
Chapter 231

Chapter 231
Tianjian City Artifact Refiner's Assembly Hall is a roofless assembly hall. The entire venue is about a hundred feet in radius. According to the previous requirements of the City Lord's Mansion, each artefact shop was divided into a three-foot-sized artefact room.

It is not so much a refining room as it is a simple shed, except for a roof built with cowhide right above it, the surroundings are open.In the middle of the shed is a stove, which is filled with black charcoal stones, and the hot flames increase the temperature around the stove several times.

Yi Tian scanned the facilities here, and the conditions are basically similar to those of ordinary refining rooms.He turned around and looked at the opponents around him, only to see that the lead refiners were also inspecting the refinement facilities like Yi Tian.

Yi Tian couldn't help but frowned when his eyes turned to Room [-], there was a person sitting alone under the shed without an assistant.Based on my intuition, I can determine that this person is probably a foreign craftsman.

I remember that Zheng Rutong mentioned before that this person's name is Huo Chilian, he is a middle-level casual cultivator, and his skill level can be regarded as an outstanding figure in the same level. This time, I don't know what to do to get a seat in the city lord's mansion. Compete with the passage of Tianjian City to learn about skills.

Seeing Yi Tian's gaze, Huo Chilian also nodded with a smile.Ke Yitian felt that this person was not simple, in short he gave himself an indescribable feeling that this person was difficult to deal with.

Although there is no close contact, Yitian thinks that judging from the fluctuation of the spiritual power around the opponent, the strength should be very strong, at least comparable to Duguao.

Turning his head to avoid the other party's sight, Yi Tian made a calculation, the task this time is to keep the ranking, and it is better not to completely expose his details.

Before noon, the underside of each shed was already full of people, and the craftsmen were all busy sorting out the prepared materials for later use.Yi Tian is also assigning the preparations to the apprentices at the seat of the Zheng Family Artifact Refining Shop, unlike others, Yi Tian has used up all the quotas of the five assistants, and is preparing to let these apprentices also participate in the artefact refining process. .

This is also a helpless move. After his own plan was overturned at first, Yi Tian thought for a long time before deciding on the entry.For this reason, he also discussed with Zheng Rutong, and after getting a clear reply, Yi Tian found five apprentices who were most capable of inscription carving in the shop as assistants.

Following the order of the city lord, the huge hourglass began to open.Seeing that the timing started, the refiners in each competition seat started to refine the spirit weapon almost at the same time.

Only there was still a chaotic noise in the Zheng family's refining shop, and the faces of the Zheng family members sitting in the auditorium were also dull. Feeling the strange gazes from those colleagues sitting next to them, Zheng Yong's face was also hot of.He lowered his head and carefully asked Zheng Rutong via sound transmission, but the Jindan cultivator was deep in the city, he just replied softly and then began to close his eyes.

Yi Tian, ​​who was on the field after a quarter of an hour, finally allocated all the work properly. According to past experience, due to the time limit for each competition, each family can prepare some rough materials or semi-finished products in advance. The engraving of the inscription on the device must be done on the spot.

The five apprentices each got a jade slip, and then each looked for the corresponding materials and started working.The whole workshop is divided into six areas. Yi Tian sits in front of the stove and refines the rough materials. The finished materials are handed over to five apprentices for inscription burning.

These apprentices in the qi refining period were selected with great difficulty. In the past, they could only sit in the audience and watch the competitions of the major refining masters. How can they directly participate in it like this now, so everyone worked hard .Especially before the competition, the Patriarch summoned them, and everyone who agreed to participate in the competition could receive an extra salary for the whole year at one time, full of motivation.

This time, Yi Tian intends to directly refine humanoid puppets. According to the previous experience of referring to the "puppet art", some external parts and inscriptions can be separated out. This part of the work only needs experienced apprentices to complete. up.And the energy core part inside had been imitated one by one with reference to the corresponding parts in the wreckage of the 'Black General' during the previous retreat.

If it hadn't been stipulated that the inscription part had to be completed on the spot, Yi Tian was going to take out the refined parts of the storage bracelet for use.

After allocating the limbs, head and cover plate, Yitian selected some bearing materials for secondary finishing.In view of the tight time, it is impossible to complete the production of the entire puppet in six hours, so I discussed with Zheng Rutong in advance to simplify the process and divide the operation.

The workshops of all the refiners in the arena flashed with flames from time to time, especially in the fiery seat, five different lights shone from the furnace, attracting the eyes of most people present.

After squinting his eyes, a smile appeared on the corner of Yi Tian's mouth, and he said in his heart: "This Huo Chi refining should be a five-element spiritual weapon to have such an abnormal situation, and it will have to go through a lot of robbery later, it seems You have to add something to your puppet."

After thinking about it, he took out the material bag he had prepared earlier, selected a large amount of refined iron and put it into the furnace for calcination, and took out a small piece of deep-sea refined gold iron from his storage bag as a topping and smelted it together. .

