keep No.5.On the other hand, Zheng Yong didn't want to say much, for fear of hurting his own people's hearts. In fact, Zheng Rutong knew that his level of refining weapons was much higher than Zheng Yong's. I'm afraid he should be the main force to complete this competition.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian felt helpless for a while, after all, he should fight for the alchemy cave, at least he didn't lose too much to himself.

In the following [-] days, Yi Tian still locked himself in a secret room, excluding his own cultivation. This time Yi Tian was preparing to refine the small five-element sword formation recorded in the weapon manual of Xuanyang Cave.Although only five flying swords need to be refined, the inscriptions on them all have the same style, and they can be used to attack alone or to form an array.

The key is that these five flying swords need to be formed at the same time, and they are five-level elementary spirit weapons.

Time passed by, and the celebration held every 20 years in Tianjian City was held on time under the circumstances that attracted much attention.On the day of the celebration, Yi Tian also received a message from Zheng Rutong, please come to the head office of Zheng's Artifact Refining Shop as soon as possible.

Dare not neglect this, after leaving the customs, he ordered Zheng Fuhaosheng to guard the store, and then Yi Tian hurried to the main store.

Half an hour later, when Yi Tian entered the main store, he saw that all the shop assistants were listless, and there were no customers in the shop.After a closer look, his heart was not good, and Yi Tian had no choice but to show his nameplate, and then the assistant took him to the main hall behind.

Before I bought the door, I heard several people in the hall arguing about something. It seemed that they had objections to this weapon refining competition.After Yi Tian stepped into the main hall, he saw Zheng Rutong sitting on the main seat and looking at Yi Tian expectantly, followed by Zheng Yong and a group of craftsmen, but their faces were not good-looking.A few craft refiners even looked at Yi Tian with provocative eyes.

At first glance, it was obvious that this was a 'Hongmen Banquet', even Zheng Yong's expression became unkind.

After going forward to greet Zheng Rutong, Yi Tian also greeted everyone present one by one. At this time, it is never wrong to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger.

I only heard Zheng Rutong pointing to the seat next to him and saying: "You Daoist Yi, please take a seat."

After swiping Yi Tian, ​​he found that everyone's eyes were focused on him, especially in Zheng Yong's eyes, the look of jealousy seemed to see through him.

With a laugh on his face, Yi Tian didn't hesitate to step forward and sit down under the patriarch's head.Then Zheng Rutong cleared his throat and said: "In view of the changes in the rules of this competition, I have decided that Yi Daoyou will represent my Zheng family in the competition. The assistants you need can be directly selected in the hall, and the rest of you must not have any objections."

As soon as the words came out, all the opposing voices below were suppressed, and even Zheng Yong looked downcast.Thinking about it, Zheng Rutong still kept his word at home, no matter how many objections there were from below, he would not dare to contradict him openly.

This was beyond Yi Tian's expectation, and he had no choice but to ask: "Senior, I don't know what changes this time?"

Zheng Rutong sighed and replied: "In the past, each family produced two refiners, but this year the City Lord's Mansion suddenly changed the rules, stipulating that each family can only produce one refiner, but I heard that this time there is also a foreign refiner." The instrument masters want to learn their skills together, so the higher-ups made this decision."

Now Yi Tian understood that Zheng Rutong was not optimistic about Zheng Yong, and the rules of this competition were changed, forcing every family to send the strongest craftsman to compete.In this way, the originally prepared plan became unusable. After thinking about it, Yi Tian asked: "I don't know if there are any changes to other rules. Are there any specific restrictions on time, place and assistants?"

"The specific competition time is three days later, and the place is in the Art Refiner Hall in the city. The time for the competition is limited to six hours, and the materials are prepared by each family. The assistants are relaxed, and each Artifact Master can bring five The refining process is semi-open to the apprentices of the refining masters, and each family is assigned a semi-open refining workshop."

Looking at Zheng Rutong's resolute eyes, Yi Tian knew that there was no need to discuss this matter now, so he had to bite the bullet.Turning to see that everyone here also has doubts about their own strength, which is why the debate just now happened.

Quickly going through the spirit weapons he could refine, Yi Tian found that in order to succeed in relegation, he had to refine at least five low-level spirit weapons to have a chance of winning.Ordinary spirit weapons may not be able to stand out, just the "small five-element sword array" that I thought about before, it was enough as an entry, but this time the situation has changed, and I don't know if it will be successful.

After bowing his head and thinking about it for a while, Yi Tian didn't shy away from direct sound transmission to Zheng Rutong and raised all his concerns and demands directly.After hearing this, Zheng Rutong also fell into deep thought. Everyone in the hall could see that the two were making a deal, and they didn't know how their ancestors found such a person to help.

It took a long time to see Zheng Rutong's lips move a few times, and Yi Tian nodded slightly in agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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