
Chapter 232

Chapter 232
The grand meeting held every 20 years in Tianjian City is in full swing, especially the competition of refining masters has entered the final stage of evaluation.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, this is just a part of the celebration, but in the eyes of fellow craftsmen, every competition is tantamount to a silent war.The conference will rank according to the works of each refining shop, and in the following 20 years, the City Lord's Mansion will impose restrictions on the high-end materials purchased by each shop according to the ranking.Therefore, only by getting a better ranking can we get more resources in the next 20 years.

In previous years, the No. 1 was obtained by the descendant of the inner sect of the Divine Sword Sect, but this time, for some reason, this foreign craftsman, Huo Chilian, will receive the attention of the high-level, so he won the honor of the previous conference. Rules have changed.

Zheng Rutong's original intention was just to keep the No.5 seat, but he didn't expect Yi Tian to make such a big commotion.But fortunately, the puppet that has been refined can be regarded as passable, at least with this posture alone, it is not inferior to the power of the fifth-level spiritual weapon, but I don't know how the jury should rank it.

Yi Tian, ​​who was on the field, was determined at this time that after his own optimization and improvement, the ability of this 'black general' puppet would never be worse than the original one.Moreover, the specially refined shield was half a foot into the category of a fifth-level spiritual weapon, and when held on the puppet, its defense power increased by at least [-]%.

Now the things entrusted by Zheng Rutong are basically not a problem, and the quota of the Jiedan Cave Mansion of the Excalibur Sect is also secured. Thinking of this, Yi Tian felt a sense of relief.

Before the competition, Zheng Rutong had explained in advance that this event was mainly about the competition between the foreign craftsman Huo Chilian and the swordsman Xiang Feiying.

Just now, Yi Tian didn't pay attention to observe Xiang Feiying's situation, but now he saw a bearded middle-aged man's craftsman at match point No. [-], dressed in the inner school costume of the Excalibur School, it should be him.

I remember that the iron-slaying sword he refined just now was the second one to trigger a spiritual robbery. Although the baptism of the sky thunder did not cause any attribute changes, the coercion generated by his spiritual sword is still very amazing.

Although Yi Tian also knew that he couldn't take the lead, so he kept everything low-key, but he had no choice but to forget to refine the puppet into a portable one, which caused such a scene.

When the puppet passed by Xiang Feiying's shed, Xiang Feiying held back his eyes, then just sneered and turned his head away. In his eyes, such a fourth-level top-level puppet could not withstand the attacks of a fifth-level spiritual weapon.

As for Huo Chilian, he kept staring at the puppet, and after sweeping over it several times with his spiritual sense, he sighed, and then looked at Yi Tian with appreciative eyes.

A moment later, the works of all the refiners were presented to the judging meeting for review, and the rankings came out soon.There should have been one more foreign player in this competition, and the puppet general refined by Yi Tian should be ranked sixth.Fortunately, there was a spirit weapon that did not pass the catastrophe before, so the Zheng family's crafting shop is still ranked fifth.

If Huo Chilian's extra ranking is excluded, he actually won the fourth place.When the rankings came out, the entire auditorium started discussing.

On the contrary, it was Zheng Rutong who looked excited, and the next group of craftsmen were all bloody. With such achievements, the next 20 years of development can go further, and the colleagues around them also came forward one after another. Congratulations to Zheng Yong.

Suddenly a muffled noise broke the lively atmosphere, and everyone looked for their reputation, it turned out that Xiang Feiying was arguing with the jury about something.Judging from the list announced by the judging meeting, Xiang Feiying's Slashing Iron Sword was ranked second, below Huo Chi's Small Five Elements Sword Formation.

This time, it was supposed to be the stage where these two people competed. It was obvious that Huo Chi was better at refining skills, but Xiang Feiying took advantage of the location and insisted that the judges give a reason.In fact, it is difficult to draw a definite conclusion on the identification of spirit artifacts based on simple visual inspection. Even if they are both level five spirit artifacts, the ones with mutated attributes may not be much stronger than the normal ones.

The most direct way is to test the power on the spot to be the most convincing. Xiang Feiying is also obsessed with this point and will not let go.The Jindan cultivators in the judging meeting couldn't hold back. Although their own sword refiner had the upper hand, Xiang Feiying's background was relatively strong. If he couldn't come up with some convincing reasons, this Things are really difficult.

When the waiter ran up to seek Huo Chilian's opinion, he waved his hands and said, "Just test it."

After the two sides agreed, the host stood up and announced the on-the-spot test.But to test the sword, you need to use the sword-testing stone, which is not available in the arena. When the host was about to arrange for someone to get it, a Jindan monk suddenly said: "Take the puppet of the Zheng family to test it, which will save money. time."

The speaker's voice was not loud, but everyone present could hear him clearly.Zheng Rutong turned his head and looked at it, then smiled and said, "Why did you, an old bastard, come out?" Everyone followed the voice and saw that it was an old man sitting on the judging table who spoke.

