
Chapter 233 Invitation

Chapter 233 Invitation

The celebration of Tianjian City is still going on, but this matter has nothing to do with Yi Tian.Since the end of the refining competition, the business of Zheng's refining shop has exploded.

People who came here kept asking if there were humanoid puppets for sale, even if they were low-level puppets suitable for the control of foundation-building monks.Those who come to inquire are usually monks from aristocratic families, and any family has younger generations who need to be protected.

And this kind of humanoid puppet is definitely a spirit tool with moderate price and high cost performance, and the main store is also full of people who are consulting.

Yi Tian, ​​who was the instigator, was sitting in the main hall of Zheng's mansion at this time, and Zheng Rutong and Zheng Yong were present at the same time.To be honest, the ranking after this competition was much better than what Zheng Rutong expected, and now his face is full of satisfied smiles.Many years ago, Sun Deqing, an inner sect, mentioned that someone from the Zheng family made a fifth-level spiritual weapon in the refining area of ​​Xiding Mountain, which caused a spiritual robbery. After a closer look, I found out that it was made by Yi Tian, ​​a craftsman who was recruited many years ago. thing.

Zheng Rutong also understands this, as long as it can benefit the family, these are nothing.In addition, Sun Deqing and Zheng's family were considered acquainted, so this matter was directly suppressed.

This time Zheng Rutong's original intention was to rely on Yi Tian to keep the family's ranking, but Sun Deqing also came to perform the double reed, which directly made the Zheng family's name famous.Now many people come to buy humanoid puppets, and the refining method is still in Yi Tian's hands, so this matter will inevitably need to be discussed.In Zheng Rutong's view, it is nothing more than a problem of benefit distribution, and as long as Yi Tian has needs, this matter is not difficult to handle.

On the other hand, Zheng Yong, who was sitting by the side, gave the Patriarch winks from time to time. He was looking at the money tree and was about to come up to pick the fruit.Zheng Rutong saw it, and sighed in his heart, his nephew is still really impatient in his later life, he can't compare to others with a city mansion.

After a cup of tea, Yi Tian also looked at Zheng's family with a smile on his face. Now that he still has something to ask for, he absolutely doesn't want to make the relationship stalemate.After the refining competition this time, the Patriarch invited him here directly, so the intention is self-evident.After a while, Yi Tianxian said: "This time, I have finally lived up to my entrustment. I don't know if the Patriarch can fulfill the promise at that time, and my wish will be fulfilled."

Zheng Rutong smiled and said, "That's that." He took out a token and handed it to Yi Tian, ​​and said: "This is the token of the Emerald Cave Paradise. You are not a disciple of the sect so you can't occupy the blessed land of the inner sect. Okay." There is a piece of blessed land in the Zongmen’s Fujun Mountain, which is specially provided for the Zongmen’s worship. You can go there with the token. You can ask for a Tianzihao blessed land for 20 years, which is also a little bit of my Zheng family. Mind."

As a result, Yi Tian checked the token happily, and then took out the map of Xihuang to find the location of Fujun Mountain.That blessed land is five hundred miles west of Xiding Mountain, which belongs to the Excalibur Sect and is slightly to the west, and a few hundred miles to the west is the wasteland.

Turning his head and looking at the jade card in his hand, Yi Tian is also determined that the rest of the time can be directly cultivated in that blessed land. It is said that it costs a lot to rent a blessed land. The 20-year rent for a blessed land like this There is no one who can't get 50 million spirit stones. It seems that the other party has made a big bet on emotional investment.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian got up and took a step forward to salute Zheng Rutong: "Thank you, Patriarch. I also have a small gift, Patriarch Wanwang, to accept it with a smile." Then he took out a copy of the puppet art and handed it to Zheng Rutong.

Yi Tian thought about it before coming here, since the matter of puppetry has come to light, there is no need to hide it.When I chose to make a puppet in the early morning, I made preparations. I copied the puppet chapter directly and made it into a single scroll. At this time, it just happened to be a favor, and everyone ended up in a win-win situation.

Seeing that Yi Tian is so knowledgeable, Zheng Yong hastily stepped forward to thank him, then took the jade slip and began to comprehend it.Seeing this, Zheng Rutong just sighed and smiled. He thought it would take a while, but he didn't expect the other party to vote for Li Baoxiao.

After thinking for a while, Zheng Rutong said: "If the formation of alchemy is successful, fellow Daoist Yi, we will be equal in the same generation after you come back, and you can stay if you want. I still have a 500-year-old Huang Jingsuan here. It should be given as a congratulatory gift to fellow daoists in advance." Then he took out a sealed jade box from the storage ring and handed it to Yi Tian, ​​which can be regarded as compensation for puppetry.

An hour later, when he came out of Zheng's mansion, it was about evening. Yi Tian wandered slowly along the street and went back to the branch shop in the north of the city. leave.

It was already night when I got back to the store, but I saw Zheng Fu standing alone at the door of the store as if waiting for him.

Seeing Yi Tian came back, Zheng Fu hurriedly stepped forward and said with a smile: "Congratulations to Master Yi for winning the first prize, and to show off for my Zheng family."

Yi Tian looked puzzled and said: "What is the number one, isn't it No.5?"