Fortunately, the original parts are basically formed. Yi Tian just engraves some special inscriptions made by puppets. The recording speed of the five assistants is also fast. It took nearly four hours to prepare all the parts. .Looking at the parts on the table and the weapons calcined in the furnace, Yi Tian waved his hand and began to direct the apprentices to assemble.

At this time, there was movement on Huo Chilian's seat, and after a crackling sound, five flying swords one foot long rushed out.Then Huo Chilian stretched out his index finger, and the flames on his fingertips gathered into a wisp and began to inscribe directly on the five flying swords.All the people in the auditorium were attracted by his skills, and all their eyes focused on him.

Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting a few seats away, kept his face calm at this time, but thoughts flooded his heart.This Huo Chi Lian should have a relationship with the 'Li Huo Sect', what he refined was the small five-element sword formation in the Li Huo Nine Soldiers.Moreover, the method of engraving is exactly the same as my own, so I don't know how the effect will be.

After staring and observing for a while, Yi Tian turned his head, and the solemnity on his face eased a lot.I just observed Huo Chilian's fire control technique and the style of the spirit weapon, but I ignored his spiritual power fluctuations. This is definitely not the method passed down from the Lihuo sect, it may be the descendants of those branch sects.

Seeing that the apprentices around were also distracted, Yi Tian snorted coldly and said, "What are you looking at, go do your own work."

Under Yi Tian's reprimand, several apprentices had no choice but to go back and splicing according to the drawings made by the puppets. If there were any difficulties, Yi Tian would take action, and the other parts were all done by five people.

At this time, thunderclouds were densely over the entire arena, and everyone who knew the goods knew that the Spirit Artifact Tribulation was coming.The first bolt of lightning struck down, and the target was exactly where Huo Chilian was.I saw that his face remained unchanged, and after pointing at the five small swords, there were a few 'swish' sounds, and the flying swords formed a sword formation in the air, and the flying swords of five attributes emitted five kinds of light like a light shield The same stand in front of Jie Lei.

There was a bewildering sound of 'bang', when Jielei hit the sword formation, the entire power of the thunder disaster was absorbed by the sword formation, and when Huo Chilian controlled the flying swords back, each flying sword still had residual arcs on it, and The light attached to the five flying swords has also become more solid, and even the color tone is different from the normal five-element color.

At this time, those high-ranking craftsmen in the auditorium were also moved by it. Even Zheng Rutong, who closed his eyes and meditated, opened his eyes. After staring at the five-element flying sword for a long time, he said: "Du The robbery attribute is mutated."

Zheng Yong, who was at the side, didn't understand, and hurriedly asked: "What does the Patriarch mean by the mutation of the Transcending Tribulation attribute?"

Zheng Rutong said slowly: "This is the extra attribute bonus that some spirit weapons get after they have passed through the spirit weapon disaster. It is usually rare, and even those alchemy masters at the Golden Core stage may not be able to do it. Originally, it was related to the engraving of the inscriptions when the spirit weapon was refined."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was another sudden change in the sky over the entire arena, and another spirit weapon began to cross the catastrophe on the seats near the match point. Although the momentum was not as good as before, it could be regarded as entering the category of a fifth-level spirit weapon.

In the past two hours, four spiritual artifacts have triggered a catastrophe. They are all flying sword-type spiritual artifacts. Except for one failure, the others have successfully accepted the baptism of Tianlei, and the original luster has faded and become more shining. up.

Until Yi Tian successfully assembled the puppet, and even put the spirit weapon refined in the furnace into the puppet's hands, the long-awaited robbery did not happen.Zheng Yong was also full of complaints: "If I had known that he couldn't even practice a fifth-level spirit weapon, he might as well send me up."

Zheng Rutong turned his head and looked over, until he saw Yi Tianchao nodded to himself, then he was relieved and continued to close his eyes and meditate.

Now even the patriarch is not in a hurry, and the craftsmen under him are not in a hurry to say anything, but there are still endless discussions in private.

When the last grain of sand fell from the hourglass, the deacon beside Ziyouhou rang the gong and shouted: "All contestants can stop."

Then I saw the city lord waved his hand, and two waiters stepped forward next to each competition point, and took the works of the craftsmen for review.

Suddenly, a discordant sound came from the Zheng family's crafting shop, which immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the audience.

It turned out that the puppet made by Yi Tian was too big, and the two waiters couldn't lift it together.After ten breaths, the puppet stood up slowly under Yi Tian's control, and then walked towards the judging seat step by step with heavy steps.Now everyone in the auditorium was happy and pointing their fingers one after another, while everyone in the Zheng family's crafting shop was sinking, either looking up at the starry sky, or bowing their heads and counting their toes. Only Zheng Rutong sat in his arms as usual. Keep your eyes closed and meditate.

(End of this chapter)

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