Yi Tian on the field also frowned, did the voice sound familiar? He turned around and saw that the Jindan cultivator sitting on the stage was Sun Deqing who was stationed in the Xidingshan Artifact Refining Area. But after seeing it, it seems that he and Zheng Rutong should have passed the breath long ago.

A good competition did not expect such an ending, which Yi Tian did not expect, and the review meeting did not ask for Yi Tian's opinion, and directly pulled people up to take the blame.

The samples for the sword test are all ready, and there is no objection from all parties. Next, the golden core monks at the review meeting will determine the manipulator.Sun Deqing also volunteered to test the two refiners. Since it was a Jindan cultivator who made the move, everyone felt that it was no different.

Unfortunately, the controller of the puppet had to be assumed by Yi Tian himself. He has not tested this thing much. Except for the person who refined him, I believe there is no one present who is more familiar with the performance of the puppet.

Yi Tian, ​​who was kicked off the shelves, was also full of anger, but it was because of his face that he didn't want to attack, and Zheng Rutong also said through voice transmission just now, this time the deal has been reached, and there will be more things to come. compensate.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Yi Tian controlled the reborn 'Black General' puppet to the side of the venue, and after injecting spiritual power, he pointed at the black general.I saw the puppet take a step forward slowly and make a forward lunge, take out the shield hanging on the back, hold the shield in both hands to take a defensive posture, and then make a ready gesture.

Seeing the situation, Sun Deqing first picked up the Zhantie sword and put it in his hand to observe it. He saw that the whole sword was forged by Baotou steel hammering method. After injection, the entire sword body will also resonate, but it is a rare masterpiece.

Even a monk at the Golden Core stage can quickly adapt to using it. Sun Deqing held the hilt of the sword, poured [-]% of his spiritual power into the sword body, and then swung his hand to perform the signature stunt of the Excalibur School, 'One Sword Flying Immortal'.

Yi Tian, ​​who was standing five feet away behind the 'Black General', looked down. I saw that Xing Yuan had used this move before, but it was not the same in terms of momentum and power.

It was useless to think too much, and directly controlled the 'Black General' with both hands to resist the trajectory of the flying sword, only to see the puppet's eyes flashed red under the control, and the whole body let go of both hands to protect the heart with the shield.

'When' there was a loud noise, and the puppet was within three feet, causing a burst of smoke and dust.When the mist dissipated, everyone could only see that the puppet's body was shaken back five feet, leaving three and a half feet deep pits on the ground, and the shield in its hand was smashed into a half-foot-sized deflated sac.

Xiang Feiying looked proud at this time, but her eyes glanced at Zheng Rutong from time to time, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Seeing this situation, Huo Chilian, who was not far away, was stunned for a moment, then rubbed his chin and began to think.

There was a lot of noise in the whole venue, and at this moment, Sun Deqing snorted coldly and said: "Quiet, continue the test." Then he grabbed the five small flying swords with his right hand and injected his spiritual power to the limit.

This time Yi Tianxue behaved, who knows what Sun Deqing is doing, a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, and then backs away five feet away, and then controls the 'black general' with both hands to stand in the original position and wait for the next wave of tests .

This time, the flying sword in Sun Deqing's hand was fully activated, and five planes with mutated lightning attributes shot towards the black general at once.This time, he used up [-]% of his spiritual power, and wanted to see the real strength of this black general.

Facing the powerful blow from the middle-stage Jindan cultivator, Yi Tian shook his head helplessly, pointing at the 'Black General' with both hands, injecting his own spiritual power continuously, and then saw that the size of the puppet seemed to have grown a bit bigger In the circle, the red light in the eyes was shining, and the activated fifth-level monster suddenly swelled up wildly, and the whole body also exuded the power comparable to the early stage of Jindan.

In the surprised eyes of everyone, five uninterrupted attacks were heard, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations this time directly knocked down the monks in the Qi refining period. The body of 'Black General' was shrouded in a layer of smoke, and only through the dazzling light emitted from time to time by the five flying swords could everyone be sure that the puppet was not defeated.

After ten breaths, the smoke dissipated, and I saw that the 'Black General' had been pushed back more than a foot, leaving seven pits on the ground.There were five more three-inch-sized deflated pouches on the shield held by the puppet. The entire shield seemed to be almost intact, but even this did not hurt the puppet itself at all.

I only heard Sun Deqing say loudly: "After the test, Huo Chilian's Five Elements Flying Sword is indeed three points stronger in terms of quality and power. Xiang Feiying, if you have any objections, just say it."

After hearing this, the latter just said plainly: "Friend Fire Daoist is superior in skills, I am convinced, and hope that we will compete again next time."

Huo Chilian also replied with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Xiang's skills are also highly admired, and it's not in vain to find time to communicate with each other."

All the refining masters present also agreed, and expressed their congratulations to Huo Chi's refinement. After all, this kind of scene still needs to be done.

But at this time, Huo Chilian's heart was disturbed, there was a hidden craftsman in front of him, he turned his head and walked towards Yi Tian's position.

(End of this chapter)

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