"What are you talking about? Now it is rumored that the puppet you refined is capable of carrying two fifth-order spiritual weapons. Although the city lord's mansion said it was No. 5, the insiders privately said that your work is well-deserved First, there are people sending posts here," Zheng Fu said, pointing to the lobby of the shop.

Following his gesture, Yi Tian glanced at the store, and then his pupils froze.Didn't someone really come to the store? When he walked in, he saw that he was a monk in the Qi refining period, holding a red envelope in his hand.After receiving the letter, Yi Tian directly rewarded the sender with three spirit stones, and then glanced at the letter, only to see the five words 'Master Yi's personal letter' written on it.

The general correspondence between monks relies on summons, and such cases are still very rare.After instructing Zheng Fu, Yi Tian opened the letter after returning to the refining room.At first glance, the above content is also very simple, it is just an appointment to meet at Luomapo, fifty miles west of Tianjian City, tonight, but the person who wrote the letter did not sign.

This is confusing, but after reading the letter, Yi Tian couldn't help thinking, and glanced at the end of the letter with the sect seal of Zhongzhou's "Li Huo Sect".

The letter paper itself is made of spirit animal skin, and the mark is branded with the secret technique of the sect. Yi Tian learned from the secret scroll of the sect before that this mark was only left when the high-level sects communicated with each other. Even the middle and low-level disciples in the Dezong couldn't know the special symbols.

After putting away the letter, Yi Tian also thought about it for a while, it seems that he showed some flaws in the crafting, and showed the other party some clues, this time the meeting must go.

That night, Yi Tian directly told Zheng Fu that he would leave Tianjian City for a long time, and then the head office would send a new craftsman to take over.Afterwards, he packed up his luggage, dressed himself as a casual cultivator from an ordinary aristocratic family, and quietly left the city.

An hour later, over Luomapo outside Tianjian City, Yi Tian looked around and found nothing unusual for the time being.Looking up at the sky, it was almost the appointed time, and then slowly fell to the ground.

The entire Luomapo is actually a hillside half a mile in size. Standing on the top of the hill, except for the groves below, you can see clearly in a three-mile radius.When Yi Tian stood still for three breaths, he saw a person walking up from the woods quickly. Yi Tian hurriedly used his pupil technique to distinguish it. Unexpectedly, it was the Huo Chi Lian that he had seen in the refining competition. .

After ten breaths, when Huo Chilian was within three feet of him, Yi Tian said, "What's the matter with you, Fellow Daoist Huo, inviting me so late?"

Huo Chilian replied: "It's rare to meet fellow disciples in Xihuang. It's really a pleasure to meet you. I wonder which lineage Yi Daoyou's teacher came from?"

This question is really difficult to answer, Yi Tian was stunned for a moment, it seems that the other party also misunderstood himself, and said without changing his face: "You seem to have misunderstood the person, and I am a disciple of the Excalibur Sect. What about going out?"

Only Huo Chilian sneered and said: "Ming people don't talk dark words, the burning method of Yi Daoyou when refining weapons is obviously unique to my 'Qiankun Yuhuo School'."

Hearing this Yi Tiancai understood, although he had tried his best to conceal his cultivation, but he still showed some clues to those who cared.However, it seems that the other party is not very accurate, and I remember that Ming Wang Shengzi said that this 'Qiankun Yuhuo Sect' is a branch of Zhongzhou's 'Lihuo Sect', so the relationship will not be much better after all.

After thinking about it, he calmed down and replied: "My engraving technique is passed down by my master. As for your 'Qiankun Yuhuo School', it's the first time I've heard of it."

Huo Chilian also hesitated a little when he heard the words. It is true that the inscription technique alone cannot determine the identity of the other party, not to mention that it is not easy to go too far in this world of the Excalibur Sect.Then he opened his mouth and said: "I am very interested in the puppet technique of fellow Daoist Yi, I wonder if I can exchange it."

It is common for craftsmen to discuss and exchange skills, but Yi Tian was a little alert to this, and replied: "What skills do you exchange?"

"I have a fragmented scroll of Tiangongzong, I wonder if fellow Daoist Yi is interested?" After speaking, he took out a fragmented jade slip and put it in his hand.

After Yi Tian stretched out his consciousness to take a closer look, he confirmed that the material of this jade slip should be the same as the one in his storage ring.Then he replied unhurriedly: "Okay, but I want the original manuscript, you can burn a copy yourself," then took out the blank jade slip and started burning the puppet art.

After a quarter of an hour, both parties unfolded the two jade slips at the same time to show that there was nothing missing from the engraved scroll.They stretched out their spiritual senses to each other and glanced roughly, then nodded in satisfaction.After putting away the jade slips in their hands, the two directly exchanged what the other party needed.

Suddenly, a few flashes of light flashed in the dark night sky. At first, the two of them didn't care about it. There were many monks coming and going here within the range of Tianjian City.But after three breaths, he realized that something was wrong. The flash of light flew straight towards the positions of the two of them, according to the speed that should be a foundation-building cultivator.

Yi Tian turned his head to look at Huo Chilian, and found that the other party also looked blank, but he didn't know who he was coming for.But looking at this is definitely not a good thing. Now that the two have completed the transaction, it is inconvenient for them to stay any longer. Both of them jumped into the air, and then each took precautions.

(End of this chapter)

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